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You know what? Square up facts. Put your hands up.


Yeah, you man don't love me.


Yeah, you know what?


Yeah, you might want a revolution.


Make it 2.4 billion.




Make it 2.4. Guys, girls, welcome back. Welcome back, indeed. I'm gonna do my disclaimers first. I'm gonna do an intro first. Right? If you like the show, let's not even digging in our garden and found a chest full of gold coins. I wanted to run straight home to tell my wife about it. Then I remembered while I was digging in our garden.Mmm. Mmm hmm. Cool. Yeah, good.Really wanted the day off, so I texted my boss. Me, I can't come in today. I'm sick, boss. How sick are you? Me? Well, I'm currently in bed with my sister.Okay, that was funny. That actually was really funny. Damn. All right, say less. Maybe I am a targaryen. That was. I found that funny. All right, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.Why didn't the chicken cross the road?Why?Because they met a black guy before the zebra crossing.All right, all right. I knew the black jokes were gonna come and I knew I was gonna struggle with them. You did one before. I remember where you would like, I can't even. I couldn't. You can. I couldn't get through the sentence.Yeah, you said, you're doing so well, and I was. Alright, cool, cool, cool. And I promised as, oh, why do black people.Yeah.Yeah, yeah, I remember.Okay, how do racists convey laughter through text?Go on.KKK.Mmm, cool, cool, cool. Mmm. All right.How can you spot a vegan?How?Don't worry, they'll fucking tell you.I've heard that one before. That's actually real funny, fats, as well.All right, I've only got a few more anyway.All right. Celeste.Yes. It's not that bad.It's not that bad?What's. What's worse than ants in your pants? Uncles.Nah, that was not on, bro. That's not on. Ah, Vex. I laughed at that one.All right.Fuck. All right, cool.What did Jeffrey Dahmer have in his freezer?For fuck's sake. Go on. What?Ben and Jerry.Okay, cool. All right. That was clean. Yeah.Who can suck a dick like no one else?Who?Your mom. I couldn't keep a straight face.Fuck's sake, bro. All right, cool. Anymore?I've got a few more.All right, go, go, go. Cool. All right, say less.What did the orphan ask for the. For their birthday?Gone.Who cares? He ain't getting it.Not bad.That's smart.All right. Yeah, go on.When should you always bet on black?For fuck's sake. Can I guess? It's like fucking 100 meters sprint or something.Track and field.Yeah.Track and field is the answer.Track and field.Yeah.Say less. Oh, God.I. I was trying not to laugh. You did? Well played.I think I did all right. That one. That one I'm vexed about the ones that made me laugh. But fair play.Fair play.I miss. Try not to laugh. So do I. I even miss the dad joke edition, bro.Oh, yeah.Yeah, bro. Some of them were funny, man.They were. I feel like we. During the time we did them, we rinsed out, so.Yeah, we rinsed it. We rinsed it out. But it's been like three years, two years at least. So I think we can try again.Yeah.But, yeah. Anyway, so I had a random thing I want to say. I'm vex about the timing. It's literally as soon as we come back from America, okay. Anderson Pack is doing a Malibu tour.Oh.So Malibu is literally, I think, my favorite album of all time.You mentioned that last week.Yeah, yeah, yeah. I genuinely think is a masterpiece. It is an unbelievable album. And you can tell how much because it's not even his fault. He's not been able to match it since.Okay.He's dropped, like, two more albums after that. Maybe even three.Maybe a collab album for sure.Oh, yeah. He's got the. He's got the collaborator. I wasn't even including the collaborator. Still. Sonic album. He's done Ventura, Oxnard, and then near Malibu. Oh, Venice as well. Yeah. Oh, then he's dropped white Lord as well this year. I've been dropping albums, bro.Oh, wow.And, yeah, bro. Yes, Lord is a. Yes, Lord is a good album. As well, but Malibu is untouchable.Is that the one that's got twilight in it?No, it's actually not the ones got twilight in it. I think Oxnard or Oxnard might have twilight in it, but this one has obviously got heart. Don't stand a chance. Put me through parking lot, which is my favorite room in here. Come down. Love that song. Silicon Valley. No one really talks about Silicon Valley, but I love it, bro. It's just got. It is just the best album, bro. If you guys haven't listened to it, I implore you, please listen to it. But, yeah, he's. They're doing a whole America tour, and it's just. It's just the Malibu tour and they're just playing Malibu from beginning to end.Oh. And it's just. When we come back, it starts in September.Yeah. He's running for, like, two months. I'm livid about it.That's a shame.It is a shame to the point where I would happily fly out just to watch it and then come back.I was gonna say, is there a state that he's performing in that we don't go to on the tour that you would like to go to and watch it?Rem, can you please, can you pull up the Malibu tour for me and we can have a look? It's kind of bait places or kind of places that we are already going.I mean, we can run. You are not going to Vegas.I was gonna say run back Vegas.Fontainebleau.Is he doing in the Fontainebleau?He can run back. Lv, go casino beforehand.Yeah, it could be a little Vegas casino. Fontainebleau. What day is the 28th, please? If it's a Sunday, it's a live night.Yeah, I can't.If it's a Sunday, that's a. Yeah. Oh, wait, no, live night is fucking Miami. What am I about?Live is Miami. Yeah.I don't know. Maybe it's same in Vegas.It's a Saturday.Oh, Saturday, Vegas, late September. Yeah, that could be.That could be tasty. That could be tasty.Yeah, that could be corn on a cobden. That's. Yeah, we're gonna stick a pin in that.All right. Say less.I think it's audacious, because we would have been back, like, three weeks. Yeah, but who gives a fuck?Yeah.Yeah. Who gives a fuck?This is why we play.I'm a grown man.Yeah, this is why you play.Yeah, I understand. I know you're watching. See you there, bro. Facts, cuz. That's. That. That when I saw that I was like, damn, I want to see that. I love that album, bro.Say less.Shit. And, like, his. His, like, tiny desk is, like, top five. Best tiny desk of all time. And that's the song he plays from. From Malibu, so. Yeah, man.Band are awesome as well.All three nationals are sick, bro.Yeah.Free national. They've dropped a few songs. They did their own album.Yeah.Without him. Yeah, and they. One of the songs they did with. They did a song on there with chronics. Chronics, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Sick song. And they did one with Daniel Caesar on there as well, which is a banger. Yeah, bro. 28th Vegas.Say less.Maybe a young meet and greet. Yeah, who knows?Could be messy. All right. Yeah.The visa's open. Yeah, we can.Whenever we want, facts pop in and pop out. Say less.All right, sick, man. But anyway, shall we get 've seen that. I've seen that fact rather. Yeah. It's crazy.36.Yeah.Walks past them. How?I don't know, bro.Not murders. Murderers.Oh, murderers.Murderers.Oh, it's not murders. Oh, murderers.Murderers.Let