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Asking strangers for their number in public.


I would rather chew a jean jacket than ask a guy for his number. What the fuck is this? That would be disgusting. Disgusting. A jean jacket.




That's a bomb. Never. When it comes to that, like, Oh, hi. I saw you from across the street. Girls Have No Game.


Girls Have No Game. I can talk on that one. Hi.


I think you're cute. Can I have your number? I sound like a dick. Like, what the hell?


So make me feel pretty as well, do it?


What do I say? Well, you're trim sharp.


Yeah, I would love that. We would love that. Guys like compliments, too. You know? Yeah. You're trim so sharp. Can I have your number?


No, because guys take compliments. Instead of're feeling my trim, yeah?


Yeah, but last week, man.


Last week, that's too, man.


I want to be excited.