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I remember how I got scammed. I didn't even realize I got scammed until it was too late. It was the day I was going to Disneyland Paris, taking the train there as opposed to Uber or whatever, because there's a direct train that takes you to Disneyland Paris. I don't really know how the thing, obviously, it's in French as well, blah, blah, blah. But there was a bredder that came up. Where do you need help? Explain the situation. Day trip, Disneyland Paris and back, say, let's blah, blah. He said, Cool, cool, cool. 8 euros, cash, a little soya. I was like, Cool. Obviously, go to the ATM, get money. And this bredder went onto the machine. He showed it to me, said £80, went there, had a good time. On the way back, put a ticket in. You know when it goes in, comes out, and the gates don't open, I'm thinking, huh? In the Disneyland Paris area, went to that cashier, whatever. A man looked at it, flipped around and said, This is a kid's single. It's a kid's single. Kids will spin me. I'll grab someone's collar, they say, Kids. I said, Pardon? A kid's single.