me read it again. The average person walks past 36 murderers in their lifetime. That's just based on stats.Yeah. Yeah.Jesus Christ. Murderers. Is there that many of them are just bopping around? Apparently, that I'm bucking 36 of these men, apparently.So, bro, what's a disturbing fact that, you know, my dad has married and divorced three of my mom's cousins?Geez.The mom was number four.Oh, damn.Yeah.This one really made me feel sick. This one actually made me feel. Not even sick, uncomfortable.Okay.There was a time when babies were operated on without anesthetic. It was believed that their nervous system wasn't developed enough to feel pain.No.Yeah.That's brutal. Yeah.Vile, bro. Really, really vile.So they had the medicine available. They just assumed that the babies didn't need it.Yeah. Cause it's dangerous to put people under anesthetic anyway, so they're probably like, bro, they can't feel pain anyway. And people are like the you screaming bro used to be screaming, g. That's traumatic. Yeah, bro, honestly. Fuck.What's a disturbing fact that, you know, roughly 22,000 people die in the UK due to medical errors every year. Should I add? Sorry.Every year?Yeah. Medical errors. You know, 22,000 people.That's a lot of medical errors every year.There's a lot of people in this country.No, it's a lot of people.A lot of hospitals.Yeah.Don't get me wrong, 20,000. A lot of people is, but, yeah, it's crazy.Jesus, man.Yeah.Right, next one. All crew, all cruise ships have a morgue for any deaths on the boat. If your crush. If your cruise ever announces a random ice cream party, it's probably because there's not enough room in the morgue and they had to make room in the freezer.What, bro, what a random I. Wow.Yeah. So people just be dying on cruise ships. They got morgue for it. And if too many people are dying, then randomly, it's like. I just want to announce that at 03:00 p.m. today we've got an ice cream pie. Free ice cream for everyone so they.Can go to the deck space.Yeah, we need some space in the freezer.I was.Too many bodies.Imagine that being your job.No, it's not my job, and it won't ever be.Jesus wept. All right, what's the disturbing fact that you know, you can't say hmm whilst holding your nose.Yeah. You can't. Yeah. Cosign. You actually can't.Can't I?Wow. Damn. Okay, cool. Next one disturbing fact that you know. Yeah. How men and women's brains react to seeing someone unattractive. I think I've mentioned this before. For men, parts of our brain associated with an annoyance light up. For women, the parts of their brain associated with inanimate objects lights up. Men get annoyed by ugly women. Women don't see ugly men as human Yes.There's.That's the worst time, for one. Yes, bro. Maggots. Oh, my black bin that sits outside. Oh, if they're. Oh, my God. In between collection days, if you don't get that bin lid closed. And I mean closed. And one fly gets in there, bro, you open that bin. Oh, my God.Oh, man.It's hell, man. It's hell.Dead. Dead.I hate it. I fucking hate it. You, man.Who would like it?Yeah. Yeah, who would? But I can't stand it, man. I hate it. I bet you right. I've got one more. I'm certain this is captain, I'm certain this is cap. Right. Disturbing fact that only you know. Yeah. That cats first started meowing in an attempt to mimic a crying human child so that humans will take care of them.Please. That can't be wrong.I'm calling mimic a human cry so that the human would take care of the cat.Yeah, bro.Wow.I thought it was cat, but then. And then I thought you're meowing and you're heading. Yeah, I'm meowing. I'm like. That is like a ute.Yeah.All right. Scientists believe that cats can manipulate the tone and frequency of their vocalizations to effectively solicit our attention. This may be why the meows of many domestic cats mimic the cries of human babies. Though insistent meowing can be grating, it's no wonder that we Los Angeles concluded the 1984 Summer games with a 215 million operating surplus, according to the CFR, making the city of Angels the only city in the world that year that has ever profited from hosting the Olympic Games in the modern era.I wonder what they did that made him money.What they did was they actually profiteered off the Olympics prior to that. So the Olympics prior to them basically tanked so badly that I believe from the research that I did, the IOC and the CFR overstated with them. So the negotiating between LA and the Olympic committee. The Olympic Committee actually had to be a little bit more forthcoming with the Peas, which is why LA benefited from it. Every other city post that seems to have basically forgotten that you still tank with the Olympics, they don't care. Clearly they don't care. And it's about clearly just being able to say, oh, well, we hosted the Olympics.Yeah, but also, no one gives a.Fuck unless you're in a position of power, then you probably do.And even. How does it even make them?Because I feel like. I feel like in that moment, in that space of a month or two months, it just bodes well for their politics, I guess. It just bodes well for, like, tourism. It bodes well for the president or whoever's in charge. Position of power if you've got monarchy or whatever. I just feel like if I'm in charge of France right now and they ask me in four years time, do I host the Olympics, I would still say yes. You see, I'm saying.I get what you're saying. I feel. I just feel like the tourism, the main tourism thing is like, it sounds like from that. From the sounds of it, like, maybe we should just start choosing cities that aren't affluent, like cities who have 25 billion that they can spend on the Olympics. Don't give them it. Because, like, ultimately, the point of it is that they bring the point, the Olympics, as to why it's worth spending all that money on is because. Because it brings attention to the city that's hosted in London, Paris, Tokyo, haven't got enough attention as it is.Yeah.Brought up the biggest, the most famous cities in the world. Send them to fucking, I don't even know, Luxembourg, bro. And then. So people can go there and just be like, all right, I was kind of sick here. Yeah, it was worth the money because we're gonna reap the tourism benefits for years and years to come.Yeah.No one's coming to London because they're like, I never even knew London was a thing until they had the Olympics here.They be knew about London.Yeah, that's a good point, brom.On the other hand, Birmingham could do with an Olympic or two. They could do with it.The Commonwealth was there not too long ago, but it's not.It was. Come on, who's going there to watch that Commonwealth.Hey, even sounds like.Yeah, it's a. It's a trigger in even time.It did.Yes. Commonwealth is a triggering title.It's a triggering title.Oh yeah, bro. The countries in that get smaller and smaller every year. Give us us free.We hosted, man. We held it down. We held it down.Alright. Say less. But anyway, thank you for that, bro. That was a very good one.Very good research again.But anyway, guys, that's the episode for today. Thank you so much for your attention, your time. Love of love.


