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My 48-year-old co-worker handed me a beautiful red envelope for my 25th birthday. I was eating at my desk when I opened the envelope and her bee hair fell out. The note read, I shaved the so it could be smooth on your face. We started eating lunch together in her van, and we've been going at it raw for a while. Five months later, she's like, It's a miracle. I'm pregnant. I'm in a serious relationship, and I can't bring her old-face baby into this. We've been going at it raw. But you also said, I'm not even looking at her in that way. We're all missing the fact that I'm in a serious relationship. About it. I was in a fantasy. I said, I'm in a serious relationship. I don't want this to get messy at work. Bro, what are you doing? You're going to raw for five months.