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I got three streams done this week. On Sunday, we played Connect 4. She got rogue. Played against this guy called Nathan. He tarted me.Swear?Yeah.Tarted is crazy.Yeah. He put some lippy on me and tarted me up. I think I played one or two other people.Smack smacked. Cool. Now I'm on a power trip. Obviously, Daddy this, Daddy that. Who really wants it? Refresh. Daddy.daddy versus Daddy.Daddy versus Daddy. When I say Daddy came in and patted me in two moves.In Connect 4. Bro, hit me on the fundamental three-way and just sat there. I didn't even play. I let it time out. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. Chat was demoted to father. Demoted to father. I let the time run out. You got humbled. Yeah. It was the worst thing I've experienced.