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Tweets of the Week? Let's do tweets of the Week. It's a conversation, right? This is the dad. You should become a cop, the daughter. I don't want to, dad. You chase the same man they do. You might as well get paid for it. Conversation. We have your children. Reply. What are your demands? Reply. Are you crazy? This is the daycare. We closed at five. Come and get your kids. Reply, 'Damn, I'm tripping. I'm on my way.


' I wouldn't let them have a kid. I wouldn't let them have a kid. What are your demands?


Do crackers ever say, 'I'm too broke to smoke crack tonight? ' No, they get up and make it happen. There's a lesson in there.


That actually is. That actually is. The habits of... This is stupid. But I remember, what is it? Getting to the Greek with Russell Brand and Jonahill. There's a scene in there where Russell Brand is saying that... Is he even Getting to the Greek? Or maybe it's an interviewer, Russell Brand. He was talking about being a smackhead is so easy sometimes because you don't deal with the stresses of life. You only care about that next hit. That's all you focus on every day is what am I doing to get my next needle? That's all I care I don't care about. I don't care about these bills. I don't care about these hoes. I don't care about this job. I don't care about this house. Where's my needle?


That's facts as well. It's crazy. Yeah.


How do I get there? And what do I need to do today to get my goal?


To facilitate. Yeah.


Because I'm willing to do anything. Yeah, this is my goal, and I'm willing to sacrifice anything to get it. There's lessons here.


Facts. Yeah.


Move like a cracker.


Yeah, they're go-getters. Yeah, move like a fucking cracker. Maybe you get shit done.


I was watching Gordon Ramsey. You know I love me some Gordon. I was watching Kitchen Nightmars yesterday. One of the chefs was on the ropes. Yeah. And then he was on the ropes. And then because he was having meltdowns and he was smashing plates and everything. And they had a meeting and they were like, What's going on, big man? Why are you so angry? You're scaring the customers. You're scaring us. And Gordon was like, What's going on? And he was like, I was just going through. We had a new chef in. I was going through that. And he was like, And on that day, I was high. And Gordon was like, What? And he's I was high that day. In the kitchen? Yeah. The boss was like, On what? And he was like, Meth. And Gordon was like, Jesus Christ. God was British. He was like, Jesus Christ. He said, Class A's. He said, This is fucking serious. He was like, Yeah, man. I was high on meth. He's like, Obviously, you're psych. You know that. We can't have that. And he was a guy was crying. He was like, You get that, though. A man was trying to combine.


This is the reason why I'm opening up. I'm crying. I'm sorry. I was high. And he was like, Obviously, we're going to have that. You're going to have to leave, bro. That's why Mendo'd opened up. Oh, facts. Because he still would have had a job if he said, I'm not a meth head. Yeah, facts. He was like, How long has this been going on, bro? It was like six months, a year, and the guy was like, No, I'm good than that. Come on. Come on, I'm not green, bro. I'm a vet. I need me some meth.


Fuck, obviously, you're fired. Obviously, you're attacked.


You know this. Come on, who are we kidding?


Fuck, man, that's peak. All right. This one is primary school testimonials. You know when they sign it off? They say a quote and they sign off their name. Like a photo. What's the word I'm looking for? Like a photo album type of thing. Like a yearbook. Yearbook. Like a yearbook thing. Yes, cool. So this one's by Nina. What scares you the most, Sharks? This This is Dylan. What scares you the most? The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us towards an inevitable death. Catherine. What scares you the most? Dylan. Fax.


Fucking hell. I couldn't read that in my yearbook. I'll pull up on to it. These are kids. Yeah. These are actual kids. What's actually going on, big man?


The Unstoppable Marching of Time.


That's pen game.


That's pen game in year three. Marching. Marching. Oh, my days. The Unstoppable Marching of Time. That's crazy pen game.


Yeah, that's what I know. It's just different. Yeah.


It's different. He's sea in colors. Yeah. You see it in hearing colors.


That's Opp and I'm a chap.


Yeah. All right. Opp and I'm a chap. Day in Me isn't for the Week. There's a reason my ex still hits me up.


That's his meth. He needs that fixed. He does. I would hate... Sorry to cut you off. Minor. I would hate for any woman to know she's got that power over me.




When I hit her phone and I think I'm being cheeky and cute, and she's like, he's obsessed. And I know why. Why wouldn't he be?


That's when she hits you with a come through.


All right. Yeah, she's all right. And then when I'm done and I'm laying on her chest and she's just tapping my head like, you weak little boy. And then when we get an argument, she throws that in my face.


In your face.


This is why men- This is why you hit me up all the time because you're a pussy. You're hooked, big man. You're hooked.


Absolutely hooked, bait.


And you're going to hit me up again.