digging in our garden and found a chest full of gold coins. I wanted to run straight home to tell my wife about it. Then I remembered while I was digging in our garden.


Mmm. Mmm hmm. Cool. Yeah, good.


Really wanted the day off, so I texted my boss. Me, I can't come in today. I'm sick, boss. How sick are you? Me? Well, I'm currently in bed with my sister.


Okay, that was funny. That actually was really funny. Damn. All right, say less. Maybe I am a targaryen. That was. I found that funny. All right, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool.


Why didn't the chicken cross the road?




Because they met a black guy before the zebra crossing.


All right, all right. I knew the black jokes were gonna come and I knew I was gonna struggle with them. You did one before. I remember where you would like, I can't even. I couldn't. You can. I couldn't get through the sentence.


Yeah, you said, you're doing so well, and I was. Alright, cool, cool, cool. And I promised as, oh, why do black people.




Yeah, yeah, I remember.


Okay, how do racists convey laughter through text?


Go on.




Mmm, cool, cool, cool. Mmm. All right.


How can you spot a vegan?




Don't worry, they'll fucking tell you.


I've heard that one before. That's actually real funny, fats, as well.


All right, I've only got a few more anyway.


All right. Celeste.


Yes. It's not that bad.


It's not that bad?


What's. What's worse than ants in your pants? Uncles.


Nah, that was not on, bro. That's not on. Ah, Vex. I laughed at that one.


All right.


Fuck. All right, cool.


What did Jeffrey Dahmer have in his freezer?


