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Because I'd rather sleep in the back street than that dive again. Dive, brother. Dive, the back street. Man said, Keep the money. I'd rather sleep on the street. Guys.




Right. Slight change of scheduling today. We're not going to do a question of the week simply because we don't belong to you.Facts.Yeah. We don't just do as we're told every week.Facts.We do what the fuck we want.Yeah. Because our dogs are massive.They're schwanging.Swanging, and we just use it whenever we want. Sometimes we have to put our dick on the table and be like, What's up, bro? No question. No question this week. Do something about it. Then you guys see the length of it and the girf and you're like, Fair enough, bro. It's your show, man. It's your party. I just want to dance. It's your fucking party. I just want to dance. And then we're like, That's what I thought. Zip. Facts. Rezip. To get started today, I have something I wanted to start off talking about. So this is very different to the stuff that we usually do. But you know how I said I'm in the guts of Ramsey's Hotel Hell?




I'm in his guts, bro. When I'm in, obviously, full context, I'm in London every week for recording. So like two, three days a week, I'm in hotels. And when I'm in hotels, I watch boring hotel TV, and I've been balls deep in anything Gordon Ramsey recently. Now, because of that, I've been noticing hotels dusty, murkt, abandoned office building. Okay. Dusty, murkt, old asbestos office building. It's in an area where you would least expect to see a hotel. It's on a dual carriageway in Luton that's between sections, and there's a council building, there's a police station there. It's just a dodgy road to have a hotel in general, brother. Seeing this hotel, so sometimes what I like to do when I see a bot as hotel, I like to Google it and see what the reviews are saying. Yeah. Because I'm thinking, these reviews can't be good, bro. Yeah. No shade, Stuart.You might have stepped your pussy I'm not trying to catch a case. I'm just saying what Google's saying. I'm literally just reading what Google says. Facts. I've seen the Stuart Hotel, and then I've seen some of the reviews, and I thought, Oh, bro, let me screenshot some of these reviews. You, man, they're funny. I have lots. The Stuart Hotel in Luton, don't make me do this every week because half of the hospitality business will shut down.Can we look at the Google Images?Yeah, go to the Images. Yeah, go to the Images. First image, you'll be able to see exactly what I'm referring to. Yeah, that's it. Oh, wow. That's that one right there.Yeah, that looks like when you're passing It looks like a school in the '90s. Yeah, bro.It looks like an old school. Yes, exactly. It does. That's exactly what it looks like. That cladding? Mental. All right. I've seen some of the reviews. Or reviews rather. Yeah. So this first review. First word, awful. Whole hotel smelt of damp. No working lifts. All walls were damaged. Bedsheets were stained. No shower curtain in the room. So we asked for one Only to be told they didn't have any shower curtains, big man. Carpet was frayed. Aircon sounded like an alarm. Oh, wow. Bro, do you know what's funny? Three or four different comments were like, Aircon sounded like a siren. Aircon sounded like an alarm. Bro, try to turn on the aircon. It's fucking noisy. Everyone was slagging off this aircon, bro. So Carpet was frayed. Aircon sounded like an alarm. Single glazed windows kept no sound out. Brother, single glazed.In 24.Yeah, bro. Kept no sound out. No desk, no chair, no bedside table. Hotel advertised as having a golf course, a restaurant, and a bar. There was none of them. Do you know how insane it is to advertise a golf course?Big man, there's no bedside table.But they got shower curtains. It's just a bed. These men are talking about golf course, restaurant, and bar. Big man, it says there's no restaurant in there.That's insanity.There's no bar in there.They can't be... Surely they can't be advertising.Brother, there was none of these things. Complete false advertisement. Paid for two nights, stayed for one. Because it was disgusting and the staff didn't want to help. Jesus Christ. Expedia moved us to a better hotel as the staff refused to answer the phone to to Expedia to work site and out, which we were glad about because it meant we could move. Yeah. Please avoid at all costs, brother. And you know what's jokes? Is the owners of the ting always I've replied to the comments like, Sorry, please come back. We'll try and make it better, brother. See how they said lift don't work? There was one. I don't know if I... Screenshot it. Yeah, I've screenshot it, right? So you know how she said... So they always saying, Oh, we're trying to work on this. We're trying to work on that. Please come back. Please come back. So sorry they had a bad experience. This one, one star. Tv always out of signal. No shower curtains on the bath. Smell of the whole place wasn't pleasant at all. Paper-thin pillows to which they claim one per person is all you're allowed. Allowed is crazy. Missing furniture such as a bedside unit, tables, et cetera.Claim to have a golf course, a restaurant, and a bar. It has none of the above. Still also haven't fixed the lift, which was mentioned in a previous review, which they claim will be fixed within three weeks. Awful stay wouldn't recommend. I left before the second night that I'd paid for because I'd rather sleep in the back street than that dive again. Down. Down. The back street. Man said, Keep the money. I'd rather sleep on the street.There. Wow. I'll let you finish all of these, but after that, please pull up their website because I want to see what they're advertising.Fam. Again, one star. The hotel is in a great location, but poorly managed and poorly maintained. Very offensive smell. Very offensive smell all the way from the reception to the corridor and then to the room. The room rug was wet and smelly. Wetted.Butters. The rug was wet. Oh.The rug was wet and smelly. Cobwebs on the windows and visible mold on the window. Stains on the toilet bath. The room in the power kept tripping off. Staff responsiveness was below expectations. I think the hotel rating should be reviewed downwards. Okay, cool. Ain't coming back. Damn. And then...And these reviews from '24?Oh, six months ago, bro. Mad. One Star. An absolute dive and a health hazard. Facts. If you plan on staying in a night, bring a hazmat suit. Everything about the place was horrible and it stank of stale alcohol and urine.That's disgusting.Do you know how many people are sending for the smell?It must be a halfway house.Bro, this has to be the worst hotel I've stayed at in my life. Missing desk, missing side tables, carpet was dirty and ripped, paint was missing, the TV had no reception whatsoever, missing the bathroom curtain. When I asked about these things, they didn't have any, and the whole staff barely spoke English. They also have control over the at any given time. I'd rather sleep on the streets than go back to this for free. Never mind paying. Bro, Ski. It's the first line of this one. If I'd arrived in the daylight, I never would have stayed. Fair. Bro. I was told that breakfast was not being served. Then told it was continental, which it wasn't. Only one towel for two adults. No hairdryer and not... What? What did you say? Only one towel for two adults. No hair dryer and not a mirror near a plug. Iron on board, no iron. Huge metal bolt locked on the inside of the door that didn't work. A large bowl on corridor floor underneath missing ceiling tiles and dripping pipes. Lites flickering all over the building. Maintenance was appalling. No interaction at all as we checked out. Bro, some of them added pictures, bro.When I say there's piss stains galore. The place is nuts, bro. Jesus Christ.How are they still in business?Yeah, man.How are they still in business?Stuart Hotel is taking Ls, G. Let me see what the marketing campaign is.Is it a chain?No, it can't be. I promise you it can't be. This is a website. Why is Homebuild in a pool?I don't know.No. Oh, Oh, my God, I forgot to tell you, man. I actually forgot to tell you, man, the best bit. Okay. Guess how much it costs a night? Oh, God. Give me a reasonable guess on Can you give a guess on, based on everything you've just heard, how much do you think they're asking for a night?They're like £65.Reasonable. Rem? fucking white-collar theft.They needed to get their money off of you for table, and I don't know why. Yeah, it was a piss take.Bro, they stole from us.They did. They stole from the nation. Yeah, bro. And it was a piss take. But I feel like the reason why I am so like, hell-bent on not even defending these motherfuckers anymore is because of what Kaiji number 8 is doing.Kaiji number 8 is saving anime.Kaiji number 8 is, I can say this, hands down, I'm not going to change my mind until the end of the season. It's the best anime this season. It's going to win anime of the year. It's disgusting. It's going the same way... Was it chain saw man that won anime the last year? No, Jujutsu won anime the last year.Yeah, it did.It's going to win anime of the year this year. I was going to ask that.It'sOh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh, Windbreaker, I was watching.That's what I was watching. Kind of sac that off as well.Yeah, Windbreaker started off good, maybe the first couple of episodes. And plus I liked the level of animation. But again, storyline, lackluster. It's given just a bit of an updated version of Tokyo Revengers. Yeah, fair, fair. Even Tokyo Revengers was slow at one point. Yeah, there's nothing, man. There's nothing going on right now. I'm very, very, very disappointed. I'm praying Chainsaw Man comes back this year. I'm praying. Oh, the thing is back at the end of this, tail end of this, I think October. No, it's the movie, I think Blue Lock. Blue Lock, yeah. Blue Lock is back.Highq is already out. I haven't seen it.I remember you saying, I need to watch that. Hopefully, I could be on the plane as well. I'm being hopeful.Yeah, you're being very hopeful. Showing where my love front is, okay.It's very okay. Yeah, I think I'm on episode 19 of that. I have not finished that. Very okay. There's nothing I'm locked into. Long story short, guys, I need something to lock into anime-wise. That's cajou number eight level or at least in and around. You're asking. In and around that level because I'm just very much disappointed with the fact that I can put on an anime, an anime that I've known to love for years and just be there on my phone because I'm bored of what they're showing I'm absolutely bored of what they're showing me.It's so crazy. You know it's mad when you're on your phone and you don't understand Japanese. Bro. You're on your phone and you don't even understand Japanese.I'm looking up, I'm like, even though I've missed so much, I know this is all irrelevant. he's nonverbal. He's nonverbal and he has cerebral palsy. He's in his 30s. Can't speak, can't communicate. Basically, he's always been told he's got the brain age of a one-year-old. He had loads of seizures when he was born and stuff. It affects his brain massively. Anyway, he's never spoke, he's never communicated, he's never done anything. People were like, his brother, they interviewed his brother and his mom, and they were basically saying, Oh, and it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Even though Louis Thoreau is not in it, it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Interesting. He's always been told that there's always little things that his brother would say, Oh, he does this thing where we'll be talking about something, something, and sometimes he'll look at you or he'll make a gesture or something like that, and you think, fuck, this guy knows what we're talking about.He always had these little instances where you're like, there's something there. There's literally something there. Anyway, like I said, he's in his 30s now and he's literally like 5 foot 3. He's proper short, proper light. He has no muscle mass, everything like that. He can't walk by himself, everything. He's looked after by his mom and his brother. Basically, what ends up happening, they take him to this school and he meets some teachers at this school. It's four disabled people and they teach him how to walk and he learns how to walk by himself and he gets a little bit stronger. Obviously, He's progressing and everything's great and everything's cool, right? Then they hear about this concept called facilitated communication. Basically, what that means is, is they've done these studies on nonverbal disabled people who sometimes, again, if they've got cerebral palsy and stuff like that, they don't have any motor control. Obviously, they can't speak and they can't control their limbs and shit like that. If you were to ask them to type shit out, they wouldn't be able to do it. But they did some studies and all it takes is if you just prop their arm up, for example, and hold their arm here, and you obviously have to help them move a little bit and keep the control, but they can type, stuff like that.You can teach them shit and you can She might have to read. She could teach them how to read. You can teach them how to type, and stuff like that. They did all these interviews, bro, where it's like, Oh, my God, my daughter. I always thought there was nothing there. They always told me she had the brain capacity of a two-year-old. Now she's written nine short stories. She's writing me letters. She's telling me she loves me, all this stuff. Now I have a way to communicate with my daughter with this facilitated communication. His family are like, Oh, fuck. They get introduced to this lady who's a teacher called Anna Stubblesfield. Anna is a massive proponent for the disabled and facilitate communication. She works in communication, everything like that. The brother who's doing a course on disability and communication and stuff like that was like, Oh, I want to introduce Anna to my brother, to Derek, and see if we can just see Wagwan for this facilitated communication thing because maybe Derek It could be viable, isn't it? She meets Derek and she tells us, she's like, Oh. It says when she introduces her, when you introduce her to the beginning of the thing, it says, oh, Anna's just come out of pen.But she looks normal. She looks put together. She says, oh, she just come out of pen. You're like, Oh, what the fuck does she go pen for? It's like, Oh, yeah, I first met Derek in this, and then I introduced him to a few letters and a few this, and he was really smart, and he picked it up really easy. He He made a few mistakes. He couldn't tell the difference between capital letters and lowercase letters and all this shit. But we started the facilitated learning. I'm helping him prop up his arm, and all of a sudden, he's typing shit. He's typing little words, started off with little words, and moved into sentences, and then we're communicating. He's telling me how he feels. He's telling me how he feels about his brother and his mom. The typewriter thing that she has, it saves all the conversations in there. You can see they're bringing up It was the actual shit that he was typing, right? Yeah. It was like he was really passionate about... He would always use terminology about... What do you call it? He's a silenced person. He lives in a silent world and now he can speak.He's finally been able to break free from the confines of all this stuff. He was way into black history and he was all into this and he was comparing himself and his disability to what it must have been like for slavery and all this stuff. He's really passionate and really smart. All of a sudden, he's writing essays, in-depth scientific essays about shit. Then his brother, who has a PhD, was like, Bro, I fucking knew he was smart. I fucking knew everyone's gas. Now he's out doing speeches and all this stuff. All because of this facilitated learning shit, facilitated communication shit, he can express himself and he can do all this shit and everything's so cool. Everything's going well. Anna and him are like bread and butter, and he's