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All right, cool, man. Let's do Pick Your Poison.


Let's. Guys, we've got the new deck. We've got the expansion pack, so we should have some new PYPs in the bank.


That's funny. I'm using that one. Oh, my God. All right. These are jokes. Oh, my God. Oh, I love this new pack. That's so funny, bro. So pick your poison, yeah? Yeah. Either never be able to wipe your ass in the same room you pooped in.






Or have two different-sized butt cheeks.


The jeans will be jean-ing.


Wow. Yeah. Okay, expand the scenario. What's the size difference? It's enough.


It's noticeable. Yeah, it's noticeable. It's noticeable that it also affects your gait.


Okay, give it-So you're walking like that, and you're sitting like that. You're walking like that every time. So is it like a A D cup and a D cup?


Yeah. One of them is juicy. Yeah, it's got the dick of the box. You look back, you just... Yeah, it's got that on the box. The other one's like... The other one, the other one looks like the type that you'd say, Yuck if you clenched it. You know them flat batties? When they clench it, you can see like... Oh, crevice. The fingers are like that. Yeah, you got one cheek like that and one juicy thick boy.


Or never be to wipe my ass in the same place I shit in.


Every time you take your shit, you have to... Shuffle into the other room.


It couldn't be the first. It has to be the butt cheeks thing. It has to be the Duolingo butt cheek. It has to be.


Duolingo butt cheek.


Fax. It has to be, bro.


That's Scandinavia meeks Espanol.


Bro, it has to be.


I can't... Do a lingo butt cheek.


I won't be able to... Like, full disclosure, I have taken some I'm not being able to fucking wipe that same corner.


You have to stand up and hear that squelch.


Bro, Ski. I'd be single forever. I'll be single forever. Forever and ever and ever. Yo. Yeah, Duolingo me up, boy. Duolingo my Facts. Jesus Christ.


Oh my God. That was too funny. All right. Ellis. Duolingo cheeks or cake up by.


It's got to be the... The Wibble Wobble. Yeah, the little Wibble Wobble. It's got to be that.


People stop you, bro. I say, What's wrong with you?


Facts. This thing?


Do you know what it reminds me of? You know that video that was going viral of that brother looks like Jose Moreno that was doing this step thing?


Oh, the...


Yes. That's how I was walking down the road. No. That thing is a joke. He was throwing it. That's what he was doing. That's a joke. Jesus Christ.


Remski? Yeah, I'm not having no cake up that. Change room every time I need to wipe my butt.




Bro, and if someone stops you in the hallway, you might forget. Yeah. Then we're talking cracks now. When you finally hit the shower, you got clumps in there. Try clumps.


Before we get to actually answer, and then I'll say something. What's yours?


Your cheeks. Cheeks.


Cool. I saw a video on Twitter. It's seven minutes long of... You know exactly what I'm going to say? I know exactly what you're going to say.


I'm soon as morning.


A woman, She deep fried her own shit, fed it to her husband because she found out he was cheating on her.




Me to cook today. I got some for him. I've been good to this man. He's put me through a lot. Ladies, we can't keep putting up with this stuff. So I got a meal for him that he will never forget. I promise you this. Yeah, you depend on me to cook for you. What's she wearing? I want you to keep depending on me.


She just came fresh from the toilet, bro. She's fresh from He wanted to depend on me.


You all keep on depending on me. So what we're going to do today, we got this evening right here that I'm going to be using for this special meal. I got him seafood base. We got some all-purpose flour, garlic powder, complete seasonal, natural sea salt.


Do it see the do-do? Yeah, it's seven minutes long. Pull it forward, please. It's pretty long.


It looks like cacao in a litter box. We're going to put that garlic powder on top of there.


Jesus. Why is it skinny like that?


Hold on, we got to get this old bay open. That's disgusting.


That question is so unnecessary. Yes, sir.


She really did.


She really, really seasoned it. That is-That is the most vile thing- It's disgraceful. I've ever seen in my entire life.


What would you do? Obviously, you've been caught cheating. What would you actually do? After you finish the plate.


Fed me deep fried shit.


Yeah, you finish the plate.


How am I finishing the plate? I don't know.


I'll taste shit immediately. She seasoned it pretty good.


Yeah, she did season through. She did season through. That's the thing. She'll spin me on that first bite. Don't get me wrong.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


But once I feel that spread and that texture, I know my senses will tell me what it is.


What would you do?


I'll attack her. I know baby will be like, But there's no buts. There's no buts in this situation. Those start nutting or bee nutting. You want to cheer. She hasn't fear consequence. Clearly, neither does he. Neither does he. Because he was clapping cheeks and letting his wife cook him food. Yeah. He doesn't fear consequence either. Jesus. But yeah, this is just two people who don't give a damn about nothing.