For fuck's sake. Go on. What?


Ben and Jerry.


Okay, cool. All right. That was clean. Yeah.


Who can suck a dick like no one else?




Your mom. I couldn't keep a straight face.


Fuck's sake, bro. All right, cool. Anymore?


I've got a few more.


All right, go, go, go. Cool. All right, say less.


What did the orphan ask for the. For their birthday?




Who cares? He ain't getting it.


Not bad.


That's smart.


All right. Yeah, go on.


When should you always bet on black?


For fuck's sake. Can I guess? It's like fucking 100 meters sprint or something.


Track and field.




Track and field is the answer.


Track and field.




Say less. Oh, God.


I. I was trying not to laugh. You did? Well played.


I think I did all right. That one. That one I'm vexed about the ones that made me laugh. But fair play.


Fair play.


I miss. Try not to laugh. So do I. I even miss the dad joke edition, bro.


Oh, yeah.


Yeah, bro. Some of them were funny, man.


They were. I feel like we. During the time we did them, we rinsed out, so.


Yeah, we rinsed it. We rinsed it out. But it's been like three years, two years at least. So I think we can try again.




But, yeah. Anyway, so I had a random thing I want to say. I'm vex about the timing. It's literally as soon as we come back from America, okay. Anderson Pack is doing a Malibu tour.




So Malibu is literally, I think, my favorite album of all time.


You mentioned that last week.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. I genuinely think is a masterpiece. It is an unbelievable album. And you can tell how much because it's not even his fault. He's not been able to match it since.




He's dropped, like, two more albums after that. Maybe even three.


Maybe a collab album for sure.


Oh, yeah. He's got the. He's got the collaborator. I wasn't even including the collaborator. Still. Sonic album. He's done Ventura, Oxnard, and then near Malibu. Oh, Venice as well. Yeah. Oh, then he's dropped white Lord as well this year. I've been dropping albums, bro.


Oh, wow.


And, yeah, bro. Yes, Lord is a. Yes, Lord is a good album. As well, but Malibu is untouchable.


Is that the one that's got twilight in it?


No, it's actually not the ones got twilight in it. I think Oxnard or Oxnard might have twilight in it, but this one has obviously got heart. Don't stand a chance. Put me through parking lot, which is my favorite room in here. Come down. Love that song. Silicon Valley. No one really talks about Silicon Valley, but I love it, bro. It's just got. It is just the best album, bro. If you guys haven't listened to it, I implore you, please listen to it. But, yeah, he's. They're doing a whole America tour, and it's just. It's just the Malibu tour and they're just playing Malibu from beginning to end.


Oh. And it's just. When we come back, it starts in September.


Yeah. He's running for, like, two months. I'm livid about it.


That's a shame.


It is a shame to the point where I would happily fly out just to watch it and then come back.


I was gonna say, is there a state that he's performing in that we don't go to on the tour that you would like to go to and watch it?


Rem, can you please, can you pull up the Malibu tour for me and we can have a look? It's kind of bait places or kind of places that we are already going.


I mean, we can run. You are not going to Vegas.


I was gonna say run back Vegas.




Is he doing in the Fontainebleau?


He can run back. Lv, go casino beforehand.


Yeah, it could be a little Vegas casino. Fontainebleau. What day is the 28th, please? If it's a Sunday, it's a live night.


Yeah, I can't.


If it's a Sunday, that's a. Yeah. Oh, wait, no, live night is fucking Miami. What am I about?


Live is Miami. Yeah.


I don't know. Maybe it's same in Vegas.


It's a Saturday.


Oh, Saturday, Vegas, late September. Yeah, that could be.


That could be tasty. That could be tasty.


Yeah, that could be corn on a cobden. That's. Yeah, we're gonna stick a pin in that.


All right. Say less.


I think it's audacious, because we would have been back, like, three weeks. Yeah, but who gives a fuck?




Yeah. Who gives a fuck?


This is why we play.


I'm a grown man.


Yeah, this is why you play.


Yeah, I understand. I know you're watching. See you there, bro. Facts, cuz. That's. That. That when I saw that I was like, damn, I want to see that. I love that album, bro.


Say less.


Shit. And, like, his. His, like, tiny desk is, like, top five. Best tiny desk of all time. And that's the song he plays from. From Malibu, so. Yeah, man.


Band are awesome as well.


All three nationals are sick, bro.




Free national. They've dropped a few songs. They did their own album.




Without him. Yeah, and they. One of the songs they did with. They did a song on there with chronics. Chronics, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Sick song. And they did one with Daniel Caesar on there as well, which is a banger. Yeah, bro. 28th Vegas.


Say less.


Maybe a young meet and greet. Yeah, who knows?


Could be messy. All right. Yeah.


The visa's open. Yeah, we can.


Whenever we want, facts pop in and pop out. Say less.