taking classes, he's doing these presentations, he's doing all this stuff, and he's able to communicate with Anna, helping him on the typewriting. So all good, all good, all good. Then one day, obviously, as I said, Anna's married, bro. She got married with kids, bro. One day, he's doing a lecture, a Q&A thing, and someone asked, Obviously, I know how you feel about this, I know how you feel about that, but how do you feel about love and relationships?Derek typed, I would love to have a relationship, and I would love to be married, but that thing doesn't exist for people with my disability. And then Anna said, When he typed that, it fucking murked her. And she said, All I wanted to do is jump out and be like, You could have that with me. But obviously, I couldn't say nothing. So anyway, they're carrying on, carrying on, carrying on. And then they're typing, typing, typing. And I can't remember what happened, but they said something and he just typed, I love you off the bat. I love you. She was like, fuck. So she told him, Bro, I love you, too. And then he typed, Can I have a kiss?This is to Anna.To Anna. Yeah. Bear in mind, Anna's holding his arm while he has to type this shit. He typed it. Look how small he is. That's Derek there. This guy's nearly 40, bro. Looks like a teenager. It's that. So anyway, he's typing, Can I have a kiss? So she's giving them a kiss and she's thinking, Fuck, I'm married. I've got kids. Everything, bro. And he's like, Can I have another kiss? She's like, Fuck. She's giving them a kiss and she's like, Bro, we're in love. I don't know how this is going to pattern, but we're in love. He's nonverbal. Cerebral palsy, bro.It's techy. It's techy. Yeah, I can imagine. Anyway.Obviously now Anna's getting a bit comfy with the family. She's with him a lot. Yeah, makes sense. All of a sudden, they could be in the car. Anna's in the car with the brother and the mom and Derek, and they could be listening to gospel, for example. Anna will change the radio to classic and be like, Derek wants to listen to classic. And her mom's like, who is this bitch touching my radio? And she'll snap it back to gospel and be like, Derek loves gospel, bro. Shut the fuck up. And then it'll always be like, your baby and him, you don't need to do this. You can't be choosing his clothes. He's a grown man. Put his ass on a typewriter and ask him what he wants to wear. So she will be like, oh, Derek, do you want to wear this? And he'll be like, no. And then she'll come back to the Mom's, he doesn't want to wear it. I was like, fuck, what's all this shit? I've been raising him. What is all this shit now that he can type on all this stuff? Anyway, they're at dinner one time, Anna's over there with dinner, and all of a sudden, Derek wants to type Anna grabs his hand and he wants to type, Shall we tell them?Before you continue, how does Derek show that he wants to say something without Anna's actively putting her hand?I think it's just they don't actually get too deep into it. I I think it's just gestures or whatever. They might be like, Oh, do you want to type? And they'll just grab this is what happened. And he said they wanted a relationship. I knew that I loved him and we've been communicating and I've told him that I love him. He tells me that he loves me and we kissed. And then mom said, did you do anything else but kiss? And I was like, oh, that's a little bit I forgot. Because before they came out to the mom, there was one day, you man won't believe this. There was one day they were at the yard, in it. And the mom's was at. It's getting heated now. So Derek's like, Can I have a kiss?Anna's like, Yeah, kiss, kiss, kiss.This is post the first time they've been. This is post the first time.This is the second link up since they first lips. Derek's typing now, I want to touch your breasts.She has to- She grabbed his hands and was like, All right, G, do your thing.A man straight up type, Get the arms off. He tired, tired. This is what I've been waiting for. Get those gums off.It's also awkward that she has to-Yeah, she has to facilitate it.So he's like, Get that kit off now. So she's like, Gang.That's what I've been waiting for, too.Fam. That's what I've been waiting for, too. I've I'm waiting for this. She gets the gums off, bro, they banged. Brosky, so they slept together. So Monsy's now like, Have you done anything? Morning kiss. Anna's like, Embarrassing, but yeah, we have. I was like, Get the fuck out my yard right now. Get the fuck out of my yard now, big man.Factual though.Facts on God, bro. Get the fuck out.Factual.So Anna's like, I'm going to give you manual time, but cool, we're going to work this out, thing. I'm ready to leave my man and be with Derek. Mom's like, Shut the fuck up, get out. The next day, they're just flustered, flustered, flustered. Derek is bugging out a little bit. He misses Anna in it. Obviously, he can't communicate. They're like, All right, cool. You know what? Fuck this bitch. Fuck this school. Fuck all of it, bro. We're just going to homeschool him. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Brother's saying. He's not going to school anymore. This is all madness. He ain't seeing her again. It's charged. Again, they're like, Cool. Obviously, you got no Anna, but how hard can this facilitate communication be?We grab his arm and he types out what he wants to type out. So Brosky grabs his arm. What do you want to say? Jibberish. They're like, well, it's a bit more complicated than we thought. Let's try again tomorrow. Brosky, what do you want to say? Bro, Derek ain't typing shit. So they're like, What's going on? I've seen your letters. I've seen your essays. I've seen, are you just upset? What's going on? Why are you not talking, bro? What do you want, bro? Day after day after day after day. They're trying, bro ain't typing nothing. They call up this lawyer who's worked with facilitated communication before. Then basically, the lawyer has a system in which in cases of facilitated communication, because there's been cases before, criminal cases before, where someone, basically, there was a case where a nonverbal disabled person, as soon as they started using facilitated communication, was like, fucking, I don't even know. My uncle's a pedophile or something. So they were like, whoa, serious accusation. So basically, they've done a test and been like, This lawyer has a test where basically he shows the communicator a picture, and then he will close his book and show the disabled.So he's got a book here and be like, I'm showing you a picture. Cool, cool, cool. Got the picture? It could be a spoon. And then I'll close it and I'll open it to the nonverbal disabled person. But once I close it, it opens on a different picture, but you can't see it's a different picture. So you're thinking it's a spoon. So I'm now I'm showing a cat to the disabled person, and I'm like, Cool, you got the picture? Tell me what you saw on a typewriter. Spoon. There's no way this person is typing Spoon. The facilitator is taking their arm and typing Spoon. They've sent Derek now to see Homeboy just to clear this bitch up. He puts four pictures on the table and he's like, Brosky, tell me which one is a spoon, tell me which one is a cat swiping all kinds of shit. They interviewed him after and they were like, Cool. What age range would you say Derek is at mentally? He's like, Brother, I'll give bro six months at best. The most I learned about Derek is he likes coat hangers. He found my coat hangers in a wardrobe and was smacking that bitch on the table.I couldn't get nothing else from him. Wow. They got a police round. They bailed Anna. The mom's, he bailed Anna and was like, Anna, right. Derek's a mess without you. He misses you. He needs you. I need you just so I can get over this. Obviously, you're saying you want Derek to be with you. I understand where you're coming from, but to get over this, I'm his mom. I need you to tell me right now, how many times did you have sex with my son? She was like, There was one time at your yard, and then there was another time at the office. And then she was like, Obviously, Brook's keeping barely moved. How did you facilitate this? She was like, In the office, I laid down. That morning, I bought a yoga mat and a towel into work, laid it down on the office, picked him up out of his wheelchair, laid him on the ground, and we had sex. And it cuts to the brother and was like, Bro, there was one time he came home and he had fucking blisters and shit on his back and burns and stuff on his back.And I rang the school like, what the fuck happened to his back? Like, it's all bruised and bloody and all shit. The school was like, I don't fucking know. Bro, it's the time she must have laid him down and rode him so hard that his back was fucked. Brother, the whole time you, man, homegirl was taking his arm saying, I love you, Anna. Can I have a kiss? And she's like, Sure, Derek, you can have a kiss. Kiss. I love you, Anna. Can I touch your breasts? Sure, Derek, you can touch my breasts. Grabbing his hand, touching the breasts. Bro, when I say they sent this girl to pen so fast, it was nuts.Jesus Christ, what a twist.She R-worded the shit out of Derek twice, bro. Didn't she just? And went straight to Pen. Wow. It was scary, bro.And she got husband and kids.She got husband and kids. Husband made a statement to the courtman. It was like, She's a pathological I'm not going to call liar. Lock her up now. Wow. But she had a suspended sentence. She got a shorter sentence. It was really heartbreaking, bro. When I say, You, man, when I say, I was struggling to watch, struggling Struggling to watch. When this whole thing was unfolding, struggling to watch. As soon as you showed the lawyer, do the thing. And he was like, bro, I've had multiple cases where... The lawyer was saying, I'm not even accusing these communicators of doing this on purpose. I think they genuinely believe that the people are typing this stuff, but they're not, bro. But she won an appeal because basically, one thing that the court fucked up was that when she was going through the trial and all this stuff, the court refused to admit testimony about facilitated communication. They were allowing the lawyer to be like, Here's why it doesn't work, and here's my testing. But anyone in support and anyone who was willing to come in and be like, I've got studies that can show you the latter. Because there was a case where basically there was testimony where there was a time where Anna wasn't the one doing his communication.There was a thing Derek had to read these books and then type out essays about the books. It wasn't Anna that was helping him, it was another girl. He did the essays and the girl hadn't read the books.Okay, so it couldn't have been her.It couldn't have been her, but the essays were accurate to the books. When they were going for the trial, that, for example, and other people that were like, I've got categorical evidence that it works, the court was like, We're not seeing it. We're not seeing it. We're just going from the start. That doesn't work. And that's why she's going pen. So because of that, she appealed and they let her out. So technically, we don't know if it was assault or not, but the way it was framed, you, man, couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Yeah, wow. Yeah, I was right.Like, wow. Yeah. To take a A advantage like that.Brother, stop. It was insane. Honestly, it was terrifying.Terrifying is the word.Terrifying, bro. The mom was, the mom and the brother, murkt. I bet. Murkt. Wow. That was a documentary. Wow, I bet. That is one of the most impactful documentaries I've ever seen in my life.Is it just one and one?One and done, bro.Damn. I might give that watch.It was concerning. Damn. Yeah, it was nuts, bro. Wow. It was nuts. Anyway, we got trash news to finish, Rem.Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boyfriend who dated 35 women and told each one he had a different birthday, so he regularly received gifts, is arrested for fraud in Japan.Arrested for fraud?That's insane.Yeah. Arrested for... Yeah. Ananya sent this one in, by the way. The comments were along the same lines of how you've just reacted. You can get arrested for lying, basically, is the question.Interesting.Takashi Miagawa. A Japanese man was accused of dating at least 75 women in order to collect as many birthday presents as possible. According to multiple Japanese news sources, the part-time worker told one 47-year-old girlfriend that his birthday was February 22nd, but said to another 40-year-old woman that his birthday was in July. Another 35-year-old woman thought Miagawa's birthday was in April. His actual birthday is November 13th, the report said. It's unclear how exactly Miagawa's scam unraveled, but in February 2021, the women banded together to form a victims association. They reported Miagawa to the police for defrauding them of 100,000 Japanese Yen. They combined some of what they supposedly spent on gifts for his fake birthdays.It's not even that much, is it? 100,000 ¥?What is that? 100,000 ¥. I'm going to have to do the calcs.I don't think that's much at all. Five bills. They arrested him for £500. Five bills.Wow. Just under.Wow. Damn. Damn, indeed. Japanese don't play.I think it's more principle of how many-Of course, it's principle. How many women were frauded.How do you even keep up with that?Thirty-five is crazy.If I'm my man, I would need a calendar and a spreadsheet of all the gel I'm lying to and the birthday dates I've given them. There's so much more hassle than it's worth. Yeah.So he thinks he's clever because how old is he? 27, did you say?He He is...Oh, it doesn't say. It doesn't say. We don't know. I was going to say because he seems to be aiming at these mid-aged women. I'm assuming because linking them is physically impossible. He spent way more than £500 just keeping up with the calendar. But yeah, how they clocked it is interesting. Thirty-five is too much, bro.Way. Thirty-five is way too much.Way too much. The fact that You put 35 of them together and you only scrounge up 500 quid, then you're not putting in the work.The return on investment was perfect.Yeah, you need to cut that down drastically and get way more out of way few.Yeah. Get about 6 to 10.6 to 10. And bleed them dry.Bleed them dry. Look at 35 and get 5 bills. The fuck? He got his maths completely.Yeah, man. He got his maths completely. He's going for quality, not quantity, bro.Yeah, he fucked up.Yeah, fix up, man. He fucked up.The jokes on him. The jokes on him.How long was he arrested for? Or he just was arrested. Did he go to jail?I can't have.No, I don't think so.That's insane, man.Yeah, that's nuts. What is even that 35 divided by 100K. Oh, £14.Yeah, £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £14.£14 each.£14. The return on investment was stupid. Jesus Christ. There's no way. Yeah, he got the maths all wrong.Way too wrong. All wrong. Yeah. Yeah, damn. It must have been... My assumption is like, again, we have no information. I'm just speculating on how we could have gotten away with this. Dating that type of shit. And he set his age range to 35 and above.Yeah, sky high.And he started scamming.Interesting, man. That's crazy. That is very interesting. I didn't know that was a possibility. Yeah. But yeah, he got that scam backwards, man. He did. He got a scam backwards. If he'd done it smart, it could have got techy.Yeah, he'd still be a free man today.Bro, yeah, 100% man. If this was a Nigerian brother, he would have got four mil.Yeah, he would have went down to four gas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a mil off them each.Yeah, 100%. Each. Yeah. 100%, he would have gone jail, jail.Hush puppy jail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember Hush Puppy?Hush Puppy jail is right.He's still there. I'm sure he's still there. He wasn't bezling millions of these, man. Millions.Yeah. Hush Puppy jail. That's crazy. Wow, damn. Good episode. Very good episode. Good episode. But anyway, guys, thank you for that. I really enjoyed the episode. Same. So did I. I actually really enjoyed it. But yeah, as always, guys, love, love, love.Gang, gang, gang.


