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Fuhad has a thread for us that he'd like to read.


Yuzur like to start the day off with a funny fun. What's the greatest clapback you've seen? I just got a bunch of reply. This is a tweet and a reply and a tweet and reply and tweet and reply. I'm sure the devil is surprised by the things women pull off every day. Reply from a woman, I'm assuming, by the app. It's high time you rest. Reply from the same person. @lgus, please I need your help. Reply from LG Electronics. Thank you for reaching out today. How may I assist you? Sandy. Reply from the main breader. One of your dishwashers are misbehaving.


Oh my God! Oh my God. Oh my God.


That's a crack. That's insane. I'm surprised I saw that still on Twitter. I'm surprised I saw that.




Yeah. All right, next one. I'm just going to move on. This one, it's a picture of a chick. She's got naked-esque pictures on here. I don't want to show you the rest of it. So her caption to that picture is Love Me Naked. Someone quoted that, some white guy, a white older guy. He said, Growing up, we really had to work for these pics. Laught my ass off, the world has changed. Response from said girl. Well, it might be a different girl, actually, that responded. You just weren't that now. Trust me. The guy responded, I guess we're all that now. Clap back. Damn! Clap back.


Because it's everyone. The skin is everyone's now.


It's on the net. Wow!


I don't have I don't think this clapbacks in me at all.


Yeah, bro.


I just simmer in the feet immediately.


But then again, I think with 12, you've got that time to marinate in it.


You can reply six hours later.


And it still could bang.


Yeah, no one else knows.


Yeah, facts. Okay. All right, next. Someone Someone said, If they invented cars that ran on stupidity, all the cars will come to you for refuel. Following up, My IQ is probably five times more than yours. Reply, Five times zero is still zero. Damn! These are amazing. So someone posted a picture like, Happy New Year, whatever, 2024, whatever that says. Yeah, Reply under that picture. Calm down, bro. Why you rushing? Reply to that. Room temperature IQ, so I don't expect you to understand time zones. Reply, New Year, you started with abuse. Room temp IQ.


Luke warm.


Do you know how disrespectful that bar is?


Room temp. What is room temp? Like 22?




Yeah. 21. Room temp IQ. I don't expect you to understand time zones. That will simmer me. That will simmer me. I don't expect you to understand time zones.


Crazy stuff. All right, next. No offense. I can't fuck no big girl. Reply, Bro, your mom barely even fit in a casket. Shut the fuck up.


Got a picture. No. Is that really his mom?


I don't know. That can't be. That can't be his mom. Shut the fuck up.


Shut the fuck up. Did I tell you, man, about what happened? The worst clapback I ever received? No, I don't think so. It wasn't even a clapback. I think I've told you the story where one home was custing out my dicky bow.


Yeah, we were at North.


I don't remember. No, we weren't in Northampton. We were at... It's probably your fault, actually. We were at... This is disgusting to even I'm embarrassed to say it. It's your fault that I was there, basically. We were at the Iron Napa Reunion Party. He remembers. I don't even know what's going on in your face. The O2 You. Do you remember? It's my fault. We were at the... That's how buzz that is. Iron Napa Reunion Party.


That is buzz. But you didn't know about it. It's vibe.


It just sounds like vibes. I was a young man. I didn't know anything. We were young and it was vibes. I was like 19. Didn't understand. These times I used to wear, obviously, you might know the drip.


The drip.


You can call it that.


You might know the drip.


Yeah. Non-prescription glasses. Yeah. Non-prescription glasses This cardigan, wooly, fake watch, bow tie, red bow tie on a black shirt, skinny jeans and Vans. Yeah. I was one of these. Rejects. Yeah, No boys.


You, man, knew the droopy jokes.


Bro, so I came up there thinking I was just geeky and handsome. Then after the Shubs, I've definitely told you this, A bastard in a fucking Ed Hardy dress started beefing my boy.


Oh, yes.


A beef beefing him. I can't remember. Ed Hardy dress? Yeah, a skinny Ed Hardy dress. She was gunning for him. And then she said something. I can't remember what she said, and I said, raw. That's what I said. She said something, stabbing to him, and I said, raw. She was on autopilot. Any noise was her target. Bro, I said, ra. She turned to me and said, ra, why the fuck you talking over there in your dicky bow? She said, everyone look, who is a dicky bow to a grown man party?


The everyone look. Everyone I would get chucked out because that's so embarrassing.


She did this on the thing. She said, look, big man's wearing bow tie.


Please tell me you draped off. Or do you keep it on just to say face?


I kept it on just to say face. Yeah, yeah, okay. I kept it on and obviously the glasses I was outside, I pushed my glasses up. I was just like, why me? Why are the strays? Yeah.


Why is it Rem's fault?


