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We are going to see if we can decide what is cheap and what is expensive. Initial thought, sorry, about how is it going to go?


I feel like I will be able to differentiate.


Because you think you've got exquisite taste?


I just think I know my stuff. All right, bro. Yourself?


I want to be able to tell, and I can't be asked for the fucking the mental gymnastics of if I prefer everything that's cheap.




I can't be bothered. Okay. I heard that. Because I've already adopted a new lifestyle. Yeah, adopted. I've already adopted a new mentality and a new lifestyle, and I can't be bothered to get that flipped. Anyway, right. Please someone bring on the first item.


Your first item is a plain white tea.


You take this one. I take this one-off the cuff.


I already know what that one is.


The GSM on this already.


The stretch. No, we don't actually. Interesting.


Off the cuff, I feel like this is the expeddy one.


Without even having the...


I'm looking at the... The colour's different. This looks heavier. That looks thinner.


This is thinner, but I'm not going to lie, the quality is good.




The quality is good.


I've not felt that one yet, so let's look.


Yeah, pause. Yeah.


You've caught all the tags of it, cheeky.


This is real silky, and this is heavier as well.


Yeah, the GSM is up.


Stop saying GSM.


I lie because I don't know what that means.


No one knows what it means.


I'm just scratching my head like a dickhead. You know when you asked us in the Q&A, Oh, what's something I've learned about? Have you heard? Yeah. He learns words and latches onto it and will use it any opportunity. One is GSM. Another is colourway. It doesn't matter what we're talking about. He'll say, Oh, love the colourway. It's just the color. Just say, I like that color. Love the color, wait. Another one is caveat. Every since he picked that bitch up, he won't put it down. Yeah. Bro. Jesus.


Yeah, the GSM is strong. I think I think that's Xpeni. This is cheap.


I'm inclined to agree. I feel like this one fits well as well.


I feel like this is given Uniqlo, this is given Primark. I I know it's not Uniqlo. I know it's not Uniqlo, but I'm saying in terms of different- It's very similar to the Uniqlo ones I get.


As soon as I saw the color, I was like, that's when I said, I know what that one is because this is very much like the Uniqlo ones. Uniqlo ones go for £19 or something like that. But I reckon this is a Trixie one. Just based on because even though it's thin, Primark is not silky like that. That feels so silky.


It does feel good.


Primark is very rough.


But it's just so thin. It's just so thin.


Yeah, but thick doesn't mean expensive.


I know. I know. But we're talking about... But plain white teeth.


I I prefer this one regardless of what it is. I'm going to say, I'll go with you. Expensive, cheap.


Yeah, agreed. Expensive.


Regardless of what it is, I prefer this one.


So, if Fuhad is holding the more expensive T-shirt of the two.




That's fine. I knew it, bro.




James is the cheaper one. James has the T from Primark.


This is from Primark.


Primark, and Fouhad has one from Coss. Coss? Coss.


I'm going to have to pop into Primark before we are going to control. This is Primark. That's Primark, bro.




They've stepped their pussy up. Yeah, they have. Say less.


Do you want to guess the prices of them?


Primark, this is... This is exquisite, Primark. I'm going to say this is £11.


I'm going to I'm going to have £15 on this. That's KOS? Mm-hmm. Oh, and this is more expensive.


I'm actually livid. I wish I didn't share the answer. I knew that one was fucking more expensive.


Cos is teeth. Yeah, I'm going like 25 to 30.


I'm saying All right, 45.


Wow. Cos, 25.




Primark, 10.




Fair. I would buy this 10 times over the Primark one. Really? Ten times over, yeah.


Yeah, fair. Damn. All right.


All right, number one done.


Okay, so round number two, we have water. Okay. One's Benny, one's cheap. Which is which?


Right. I'm going to do a smell test. A smell test. Any sulfites?


They actually look... Does your actually look... Does one look paler than the other?


Yeah, one of them is more crystal. Yeah, that's what That's what I'm saying.


This joint on the right is crispy. This one on the left, that's that sandwater. That's the river sen. Yeah, that's the river sen water. This one is... This is given Fiji.


Yeah, actually, let me make sure we're both talking about the same one. So your one with the... Have you got a smiley and a star or just a star?


I've got a star. Oh, no, got a smiley and a star. My smiley, it looks crispy.


Okay, so my smiley is the dull-looking one, so we've been shafted.




We've been shafted.Interesting. Yeah, I was going to say, I don't know, because my star's glistening.






Yeah, my smiley's glistening.


My smiley looks boring, bro. It's not quenching anything.


Yeah, my star is top 100%.


All right, I'm going to do a taste. This is smiling. All right.


Yeah, minerals.


I'm not going to lie. Balanced. Yeah, okay. It's balanced. Which one is that? Star or smile? A smile. A smile, okay. Star. What's the one you don't want to get wrong?


They're close.




All right, let me have a taste. Yeah, go on. What are your thoughts on the start?


I would say from the taste, the star for one is also cooler for me, which makes me feel like the bottle quality, if they both came out of the fridge at the same time, the bottle quality is better on the start. It's making me feel. I'm getting more stars and stripes on the star. Okay. Getting more glisten. Yeah. I feel like my teeth are white on the back end. Okay. This one was a bit more dull, but it's balanced. Okay.


All right. I'm going for star first.


All right, go on.


That's not given. The start, I feel like this... I hear what you're saying on the balance, but it gives... It's like a rough ending to it.


Try the other one first. Try again.


It's weird because after drinking the one with a smiley face on it, I feel like I salivate Salivate more. Even though it's PH7, but you know sometimes... Well, you don't know because you don't drink wine.


After drinking the one with the smiley face on it, I'm salivating more.


You know sometimes when you drink certain wines? Nope. That's why I say you don't drink wine.


But Yeah, I got it. Where did we guess he had some wine? Should we take a guess?


Should we take a guess?


Paris, maybe.


Paris, top floor, penthouse.


I actually didn't, but let's move on. Yeah, it's just it leaves like...


Leaves you wanting more? Yeah.


Whereas I feel like this one didn't, the star one didn't.


Trying them both is making me forget why I even want in the water. I'm not going to lie to you. Because this smiley face one is just mellow. And funny enough, it feels heavier in my mouth. Pause. It feels Heavier.


I think maybe that's what I want in the water.


I don't know.


I think smiley is more expensive.


I might be inclined to agree.


I think smiley is more expensive and Star is tap water.


All right, I'm going to I'm good with that.


Star is a spenny.


Really? Smiles. Star is Fiji.


Star is Fiji.


This is the last time I listened to that.


You should have gone with your own opinion.


Yeah, I didn't say you forced me to listen to you. I'm saying I went in there saying, Star's glisten and it's crispy and my teeth feel whiter, and then I sided with heavy in my mouth.


And what Smiley is...Smile.


Is tough.Smiley.


Is tough. I'm livid about that.Interesting..


I'm actually living about that.


Fiji is £2.30 per liter and tap is free.


That's interesting because I agree with the smiley feeling a bit heavier, which is weird.


Damn, I'm fucking pissed.


So maybe smoother, thinner, drier, finish waters make more sense.




Because it's bottled. Who knows?


I was waiting for you to try and change your opinion. I was going to snap at you. I was waiting for you to try it again and be like, on second thought. Actually. Yeah. Now I know.


No, fair. It's weird because I can taste the difference.