That is audacious.


But I would 100% I would probably spend the rest of my life in prison. If I'm being honest with you. Oh, fair. You're feeding me shit. Fair. You're literally feeding me shit. I think I would spend the rest of my life in prison. Fair. What about you?


I'd spear her to the ground. I'd spear her to the ground, bro. Like Goldberg style. Yeah. Her wig will fall off everything. Like you said, I'll be in jail.


Yeah, because I wouldn't even hear her. I wouldn't even know why she did it. Because she didn't get it before she had told me.


Yeah, that's why I would be a lot more perplexed. I wouldn't know why I'm getting this.


If my girl cheated on me, I couldn't do this either. That's long.


That's preparation. I'm not also shit and picking it up and putting it in the pan. What are you talking about, bro? Anyway, pick your poison, my one. Get your tongue caught in a garbage Disposal. Disposal. Or B, eat a rat from a New York City subway. Oh my God. Rat. The choice is yours.


Tongue in a No more tongue is what you're saying. That tongue's gone. You're not speaking again. Rats are disgusting. I'd rather eat three rats than have my tongue caught in a garbage disposal.


It's alive. You take that first bite and it squails. The tail The tail licks your cheek. It's alive. Yeah, the tail, you've caught it fresh. It's running. You caught it fresh. You dipped it from his family.


See, that's a different story.


Skin on.


That's a different story entirely.


Skin on.


To be fair, I'll tap into my yellow jackets. I'll go deep into my yellow jackets bag and I'll do it.


You bite straight into the flesh. The tail is squeezing. You know when they're still going side to side?


I would cry my eyes out for ages, bro.




I was watching an old... Was it an old... I'm a celeb?


I'm a celeb, wow.


Homegirl, I saw it on Instagram or something the other day where she had to eat a spider, a live massive, massive spider. It was crawling in the glass until the point where you could hear it like, No.No. In the glass. No. Bro, it was that one. It was that one. Fern McCann eating a spider, bro.






This is why you can't get me on this show. You'd never get me on this show. You would never, ever get me on this show.


She was eating some spider, bro. And her reaction was so impeccable to what the reaction would be. Yeah. God. Yeah, that's it. There's a spider. What? Look at that. No way.


It's all been up because it's too big.


No way. Anindec could barely stand to watch. They swirmed around the glass and they get into a smaller ball and then...


Oh, God. Oh, come on.


There's just no way. Why would you go on this show? I would leave the country, bro.


How do you know? I'll have you by first.


When I I'm not going to say these, man can barely stand to watch. On the final time. What's that?


That's my favorite dessert. Chocolate Claire's.


You thought it was- Profita rolls. Oh, Profita rolls. Yeah, I thought it was a trick. Like, kangoo balls or something like that. I thought that.


I've got a complete tip.


You've come this far. I've come this far. I might see them later.


You might do. So you have to bag those first two things to grab that tree.


You think I'm eating a spider for some Profita rolls? Yeah, literally. I'd rather starve.


That's the deadest dessert. Facts.


That's the deadest dessert. I hate fresh cream sometimes. Paws, my God. Fuck.




Sometimes. Wow, like Laoumi. Laoumi. The Whites love to play games like this. They love to play games like this. Don't they just? Watch her, watch her, watch her. Oh, God, no. I can't be back. I can't move back. I can't move back. They can't move for them. They're leaning back for no reason. They have a target, but they can barely stand it. I don't watch his program. There's a reason why I don't watch this program, fam. You see one leg hang out.


Oh, God. Oh, no, bro. No, bro. How you just watching that, bro? I've seen it before, that's why. Come on. That made me shiver.


Give me water on the side, by the way.


That made me shiver.


All of that. I don't know who that girl is. For one second, I find her, we'll say, call me crazy. He's a certified freak. That's all I'm saying. I didn't think you were. Seven days a week. Certified freak.


Because you're yamming spider. Should we Yam anything?


For a pro-fail roll.


Should we do anything for a cock.


Wow. Surf by freak.


Jesus. That is disgusting.


That's the single most disgusting thing I've ever seen.


You said you're going to eat a rat.


Oh, yeah. Yeah, then I'm not having my tongue caught in nothing. Yeah, fair. I'll eat the rat.




You can't cook it.


No. You catch it fresh, bro.


Stop saying fresh. Yeah, it's not fresh.


It's not fresh. It's live.


Nothing fresh about it. Yeah, it's going to have to be the rat. Yeah? It'll have to be.




I'm not losing my tongue.




I'd have to choose the same. I can't lie.


Losing my tongue is crazy.


Yeah, I need my tongue.


Yeah. Hey. Hey, yo.