Because he's the reason I was there. I should have been home that night. I had zero money as Do you know how I went to that party? I took my change jar to Morrisons. I took my change jar, my loose change, had a jar of it in my mom's house. I took that bitch to Morrisons to cash it in. That's how I forwarded that party. You should have said. I have £38.


You should have said something. How does that work? I thought they just give you a receipt when you put the change in.


Yeah, you give a receipt, take it to the cigarette desk.


And they give you the P. I thought that you can use that for stuff in the shop. Is that what you've been doing? No, that's not what I've been I've never done it before.


That's what I've been doing. Don't you dare.


Is that what I've been doing? You're just sending stress today.


No, that's what I thought you meant. I thought it was a seat you could sit in the show.


I was like, right, you didn't understand.


I just knew they gave you a receipt. No, you take it to the cigarette desk. I don't know what desk that's supposed to be, the little newsagents in there. The little kiosk on the side. The little kiosk thing, and they'll give you the notes. I see. 38 pound I had. Mad.


And you bought to London with that.


To London. London, I think I put like 11 pound petrol in my 1.2 Clio. Me and the bro skis went down there. And yeah, we had an evening. Drank hardly anything because I couldn't afford anything. We stayed in a hotel in fucking Greenwich or something. With your Iron Apple boys, I remember. And yeah, I just caught strays. Damn. Didn't bag anyone. Damn. I didn't bag a single baddie.


Sorry, dude.


It is what? Isn't it?




Anyway. Life. Life. Life be life.


Oh, yeah. What's the thread you're going to call it again? Clapbacks. What's the greatest clapback you've seen? Right. Some guys tweaked Shannon Sharp. He said, @Shannon Sharp. Sorry. Shannon Sharp looks like a fucking horse. Reply. Your mom said, Gitty up last night.


Shannon replied that? Yep. Shannon doesn't play.


Shannon reply that. Mom said, Gitty up last night.


Wow. Shannon really doesn't play games.


He doesn't He doesn't care.


He's low-key killing it. He's got two podcasts.


I only know of the one. What's the other one he's got?


So he's got the Cap Williams one. Yeah. And he's got one with him and Ocho Cinco. Oh, I swear. Yeah. And they do it over Zoom.


Maybe I've seen that on-Yeah, and he's in there.


She got that all week.


He's wild. Yeah, he's wedge. He is wedge. Fucking hell. Yeah. He stayed busy after NFL. 54. 54.


He's on all the testosterone.


Fair play to him though, man.


Fucking hell. Is that what it looks like?


Fair play to him.




54? Fair play to him, bro. Yeah.


Wow. You, man. I know. Yeah. I need to go like that before. He stays busy. Fucking massive.


He stays busy. Wow. Stacked.


She got that. Yeah, that's it. That's the shot there. Go down to the left. There, that. That's his studio that he does the... That's what the backdrop looks like when he's doing his Ocho Cinco one. I see. Yeah, boy. Fair pay to him, man. Yeah, fair play to him. So he's got his obviously Sports Center show. I think it's on Sports Center.


Fuck knows. The one that he used to have with Skip Bayliss.


Yeah, he left that. That's charged now, isn't it? Yeah, because they had their thing, isn't it? They had beef on that, though.


I'm not sure what it was, but yeah, he left that.


That's done. But yeah, he's got this one with Ocho, and then he's got his... What do you call it? What's the other one he calls? The Cavaliers one?


No idea.


No idea. It's like it's something random, like Shay Shay or some shit like that.


The one with Kat.Club Shay Shay.Yeah.Club Shay Shay.Club.


Shay Shay. There you go. Yeah, he's doing stuff, man. Fair play, man. 2.3 million followers. The fuck? No. That doesn't It doesn't surprise me. Go on, how many views did that Kat video get? Like 57 million. Kat was chatting, though, isn't it?Oh.


He was chatting the most.We were talking two and a half.Go down?


What the fuck? How many 3,21 million, 2.3 million on Asha. Those are sensible numbers. Yeah.


The cat when it was what I sent him.


Fifty-seven million. Do you understand how much money that is?


It's a lot of money. It's a lot of money. That's what it is.


That's a lot of money. He would have made between... I'm saying he would have made between three... I'm saying I reckon he made between 3 and 600K for that video.


Shannon, I know you're a cold baby, so just let us know how much you made. Just send it to us in our DMs. We won't let the world know, and then we can go from there. Anyway, sorry, clapbacks. My last clapback I've got of the day. Tweet, reply, tweet, reply. Whatever happened to that plane that just disappeared? Question, question, question. Reply. All them people vanish into thin air. Reply. From the same check. Some fishy going on, and it's not just your pussy. What?unnecessary.just add the blue, unprovoked.Clapped on the clapback, it's just abuse. Fuck. The guy replied, question mark, question mark, question mark. He was confused, bro. Confused. But yeah. Okay, gang. Clapbacks of the day.


Clapbacks. I love that.


Yeah, man. Well played. Quick and easy.