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We've asked the streets what their thoughts and opinions are about GK Barry.


No, I don't want to hear it.


She's the only snow bunny I've actually ever wanted to get with. What's a snow bunny? White girl.


Oh, that's really nice. There you go.


No, so pointy. She stick to a dartboard if she walked past it.


Now, do you know what? I am going turkey. That is crazy. No, so pointy.


She has no chest to say things with.


That's a preference to some. That is a preference. At least they won't go saggy when I get older because there's nothing to sag.


I would take on her face and glaze it like a donut.


Come on, man. That's made me feel fucking sick. Glaze it like a donut is fucking insane. That is way too far.