dusty, murkt, abandoned office building. Okay. Dusty, murkt, old asbestos office building. It's in an area where you would least expect to see a hotel. It's on a dual carriageway in Luton that's between sections, and there's a council building, there's a police station there. It's just a dodgy road to have a hotel in general, brother. Seeing this hotel, so sometimes what I like to do when I see a bot as hotel, I like to Google it and see what the reviews are saying. Yeah. Because I'm thinking, these reviews can't be good, bro. Yeah. No shade, Stuart.


You might have stepped your pussy I'm not trying to catch a case. I'm just saying what Google's saying. I'm literally just reading what Google says. Facts. I've seen the Stuart Hotel, and then I've seen some of the reviews, and I thought, Oh, bro, let me screenshot some of these reviews. You, man, they're funny. I have lots. The Stuart Hotel in Luton, don't make me do this every week because half of the hospitality business will shut down.


Can we look at the Google Images?


Yeah, go to the Images. Yeah, go to the Images. First image, you'll be able to see exactly what I'm referring to. Yeah, that's it. Oh, wow. That's that one right there.


Yeah, that looks like when you're passing It looks like a school in the '90s. Yeah, bro.


It looks like an old school. Yes, exactly. It does. That's exactly what it looks like. That cladding? Mental. All right. I've seen some of the reviews. Or reviews rather. Yeah. So this first review. First word, awful. Whole hotel smelt of damp. No working lifts. All walls were damaged. Bedsheets were stained. No shower curtain in the room. So we asked for one Only to be told they didn't have any shower curtains, big man. Carpet was frayed. Aircon sounded like an alarm. Oh, wow. Bro, do you know what's funny? Three or four different comments were like, Aircon sounded like a siren. Aircon sounded like an alarm. Bro, try to turn on the aircon. It's fucking noisy. Everyone was slagging off this aircon, bro. So Carpet was frayed. Aircon sounded like an alarm. Single glazed windows kept no sound out. Brother, single glazed.


In 24.


Yeah, bro. Kept no sound out. No desk, no chair, no bedside table. Hotel advertised as having a golf course, a restaurant, and a bar. There was none of them. Do you know how insane it is to advertise a golf course?


Big man, there's no bedside table.


But they got shower curtains. It's just a bed. These men are talking about golf course, restaurant, and bar. Big man, it says there's no restaurant in there.


That's insanity.


There's no bar in there.


They can't be... Surely they can't be advertising.


Brother, there was none of these things. Complete false advertisement. Paid for two nights, stayed for one. Because it was disgusting and the staff didn't want to help. Jesus Christ. Expedia moved us to a better hotel as the staff refused to answer the phone to to Expedia to work site and out, which we were glad about because it meant we could move. Yeah. Please avoid at all costs, brother. And you know what's jokes? Is the owners of the ting always I've replied to the comments like, Sorry, please come back. We'll try and make it better, brother. See how they said lift don't work? There was one. I don't know if I... Screenshot it. Yeah, I've screenshot it, right? So you know how she said... So they always saying, Oh, we're trying to work on this. We're trying to work on that. Please come back. Please come back. So sorry they had a bad experience. This one, one star. Tv always out of signal. No shower curtains on the bath. Smell of the whole place wasn't pleasant at all. Paper-thin pillows to which they claim one per person is all you're allowed. Allowed is crazy. Missing furniture such as a bedside unit, tables, et cetera.