All right, sick, man. But anyway, shall we get 've seen that. I've seen that fact rather. Yeah. It's crazy.36.Yeah.Walks past them. How?I don't know, bro.Not murders. Murderers.Oh, murderers.Murderers.Oh, it's not murders. Oh, murderers.Murderers.Let me read it again. The average person walks past 36 murderers in their lifetime. That's just based on stats.Yeah. Yeah.Jesus Christ. Murderers. Is there that many of them are just bopping around? Apparently, that I'm bucking 36 of these men, apparently.So, bro, what's a disturbing fact that, you know, my dad has married and divorced three of my mom's cousins?Geez.The mom was number four.Oh, damn.Yeah.This one really made me feel sick. This one actually made me feel. Not even sick, uncomfortable.Okay.There was a time when babies were operated on without anesthetic. It was believed that their nervous system wasn't developed enough to feel pain.No.Yeah.That's brutal. Yeah.Vile, bro. Really, really vile.So they had the medicine available. They just assumed that the babies didn't need it.Yeah. Cause it's dangerous to put people under anesthetic anyway, so they're probably like, bro, they can't feel pain anyway. And people are like the you screaming bro used to be screaming, g. That's traumatic. Yeah, bro, honestly. Fuck.What's a disturbing fact that, you know, roughly 22,000 people die in the UK due to medical errors every year. Should I add? Sorry.Every year?Yeah. Medical errors. You know, 22,000 people.That's a lot of medical errors every year.There's a lot of people in this country.No, it's a lot of people.A lot of hospitals.Yeah.Don't get me wrong, 20,000. A lot of people is, but, yeah, it's crazy.Jesus, man.Yeah.Right, next one. All crew, all cruise ships have a morgue for any deaths on the boat. If your crush. If your cruise ever announces a random ice cream party, it's probably because there's not enough room in the morgue and they had to make room in the freezer.What, bro, what a random I. Wow.Yeah. So people just be dying on cruise ships. They got morgue for it. And if too many people are dying, then randomly, it's like. I just want to announce that at 03:00 p.m. today we've got an ice cream pie. Free ice cream for everyone so they.Can go to the deck space.Yeah, we need some space in the freezer.I was.Too many bodies.Imagine that being your job.No, it's not my job, and it won't ever be.Jesus wept. All right, what's the disturbing fact that you know, you can't say hmm whilst holding your nose.Yeah. You can't. Yeah. Cosign. You actually can't.Can't I?Wow. Damn. Okay, cool. Next one disturbing fact that you know. Yeah. How men and women's brains react to seeing someone unattractive. I think I've mentioned this before. For men, parts of our brain associated with an annoyance light up. For women, the parts of their brain associated with inanimate objects lights up. Men get annoyed by ugly women. Women don't see ugly men as human Yes.There's.That's the worst time, for one. Yes, bro. Maggots. Oh, my black bin that sits outside. Oh, if they're. Oh, my God. In between collection days, if you don't get that bin lid closed. And I mean closed. And one fly gets in there, bro, you open that bin. Oh, my God.Oh, man.It's hell, man. It's hell.Dead. Dead.I hate it. I fucking hate it. You, man.Who would like it?Yeah. Yeah, who would? But I can't stand it, man. I hate it. I bet you right. I've got one more. I'm certain this is captain, I'm certain this is cap. Right. Disturbing fact that only you know. Yeah. That cats first started meowing in an attempt to mimic a crying human child so that humans will take care of them.Please. That can't be wrong.I'm calling mimic a human cry so that the human would take care of the cat.Yeah, bro.Wow.I thought it was cat, but then. And then I thought you're meowing and you're heading. Yeah, I'm meowing. I'm like. That is like a ute.Yeah.All right. Scientists believe that cats can manipulate the tone and frequency of their vocalizations to effectively solicit our attention. This may be why the meows of many domestic cats mimic the cries of human babies. Though insistent meowing can be grating, it's no wonder that we Los Angeles concluded the 1984 Summer games with a 215 million operating surplus, according to the CFR, making the city of Angels the only city in the world that year that has ever profited from hosting the Olympic Games in the modern era.I wonder what they did that made him money.What they did was they actually profiteered off the Olympics prior to that. So the Olympics prior to them basically tanked so badly that I believe from the research that I did, the IOC and the CFR overstated with them. So the negotiating between LA and the Olympic committee. The Olympic Committee actually had to be a little bit more forthcoming with the Peas, which is why LA benefited from it. Every other city post that seems to have basically forgotten that you still tank with the Olympics, they don't care. Clearly they don't care. And it's about clearly just being able to say, oh, well, we hosted the Olympics.Yeah, but also, no one gives a.Fuck unless you're in a position of power, then you probably do.And even. How does it even make them?Because I feel like. I feel like in that moment, in that space of a month or two months, it just bodes well for their politics, I guess. It just bodes well for, like, tourism. It bodes well for the president or whoever's in charge. Position of power if you've got monarchy or whatever. I just feel like if I'm in charge of France right now and they ask me in four years time, do I host the Olympics, I would still say yes. You see, I'm saying.I get what you're saying. I feel. I just feel like the tourism, the main tourism thing is like, it sounds like from that. From the sounds of it, like, maybe we should just start choosing cities that aren't affluent, like cities who have 25 billion that they can spend on the Olympics. Don't give them it. Because, like, ultimately, the point of it is that they bring the point, the Olympics, as to why it's worth spending all that money on is because. Because it brings attention to the city that's hosted in London, Paris, Tokyo, haven't got enough attention as it is.Yeah.Brought up the biggest, the most famous cities in the world. Send them to fucking, I don't even know, Luxembourg, bro. And then. So people can go there and just be like, all right, I was kind of sick here. Yeah, it was worth the money because we're gonna reap the tourism benefits for years and years to come.Yeah.No one's coming to London because they're like, I never even knew London was a thing until they had the Olympics here.They be knew about London.Yeah, that's a good point, brom.On the other hand, Birmingham could do with an Olympic or two. They could do with it.The Commonwealth was there not too long ago, but it's not.It was. Come on, who's going there to watch that Commonwealth.Hey, even sounds like.Yeah, it's a. It's a trigger in even time.It did.Yes. Commonwealth is a triggering title.It's a triggering title.Oh yeah, bro. The countries in that get smaller and smaller every year. Give us us free.We hosted, man. We held it down. We held it down.Alright. Say less. But anyway, thank you for that, bro. That was a very good one.Very good research again.But anyway, guys, that's the episode for today. Thank you so much for your attention, your time. Love of love.


