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Alex tells us that we're just playing games today. Down for that. Which, yeah, I love playing games, especially mind games. Fucks. Toxic Kings. Always. Do you know what I love about you as a friend? Oh, God. You nine times out of 10 just back me up whatever I say. I'll just double down. Yeah, you double down on anything. Yeah, I'll just double down, bro. You find the words to just accentuate what I'm trying to say, and it just makes me feel so good. Good. Right, Alex, what are we playing?


Okay, so we got some new games this week. It's not as competitive, but I argue it's more fun. However, the first one, we're going with a warmup. I want you to be thinking quick on your feet. Okay. For sure. The game is called the Word Association game. Love it. 1v1, I'm not playing. And the loser of each round receives a two-finger slap as a forfeit.


On neck.


Yeah, neck back.


All right, cool. Trying to avoid that. Both okay with that? Yeah.


Yeah, down, bro. Consent is with the camera. Perfect. All right. Yeah, fuck. The way the game works is I will start you off with a word as a prompt, and you have to say a word associated to that word. Now, if there's any debate about whether it's associated, you lose. There shouldn't be any debate. Okay. If you take too long or you stutter or you stumble over what you're saying, you also lose. Okay, cool. It's a fast-paced game. There's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 rounds. Cool. Okay, so we'll get it for it quick. Cool.


Are you pulling up the words on screen or are you just saying them?


No, I'm saying them. All right, I bet. Okay, so RPS for who goes first, please.


Okay. Yeah, on go. Sorry. Yeah. Well played. He goes first. I hate when you do that.


All right, go on. Okay, so I will start off with a word, and then James, it's over to you, and then back and forth. Cool. Until there's a win. All right, the first word is Miami.


Beach, Florida. America, USA. A flag, country. Continent, world. Moon, stars. Galaxy, planets. Round, universe. I said universe.


Round one goes to James. Yeah.


Run me this bit right here. Lean into it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was no connection. I did three because this daddy doesn't have the longest of fingers, right? That's unfortunate. I didn't want to catch and then knock this. I did three. And even then I'm too scared. I'm just going to give him the whole hand. I'm just going to give himYeah. Cool. I'm just going to give him what he deserves.


As long as he consents to it, I'm all good with it. Okay. Round two.


Who goes first? Do I now go first because he went first the first time?






Round two. If you had your word is camera.


Flash. Bright. Red. Yellow. Color. Picture. Perfect. Face. Mask. Disguise. Wig. Hair. Transplant. Turkey. Beach. Sand. Sea. Salty. Water. Wet. Dry. Tau. Hand. Fingers. Nails. Scratch. Itch. Irritate.


That's around to James.


Rom me that neck, boy. Pause. Rom me that soft little neck. I'm not happy, by the way, but it is. I'm not happy I'm not happy, by the way. Adjudicator. I'm not happy, by the way. What are you not happy with? What am I not happy with?


He took quite a long time with a couple of them. Thank you. Go on.


If we're talking not happy, I'm not happy that towel went with hand. Hand towel? It's an association. Yeah, yeah. All right, man. I agree. All right. That was light.


Are you both saying I'm being too lenient?


Stung, though, a little bit. Did it? Yeah. I felt like I felt it. I just let gravity take it. I didn't even put pressure on it. It's fair. If I was too long, pause, then tighten it up for the next one.


Okay, maybe I'm being a little bit lenient. All right, fine. But it's gone both ways. Pause. Cool.


All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Okay. Let's go. James. James, we'll switch back to you. All right. Yep. Your word is pizza. Hut.


Go, go. Okay. Oh, yeah, that's charged. That's my bad. I was going off pizza. That's my bad. Yeah? I agree. Because I'm a good spot.


I'm ready, Terry. I like it.


We got four more rounds to go? Yes. I believe so. Gang. Cool. It's my word now, yeah? Let me breathe. Hold on. Yeah, let me focus. I'm ready.


Fuha, your word is chef.


Kitchen. Plates. What do you say? Plates. Plates. Sink. Washing. Dishwasher. Does that work? No, it's worked. Dishwasher, okay. Water. Soap. Bubbles. Bath. Soak. Dry. Tau. Rack. Heated. Flannel. Fair play. Fair play. Fair play. Fair play. Be gentle.It's not a record, isn't it?Be gentle. I'll tell everybody, go, go, go, go. Stop, stop, stop, stop, Relax this. Relax it.Nate, relax it, Nate.Yeah. Relax it. I'm going to give you two fingers, pause. See what's like? It was light. It was light, but his wrist also connected with my spine. Oh, did it? Oh, my bad. I don't think I can play the rest of the game.Ginger.Cool.Was that three one?Yeah. Jesus, this is techy.


Okay, James, it's your turn, right? Yep. Your word is coffee.


Bean. Travis Scott. Does that work? Sorry, me. I don't know the relation. What's the relation? He's got a song called Coffee Bean.


He's got a song called Coffee Bean.


But the word is bean.


The word wasn't coffee bean. The word was bean. And you said bean Travis Scott.




I think James wins that one.


You're a sweet little lamb. Just do it, bro. Nike it. Should I lift her chin up a tiny bit. I'm just going to connect this time. Get where I need you to get. Come on, come on, go, go, go. So there's perfect. Yeah. I'm going to come up your back, pause, and then finish off on top. Like I'm bald. Yeah. Cool. As long as I don't see it, I'm fine.


Cool. Yeah. Big pause in there.


Jesus. Big old wrap. I'm going to come up your back.


Cool. Okay. Fuhad.




Your word is YouTube podcast.


Shizu Gigs, show. I'll take that. How do I not get show? Dude. I have to grip my teeth so I don't buy my tongue. Yeah, but breathe, bro. Relax. You're tense. I think you need to just close your eyes. I am. Okay, now we're playing.What? Next word.Was that tough? Next word. That was literally the course. Cool. I fell in my balls. This is the surface area. My bad. Say less. Next word. My bad. Okay, we got one more left, the last round.


Yeah. James. Yep. Your word is cookies.


Chocolate. Sweets. Sugar. Salt. Sodium. Periodic. Chemicals. Balance. Circus. Fair. Clowns. Scared. Frightening. Afraid. Horror. Thriller. Movie. Film. Tape. Casset. Plastic. Rubber. Erase. Strong. I was locked in. That was a good round. That was a good round. That was a good round. Erase. I'm trying to even think. Erase. Yeah, there's not much. I thought a man was taking off the watch. No. Just do what you did. I'm closing my eyes. I'm not ready. Yeah, yeah, yeah. To be fair, I don't think I could do it. I said, I'm not going to do it.Tried it.Cool. Next game. That was good.That was fine.That was a lot of fun.It's a good... That's a good brain.Mental gymnastics. Yeah, mental gymnastics. We should do that before episodes. That was.