Claim to have a golf course, a restaurant, and a bar. It has none of the above. Still also haven't fixed the lift, which was mentioned in a previous review, which they claim will be fixed within three weeks. Awful stay wouldn't recommend. I left before the second night that I'd paid for because I'd rather sleep in the back street than that dive again. Down. Down. The back street. Man said, Keep the money. I'd rather sleep on the street.


There. Wow. I'll let you finish all of these, but after that, please pull up their website because I want to see what they're advertising.


Fam. Again, one star. The hotel is in a great location, but poorly managed and poorly maintained. Very offensive smell. Very offensive smell all the way from the reception to the corridor and then to the room. The room rug was wet and smelly. Wetted.


Butters. The rug was wet. Oh.


The rug was wet and smelly. Cobwebs on the windows and visible mold on the window. Stains on the toilet bath. The room in the power kept tripping off. Staff responsiveness was below expectations. I think the hotel rating should be reviewed downwards. Okay, cool. Ain't coming back. Damn. And then...


And these reviews from '24?


Oh, six months ago, bro. Mad. One Star. An absolute dive and a health hazard. Facts. If you plan on staying in a night, bring a hazmat suit. Everything about the place was horrible and it stank of stale alcohol and urine.


That's disgusting.


Do you know how many people are sending for the smell?


It must be a halfway house.


Bro, this has to be the worst hotel I've stayed at in my life. Missing desk, missing side tables, carpet was dirty and ripped, paint was missing, the TV had no reception whatsoever, missing the bathroom curtain. When I asked about these things, they didn't have any, and the whole staff barely spoke English. They also have control over the at any given time. I'd rather sleep on the streets than go back to this for free. Never mind paying. Bro, Ski. It's the first line of this one. If I'd arrived in the daylight, I never would have stayed. Fair. Bro. I was told that breakfast was not being served. Then told it was continental, which it wasn't. Only one towel for two adults. No hairdryer and not... What? What did you say? Only one towel for two adults. No hair dryer and not a mirror near a plug. Iron on board, no iron. Huge metal bolt locked on the inside of the door that didn't work. A large bowl on corridor floor underneath missing ceiling tiles and dripping pipes. Lites flickering all over the building. Maintenance was appalling. No interaction at all as we checked out. Bro, some of them added pictures, bro.


When I say there's piss stains galore. The place is nuts, bro. Jesus Christ.


How are they still in business?


Yeah, man.


How are they still in business?


Stuart Hotel is taking Ls, G. Let me see what the marketing campaign is.


Is it a chain?


No, it can't be. I promise you it can't be. This is a website. Why is Homebuild in a pool?


I don't know.


No. Oh, Oh, my God, I forgot to tell you, man. I actually forgot to tell you, man, the best bit. Okay. Guess how much it costs a night? Oh, God. Give me a reasonable guess on Can you give a guess on, based on everything you've just heard, how much do you think they're asking for a night?


They're like £65.


Reasonable. Rem? fucking white-collar theft.They needed to get their money off of you for table, and I don't know why. Yeah, it was a piss take.Bro, they stole from us.They did. They stole from the nation. Yeah, bro. And it was a piss take. But I feel like the reason why I am so like, hell-bent on not even defending these motherfuckers anymore is because of what Kaiji number 8 is doing.Kaiji number 8 is saving anime.Kaiji number 8 is, I can say this, hands down, I'm not going to change my mind until the end of the season. It's the best anime this season. It's going to win anime of the year. It's disgusting. It's going the same way... Was it chain saw man that won anime the last year? No, Jujutsu won anime the last year.Yeah, it did.It's going to win anime of the year this year. I was going to ask that.It'sOh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh, Windbreaker, I was watching.That's what I was watching. Kind of sac that off as well.Yeah, Windbreaker started off good, maybe the first couple of episodes. And plus I liked the level of animation. But again, storyline, lackluster. It's given just a bit of an updated version of Tokyo Revengers. Yeah, fair, fair. Even Tokyo Revengers was slow at one point. Yeah, there's nothing, man. There's nothing going on right now. I'm very, very, very disappointed. I'm praying Chainsaw Man comes back this year. I'm praying. Oh, the thing is back at the end of this, tail end of this, I think October. No, it's the movie, I think Blue Lock. Blue Lock, yeah. Blue Lock is back.Highq is already out. I haven't seen it.I remember you saying, I need to watch that. Hopefully, I could be on the plane as well. I'm being hopeful.Yeah, you're being very hopeful. Showing where my love front is, okay.It's very okay. Yeah, I think I'm on episode 19 of that. I have not finished that. Very okay. There's nothing I'm locked into. Long story short, guys, I need something to lock into anime-wise. That's cajou number eight level or at least in and around. You're asking. In and around that level because I'm just very much disappointed with the fact that I can put on an anime, an anime that I've known to love for years and just be there on my phone because I'm bored of what they're showing I'm absolutely bored of what they're showing me.It's so crazy. You know it's mad when you're on your phone and you don't understand Japanese. Bro. You're on your phone and you don't even understand Japanese.I'm looking up, I'm like, even though I've missed so much, I know this is all irrelevant. he's nonverbal. He's nonverbal and he has cerebral palsy. He's in his 30s. Can't speak, can't communicate. Basically, he's always been told he's got the brain age of a one-year-old. He had loads of seizures when he was born and stuff. It affects his brain massively. Anyway, he's never spoke, he's never communicated, he's never done anything. People were like, his brother, they interviewed his brother and his mom, and they were basically saying, Oh, and it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Even though Louis Thoreau is not in it, it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Interesting. He's always been told that there's always little things that his brother would say, Oh, he does this thing where we'll be talking about something, something, and sometimes he'll look at you or he'll make a gesture or something like that, and you think, fuck, this guy knows what we're talking about.He always had these little instances where you're like, there's something there. There's literally something there. Anyway, like I said, he's in his 30s now and he's literally like 5 foot 3. He's proper short, proper light. He has no muscle mass, everything like that. He can't walk by himself, everything. He's looked after by his mom and his brother. Basically, what ends up happening, they take him to this school and he meets some teachers at this school. It's four disabled people and they teach him how to walk and he learns how to walk by himself and he gets a little bit stronger. Obviously, He's progressing and everything's great and everything's cool, right? Then they hear about this concept called facilitated communication. Basically, what that means is, is they've done these studies on nonverbal disabled people who sometimes, again, if they've got cerebral palsy and stuff like that, they don't have any motor control. Obviously, they can't speak and they can't control their limbs and shit like that. If you were to ask them to type shit out, they wouldn't be able to do it. But they did some studies and all it takes is if you just prop their arm up, for example, and hold their arm here, and you obviously have to help them move a little bit and keep the control, but they can type, stuff like that.You can teach them shit and you can She might have to read. She could teach them how to read. You can teach them how to type, and stuff like that. They did all these interviews, bro, where it's like, Oh, my God, my daughter. I always thought there was nothing there. They always told me she had the brain capacity of a two-year-old. Now she's written nine short stories. She's writing me letters. She's telling me she loves me, all this stuff. Now I have a way to communicate with my daughter with this facilitated communication. His family are like, Oh, fuck. They get introduced to this lady who's a teacher called Anna Stubblesfield. Anna is a massive proponent for the disabled and facilitate communication. She works in communication, everything like that. The brother who's doing a course on disability and communication and stuff like that was like, Oh, I want to introduce Anna to my brother, to Derek, and see if we can just see Wagwan for this facilitated communication thing because maybe Derek It could be viable, isn't it? She meets Derek and she tells us, she's like, Oh. It says when she introduces her, when you introduce her to the beginning of the thing, it says, oh, Anna's just come out of pen.But she looks normal. She looks put together. She says, oh, she just come out of pen. You're like, Oh, what the fuck does she go pen for? It's like, Oh, yeah, I first met Derek in this, and then I introduced him to a few letters and a few this, and he was really smart, and he picked it up really easy. He He made a few mistakes. He couldn't tell the difference between capital letters and lowercase letters and all this shit. But we started the facilitated learning. I'm helping him prop up his arm, and all of a sudden, he's typing shit. He's typing little words, started off with little words, and moved into sentences, and then we're communicating. He's telling me how he feels. He's telling me how he feels about his brother and his mom. The typewriter thing that she has, it saves all the conversations in there. You can see they're bringing up It was the actual shit that he was typing, right? Yeah. It was like he was really passionate about... He would always use terminology about... What do you call it? He's a silenced person. He lives in a silent world and now he can speak.He's finally been able to break free from the confines of all this stuff. He was way into black history and he was all into this and he was comparing himself and his disability to what it must have been like for slavery and all this stuff. He's really passionate and really smart. All of a sudden, he's writing essays, in-depth scientific essays about shit. Then his brother, who has a PhD, was like, Bro, I fucking knew he was smart. I fucking knew everyone's gas. Now he's out doing speeches and all this stuff. All because of this facilitated learning shit, facilitated communication shit, he can express himself and he can do all this shit and everything's so cool. Everything's going well. Anna and him are like bread and butter, and he's taking classes, he's doing these presentations, he's doing all this stuff, and he's able to communicate with Anna, helping him on the typewriting. So all good, all good, all good. Then one day, obviously, as I said, Anna's married, bro. She got married with kids, bro. One day, he's doing a lecture, a Q&A thing, and someone asked, Obviously, I know how you feel about this, I know how you feel about that, but how do you feel about love and relationships?Derek typed, I would love to have a relationship, and I would love to be married, but that thing doesn't exist for people with my disability. And then Anna said, When he typed that, it fucking murked her. And she said, All I wanted to do is jump out and be like, You could have that with me. But obviously, I couldn't say nothing. So anyway, they're carrying on, carrying on, carrying on. And then they're typing, typing, typing. And I can't remember what happened, but they said something and he just typed, I love you off the bat. I love you. She was like, fuck. So she told him, Bro, I love you, too. And then he typed, Can I have a kiss?This is to Anna.To Anna. Yeah. Bear in mind, Anna's holding his arm while he has to type this shit. He typed it. Look how small he is. That's Derek there. This guy's nearly 40, bro. Looks like a teenager. It's that. So anyway, he's typing, Can I have a kiss? So she's giving them a kiss and she's thinking, Fuck, I'm married. I've got kids. Everything, bro. And he's like, Can I have another kiss? She's like, Fuck. She's giving them a kiss and she's like, Bro, we're in love. I don't know how this is going to pattern, but we're in love. He's nonverbal. Cerebral palsy, bro.It's techy. It's techy. Yeah, I can imagine. Anyway.Obviously now Anna's getting a bit comfy with the family. She's with him a lot. Yeah, makes sense. All of a sudden, they could be in the car. Anna's in the car with the brother and the mom and Derek, and they could be listening to gospel, for example. Anna will change the radio to classic and be like, Derek wants to listen to classic. And her mom's like, who is this bitch touching my radio? And she'll snap it back to gospel and be like, Derek loves gospel, bro. Shut the fuck up. And then it'll always be like, your baby and him, you don't need to do this. You can't be choosing his clothes. He's a grown man. Put his ass on a typewriter and ask him what he wants to wear. So she will be like, oh, Derek, do you want to wear this? And he'll be like, no. And then she'll come back to the Mom's, he doesn't want to wear it. I was like, fuck, what's all this shit? I've been raising him. What is all this shit now that he can type on all this stuff? Anyway, they're at dinner one time, Anna's over there with dinner, and all of a sudden, Derek wants to type Anna grabs his hand and he wants to type, Shall we tell them?Before you continue, how does Derek show that he wants to say something without Anna's actively putting her hand?I think it's just they don't actually get too deep into it. I I think it's just gestures or whatever. They might be like, Oh, do you want to type? And they'll just grab this is what happened. And he said they wanted a relationship. I knew that I loved him and we've been communicating and I've told him that I love him. He tells me that he loves me and we kissed. And then mom said, did you do anything else but kiss? And I was like, oh, that's a little bit I forgot. Because before they came out to the mom, there was one day, you man won't believe this. There was one day they were at the yard, in it. And the mom's was at. It's getting heated now. So Derek's like, Can I have a kiss?Anna's like, Yeah, kiss, kiss, kiss.This is post the first time they've been. This is post the first time.This is the second link up since they first lips. Derek's typing now, I want to touch your breasts.She has to- She grabbed his hands and was like, All right, G, do your thing.A man straight up type, Get the arms off. He tired, tired. This is what I've been waiting for. Get those gums off.It's also awkward that she has to-Yeah, she has to facilitate it.So he's like, Get that kit off now. So she's like, Gang.That's what I've been waiting for, too.Fam. That's what I've been waiting for, too. I've I'm waiting for this. She gets the gums off, bro, they banged. Brosky, so they slept together. So Monsy's now like, Have you done anything? Morning kiss. Anna's like, Embarrassing, but yeah, we have. I was like, Get the fuck out my yard right now. Get the fuck out of my yard now, big man.Factual though.Facts on God, bro. Get the fuck out.Factual.So Anna's like, I'm going to give you manual time, but cool, we're going to work this out, thing. I'm ready to leave my man and be with Derek. Mom's like, Shut the fuck up, get out. The next day, they're just flustered, flustered, flustered. Derek is bugging out a little bit. He misses Anna in it. Obviously, he can't communicate. They're like, All right, cool. You know what? Fuck this bitch. Fuck this school. Fuck all of it, bro. We're just going to homeschool him. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Brother's saying. He's not going to school anymore. This is all madness. He ain't seeing her again. It's charged. Again, they're like, Cool. Obviously, you got no Anna, but how hard can this facilitate communication be?We grab his arm and he types out what he wants to type out. So Brosky grabs his arm. What do you want to say? Jibberish. They're like, well, it's a bit more complicated than we thought. Let's try again tomorrow. Brosky, what do you want to say? Bro, Derek ain't typing shit. So they're like, What's going on? I've seen your letters. I've seen your essays. I've seen, are you just upset? What's going on? Why are you not talking, bro? What do you want, bro? Day after day after day after day. They're trying, bro ain't typing nothing. They call up this lawyer who's worked with facilitated communication before. Then basically, the lawyer has a system in which in cases of facilitated communication, because there's been cases before, criminal cases before, where someone, basically, there was a case where a nonverbal disabled person, as soon as they started using facilitated communication, was like, fucking, I don't even know. My uncle's a pedophile or something. So they were like, whoa, serious accusation. So basically, they've done a test and been like, This lawyer has a test where basically he shows the communicator a picture, and then he will close his book and show the disabled.So he's got a book here and be like, I'm showing you a picture. Cool, cool, cool. Got the picture? It could be a spoon. And then I'll close it and I'll open it to the nonverbal disabled person. But once I close it, it opens on a different picture, but you can't see it's a different picture. So you're thinking it's a spoon. So I'm now I'm showing a cat to the disabled person, and I'm like, Cool, you got the picture? Tell me what you saw on a typewriter. Spoon. There's no way this person is typing Spoon. The facilitator is taking their arm and typing Spoon. They've sent Derek now to see Homeboy just to clear this bitch up. He puts four pictures on the table and he's like, Brosky, tell me which one is a spoon, tell me which one is a cat swiping all kinds of shit. They interviewed him after and they were like, Cool. What age range would you say Derek is at mentally? He's like, Brother, I'll give bro six months at best. The most I learned about Derek is he likes coat hangers. He found my coat hangers in a wardrobe and was smacking that bitch on the table.I couldn't get nothing else from him. Wow. They got a police round. They bailed Anna. The mom's, he bailed Anna and was like, Anna, right. Derek's a mess without you. He misses you. He needs you. I need you just so I can get over this. Obviously, you're saying you want Derek to be with you. I understand where you're coming from, but to get over this, I'm his mom. I need you to tell me right now, how many times did you have sex with my son? She was like, There was one time at your yard, and then there was another time at the office. And then she was like, Obviously, Brook's keeping barely moved. How did you facilitate this? She was like, In the office, I laid down. That morning, I bought a yoga mat and a towel into work, laid it down on the office, picked him up out of his wheelchair, laid him on the ground, and we had sex. And it cuts to the brother and was like, Bro, there was one time he came home and he had fucking blisters and shit on his back and burns and stuff on his back.And I rang the school like, what the fuck happened to his back? Like, it's all bruised and bloody and all shit. The school was like, I don't fucking know. Bro, it's the time she must have laid him down and rode him so hard that his back was fucked. Brother, the whole time you, man, homegirl was taking his arm saying, I love you, Anna. Can I have a kiss? And she's like, Sure, Derek, you can have a kiss. Kiss. I love you, Anna. Can I touch your breasts? Sure, Derek, you can touch my breasts. Grabbing his hand, touching the breasts. Bro, when I say they sent this girl to pen so fast, it was nuts.Jesus Christ, what a twist.She R-worded the shit out of Derek twice, bro. Didn't she just? And went straight to Pen. Wow. It was scary, bro.And she got husband and kids.She got husband and kids. Husband made a statement to the courtman. It was like, She's a pathological I'm not going to call liar. Lock her up now. Wow. But she had a suspended sentence. She got a shorter sentence. It was really heartbreaking, bro. When I say, You, man, when I say, I was struggling to watch, struggling Struggling to watch. When this whole thing was unfolding, struggling to watch. As soon as you showed the lawyer, do the thing. And he was like, bro, I've had multiple cases where... The lawyer was saying, I'm not even accusing these communicators of doing this on purpose. I think they genuinely believe that the people are typing this stuff, but they're not, bro. But she won an appeal because basically, one thing that the court fucked up was that when she was going through the trial and all this stuff, the court refused to admit testimony about facilitated communication. They were allowing the lawyer to be like, Here's why it doesn't work, and here's my testing. But anyone in support and anyone who was willing to come in and be like, I've got studies that can show you the latter. Because there was a case where basically there was testimony where there was a time where Anna wasn't the one doing his communication.There was a thing Derek had to read these books and then type out essays about the books. It wasn't Anna that was helping him, it was another girl. He did the essays and the girl hadn't read the books.Okay, so it couldn't have been her.It couldn't have been her, but the essays were accurate to the books. When they were going for the trial, that, for example, and other people that were like, I've got categorical evidence that it works, the court was like, We're not seeing it. We're not seeing it. We're just going from the start. That doesn't work. And that's why she's going pen. So because of that, she appealed and they let her out. So technically, we don't know if it was assault or not, but the way it was framed, you, man, couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Yeah, wow. Yeah, I was right.Like, wow. Yeah. To take a A advantage like that.Brother, stop. It was insane. Honestly, it was terrifying.Terrifying is the word.Terrifying, bro. The mom was, the mom and the brother, murkt. I bet. Murkt. Wow. That was a documentary. Wow, I bet. That is one of the most impactful documentaries I've ever seen in my life.Is it just one and one?One and done, bro.Damn. I might give that watch.It was concerning. Damn. Yeah, it was nuts, bro. Wow. It was nuts. Anyway, we got trash news to finish, Rem.Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boyfriend who dated 35 women and told each one he had a different birthday, so he regularly received gifts, is arrested for fraud in Japan.Arrested for fraud?That's insane.Yeah. Arrested for... Yeah. Ananya sent this one in, by the way. The comments were along the same lines of how you've just reacted. You can get arrested for lying, basically, is the question.Interesting.Takashi Miagawa. A Japanese man was accused of dating at least 75 women in order to collect as many birthday presents as possible. According to multiple Japanese news sources, the part-time worker told one 47-year-old girlfriend that his birthday was February 22nd, but said to another 40-year-old woman that his birthday was in July. Another 35-year-old woman thought Miagawa's birthday was in April. His actual birthday is November 13th, the report said. It's unclear how exactly Miagawa's scam unraveled, but in February 2021, the women banded together to form a victims association. They reported Miagawa to the police for defrauding them of 100,000 Japanese Yen. They combined some of what they supposedly spent on gifts for his fake birthdays.It's not even that much, is it? 100,000 ¥?What is that? 100,000 ¥. I'm going to have to do the calcs.I don't think that's much at all. Five bills. They arrested him for £500. Five bills.Wow. Just under.Wow. Damn. Damn, indeed. Japanese don't play.I think it's more principle of how many-Of course, it's principle. How many women were frauded.How do you even keep up with that?Thirty-five is crazy.If I'm my man, I would need a calendar and a spreadsheet of all the gel I'm lying to and the birthday dates I've given them. There's so much more hassle than it's worth. Yeah.So he thinks he's clever because how old is he? 27, did you say?He He is...Oh, it doesn't say. It doesn't say. We don't know. I was going to say because he seems to be aiming at these mid-aged women. I'm assuming because linking them is physically impossible. He spent way more than £500 just keeping up with the calendar. But yeah, how they clocked it is interesting. Thirty-five is too much, bro.Way. Thirty-five is way too much.Way too much. The fact that You put 35 of them together and you only scrounge up 500 quid, then you're not putting in the work.The return on investment was perfect.Yeah, you need to cut that down drastically and get way more out of way few.Yeah. Get about 6 to 10.6 to 10. And bleed them dry.Bleed them dry. Look at 35 and get 5 bills. The fuck? He got his maths completely.Yeah, man. He got his maths completely. He's going for quality, not quantity, bro.Yeah, he fucked up.Yeah, fix up, man. He fucked up.The jokes on him. The jokes on him.How long was he arrested for? Or he just was arrested. Did he go to jail?I can't have.No, I don't think so.That's insane, man.Yeah, that's nuts. What is even that 35 divided by 100K. Oh, £14.Yeah, £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £14.£14 each.£14. The return on investment was stupid. Jesus Christ. There's no way. Yeah, he got the maths all wrong.Way too wrong. All wrong. Yeah. Yeah, damn. It must have been... My assumption is like, again, we have no information. I'm just speculating on how we could have gotten away with this. Dating that type of shit. And he set his age range to 35 and above.Yeah, sky high.And he started scamming.Interesting, man. That's crazy. That is very interesting. I didn't know that was a possibility. Yeah. But yeah, he got that scam backwards, man. He did. He got a scam backwards. If he'd done it smart, it could have got techy.Yeah, he'd still be a free man today.Bro, yeah, 100% man. If this was a Nigerian brother, he would have got four mil.Yeah, he would have went down to four gas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a mil off them each.Yeah, 100%. Each. Yeah. 100%, he would have gone jail, jail.Hush puppy jail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember Hush Puppy?Hush Puppy jail is right.He's still there. I'm sure he's still there. He wasn't bezling millions of these, man. Millions.Yeah. Hush Puppy jail. That's crazy. Wow, damn. Good episode. Very good episode. Good episode. But anyway, guys, thank you for that. I really enjoyed the episode. Same. So did I. I actually really enjoyed it. But yeah, as always, guys, love, love, love.Gang, gang, gang.


