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I have intrusive thoughts about, especially on a cold day, do you ever get in your warm bed and just spasm? Do you ever get so cozy and comfy in bed that you just spasm under the blankets? No. Just me? As in what? Like muscle spasm. No. I don't tighten up. I kick and it feels like I'm eating something sour. That's how much my cheeks are tingling. All right. That's how much I love a cozy bed. Just me? Yeah. I rub my feet. I get started. That's entry level. That's first base. I get under there. If I'm super cozy, I get under there and I'm like, oh, my God, that's nice. Then my legs start doing crazy stuff. Then I start bouncing in there and I'm like, Fuck, that's cozy. Then I get tingly cheeks. No, it's never... Just me? All right, bro. Just you, bro. Me neither, man.