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If you followed your childhood dream job, what would you be right now? A police dog.


That's a sick one. As a kid-Hang on, what? As a kid, when you see a police dog working with the force, and they're obviously just sniffy, sniffy, sniffing, you can't comprehend how sick it is that this dog has a specific job. The connection between, obviously, man and dog is amazing. Now it's got this extra job on top. You never thought that was cool as a kid?




Seeing police dogs?


In my entire life, never. I've never saw it. I thought, Yeah, that's me. Yeah, I want to be a dog as a kid. Because the bond between man and dog is so strong. Yeah.


As a kid. You, man, are not deep in it. You're not deep in it.


You said some stuff on this show, but that is funny. Wow. Fair play, bro. Each to their own. The fam to each.