fucking white-collar theft.


They needed to get their money off of you for table, and I don't know why. Yeah, it was a piss take.


Bro, they stole from us.


They did. They stole from the nation. Yeah, bro. And it was a piss take. But I feel like the reason why I am so like, hell-bent on not even defending these motherfuckers anymore is because of what Kaiji number 8 is doing.


Kaiji number 8 is saving anime.


Kaiji number 8 is, I can say this, hands down, I'm not going to change my mind until the end of the season. It's the best anime this season. It's going to win anime of the year. It's disgusting. It's going the same way... Was it chain saw man that won anime the last year? No, Jujutsu won anime the last year.


Yeah, it did.


It's going to win anime of the year this year. I was going to ask that.


It'sOh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh, Windbreaker, I was watching.That's what I was watching. Kind of sac that off as well.Yeah, Windbreaker started off good, maybe the first couple of episodes. And plus I liked the level of animation. But again, storyline, lackluster. It's given just a bit of an updated version of Tokyo Revengers. Yeah, fair, fair. Even Tokyo Revengers was slow at one point. Yeah, there's nothing, man. There's nothing going on right now. I'm very, very, very disappointed. I'm praying Chainsaw Man comes back this year. I'm praying. Oh, the thing is back at the end of this, tail end of this, I think October. No, it's the movie, I think Blue Lock. Blue Lock, yeah. Blue Lock is back.Highq is already out. I haven't seen it.I remember you saying, I need to watch that. Hopefully, I could be on the plane as well. I'm being hopeful.Yeah, you're being very hopeful. Showing where my love front is, okay.It's very okay. Yeah, I think I'm on episode 19 of that. I have not finished that. Very okay. There's nothing I'm locked into. Long story short, guys, I need something to lock into anime-wise. That's cajou number eight level or at least in and around. You're asking. In and around that level because I'm just very much disappointed with the fact that I can put on an anime, an anime that I've known to love for years and just be there on my phone because I'm bored of what they're showing I'm absolutely bored of what they're showing me.It's so crazy. You know it's mad when you're on your phone and you don't understand Japanese. Bro. You're on your phone and you don't even understand Japanese.I'm looking up, I'm like, even though I've missed so much, I know this is all irrelevant. he's nonverbal. He's nonverbal and he has cerebral palsy. He's in his 30s. Can't speak, can't communicate. Basically, he's always been told he's got the brain age of a one-year-old. He had loads of seizures when he was born and stuff. It affects his brain massively. Anyway, he's never spoke, he's never communicated, he's never done anything. People were like, his brother, they interviewed his brother and his mom, and they were basically saying, Oh, and it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Even though Louis Thoreau is not in it, it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Interesting. He's always been told that there's always little things that his brother would say, Oh, he does this thing where we'll be talking about something, something, and sometimes he'll look at you or he'll make a gesture or something like that, and you think, fuck, this guy knows what we're talking about.He always had these little instances where you're like, there's something there. There's literally something there. Anyway, like I said, he's in his 30s now and he's literally like 5 foot 3. He's proper short, proper light. He has no muscle mass, everything like that. He can't walk by himself, everything. He's looked after by his mom and his brother. Basically, what ends up happening, they take him to this school and he meets some teachers at this school. It's four disabled people and they teach him how to walk and he learns how to walk by himself and he gets a little bit stronger. Obviously, He's progressing and everything's great and everything's cool, right? Then they hear about this concept called facilitated communication. Basically, what that means is, is they've done these studies on nonverbal disabled people who sometimes, again, if they've got cerebral palsy and stuff like that, they don't have any motor control. Obviously, they can't speak and they can't control their limbs and shit like that. If you were to ask them to type shit out, they wouldn't be able to do it. But they did some studies and all it takes is if you just prop their arm up, for example, and hold their arm here, and you obviously have to help them move a little bit and keep the control, but they can type, stuff like that.You can teach them shit and you can She might have to read. She could teach them how to read. You can teach them how to type, and stuff like that. They did all these interviews, bro, where it's like, Oh, my God, my daughter. I always thought there was nothing there. They always told me she had the brain capacity of a two-year-old. Now she's written nine short stories. She's writing me letters. She's telling me she loves me, all this stuff. Now I have a way to communicate with my daughter with this facilitated communication. His family are like, Oh, fuck. They get introduced to this lady who's a teacher called Anna Stubblesfield. Anna is a massive proponent for the disabled and facilitate communication. She works in communication, everything like that. The brother who's doing a course on disability and communication and stuff like that was like, Oh, I want to introduce Anna to my brother, to Derek, and see if we can just see Wagwan for this facilitated communication thing because maybe Derek It could be viable, isn't it? She meets Derek and she tells us, she's like, Oh. It says when she introduces her, when you introduce her to the beginning of the thing, it says, oh, Anna's just come out of pen.But she looks normal. She looks put together. She says, oh, she just come out of pen. You're like, Oh, what the fuck does she go pen for? It's like, Oh, yeah, I first met Derek in this, and then I introduced him to a few letters and a few this, and he was really smart, and he picked it up really easy. He He made a few mistakes. He couldn't tell the difference between capital letters and lowercase letters and all this shit. But we started the facilitated learning. I'm helping him prop up his arm, and all of a sudden, he's typing shit. He's typing little words, started off with little words, and moved into sentences, and then we're communicating. He's telling me how he feels. He's telling me how he feels about his brother and his mom. The typewriter thing that she has, it saves all the conversations in there. You can see they're bringing up It was the actual shit that he was typing, right? Yeah. It was like he was really passionate about... He would always use terminology about... What do you call it? He's a silenced person. He lives in a silent world and now he can speak.He's finally been able to break free from the confines of all this stuff. He was way into black history and he was all into this and he was comparing himself and his disability to what it must have been like for slavery and all this stuff. He's really passionate and really smart. All of a sudden, he's writing essays, in-depth scientific essays about shit. Then his brother, who has a PhD, was like, Bro, I fucking knew he was smart. I fucking knew everyone's gas. Now he's out doing speeches and all this stuff. All because of this facilitated learning shit, facilitated communication shit, he can express himself and he can do all this shit and everything's so cool. Everything's going well. Anna and him are like bread and butter, and he's taking classes, he's doing these presentations, he's doing all this stuff, and he's able to communicate with Anna, helping him on the typewriting. So all good, all good, all good. Then one day, obviously, as I said, Anna's married, bro. She got married with kids, bro. One day, he's doing a lecture, a Q&A thing, and someone asked, Obviously, I know how you feel about this, I know how you feel about that, but how do you feel about love and relationships?Derek typed, I would love to have a relationship, and I would love to be married, but that thing doesn't exist for people with my disability. And then Anna said, When he typed that, it fucking murked her. And she said, All I wanted to do is jump out and be like, You could have that with me. But obviously, I couldn't say nothing. So anyway, they're carrying on, carrying on, carrying on. And then they're typing, typing, typing. And I can't remember what happened, but they said something and he just typed, I love you off the bat. I love you. She was like, fuck. So she told him, Bro, I love you, too. And then he typed, Can I have a kiss?This is to Anna.To Anna. Yeah. Bear in mind, Anna's holding his arm while he has to type this shit. He typed it. Look how small he is. That's Derek there. This guy's nearly 40, bro. Looks like a teenager. It's that. So anyway, he's typing, Can I have a kiss? So she's giving them a kiss and she's thinking, Fuck, I'm married. I've got kids. Everything, bro. And he's like, Can I have another kiss? She's like, Fuck. She's giving them a kiss and she's like, Bro, we're in love. I don't know how this is going to pattern, but we're in love. He's nonverbal. Cerebral palsy, bro.It's techy. It's techy. Yeah, I can imagine. Anyway.Obviously now Anna's getting a bit comfy with the family. She's with him a lot. Yeah, makes sense. All of a sudden, they could be in the car. Anna's in the car with the brother and the mom and Derek, and they could be listening to gospel, for example. Anna will change the radio to classic and be like, Derek wants to listen to classic. And her mom's like, who is this bitch touching my radio? And she'll snap it back to gospel and be like, Derek loves gospel, bro. Shut the fuck up. And then it'll always be like, your baby and him, you don't need to do this. You can't be choosing his clothes. He's a grown man. Put his ass on a typewriter and ask him what he wants to wear. So she will be like, oh, Derek, do you want to wear this? And he'll be like, no. And then she'll come back to the Mom's, he doesn't want to wear it. I was like, fuck, what's all this shit? I've been raising him. What is all this shit now that he can type on all this stuff? Anyway, they're at dinner one time, Anna's over there with dinner, and all of a sudden, Derek wants to type Anna grabs his hand and he wants to type, Shall we tell them?Before you continue, how does Derek show that he wants to say something without Anna's actively putting her hand?I think it's just they don't actually get too deep into it. I I think it's just gestures or whatever. They might be like, Oh, do you want to type? And they'll just grab this is what happened. And he said they wanted a relationship. I knew that I loved him and we've been communicating and I've told him that I love him. He tells me that he loves me and we kissed. And then mom said, did you do anything else but kiss? And I was like, oh, that's a little bit I forgot. Because before they came out to the mom, there was one day, you man won't believe this. There was one day they were at the yard, in it. And the mom's was at. It's getting heated now. So Derek's like, Can I have a kiss?Anna's like, Yeah, kiss, kiss, kiss.This is post the first time they've been. This is post the first time.This is the second link up since they first lips. Derek's typing now, I want to touch your breasts.She has to- She grabbed his hands and was like, All right, G, do your thing.A man straight up type, Get the arms off. He tired, tired. This is what I've been waiting for. Get those gums off.It's also awkward that she has to-Yeah, she has to facilitate it.So he's like, Get that kit off now. So she's like, Gang.That's what I've been waiting for, too.Fam. That's what I've been waiting for, too. I've I'm waiting for this. She gets the gums off, bro, they banged. Brosky, so they slept together. So Monsy's now like, Have you done anything? Morning kiss. Anna's like, Embarrassing, but yeah, we have. I was like, Get the fuck out my yard right now. Get the fuck out of my yard now, big man.Factual though.Facts on God, bro. Get the fuck out.Factual.So Anna's like, I'm going to give you manual time, but cool, we're going to work this out, thing. I'm ready to leave my man and be with Derek. Mom's like, Shut the fuck up, get out. The next day, they're just flustered, flustered, flustered. Derek is bugging out a little bit. He misses Anna in it. Obviously, he can't communicate. They're like, All right, cool. You know what? Fuck this bitch. Fuck this school. Fuck all of it, bro. We're just going to homeschool him. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Brother's saying. He's not going to school anymore. This is all madness. He ain't seeing her again. It's charged. Again, they're like, Cool. Obviously, you got no Anna, but how hard can this facilitate communication be?We grab his arm and he types out what he wants to type out. So Brosky grabs his arm. What do you want to say? Jibberish. They're like, well, it's a bit more complicated than we thought. Let's try again tomorrow. Brosky, what do you want to say? Bro, Derek ain't typing shit. So they're like, What's going on? I've seen your letters. I've seen your essays. I've seen, are you just upset? What's going on? Why are you not talking, bro? What do you want, bro? Day after day after day after day. They're trying, bro ain't typing nothing. They call up this lawyer who's worked with facilitated communication before. Then basically, the lawyer has a system in which in cases of facilitated communication, because there's been cases before, criminal cases before, where someone, basically, there was a case where a nonverbal disabled person, as soon as they started using facilitated communication, was like, fucking, I don't even know. My uncle's a pedophile or something. So they were like, whoa, serious accusation. So basically, they've done a test and been like, This lawyer has a test where basically he shows the communicator a picture, and then he will close his book and show the disabled.So he's got a book here and be like, I'm showing you a picture. Cool, cool, cool. Got the picture? It could be a spoon. And then I'll close it and I'll open it to the nonverbal disabled person. But once I close it, it opens on a different picture, but you can't see it's a different picture. So you're thinking it's a spoon. So I'm now I'm showing a cat to the disabled person, and I'm like, Cool, you got the picture? Tell me what you saw on a typewriter. Spoon. There's no way this person is typing Spoon. The facilitator is taking their arm and typing Spoon. They've sent Derek now to see Homeboy just to clear this bitch up. He puts four pictures on the table and he's like, Brosky, tell me which one is a spoon, tell me which one is a cat swiping all kinds of shit. They interviewed him after and they were like, Cool. What age range would you say Derek is at mentally? He's like, Brother, I'll give bro six months at best. The most I learned about Derek is he likes coat hangers. He found my coat hangers in a wardrobe and was smacking that bitch on the table.I couldn't get nothing else from him. Wow. They got a police round. They bailed Anna. The mom's, he bailed Anna and was like, Anna, right. Derek's a mess without you. He misses you. He needs you. I need you just so I can get over this. Obviously, you're saying you want Derek to be with you. I understand where you're coming from, but to get over this, I'm his mom. I need you to tell me right now, how many times did you have sex with my son? She was like, There was one time at your yard, and then there was another time at the office. And then she was like, Obviously, Brook's keeping barely moved. How did you facilitate this? She was like, In the office, I laid down. That morning, I bought a yoga mat and a towel into work, laid it down on the office, picked him up out of his wheelchair, laid him on the ground, and we had sex. And it cuts to the brother and was like, Bro, there was one time he came home and he had fucking blisters and shit on his back and burns and stuff on his back.And I rang the school like, what the fuck happened to his back? Like, it's all bruised and bloody and all shit. The school was like, I don't fucking know. Bro, it's the time she must have laid him down and rode him so hard that his back was fucked. Brother, the whole time you, man, homegirl was taking his arm saying, I love you, Anna. Can I have a kiss? And she's like, Sure, Derek, you can have a kiss. Kiss. I love you, Anna. Can I touch your breasts? Sure, Derek, you can touch my breasts. Grabbing his hand, touching the breasts. Bro, when I say they sent this girl to pen so fast, it was nuts.Jesus Christ, what a twist.She R-worded the shit out of Derek twice, bro. Didn't she just? And went straight to Pen. Wow. It was scary, bro.And she got husband and kids.She got husband and kids. Husband made a statement to the courtman. It was like, She's a pathological I'm not going to call liar. Lock her up now. Wow. But she had a suspended sentence. She got a shorter sentence. It was really heartbreaking, bro. When I say, You, man, when I say, I was struggling to watch, struggling Struggling to watch. When this whole thing was unfolding, struggling to watch. As soon as you showed the lawyer, do the thing. And he was like, bro, I've had multiple cases where... The lawyer was saying, I'm not even accusing these communicators of doing this on purpose. I think they genuinely believe that the people are typing this stuff, but they're not, bro. But she won an appeal because basically, one thing that the court fucked up was that when she was going through the trial and all this stuff, the court refused to admit testimony about facilitated communication. They were allowing the lawyer to be like, Here's why it doesn't work, and here's my testing. But anyone in support and anyone who was willing to come in and be like, I've got studies that can show you the latter. Because there was a case where basically there was testimony where there was a time where Anna wasn't the one doing his communication.There was a thing Derek had to read these books and then type out essays about the books. It wasn't Anna that was helping him, it was another girl. He did the essays and the girl hadn't read the books.Okay, so it couldn't have been her.It couldn't have been her, but the essays were accurate to the books. When they were going for the trial, that, for example, and other people that were like, I've got categorical evidence that it works, the court was like, We're not seeing it. We're not seeing it. We're just going from the start. That doesn't work. And that's why she's going pen. So because of that, she appealed and they let her out. So technically, we don't know if it was assault or not, but the way it was framed, you, man, couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Yeah, wow. Yeah, I was right.Like, wow. Yeah. To take a A advantage like that.Brother, stop. It was insane. Honestly, it was terrifying.Terrifying is the word.Terrifying, bro. The mom was, the mom and the brother, murkt. I bet. Murkt. Wow. That was a documentary. Wow, I bet. That is one of the most impactful documentaries I've ever seen in my life.Is it just one and one?One and done, bro.Damn. I might give that watch.It was concerning. Damn. Yeah, it was nuts, bro. Wow. It was nuts. Anyway, we got trash news to finish, Rem.Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boyfriend who dated 35 women and told each one he had a different birthday, so he regularly received gifts, is arrested for fraud in Japan.Arrested for fraud?That's insane.Yeah. Arrested for... Yeah. Ananya sent this one in, by the way. The comments were along the same lines of how you've just reacted. You can get arrested for lying, basically, is the question.Interesting.Takashi Miagawa. A Japanese man was accused of dating at least 75 women in order to collect as many birthday presents as possible. According to multiple Japanese news sources, the part-time worker told one 47-year-old girlfriend that his birthday was February 22nd, but said to another 40-year-old woman that his birthday was in July. Another 35-year-old woman thought Miagawa's birthday was in April. His actual birthday is November 13th, the report said. It's unclear how exactly Miagawa's scam unraveled, but in February 2021, the women banded together to form a victims association. They reported Miagawa to the police for defrauding them of 100,000 Japanese Yen. They combined some of what they supposedly spent on gifts for his fake birthdays.It's not even that much, is it? 100,000 ¥?What is that? 100,000 ¥. I'm going to have to do the calcs.I don't think that's much at all. Five bills. They arrested him for £500. Five bills.Wow. Just under.Wow. Damn. Damn, indeed. Japanese don't play.I think it's more principle of how many-Of course, it's principle. How many women were frauded.How do you even keep up with that?Thirty-five is crazy.If I'm my man, I would need a calendar and a spreadsheet of all the gel I'm lying to and the birthday dates I've given them. There's so much more hassle than it's worth. Yeah.So he thinks he's clever because how old is he? 27, did you say?He He is...Oh, it doesn't say. It doesn't say. We don't know. I was going to say because he seems to be aiming at these mid-aged women. I'm assuming because linking them is physically impossible. He spent way more than £500 just keeping up with the calendar. But yeah, how they clocked it is interesting. Thirty-five is too much, bro.Way. Thirty-five is way too much.Way too much. The fact that You put 35 of them together and you only scrounge up 500 quid, then you're not putting in the work.The return on investment was perfect.Yeah, you need to cut that down drastically and get way more out of way few.Yeah. Get about 6 to 10.6 to 10. And bleed them dry.Bleed them dry. Look at 35 and get 5 bills. The fuck? He got his maths completely.Yeah, man. He got his maths completely. He's going for quality, not quantity, bro.Yeah, he fucked up.Yeah, fix up, man. He fucked up.The jokes on him. The jokes on him.How long was he arrested for? Or he just was arrested. Did he go to jail?I can't have.No, I don't think so.That's insane, man.Yeah, that's nuts. What is even that 35 divided by 100K. Oh, £14.Yeah, £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £14.£14 each.£14. The return on investment was stupid. Jesus Christ. There's no way. Yeah, he got the maths all wrong.Way too wrong. All wrong. Yeah. Yeah, damn. It must have been... My assumption is like, again, we have no information. I'm just speculating on how we could have gotten away with this. Dating that type of shit. And he set his age range to 35 and above.Yeah, sky high.And he started scamming.Interesting, man. That's crazy. That is very interesting. I didn't know that was a possibility. Yeah. But yeah, he got that scam backwards, man. He did. He got a scam backwards. If he'd done it smart, it could have got techy.Yeah, he'd still be a free man today.Bro, yeah, 100% man. If this was a Nigerian brother, he would have got four mil.Yeah, he would have went down to four gas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a mil off them each.Yeah, 100%. Each. Yeah. 100%, he would have gone jail, jail.Hush puppy jail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember Hush Puppy?Hush Puppy jail is right.He's still there. I'm sure he's still there. He wasn't bezling millions of these, man. Millions.Yeah. Hush Puppy jail. That's crazy. Wow, damn. Good episode. Very good episode. Good episode. But anyway, guys, thank you for that. I really enjoyed the episode. Same. So did I. I actually really enjoyed it. But yeah, as always, guys, love, love, love.Gang, gang, gang.


Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh, Windbreaker, I was watching.


That's what I was watching. Kind of sac that off as well.


Yeah, Windbreaker started off good, maybe the first couple of episodes. And plus I liked the level of animation. But again, storyline, lackluster. It's given just a bit of an updated version of Tokyo Revengers. Yeah, fair, fair. Even Tokyo Revengers was slow at one point. Yeah, there's nothing, man. There's nothing going on right now. I'm very, very, very disappointed. I'm praying Chainsaw Man comes back this year. I'm praying. Oh, the thing is back at the end of this, tail end of this, I think October. No, it's the movie, I think Blue Lock. Blue Lock, yeah. Blue Lock is back.


Highq is already out. I haven't seen it.


I remember you saying, I need to watch that. Hopefully, I could be on the plane as well. I'm being hopeful.


Yeah, you're being very hopeful. Showing where my love front is, okay.


It's very okay. Yeah, I think I'm on episode 19 of that. I have not finished that. Very okay. There's nothing I'm locked into. Long story short, guys, I need something to lock into anime-wise. That's cajou number eight level or at least in and around. You're asking. In and around that level because I'm just very much disappointed with the fact that I can put on an anime, an anime that I've known to love for years and just be there on my phone because I'm bored of what they're showing I'm absolutely bored of what they're showing me.


It's so crazy. You know it's mad when you're on your phone and you don't understand Japanese. Bro. You're on your phone and you don't even understand Japanese.