That, I couldn't hear. Yeah. That, I couldn't hear. And you know you're going to hit me up.


Yeah, and you know you're hitting me up again.


So this conversation is pointless. Yes, just shut up. Yeah, you'd have to move. So you'd know that you don't have the willpower to get to see her again.


Because I also can't hold grudges very long. So even after that conversation, I'm like, Swear, swear. I'll leave then. Yeah, fuck it. I'll leave. You think I'm going to block you, bro? You think I'm going to fuck? In two weeks, it's not even like I'm calling back. I just can't be bothered. Yeah, facts. I want what I know.


And this is what I'm used to. Yeah.


These round of hoes are doing it. I just want what I know. Facts. Yeah, it's not obsessed or anything you think it is. I just want what I know. Your top's good. Yeah, the top is nice, bro. I can't be bothered for these games. What can I say? You know what I like. Just do it.


Oh, All right. My funeral is going to require a picture of us together to get in.


I find it weird when people even mention funerals.


What do you mean?


You're dead. What do I mean, when they- So one of the piquey poisons when I've been going for it is like, would you rather X, Y, Z or have no one turn up to your funeral? And it's like, how is that? I'm dead.


Yeah. To be fair, you're never, ever, ever, ever going to know. But I guess it's more so it's got nothing to do with you. It's probably more so for the people you've left behind to see whether you've made an impact on other people than your family, maybe. Yeah, but I'm dead. I don't care. I know. I'm agreeing with you. I'm agreeing with you. I'm just saying. I'm playing that inside.


I'm agreeing with you. That whole, Oh, on my funeral, you're going to need a picture. No, because I'm going to turn up and you're going to be dead. That is sharp. You're just going to look down and say, sharp. Where's my big sharp? Big sharp, now, now, now, now. Where's the rules, bro? You're dead. You want It's a big sharp? Yeah, he's up here. You're dead, bro. You're dead, bro. What's all this chat? You were talking before. You were talking before. You were talking before. We're getting disrespectful. There's a line. We crossed it. That's Kharon. The last stop here. Cool.


I see people are peacefully making money illegally, but I know if I try it, God will make an example out of me.


I think we've read that one before. Have we? Yeah. Fair point. Yeah, that's That's very, very true. I hear that completely. I used to think that all the time. When man, what's that card thing man used to do? Deets. You said Robin in my sentence.


Yeah, because I knew that's the only thing you could be thinking about is deets.


When they were doing card fraud, and when they were approaching me, when it was my time to get approached, I always used to think, I know everyone on campus is getting away with it, but I won't. God will make an example. God will make an example. I'm not doing it.


Because the money sounded lucrative. Bags. Lucrative.


Bags, and I didn't have to do anything.


They said, Give me your card. We're on four in there. You'll keep one.


Yeah. And I'm like, One bag. One bag in 2010? That's insane money. I'm yours. Yeah, I I was always on it until they would say... Because you had to go in the bank and say it's canceled or something. You had to... I have no idea. I meant you had to go... Oh, there was a clause. Yeah. The clause was at some point you had to go into the bank and do something. And I was like, No. No. No. No. No No, no, no, no, no. There'll be police waiting for you outside HSBC. No. I need deniability.


Yeah, facts, bro. Facts, that's scary. I've got a couple more. I applied to Wwe on Indeed. Now, next week, I've got a match against Randy Orton. That was fucking stupid. That's so stupid. That's stupid. Right, this conversation. The IRS only has 93,000 employees. If we band together, we can beat their ass. I'll handle the first three. Reply, Don't touch my mom. Reply, Better tell Mar Dukes to take the day off. Otherwise, I'm going to fold her clothes with her still inside them.


I read that one this morning. It had me on a ropes. Marduk's. You even said Marduk's to take the day off. He's pulling up. He's pulling up. I'm going to handle the first three. I'm going to take the first three. That's jokes. Hold on, close your vest. Oh, God. Don't touch my neck. That's funny, bro.


All right, last one. Cool. The voice is in your head. The voice is in your head telling you to skip the gym are the souls of all your exes that want to see you fall off. It's crazy.


Oh, my God. I saw a thing the other day before I work. I think it was a Sam Sulik gym video. And the caption was like, How I'd be working knowing How I be working knowing that there's guys telling my girl to shut up and she's saying, make me. It's not a message I could read.


Guys are telling my girl to shut up. Shut up.


She's saying, make me. Because I've been said, make me. I'm going to make you. I'm on my way to make you. No. Okay. Make me. That's crazy. Anyway, should we charge? Let's. All right, guys. Thank you very much. Again, if you want to watch us skydive, head on over to LogCabin. Yes, sir.On Saturday.Yes, sir. For any other further business, we'll see you on Monday, I guess. But yeah, love, love. Love, love.