've seen that. I've seen that fact rather. Yeah. It's crazy.






Walks past them. How?


I don't know, bro.


Not murders. Murderers.


Oh, murderers.




Oh, it's not murders. Oh, murderers.




Let me read it again. The average person walks past 36 murderers in their lifetime. That's just based on stats.


Yeah. Yeah.


Jesus Christ. Murderers. Is there that many of them are just bopping around? Apparently, that I'm bucking 36 of these men, apparently.


So, bro, what's a disturbing fact that, you know, my dad has married and divorced three of my mom's cousins?




The mom was number four.


Oh, damn.




This one really made me feel sick. This one actually made me feel. Not even sick, uncomfortable.




There was a time when babies were operated on without anesthetic. It was believed that their nervous system wasn't developed enough to feel pain.






That's brutal. Yeah.


Vile, bro. Really, really vile.


So they had the medicine available. They just assumed that the babies didn't need it.


Yeah. Cause it's dangerous to put people under anesthetic anyway, so they're probably like, bro, they can't feel pain anyway. And people are like the you screaming bro used to be screaming, g. That's traumatic. Yeah, bro, honestly. Fuck.


What's a disturbing fact that, you know, roughly 22,000 people die in the UK due to medical errors every year. Should I add? Sorry.


Every year?


Yeah. Medical errors. You know, 22,000 people.


That's a lot of medical errors every year.


There's a lot of people in this country.


No, it's a lot of people.


A lot of hospitals.




Don't get me wrong, 20,000. A lot of people is, but, yeah, it's crazy.


Jesus, man.




Right, next one. All crew, all cruise ships have a morgue for any deaths on the boat. If your crush. If your cruise ever announces a random ice cream party, it's probably because there's not enough room in the morgue and they had to make room in the freezer.


What, bro, what a random I. Wow.


Yeah. So people just be dying on cruise ships. They got morgue for it. And if too many people are dying, then randomly, it's like. I just want to announce that at 03:00 p.m. today we've got an ice cream pie. Free ice cream for everyone so they.


Can go to the deck space.


Yeah, we need some space in the freezer.


I was.


Too many bodies.


Imagine that being your job.


No, it's not my job, and it won't ever be.


Jesus wept. All right, what's the disturbing fact that you know, you can't say hmm whilst holding your nose.


Yeah. You can't. Yeah. Cosign. You actually can't.


Can't I?