I'm looking up, I'm like, even though I've missed so much, I know this is all irrelevant. he's nonverbal. He's nonverbal and he has cerebral palsy. He's in his 30s. Can't speak, can't communicate. Basically, he's always been told he's got the brain age of a one-year-old. He had loads of seizures when he was born and stuff. It affects his brain massively. Anyway, he's never spoke, he's never communicated, he's never done anything. People were like, his brother, they interviewed his brother and his mom, and they were basically saying, Oh, and it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Even though Louis Thoreau is not in it, it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Interesting. He's always been told that there's always little things that his brother would say, Oh, he does this thing where we'll be talking about something, something, and sometimes he'll look at you or he'll make a gesture or something like that, and you think, fuck, this guy knows what we're talking about.He always had these little instances where you're like, there's something there. There's literally something there. Anyway, like I said, he's in his 30s now and he's literally like 5 foot 3. He's proper short, proper light. He has no muscle mass, everything like that. He can't walk by himself, everything. He's looked after by his mom and his brother. Basically, what ends up happening, they take him to this school and he meets some teachers at this school. It's four disabled people and they teach him how to walk and he learns how to walk by himself and he gets a little bit stronger. Obviously, He's progressing and everything's great and everything's cool, right? Then they hear about this concept called facilitated communication. Basically, what that means is, is they've done these studies on nonverbal disabled people who sometimes, again, if they've got cerebral palsy and stuff like that, they don't have any motor control. Obviously, they can't speak and they can't control their limbs and shit like that. If you were to ask them to type shit out, they wouldn't be able to do it. But they did some studies and all it takes is if you just prop their arm up, for example, and hold their arm here, and you obviously have to help them move a little bit and keep the control, but they can type, stuff like that.You can teach them shit and you can She might have to read. She could teach them how to read. You can teach them how to type, and stuff like that. They did all these interviews, bro, where it's like, Oh, my God, my daughter. I always thought there was nothing there. They always told me she had the brain capacity of a two-year-old. Now she's written nine short stories. She's writing me letters. She's telling me she loves me, all this stuff. Now I have a way to communicate with my daughter with this facilitated communication. His family are like, Oh, fuck. They get introduced to this lady who's a teacher called Anna Stubblesfield. Anna is a massive proponent for the disabled and facilitate communication. She works in communication, everything like that. The brother who's doing a course on disability and communication and stuff like that was like, Oh, I want to introduce Anna to my brother, to Derek, and see if we can just see Wagwan for this facilitated communication thing because maybe Derek It could be viable, isn't it? She meets Derek and she tells us, she's like, Oh. It says when she introduces her, when you introduce her to the beginning of the thing, it says, oh, Anna's just come out of pen.But she looks normal. She looks put together. She says, oh, she just come out of pen. You're like, Oh, what the fuck does she go pen for? It's like, Oh, yeah, I first met Derek in this, and then I introduced him to a few letters and a few this, and he was really smart, and he picked it up really easy. He He made a few mistakes. He couldn't tell the difference between capital letters and lowercase letters and all this shit. But we started the facilitated learning. I'm helping him prop up his arm, and all of a sudden, he's typing shit. He's typing little words, started off with little words, and moved into sentences, and then we're communicating. He's telling me how he feels. He's telling me how he feels about his brother and his mom. The typewriter thing that she has, it saves all the conversations in there. You can see they're bringing up It was the actual shit that he was typing, right? Yeah. It was like he was really passionate about... He would always use terminology about... What do you call it? He's a silenced person. He lives in a silent world and now he can speak.He's finally been able to break free from the confines of all this stuff. He was way into black history and he was all into this and he was comparing himself and his disability to what it must have been like for slavery and all this stuff. He's really passionate and really smart. All of a sudden, he's writing essays, in-depth scientific essays about shit. Then his brother, who has a PhD, was like, Bro, I fucking knew he was smart. I fucking knew everyone's gas. Now he's out doing speeches and all this stuff. All because of this facilitated learning shit, facilitated communication shit, he can express himself and he can do all this shit and everything's so cool. Everything's going well. Anna and him are like bread and butter, and he's taking classes, he's doing these presentations, he's doing all this stuff, and he's able to communicate with Anna, helping him on the typewriting. So all good, all good, all good. Then one day, obviously, as I said, Anna's married, bro. She got married with kids, bro. One day, he's doing a lecture, a Q&A thing, and someone asked, Obviously, I know how you feel about this, I know how you feel about that, but how do you feel about love and relationships?Derek typed, I would love to have a relationship, and I would love to be married, but that thing doesn't exist for people with my disability. And then Anna said, When he typed that, it fucking murked her. And she said, All I wanted to do is jump out and be like, You could have that with me. But obviously, I couldn't say nothing. So anyway, they're carrying on, carrying on, carrying on. And then they're typing, typing, typing. And I can't remember what happened, but they said something and he just typed, I love you off the bat. I love you. She was like, fuck. So she told him, Bro, I love you, too. And then he typed, Can I have a kiss?This is to Anna.To Anna. Yeah. Bear in mind, Anna's holding his arm while he has to type this shit. He typed it. Look how small he is. That's Derek there. This guy's nearly 40, bro. Looks like a teenager. It's that. So anyway, he's typing, Can I have a kiss? So she's giving them a kiss and she's thinking, Fuck, I'm married. I've got kids. Everything, bro. And he's like, Can I have another kiss? She's like, Fuck. She's giving them a kiss and she's like, Bro, we're in love. I don't know how this is going to pattern, but we're in love. He's nonverbal. Cerebral palsy, bro.It's techy. It's techy. Yeah, I can imagine. Anyway.Obviously now Anna's getting a bit comfy with the family. She's with him a lot. Yeah, makes sense. All of a sudden, they could be in the car. Anna's in the car with the brother and the mom and Derek, and they could be listening to gospel, for example. Anna will change the radio to classic and be like, Derek wants to listen to classic. And her mom's like, who is this bitch touching my radio? And she'll snap it back to gospel and be like, Derek loves gospel, bro. Shut the fuck up. And then it'll always be like, your baby and him, you don't need to do this. You can't be choosing his clothes. He's a grown man. Put his ass on a typewriter and ask him what he wants to wear. So she will be like, oh, Derek, do you want to wear this? And he'll be like, no. And then she'll come back to the Mom's, he doesn't want to wear it. I was like, fuck, what's all this shit? I've been raising him. What is all this shit now that he can type on all this stuff? Anyway, they're at dinner one time, Anna's over there with dinner, and all of a sudden, Derek wants to type Anna grabs his hand and he wants to type, Shall we tell them?Before you continue, how does Derek show that he wants to say something without Anna's actively putting her hand?I think it's just they don't actually get too deep into it. I I think it's just gestures or whatever. They might be like, Oh, do you want to type? And they'll just grab this is what happened. And he said they wanted a relationship. I knew that I loved him and we've been communicating and I've told him that I love him. He tells me that he loves me and we kissed. And then mom said, did you do anything else but kiss? And I was like, oh, that's a little bit I forgot. Because before they came out to the mom, there was one day, you man won't believe this. There was one day they were at the yard, in it. And the mom's was at. It's getting heated now. So Derek's like, Can I have a kiss?Anna's like, Yeah, kiss, kiss, kiss.This is post the first time they've been. This is post the first time.This is the second link up since they first lips. Derek's typing now, I want to touch your breasts.She has to- She grabbed his hands and was like, All right, G, do your thing.A man straight up type, Get the arms off. He tired, tired. This is what I've been waiting for. Get those gums off.It's also awkward that she has to-Yeah, she has to facilitate it.So he's like, Get that kit off now. So she's like, Gang.That's what I've been waiting for, too.Fam. That's what I've been waiting for, too. I've I'm waiting for this. She gets the gums off, bro, they banged. Brosky, so they slept together. So Monsy's now like, Have you done anything? Morning kiss. Anna's like, Embarrassing, but yeah, we have. I was like, Get the fuck out my yard right now. Get the fuck out of my yard now, big man.Factual though.Facts on God, bro. Get the fuck out.Factual.So Anna's like, I'm going to give you manual time, but cool, we're going to work this out, thing. I'm ready to leave my man and be with Derek. Mom's like, Shut the fuck up, get out. The next day, they're just flustered, flustered, flustered. Derek is bugging out a little bit. He misses Anna in it. Obviously, he can't communicate. They're like, All right, cool. You know what? Fuck this bitch. Fuck this school. Fuck all of it, bro. We're just going to homeschool him. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Brother's saying. He's not going to school anymore. This is all madness. He ain't seeing her again. It's charged. Again, they're like, Cool. Obviously, you got no Anna, but how hard can this facilitate communication be?We grab his arm and he types out what he wants to type out. So Brosky grabs his arm. What do you want to say? Jibberish. They're like, well, it's a bit more complicated than we thought. Let's try again tomorrow. Brosky, what do you want to say? Bro, Derek ain't typing shit. So they're like, What's going on? I've seen your letters. I've seen your essays. I've seen, are you just upset? What's going on? Why are you not talking, bro? What do you want, bro? Day after day after day after day. They're trying, bro ain't typing nothing. They call up this lawyer who's worked with facilitated communication before. Then basically, the lawyer has a system in which in cases of facilitated communication, because there's been cases before, criminal cases before, where someone, basically, there was a case where a nonverbal disabled person, as soon as they started using facilitated communication, was like, fucking, I don't even know. My uncle's a pedophile or something. So they were like, whoa, serious accusation. So basically, they've done a test and been like, This lawyer has a test where basically he shows the communicator a picture, and then he will close his book and show the disabled.So he's got a book here and be like, I'm showing you a picture. Cool, cool, cool. Got the picture? It could be a spoon. And then I'll close it and I'll open it to the nonverbal disabled person. But once I close it, it opens on a different picture, but you can't see it's a different picture. So you're thinking it's a spoon. So I'm now I'm showing a cat to the disabled person, and I'm like, Cool, you got the picture? Tell me what you saw on a typewriter. Spoon. There's no way this person is typing Spoon. The facilitator is taking their arm and typing Spoon. They've sent Derek now to see Homeboy just to clear this bitch up. He puts four pictures on the table and he's like, Brosky, tell me which one is a spoon, tell me which one is a cat swiping all kinds of shit. They interviewed him after and they were like, Cool. What age range would you say Derek is at mentally? He's like, Brother, I'll give bro six months at best. The most I learned about Derek is he likes coat hangers. He found my coat hangers in a wardrobe and was smacking that bitch on the table.I couldn't get nothing else from him. Wow. They got a police round. They bailed Anna. The mom's, he bailed Anna and was like, Anna, right. Derek's a mess without you. He misses you. He needs you. I need you just so I can get over this. Obviously, you're saying you want Derek to be with you. I understand where you're coming from, but to get over this, I'm his mom. I need you to tell me right now, how many times did you have sex with my son? She was like, There was one time at your yard, and then there was another time at the office. And then she was like, Obviously, Brook's keeping barely moved. How did you facilitate this? She was like, In the office, I laid down. That morning, I bought a yoga mat and a towel into work, laid it down on the office, picked him up out of his wheelchair, laid him on the ground, and we had sex. And it cuts to the brother and was like, Bro, there was one time he came home and he had fucking blisters and shit on his back and burns and stuff on his back.And I rang the school like, what the fuck happened to his back? Like, it's all bruised and bloody and all shit. The school was like, I don't fucking know. Bro, it's the time she must have laid him down and rode him so hard that his back was fucked. Brother, the whole time you, man, homegirl was taking his arm saying, I love you, Anna. Can I have a kiss? And she's like, Sure, Derek, you can have a kiss. Kiss. I love you, Anna. Can I touch your breasts? Sure, Derek, you can touch my breasts. Grabbing his hand, touching the breasts. Bro, when I say they sent this girl to pen so fast, it was nuts.Jesus Christ, what a twist.She R-worded the shit out of Derek twice, bro. Didn't she just? And went straight to Pen. Wow. It was scary, bro.And she got husband and kids.She got husband and kids. Husband made a statement to the courtman. It was like, She's a pathological I'm not going to call liar. Lock her up now. Wow. But she had a suspended sentence. She got a shorter sentence. It was really heartbreaking, bro. When I say, You, man, when I say, I was struggling to watch, struggling Struggling to watch. When this whole thing was unfolding, struggling to watch. As soon as you showed the lawyer, do the thing. And he was like, bro, I've had multiple cases where... The lawyer was saying, I'm not even accusing these communicators of doing this on purpose. I think they genuinely believe that the people are typing this stuff, but they're not, bro. But she won an appeal because basically, one thing that the court fucked up was that when she was going through the trial and all this stuff, the court refused to admit testimony about facilitated communication. They were allowing the lawyer to be like, Here's why it doesn't work, and here's my testing. But anyone in support and anyone who was willing to come in and be like, I've got studies that can show you the latter. Because there was a case where basically there was testimony where there was a time where Anna wasn't the one doing his communication.There was a thing Derek had to read these books and then type out essays about the books. It wasn't Anna that was helping him, it was another girl. He did the essays and the girl hadn't read the books.Okay, so it couldn't have been her.It couldn't have been her, but the essays were accurate to the books. When they were going for the trial, that, for example, and other people that were like, I've got categorical evidence that it works, the court was like, We're not seeing it. We're not seeing it. We're just going from the start. That doesn't work. And that's why she's going pen. So because of that, she appealed and they let her out. So technically, we don't know if it was assault or not, but the way it was framed, you, man, couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Yeah, wow. Yeah, I was right.Like, wow. Yeah. To take a A advantage like that.Brother, stop. It was insane. Honestly, it was terrifying.Terrifying is the word.Terrifying, bro. The mom was, the mom and the brother, murkt. I bet. Murkt. Wow. That was a documentary. Wow, I bet. That is one of the most impactful documentaries I've ever seen in my life.Is it just one and one?One and done, bro.Damn. I might give that watch.It was concerning. Damn. Yeah, it was nuts, bro. Wow. It was nuts. Anyway, we got trash news to finish, Rem.Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boyfriend who dated 35 women and told each one he had a different birthday, so he regularly received gifts, is arrested for fraud in Japan.Arrested for fraud?That's insane.Yeah. Arrested for... Yeah. Ananya sent this one in, by the way. The comments were along the same lines of how you've just reacted. You can get arrested for lying, basically, is the question.Interesting.Takashi Miagawa. A Japanese man was accused of dating at least 75 women in order to collect as many birthday presents as possible. According to multiple Japanese news sources, the part-time worker told one 47-year-old girlfriend that his birthday was February 22nd, but said to another 40-year-old woman that his birthday was in July. Another 35-year-old woman thought Miagawa's birthday was in April. His actual birthday is November 13th, the report said. It's unclear how exactly Miagawa's scam unraveled, but in February 2021, the women banded together to form a victims association. They reported Miagawa to the police for defrauding them of 100,000 Japanese Yen. They combined some of what they supposedly spent on gifts for his fake birthdays.It's not even that much, is it? 100,000 ¥?What is that? 100,000 ¥. I'm going to have to do the calcs.I don't think that's much at all. Five bills. They arrested him for £500. Five bills.Wow. Just under.Wow. Damn. Damn, indeed. Japanese don't play.I think it's more principle of how many-Of course, it's principle. How many women were frauded.How do you even keep up with that?Thirty-five is crazy.If I'm my man, I would need a calendar and a spreadsheet of all the gel I'm lying to and the birthday dates I've given them. There's so much more hassle than it's worth. Yeah.So he thinks he's clever because how old is he? 27, did you say?He He is...Oh, it doesn't say. It doesn't say. We don't know. I was going to say because he seems to be aiming at these mid-aged women. I'm assuming because linking them is physically impossible. He spent way more than £500 just keeping up with the calendar. But yeah, how they clocked it is interesting. Thirty-five is too much, bro.Way. Thirty-five is way too much.Way too much. The fact that You put 35 of them together and you only scrounge up 500 quid, then you're not putting in the work.The return on investment was perfect.Yeah, you need to cut that down drastically and get way more out of way few.Yeah. Get about 6 to 10.6 to 10. And bleed them dry.Bleed them dry. Look at 35 and get 5 bills. The fuck? He got his maths completely.Yeah, man. He got his maths completely. He's going for quality, not quantity, bro.Yeah, he fucked up.Yeah, fix up, man. He fucked up.The jokes on him. The jokes on him.How long was he arrested for? Or he just was arrested. Did he go to jail?I can't have.No, I don't think so.That's insane, man.Yeah, that's nuts. What is even that 35 divided by 100K. Oh, £14.Yeah, £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £14.£14 each.£14. The return on investment was stupid. Jesus Christ. There's no way. Yeah, he got the maths all wrong.Way too wrong. All wrong. Yeah. Yeah, damn. It must have been... My assumption is like, again, we have no information. I'm just speculating on how we could have gotten away with this. Dating that type of shit. And he set his age range to 35 and above.Yeah, sky high.And he started scamming.Interesting, man. That's crazy. That is very interesting. I didn't know that was a possibility. Yeah. But yeah, he got that scam backwards, man. He did. He got a scam backwards. If he'd done it smart, it could have got techy.Yeah, he'd still be a free man today.Bro, yeah, 100% man. If this was a Nigerian brother, he would have got four mil.Yeah, he would have went down to four gas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a mil off them each.Yeah, 100%. Each. Yeah. 100%, he would have gone jail, jail.Hush puppy jail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember Hush Puppy?Hush Puppy jail is right.He's still there. I'm sure he's still there. He wasn't bezling millions of these, man. Millions.Yeah. Hush Puppy jail. That's crazy. Wow, damn. Good episode. Very good episode. Good episode. But anyway, guys, thank you for that. I really enjoyed the episode. Same. So did I. I actually really enjoyed it. But yeah, as always, guys, love, love, love.Gang, gang, gang.


he's nonverbal. He's nonverbal and he has cerebral palsy. He's in his 30s. Can't speak, can't communicate. Basically, he's always been told he's got the brain age of a one-year-old. He had loads of seizures when he was born and stuff. It affects his brain massively. Anyway, he's never spoke, he's never communicated, he's never done anything. People were like, his brother, they interviewed his brother and his mom, and they were basically saying, Oh, and it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Even though Louis Thoreau is not in it, it's produced by Louis Thoreau. Interesting. He's always been told that there's always little things that his brother would say, Oh, he does this thing where we'll be talking about something, something, and sometimes he'll look at you or he'll make a gesture or something like that, and you think, fuck, this guy knows what we're talking about.


