Transcribe your podcast

What's a good first date question? Is your baby mom your roommate? Who's going to pay for this? I brought a book. Can you read page one out loud? Let me test what we're working with. Yeah, literally.


Out loud is crazy.


I'd be so offended, but I would be like, this is my sense of humor.


Yeah, 100%. I would find it the funniest thing. But also like...


I'm not reading the page, by the way.


I'm not reading it, but also it's dread because if you're like, obviously, I'm not reading it, and they're like, that's what I thought.


That's all I need to see.


You've told me everything I needed to know. Now stop. Stop. Fine, I'll read it. Stop. You're banging, so I'm reading it. Let me read it. You can't fumbling a word. A million %. Oh, God. You'll see me following my finger like that.


I'll read slow as always. This was the last day.