Wow. Damn. Okay, cool. Next one disturbing fact that you know. Yeah. How men and women's brains react to seeing someone unattractive. I think I've mentioned this before. For men, parts of our brain associated with an annoyance light up. For women, the parts of their brain associated with inanimate objects lights up. Men get annoyed by ugly women. Women don't see ugly men as human Yes.There's.That's the worst time, for one. Yes, bro. Maggots. Oh, my black bin that sits outside. Oh, if they're. Oh, my God. In between collection days, if you don't get that bin lid closed. And I mean closed. And one fly gets in there, bro, you open that bin. Oh, my God.Oh, man.It's hell, man. It's hell.Dead. Dead.I hate it. I fucking hate it. You, man.Who would like it?Yeah. Yeah, who would? But I can't stand it, man. I hate it. I bet you right. I've got one more. I'm certain this is captain, I'm certain this is cap. Right. Disturbing fact that only you know. Yeah. That cats first started meowing in an attempt to mimic a crying human child so that humans will take care of them.Please. That can't be wrong.I'm calling mimic a human cry so that the human would take care of the cat.Yeah, bro.Wow.I thought it was cat, but then. And then I thought you're meowing and you're heading. Yeah, I'm meowing. I'm like. That is like a ute.Yeah.All right. Scientists believe that cats can manipulate the tone and frequency of their vocalizations to effectively solicit our attention. This may be why the meows of many domestic cats mimic the cries of human babies. Though insistent meowing can be grating, it's no wonder that we Los Angeles concluded the 1984 Summer games with a 215 million operating surplus, according to the CFR, making the city of Angels the only city in the world that year that has ever profited from hosting the Olympic Games in the modern era.I wonder what they did that made him money.What they did was they actually profiteered off the Olympics prior to that. So the Olympics prior to them basically tanked so badly that I believe from the research that I did, the IOC and the CFR overstated with them. So the negotiating between LA and the Olympic committee. The Olympic Committee actually had to be a little bit more forthcoming with the Peas, which is why LA benefited from it. Every other city post that seems to have basically forgotten that you still tank with the Olympics, they don't care. Clearly they don't care. And it's about clearly just being able to say, oh, well, we hosted the Olympics.Yeah, but also, no one gives a.Fuck unless you're in a position of power, then you probably do.And even. How does it even make them?Because I feel like. I feel like in that moment, in that space of a month or two months, it just bodes well for their politics, I guess. It just bodes well for, like, tourism. It bodes well for the president or whoever's in charge. Position of power if you've got monarchy or whatever. I just feel like if I'm in charge of France right now and they ask me in four years time, do I host the Olympics, I would still say yes. You see, I'm saying.I get what you're saying. I feel. I just feel like the tourism, the main tourism thing is like, it sounds like from that. From the sounds of it, like, maybe we should just start choosing cities that aren't affluent, like cities who have 25 billion that they can spend on the Olympics. Don't give them it. Because, like, ultimately, the point of it is that they bring the point, the Olympics, as to why it's worth spending all that money on is because. Because it brings attention to the city that's hosted in London, Paris, Tokyo, haven't got enough attention as it is.Yeah.Brought up the biggest, the most famous cities in the world. Send them to fucking, I don't even know, Luxembourg, bro. And then. So people can go there and just be like, all right, I was kind of sick here. Yeah, it was worth the money because we're gonna reap the tourism benefits for years and years to come.Yeah.No one's coming to London because they're like, I never even knew London was a thing until they had the Olympics here.They be knew about London.Yeah, that's a good point, brom.On the other hand, Birmingham could do with an Olympic or two. They could do with it.The Commonwealth was there not too long ago, but it's not.It was. Come on, who's going there to watch that Commonwealth.Hey, even sounds like.Yeah, it's a. It's a trigger in even time.It did.Yes. Commonwealth is a triggering title.It's a triggering title.Oh yeah, bro. The countries in that get smaller and smaller every year. Give us us free.We hosted, man. We held it down. We held it down.Alright. Say less. But anyway, thank you for that, bro. That was a very good one.Very good research again.But anyway, guys, that's the episode for today. Thank you so much for your attention, your time. Love of love.






That's the worst time, for one. Yes, bro. Maggots. Oh, my black bin that sits outside. Oh, if they're. Oh, my God. In between collection days, if you don't get that bin lid closed. And I mean closed. And one fly gets in there, bro, you open that bin. Oh, my God.


Oh, man.


It's hell, man. It's hell.


Dead. Dead.


I hate it. I fucking hate it. You, man.


Who would like it?


Yeah. Yeah, who would? But I can't stand it, man. I hate it. I bet you right. I've got one more. I'm certain this is captain, I'm certain this is cap. Right. Disturbing fact that only you know. Yeah. That cats first started meowing in an attempt to mimic a crying human child so that humans will take care of them.


Please. That can't be wrong.


I'm calling mimic a human cry so that the human would take care of the cat.


Yeah, bro.




I thought it was cat, but then. And then I thought you're meowing and you're heading. Yeah, I'm meowing. I'm like. That is like a ute.