He always had these little instances where you're like, there's something there. There's literally something there. Anyway, like I said, he's in his 30s now and he's literally like 5 foot 3. He's proper short, proper light. He has no muscle mass, everything like that. He can't walk by himself, everything. He's looked after by his mom and his brother. Basically, what ends up happening, they take him to this school and he meets some teachers at this school. It's four disabled people and they teach him how to walk and he learns how to walk by himself and he gets a little bit stronger. Obviously, He's progressing and everything's great and everything's cool, right? Then they hear about this concept called facilitated communication. Basically, what that means is, is they've done these studies on nonverbal disabled people who sometimes, again, if they've got cerebral palsy and stuff like that, they don't have any motor control. Obviously, they can't speak and they can't control their limbs and shit like that. If you were to ask them to type shit out, they wouldn't be able to do it. But they did some studies and all it takes is if you just prop their arm up, for example, and hold their arm here, and you obviously have to help them move a little bit and keep the control, but they can type, stuff like that.


You can teach them shit and you can She might have to read. She could teach them how to read. You can teach them how to type, and stuff like that. They did all these interviews, bro, where it's like, Oh, my God, my daughter. I always thought there was nothing there. They always told me she had the brain capacity of a two-year-old. Now she's written nine short stories. She's writing me letters. She's telling me she loves me, all this stuff. Now I have a way to communicate with my daughter with this facilitated communication. His family are like, Oh, fuck. They get introduced to this lady who's a teacher called Anna Stubblesfield. Anna is a massive proponent for the disabled and facilitate communication. She works in communication, everything like that. The brother who's doing a course on disability and communication and stuff like that was like, Oh, I want to introduce Anna to my brother, to Derek, and see if we can just see Wagwan for this facilitated communication thing because maybe Derek It could be viable, isn't it? She meets Derek and she tells us, she's like, Oh. It says when she introduces her, when you introduce her to the beginning of the thing, it says, oh, Anna's just come out of pen.


But she looks normal. She looks put together. She says, oh, she just come out of pen. You're like, Oh, what the fuck does she go pen for? It's like, Oh, yeah, I first met Derek in this, and then I introduced him to a few letters and a few this, and he was really smart, and he picked it up really easy. He He made a few mistakes. He couldn't tell the difference between capital letters and lowercase letters and all this shit. But we started the facilitated learning. I'm helping him prop up his arm, and all of a sudden, he's typing shit. He's typing little words, started off with little words, and moved into sentences, and then we're communicating. He's telling me how he feels. He's telling me how he feels about his brother and his mom. The typewriter thing that she has, it saves all the conversations in there. You can see they're bringing up It was the actual shit that he was typing, right? Yeah. It was like he was really passionate about... He would always use terminology about... What do you call it? He's a silenced person. He lives in a silent world and now he can speak.


He's finally been able to break free from the confines of all this stuff. He was way into black history and he was all into this and he was comparing himself and his disability to what it must have been like for slavery and all this stuff. He's really passionate and really smart. All of a sudden, he's writing essays, in-depth scientific essays about shit. Then his brother, who has a PhD, was like, Bro, I fucking knew he was smart. I fucking knew everyone's gas. Now he's out doing speeches and all this stuff. All because of this facilitated learning shit, facilitated communication shit, he can express himself and he can do all this shit and everything's so cool. Everything's going well. Anna and him are like bread and butter, and he's taking classes, he's doing these presentations, he's doing all this stuff, and he's able to communicate with Anna, helping him on the typewriting. So all good, all good, all good. Then one day, obviously, as I said, Anna's married, bro. She got married with kids, bro. One day, he's doing a lecture, a Q&A thing, and someone asked, Obviously, I know how you feel about this, I know how you feel about that, but how do you feel about love and relationships?


Derek typed, I would love to have a relationship, and I would love to be married, but that thing doesn't exist for people with my disability. And then Anna said, When he typed that, it fucking murked her. And she said, All I wanted to do is jump out and be like, You could have that with me. But obviously, I couldn't say nothing. So anyway, they're carrying on, carrying on, carrying on. And then they're typing, typing, typing. And I can't remember what happened, but they said something and he just typed, I love you off the bat. I love you. She was like, fuck. So she told him, Bro, I love you, too. And then he typed, Can I have a kiss?


This is to Anna.


To Anna. Yeah. Bear in mind, Anna's holding his arm while he has to type this shit. He typed it. Look how small he is. That's Derek there. This guy's nearly 40, bro. Looks like a teenager. It's that. So anyway, he's typing, Can I have a kiss? So she's giving them a kiss and she's thinking, Fuck, I'm married. I've got kids. Everything, bro. And he's like, Can I have another kiss? She's like, Fuck. She's giving them a kiss and she's like, Bro, we're in love. I don't know how this is going to pattern, but we're in love. He's nonverbal. Cerebral palsy, bro.


It's techy. It's techy. Yeah, I can imagine. Anyway.


Obviously now Anna's getting a bit comfy with the family. She's with him a lot. Yeah, makes sense. All of a sudden, they could be in the car. Anna's in the car with the brother and the mom and Derek, and they could be listening to gospel, for example. Anna will change the radio to classic and be like, Derek wants to listen to classic. And her mom's like, who is this bitch touching my radio? And she'll snap it back to gospel and be like, Derek loves gospel, bro. Shut the fuck up. And then it'll always be like, your baby and him, you don't need to do this. You can't be choosing his clothes. He's a grown man. Put his ass on a typewriter and ask him what he wants to wear. So she will be like, oh, Derek, do you want to wear this? And he'll be like, no. And then she'll come back to the Mom's, he doesn't want to wear it. I was like, fuck, what's all this shit? I've been raising him. What is all this shit now that he can type on all this stuff? Anyway, they're at dinner one time, Anna's over there with dinner, and all of a sudden, Derek wants to type Anna grabs his hand and he wants to type, Shall we tell them?


Before you continue, how does Derek show that he wants to say something without Anna's actively putting her hand?


I think it's just they don't actually get too deep into it. I I think it's just gestures or whatever. They might be like, Oh, do you want to type? And they'll just grab this is what happened. And he said they wanted a relationship. I knew that I loved him and we've been communicating and I've told him that I love him. He tells me that he loves me and we kissed. And then mom said, did you do anything else but kiss? And I was like, oh, that's a little bit I forgot. Because before they came out to the mom, there was one day, you man won't believe this. There was one day they were at the yard, in it. And the mom's was at. It's getting heated now. So Derek's like, Can I have a kiss?Anna's like, Yeah, kiss, kiss, kiss.This is post the first time they've been. This is post the first time.This is the second link up since they first lips. Derek's typing now, I want to touch your breasts.She has to- She grabbed his hands and was like, All right, G, do your thing.A man straight up type, Get the arms off. He tired, tired. This is what I've been waiting for. Get those gums off.It's also awkward that she has to-Yeah, she has to facilitate it.So he's like, Get that kit off now. So she's like, Gang.That's what I've been waiting for, too.Fam. That's what I've been waiting for, too. I've I'm waiting for this. She gets the gums off, bro, they banged. Brosky, so they slept together. So Monsy's now like, Have you done anything? Morning kiss. Anna's like, Embarrassing, but yeah, we have. I was like, Get the fuck out my yard right now. Get the fuck out of my yard now, big man.Factual though.Facts on God, bro. Get the fuck out.Factual.So Anna's like, I'm going to give you manual time, but cool, we're going to work this out, thing. I'm ready to leave my man and be with Derek. Mom's like, Shut the fuck up, get out. The next day, they're just flustered, flustered, flustered. Derek is bugging out a little bit. He misses Anna in it. Obviously, he can't communicate. They're like, All right, cool. You know what? Fuck this bitch. Fuck this school. Fuck all of it, bro. We're just going to homeschool him. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Brother's saying. He's not going to school anymore. This is all madness. He ain't seeing her again. It's charged. Again, they're like, Cool. Obviously, you got no Anna, but how hard can this facilitate communication be?We grab his arm and he types out what he wants to type out. So Brosky grabs his arm. What do you want to say? Jibberish. They're like, well, it's a bit more complicated than we thought. Let's try again tomorrow. Brosky, what do you want to say? Bro, Derek ain't typing shit. So they're like, What's going on? I've seen your letters. I've seen your essays. I've seen, are you just upset? What's going on? Why are you not talking, bro? What do you want, bro? Day after day after day after day. They're trying, bro ain't typing nothing. They call up this lawyer who's worked with facilitated communication before. Then basically, the lawyer has a system in which in cases of facilitated communication, because there's been cases before, criminal cases before, where someone, basically, there was a case where a nonverbal disabled person, as soon as they started using facilitated communication, was like, fucking, I don't even know. My uncle's a pedophile or something. So they were like, whoa, serious accusation. So basically, they've done a test and been like, This lawyer has a test where basically he shows the communicator a picture, and then he will close his book and show the disabled.So he's got a book here and be like, I'm showing you a picture. Cool, cool, cool. Got the picture? It could be a spoon. And then I'll close it and I'll open it to the nonverbal disabled person. But once I close it, it opens on a different picture, but you can't see it's a different picture. So you're thinking it's a spoon. So I'm now I'm showing a cat to the disabled person, and I'm like, Cool, you got the picture? Tell me what you saw on a typewriter. Spoon. There's no way this person is typing Spoon. The facilitator is taking their arm and typing Spoon. They've sent Derek now to see Homeboy just to clear this bitch up. He puts four pictures on the table and he's like, Brosky, tell me which one is a spoon, tell me which one is a cat swiping all kinds of shit. They interviewed him after and they were like, Cool. What age range would you say Derek is at mentally? He's like, Brother, I'll give bro six months at best. The most I learned about Derek is he likes coat hangers. He found my coat hangers in a wardrobe and was smacking that bitch on the table.I couldn't get nothing else from him. Wow. They got a police round. They bailed Anna. The mom's, he bailed Anna and was like, Anna, right. Derek's a mess without you. He misses you. He needs you. I need you just so I can get over this. Obviously, you're saying you want Derek to be with you. I understand where you're coming from, but to get over this, I'm his mom. I need you to tell me right now, how many times did you have sex with my son? She was like, There was one time at your yard, and then there was another time at the office. And then she was like, Obviously, Brook's keeping barely moved. How did you facilitate this? She was like, In the office, I laid down. That morning, I bought a yoga mat and a towel into work, laid it down on the office, picked him up out of his wheelchair, laid him on the ground, and we had sex. And it cuts to the brother and was like, Bro, there was one time he came home and he had fucking blisters and shit on his back and burns and stuff on his back.And I rang the school like, what the fuck happened to his back? Like, it's all bruised and bloody and all shit. The school was like, I don't fucking know. Bro, it's the time she must have laid him down and rode him so hard that his back was fucked. Brother, the whole time you, man, homegirl was taking his arm saying, I love you, Anna. Can I have a kiss? And she's like, Sure, Derek, you can have a kiss. Kiss. I love you, Anna. Can I touch your breasts? Sure, Derek, you can touch my breasts. Grabbing his hand, touching the breasts. Bro, when I say they sent this girl to pen so fast, it was nuts.Jesus Christ, what a twist.She R-worded the shit out of Derek twice, bro. Didn't she just? And went straight to Pen. Wow. It was scary, bro.And she got husband and kids.She got husband and kids. Husband made a statement to the courtman. It was like, She's a pathological I'm not going to call liar. Lock her up now. Wow. But she had a suspended sentence. She got a shorter sentence. It was really heartbreaking, bro. When I say, You, man, when I say, I was struggling to watch, struggling Struggling to watch. When this whole thing was unfolding, struggling to watch. As soon as you showed the lawyer, do the thing. And he was like, bro, I've had multiple cases where... The lawyer was saying, I'm not even accusing these communicators of doing this on purpose. I think they genuinely believe that the people are typing this stuff, but they're not, bro. But she won an appeal because basically, one thing that the court fucked up was that when she was going through the trial and all this stuff, the court refused to admit testimony about facilitated communication. They were allowing the lawyer to be like, Here's why it doesn't work, and here's my testing. But anyone in support and anyone who was willing to come in and be like, I've got studies that can show you the latter. Because there was a case where basically there was testimony where there was a time where Anna wasn't the one doing his communication.There was a thing Derek had to read these books and then type out essays about the books. It wasn't Anna that was helping him, it was another girl. He did the essays and the girl hadn't read the books.Okay, so it couldn't have been her.It couldn't have been her, but the essays were accurate to the books. When they were going for the trial, that, for example, and other people that were like, I've got categorical evidence that it works, the court was like, We're not seeing it. We're not seeing it. We're just going from the start. That doesn't work. And that's why she's going pen. So because of that, she appealed and they let her out. So technically, we don't know if it was assault or not, but the way it was framed, you, man, couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Yeah, wow. Yeah, I was right.Like, wow. Yeah. To take a A advantage like that.Brother, stop. It was insane. Honestly, it was terrifying.Terrifying is the word.Terrifying, bro. The mom was, the mom and the brother, murkt. I bet. Murkt. Wow. That was a documentary. Wow, I bet. That is one of the most impactful documentaries I've ever seen in my life.Is it just one and one?One and done, bro.Damn. I might give that watch.It was concerning. Damn. Yeah, it was nuts, bro. Wow. It was nuts. Anyway, we got trash news to finish, Rem.Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boyfriend who dated 35 women and told each one he had a different birthday, so he regularly received gifts, is arrested for fraud in Japan.Arrested for fraud?That's insane.Yeah. Arrested for... Yeah. Ananya sent this one in, by the way. The comments were along the same lines of how you've just reacted. You can get arrested for lying, basically, is the question.Interesting.Takashi Miagawa. A Japanese man was accused of dating at least 75 women in order to collect as many birthday presents as possible. According to multiple Japanese news sources, the part-time worker told one 47-year-old girlfriend that his birthday was February 22nd, but said to another 40-year-old woman that his birthday was in July. Another 35-year-old woman thought Miagawa's birthday was in April. His actual birthday is November 13th, the report said. It's unclear how exactly Miagawa's scam unraveled, but in February 2021, the women banded together to form a victims association. They reported Miagawa to the police for defrauding them of 100,000 Japanese Yen. They combined some of what they supposedly spent on gifts for his fake birthdays.It's not even that much, is it? 100,000 ¥?What is that? 100,000 ¥. I'm going to have to do the calcs.I don't think that's much at all. Five bills. They arrested him for £500. Five bills.Wow. Just under.Wow. Damn. Damn, indeed. Japanese don't play.I think it's more principle of how many-Of course, it's principle. How many women were frauded.How do you even keep up with that?Thirty-five is crazy.If I'm my man, I would need a calendar and a spreadsheet of all the gel I'm lying to and the birthday dates I've given them. There's so much more hassle than it's worth. Yeah.So he thinks he's clever because how old is he? 27, did you say?He He is...Oh, it doesn't say. It doesn't say. We don't know. I was going to say because he seems to be aiming at these mid-aged women. I'm assuming because linking them is physically impossible. He spent way more than £500 just keeping up with the calendar. But yeah, how they clocked it is interesting. Thirty-five is too much, bro.Way. Thirty-five is way too much.Way too much. The fact that You put 35 of them together and you only scrounge up 500 quid, then you're not putting in the work.The return on investment was perfect.Yeah, you need to cut that down drastically and get way more out of way few.Yeah. Get about 6 to 10.6 to 10. And bleed them dry.Bleed them dry. Look at 35 and get 5 bills. The fuck? He got his maths completely.Yeah, man. He got his maths completely. He's going for quality, not quantity, bro.Yeah, he fucked up.Yeah, fix up, man. He fucked up.The jokes on him. The jokes on him.How long was he arrested for? Or he just was arrested. Did he go to jail?I can't have.No, I don't think so.That's insane, man.Yeah, that's nuts. What is even that 35 divided by 100K. Oh, £14.Yeah, £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £14.£14 each.£14. The return on investment was stupid. Jesus Christ. There's no way. Yeah, he got the maths all wrong.Way too wrong. All wrong. Yeah. Yeah, damn. It must have been... My assumption is like, again, we have no information. I'm just speculating on how we could have gotten away with this. Dating that type of shit. And he set his age range to 35 and above.Yeah, sky high.And he started scamming.Interesting, man. That's crazy. That is very interesting. I didn't know that was a possibility. Yeah. But yeah, he got that scam backwards, man. He did. He got a scam backwards. If he'd done it smart, it could have got techy.Yeah, he'd still be a free man today.Bro, yeah, 100% man. If this was a Nigerian brother, he would have got four mil.Yeah, he would have went down to four gas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a mil off them each.Yeah, 100%. Each. Yeah. 100%, he would have gone jail, jail.Hush puppy jail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember Hush Puppy?Hush Puppy jail is right.He's still there. I'm sure he's still there. He wasn't bezling millions of these, man. Millions.Yeah. Hush Puppy jail. That's crazy. Wow, damn. Good episode. Very good episode. Good episode. But anyway, guys, thank you for that. I really enjoyed the episode. Same. So did I. I actually really enjoyed it. But yeah, as always, guys, love, love, love.Gang, gang, gang.


