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I went through my ex's Insta DMs whilst he was away on a boys trip in Barbados, and I was shocked to see he had Dmed Rihanna multiple times.


When it's in Barbados.


And I was shocked to see he had Dmed Rihanna multiple times asking if she wanted to meet up with him to smoke a blunt. And he even sent her their apartment address. Massive ick.


That is the single most humiliating thing I've ever heard in my entire life, bro. Rihanna, she left that island years ago. Years ago, when she was a teen. She goes back for public holidays. That's it. Public holidays in Carney Carnival. That's all she's there for. Wow. She's got children. She's got a family to think about with AsaP. Rocky, do you want to come to my apartment to work a blunt.