All right. Scientists believe that cats can manipulate the tone and frequency of their vocalizations to effectively solicit our attention. This may be why the meows of many domestic cats mimic the cries of human babies. Though insistent meowing can be grating, it's no wonder that we Los Angeles concluded the 1984 Summer games with a 215 million operating surplus, according to the CFR, making the city of Angels the only city in the world that year that has ever profited from hosting the Olympic Games in the modern era.I wonder what they did that made him money.What they did was they actually profiteered off the Olympics prior to that. So the Olympics prior to them basically tanked so badly that I believe from the research that I did, the IOC and the CFR overstated with them. So the negotiating between LA and the Olympic committee. The Olympic Committee actually had to be a little bit more forthcoming with the Peas, which is why LA benefited from it. Every other city post that seems to have basically forgotten that you still tank with the Olympics, they don't care. Clearly they don't care. And it's about clearly just being able to say, oh, well, we hosted the Olympics.Yeah, but also, no one gives a.Fuck unless you're in a position of power, then you probably do.And even. How does it even make them?Because I feel like. I feel like in that moment, in that space of a month or two months, it just bodes well for their politics, I guess. It just bodes well for, like, tourism. It bodes well for the president or whoever's in charge. Position of power if you've got monarchy or whatever. I just feel like if I'm in charge of France right now and they ask me in four years time, do I host the Olympics, I would still say yes. You see, I'm saying.I get what you're saying. I feel. I just feel like the tourism, the main tourism thing is like, it sounds like from that. From the sounds of it, like, maybe we should just start choosing cities that aren't affluent, like cities who have 25 billion that they can spend on the Olympics. Don't give them it. Because, like, ultimately, the point of it is that they bring the point, the Olympics, as to why it's worth spending all that money on is because. Because it brings attention to the city that's hosted in London, Paris, Tokyo, haven't got enough attention as it is.Yeah.Brought up the biggest, the most famous cities in the world. Send them to fucking, I don't even know, Luxembourg, bro. And then. So people can go there and just be like, all right, I was kind of sick here. Yeah, it was worth the money because we're gonna reap the tourism benefits for years and years to come.Yeah.No one's coming to London because they're like, I never even knew London was a thing until they had the Olympics here.They be knew about London.Yeah, that's a good point, brom.On the other hand, Birmingham could do with an Olympic or two. They could do with it.The Commonwealth was there not too long ago, but it's not.It was. Come on, who's going there to watch that Commonwealth.Hey, even sounds like.Yeah, it's a. It's a trigger in even time.It did.Yes. Commonwealth is a triggering title.It's a triggering title.Oh yeah, bro. The countries in that get smaller and smaller every year. Give us us free.We hosted, man. We held it down. We held it down.Alright. Say less. But anyway, thank you for that, bro. That was a very good one.Very good research again.But anyway, guys, that's the episode for today. Thank you so much for your attention, your time. Love of love.


Los Angeles concluded the 1984 Summer games with a 215 million operating surplus, according to the CFR, making the city of Angels the only city in the world that year that has ever profited from hosting the Olympic Games in the modern era.


I wonder what they did that made him money.


What they did was they actually profiteered off the Olympics prior to that. So the Olympics prior to them basically tanked so badly that I believe from the research that I did, the IOC and the CFR overstated with them. So the negotiating between LA and the Olympic committee. The Olympic Committee actually had to be a little bit more forthcoming with the Peas, which is why LA benefited from it. Every other city post that seems to have basically forgotten that you still tank with the Olympics, they don't care. Clearly they don't care. And it's about clearly just being able to say, oh, well, we hosted the Olympics.


Yeah, but also, no one gives a.


Fuck unless you're in a position of power, then you probably do.


And even. How does it even make them?


Because I feel like. I feel like in that moment, in that space of a month or two months, it just bodes well for their politics, I guess. It just bodes well for, like, tourism. It bodes well for the president or whoever's in charge. Position of power if you've got monarchy or whatever. I just feel like if I'm in charge of France right now and they ask me in four years time, do I host the Olympics, I would still say yes. You see, I'm saying.


I get what you're saying. I feel. I just feel like the tourism, the main tourism thing is like, it sounds like from that. From the sounds of it, like, maybe we should just start choosing cities that aren't affluent, like cities who have 25 billion that they can spend on the Olympics. Don't give them it. Because, like, ultimately, the point of it is that they bring the point, the Olympics, as to why it's worth spending all that money on is because. Because it brings attention to the city that's hosted in London, Paris, Tokyo, haven't got enough attention as it is.




Brought up the biggest, the most famous cities in the world. Send them to fucking, I don't even know, Luxembourg, bro. And then. So people can go there and just be like, all right, I was kind of sick here. Yeah, it was worth the money because we're gonna reap the tourism benefits for years and years to come.




No one's coming to London because they're like, I never even knew London was a thing until they had the Olympics here.


They be knew about London.


Yeah, that's a good point, brom.


On the other hand, Birmingham could do with an Olympic or two. They could do with it.


The Commonwealth was there not too long ago, but it's not.


It was. Come on, who's going there to watch that Commonwealth.


Hey, even sounds like.


Yeah, it's a. It's a trigger in even time.


It did.


Yes. Commonwealth is a triggering title.


It's a triggering title.


Oh yeah, bro. The countries in that get smaller and smaller every year. Give us us free.


We hosted, man. We held it down. We held it down.


Alright. Say less. But anyway, thank you for that, bro. That was a very good one.


Very good research again.


But anyway, guys, that's the episode for today. Thank you so much for your attention, your time. Love of love.