this is what happened. And he said they wanted a relationship. I knew that I loved him and we've been communicating and I've told him that I love him. He tells me that he loves me and we kissed. And then mom said, did you do anything else but kiss? And I was like, oh, that's a little bit I forgot. Because before they came out to the mom, there was one day, you man won't believe this. There was one day they were at the yard, in it. And the mom's was at. It's getting heated now. So Derek's like, Can I have a kiss?


Anna's like, Yeah, kiss, kiss, kiss.


This is post the first time they've been. This is post the first time.


This is the second link up since they first lips. Derek's typing now, I want to touch your breasts.


She has to- She grabbed his hands and was like, All right, G, do your thing.


A man straight up type, Get the arms off. He tired, tired. This is what I've been waiting for. Get those gums off.


It's also awkward that she has to-Yeah, she has to facilitate it.


So he's like, Get that kit off now. So she's like, Gang.


That's what I've been waiting for, too.


Fam. That's what I've been waiting for, too. I've I'm waiting for this. She gets the gums off, bro, they banged. Brosky, so they slept together. So Monsy's now like, Have you done anything? Morning kiss. Anna's like, Embarrassing, but yeah, we have. I was like, Get the fuck out my yard right now. Get the fuck out of my yard now, big man.Factual though.Facts on God, bro. Get the fuck out.Factual.So Anna's like, I'm going to give you manual time, but cool, we're going to work this out, thing. I'm ready to leave my man and be with Derek. Mom's like, Shut the fuck up, get out. The next day, they're just flustered, flustered, flustered. Derek is bugging out a little bit. He misses Anna in it. Obviously, he can't communicate. They're like, All right, cool. You know what? Fuck this bitch. Fuck this school. Fuck all of it, bro. We're just going to homeschool him. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Mum's saying. This is what Brother's saying. He's not going to school anymore. This is all madness. He ain't seeing her again. It's charged. Again, they're like, Cool. Obviously, you got no Anna, but how hard can this facilitate communication be?


We grab his arm and he types out what he wants to type out. So Brosky grabs his arm. What do you want to say? Jibberish. They're like, well, it's a bit more complicated than we thought. Let's try again tomorrow. Brosky, what do you want to say? Bro, Derek ain't typing shit. So they're like, What's going on? I've seen your letters. I've seen your essays. I've seen, are you just upset? What's going on? Why are you not talking, bro? What do you want, bro? Day after day after day after day. They're trying, bro ain't typing nothing. They call up this lawyer who's worked with facilitated communication before. Then basically, the lawyer has a system in which in cases of facilitated communication, because there's been cases before, criminal cases before, where someone, basically, there was a case where a nonverbal disabled person, as soon as they started using facilitated communication, was like, fucking, I don't even know. My uncle's a pedophile or something. So they were like, whoa, serious accusation. So basically, they've done a test and been like, This lawyer has a test where basically he shows the communicator a picture, and then he will close his book and show the disabled.


So he's got a book here and be like, I'm showing you a picture. Cool, cool, cool. Got the picture? It could be a spoon. And then I'll close it and I'll open it to the nonverbal disabled person. But once I close it, it opens on a different picture, but you can't see it's a different picture. So you're thinking it's a spoon. So I'm now I'm showing a cat to the disabled person, and I'm like, Cool, you got the picture? Tell me what you saw on a typewriter. Spoon. There's no way this person is typing Spoon. The facilitator is taking their arm and typing Spoon. They've sent Derek now to see Homeboy just to clear this bitch up. He puts four pictures on the table and he's like, Brosky, tell me which one is a spoon, tell me which one is a cat swiping all kinds of shit. They interviewed him after and they were like, Cool. What age range would you say Derek is at mentally? He's like, Brother, I'll give bro six months at best. The most I learned about Derek is he likes coat hangers. He found my coat hangers in a wardrobe and was smacking that bitch on the table.


I couldn't get nothing else from him. Wow. They got a police round. They bailed Anna. The mom's, he bailed Anna and was like, Anna, right. Derek's a mess without you. He misses you. He needs you. I need you just so I can get over this. Obviously, you're saying you want Derek to be with you. I understand where you're coming from, but to get over this, I'm his mom. I need you to tell me right now, how many times did you have sex with my son? She was like, There was one time at your yard, and then there was another time at the office. And then she was like, Obviously, Brook's keeping barely moved. How did you facilitate this? She was like, In the office, I laid down. That morning, I bought a yoga mat and a towel into work, laid it down on the office, picked him up out of his wheelchair, laid him on the ground, and we had sex. And it cuts to the brother and was like, Bro, there was one time he came home and he had fucking blisters and shit on his back and burns and stuff on his back.


And I rang the school like, what the fuck happened to his back? Like, it's all bruised and bloody and all shit. The school was like, I don't fucking know. Bro, it's the time she must have laid him down and rode him so hard that his back was fucked. Brother, the whole time you, man, homegirl was taking his arm saying, I love you, Anna. Can I have a kiss? And she's like, Sure, Derek, you can have a kiss. Kiss. I love you, Anna. Can I touch your breasts? Sure, Derek, you can touch my breasts. Grabbing his hand, touching the breasts. Bro, when I say they sent this girl to pen so fast, it was nuts.


Jesus Christ, what a twist.


She R-worded the shit out of Derek twice, bro. Didn't she just? And went straight to Pen. Wow. It was scary, bro.


And she got husband and kids.


She got husband and kids. Husband made a statement to the courtman. It was like, She's a pathological I'm not going to call liar. Lock her up now. Wow. But she had a suspended sentence. She got a shorter sentence. It was really heartbreaking, bro. When I say, You, man, when I say, I was struggling to watch, struggling Struggling to watch. When this whole thing was unfolding, struggling to watch. As soon as you showed the lawyer, do the thing. And he was like, bro, I've had multiple cases where... The lawyer was saying, I'm not even accusing these communicators of doing this on purpose. I think they genuinely believe that the people are typing this stuff, but they're not, bro. But she won an appeal because basically, one thing that the court fucked up was that when she was going through the trial and all this stuff, the court refused to admit testimony about facilitated communication. They were allowing the lawyer to be like, Here's why it doesn't work, and here's my testing. But anyone in support and anyone who was willing to come in and be like, I've got studies that can show you the latter. Because there was a case where basically there was testimony where there was a time where Anna wasn't the one doing his communication.


There was a thing Derek had to read these books and then type out essays about the books. It wasn't Anna that was helping him, it was another girl. He did the essays and the girl hadn't read the books.


Okay, so it couldn't have been her.


It couldn't have been her, but the essays were accurate to the books. When they were going for the trial, that, for example, and other people that were like, I've got categorical evidence that it works, the court was like, We're not seeing it. We're not seeing it. We're just going from the start. That doesn't work. And that's why she's going pen. So because of that, she appealed and they let her out. So technically, we don't know if it was assault or not, but the way it was framed, you, man, couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Couldn't finish my dinner, bro. Wow. Yeah, wow. Yeah, I was right.


Like, wow. Yeah. To take a A advantage like that.


Brother, stop. It was insane. Honestly, it was terrifying.


Terrifying is the word.


Terrifying, bro. The mom was, the mom and the brother, murkt. I bet. Murkt. Wow. That was a documentary. Wow, I bet. That is one of the most impactful documentaries I've ever seen in my life.


Is it just one and one?


One and done, bro.


Damn. I might give that watch.


It was concerning. Damn. Yeah, it was nuts, bro. Wow. It was nuts. Anyway, we got trash news to finish, Rem.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boyfriend who dated 35 women and told each one he had a different birthday, so he regularly received gifts, is arrested for fraud in Japan.


Arrested for fraud?


That's insane.


Yeah. Arrested for... Yeah. Ananya sent this one in, by the way. The comments were along the same lines of how you've just reacted. You can get arrested for lying, basically, is the question.




Takashi Miagawa. A Japanese man was accused of dating at least 75 women in order to collect as many birthday presents as possible. According to multiple Japanese news sources, the part-time worker told one 47-year-old girlfriend that his birthday was February 22nd, but said to another 40-year-old woman that his birthday was in July. Another 35-year-old woman thought Miagawa's birthday was in April. His actual birthday is November 13th, the report said. It's unclear how exactly Miagawa's scam unraveled, but in February 2021, the women banded together to form a victims association. They reported Miagawa to the police for defrauding them of 100,000 Japanese Yen. They combined some of what they supposedly spent on gifts for his fake birthdays.


It's not even that much, is it? 100,000 ¥?


What is that? 100,000 ¥. I'm going to have to do the calcs.


I don't think that's much at all. Five bills. They arrested him for £500. Five bills.


Wow. Just under.


Wow. Damn. Damn, indeed. Japanese don't play.


I think it's more principle of how many-Of course, it's principle. How many women were frauded.


How do you even keep up with that?


Thirty-five is crazy.


If I'm my man, I would need a calendar and a spreadsheet of all the gel I'm lying to and the birthday dates I've given them. There's so much more hassle than it's worth. Yeah.


So he thinks he's clever because how old is he? 27, did you say?


He He is...


Oh, it doesn't say. It doesn't say. We don't know. I was going to say because he seems to be aiming at these mid-aged women. I'm assuming because linking them is physically impossible. He spent way more than £500 just keeping up with the calendar. But yeah, how they clocked it is interesting. Thirty-five is too much, bro.


Way. Thirty-five is way too much.


Way too much. The fact that You put 35 of them together and you only scrounge up 500 quid, then you're not putting in the work.


The return on investment was perfect.


Yeah, you need to cut that down drastically and get way more out of way few.


Yeah. Get about 6 to 10.


6 to 10. And bleed them dry.


Bleed them dry. Look at 35 and get 5 bills. The fuck? He got his maths completely.


Yeah, man. He got his maths completely. He's going for quality, not quantity, bro.


Yeah, he fucked up.


Yeah, fix up, man. He fucked up.


The jokes on him. The jokes on him.


How long was he arrested for? Or he just was arrested. Did he go to jail?


I can't have.


No, I don't think so.


That's insane, man.


Yeah, that's nuts. What is even that 35 divided by 100K. Oh, £14.


Yeah, £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £35. £14.


£14 each.


£14. The return on investment was stupid. Jesus Christ. There's no way. Yeah, he got the maths all wrong.


Way too wrong. All wrong. Yeah. Yeah, damn. It must have been... My assumption is like, again, we have no information. I'm just speculating on how we could have gotten away with this. Dating that type of shit. And he set his age range to 35 and above.


Yeah, sky high.


And he started scamming.


Interesting, man. That's crazy. That is very interesting. I didn't know that was a possibility. Yeah. But yeah, he got that scam backwards, man. He did. He got a scam backwards. If he'd done it smart, it could have got techy.


Yeah, he'd still be a free man today.


Bro, yeah, 100% man. If this was a Nigerian brother, he would have got four mil.


Yeah, he would have went down to four gas. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got a mil off them each.


Yeah, 100%. Each. Yeah. 100%, he would have gone jail, jail.


Hush puppy jail. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You remember Hush Puppy?


Hush Puppy jail is right.


He's still there. I'm sure he's still there. He wasn't bezling millions of these, man. Millions.


Yeah. Hush Puppy jail. That's crazy. Wow, damn. Good episode. Very good episode. Good episode. But anyway, guys, thank you for that. I really enjoyed the episode. Same. So did I. I actually really enjoyed it. But yeah, as always, guys, love, love, love.


Gang, gang, gang.