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And then I've gone. I didn't take him.


He goes, I've seen you on the camera. I've seen you on the camera. I was not going to see if you're honest with me, honestly. He goes, I'll be honest with you.


You don't come to this work anymore.


I'm not gonna call the police because.


I like you, but you can't come here again.


Okay, guys, before we introduce our special guest for today, let's get the scoopy dupe on the floopity floop. Yeah, man. So my week has been. I've come to terms with it this week I was really struggling on strain, training was fine. I did two pt sessions this week, really hard ones where my legs, for example. For one, I was for like, for four days. Didn't even register an activity. It didn't register an activity. You, man.


And you started it before the activity?


No, I didn't start it. You don't need to manually do it.


You should manually.


I should, and I have been since then. But I'm saying for those I didn't and it didn't do anything.




But ever since then, I've manually started them.


But even though, because sometimes I do and I've not selected what I'm doing, it says, oh, it's detected. You've done something.






It didn't detect nothing. It's fluctuating. But anyway, I had a few days of really good sleep and recovery I was gassed about. That's made me happy. Good. So yeah, I'm happy with this one. We'll calculate who's winning. I'm pretty sure Ellis is winning.


Probably from sleep and recovery. Yeah, sleep and recovery. Yeah. Because I saw the catch up. Did you see the chat?


Oh, yeah. You won two, didn't you?


Pops up in their chat automatically yesterday. Yeah.


And you were winning the other one, right?


I won the straight.


All right, gang. So, yeah, I'm excited now. I haven't checked the stat. Did any of you man train yesterday?


Yes, you did.


All right, say less. No, gang, I didn't. I'm laughing because you said gang.


Wait, yesterday.


Yesterday, yeah, I did train yesterday.


You did?




Sorry, but you're not training today.


I'm not training yesterday. I'm not training today. I did train yesterday.


Say less. Yeah, I'm going have to to do something today.




It's cool because I also do stuff on days that you men don't do stuff. And that's fine.


I do stuff every day, bro. I'm working.


What day are you on now? 75.


Hard 74.


You're in 74.






Yeah. Wow. Third time's a charm, bro.


Third time. Third time. Well played.


I was like, I might owe you five bills tomorrow. I might owe you five bills tomorrow.




Unless someone falls down the stairs and can't train later but now. Okay, gang. That's well done, bro.


Thank you.


I'm very proud of you. I'm very happy on Thursday. Achievements. What's the body composition saying?


Yeah, a lot better. The thing is, I did it more as like a mentally thing. Anyway. I wasn't that bothered about any physical change. But I have lost some weight, which is good. I think I lost about half a stone. I think.


Very nice.


Which is decent.


Because I wasn't trying to lose weight anyway. But yeah, definitely built muscle. My arms are looking better. My shoulders are looking better.


So yeah, definitely very good.


Feel like more energetic. Do you feel stronger? Yeah, I feel a lot more energetic and stuff. Definitely with the water and stuff as well. I think my sleep's been a lot up since doing it as well.


Your sleep's been crazy recently? Yeah, I think like 9 hours.


Last few days. Yeah, last few days. I'm not coming last. Wow.


Yeah, bro.


Because I was in that sleep debt though. Had to catch up.


Well played, bro.


Well played.


I'm very happy. Fugee. Oh, yeah. I forgot as well. Since doing this, I am two and a half kilos down.


Wow. In weight gang. Nice one. Can I go now?


Yeah, you can go.


Cool. I weighed myself when we first started. Because it asks you for your weight. No. Yeah, it does. When you first started, it asks you for your weight. I thought I was around like 96, but I was like 98 point some. So I just put 99. Let's say hundred.


Let's just say hundred. Let's just say hundred.


I weighed myself this morning. I 96.4, gang.


Very nice. Well played, g. Yeah. Good job. We're smashing it. We're smashing it. Right, rem wagon?


Yeah, man. I'm happy with my training. I'm happy with my sleep. Like I said, always knew was going to be a struggle for me. But I am allowing it to encourage me to get some more consistency there. Maybe I was getting like six and a half. But since having the watch, I'm pushing for my sevens now. Just over seven. But yeah, I'm getting there. The strain thing is sad because weight training, it just doesn't give you the credit that it does for cardio, as we know. Heart rate monitor, whatever can get a bit toxic as well. Because not between us, I get toxic competitively. But, I mean, you don't want it to play games with you because before I had this watch, I would train and just know I've trained. And then for an application to tell me that I've trained. An intensity of ten out of 21.


That'S a bit jarring psyche.


So, yeah, you got to detach yourself from that and understand that it is literally just heart rate. And understand that your pre workout cardio or your post workout cardio or your sprints boxer size, whatever, that's what's going to really boost it up. 75 hard for Ellis, obviously, your double sessions that you're doing.




We're going to get a nice change in the tide now. That's incredible. Well, only if he drops off. He will. He'll have a McDonald's on Thursday and it will be a wrap.


Yeah, I said that to him the first thing I asked him, about 75 hard. When he finishes, will he maintain the double sessions? Because that is where the strain I have to. Well, to keep at your strain of the competition, probably, yeah.


I'm going to have to question, do you keep your WHOOP there the whole time?




Scooch that bitch up. This is why your strain is all over the place.


It needs to be high to be fair. Is that okay?


It's supposed to be an inch above your wrist, snug, tight on your hand.


Mine's pretty tight.


Mine's low.


Bro, you man are fucking with me.


I switch it sometimes as well, depending on if I'm wearing a watch or not.


Why does it matter?


Yeah, because if I'm not wearing a watch, sometimes I play it here.




I should probably have my. Yeah, it's supposed to be tight. I read up on it the other day. Tight. An inch above the wristbone.


Okay. Tighten up it.


All right, gang. But, yeah, I'm excited and I'm glad that we did switch to Rems tally weekly. Weekly tally. Because it keeps me motivated this week. I've had a terrible week of strain. Yeah. And it's nice to know that I can come back into this week and be like, cool, go again. Yeah, we'll go again. It's minor. It doesn't matter. So again, I'm not trained. I didn't train yesterday, you trained it today. It depends on the time we finish. Ideally, I would really like to. Depending on what time we finish here today. Obviously it's going to take me 2 hours to get home, but ideally, I would like to do something today and if not, I'm not going to stress myself out. I'm training with my boy first thing tomorrow morning. I've got pt on Thursday. I'm training on Friday. I'm training on Saturday and Sunday. So I will get five sessions in, no matter what. So, yeah, I'm really happy with how this is going. Same.


You're training five times this week.


I will be training five times this week.


Yeah, we're on Tuesday.






I'm training six times this week.


Swear. That's funny, because I'm actually training seven.


It's impossible.


It's not impossible. Two a days, three days. I'll do what it takes. I'll do it takes.


Okay, cool, yeah, we'll see.


We'll see.




If you say less five. I'm saying six.




All right, gang. Cool, man. Yes.


We don't say much.


This is what I like. This is what I like. Anyway, let's get to the scores. Let's start with Fuhad.


Yeah. So four points, 1.5 and then two points. So that's six. Seven, seven, sorry. Rem is three plus two, which is five, plus one is six.




Uh, two plus three. Five plus three. Eight. Ellis. One plus four, which is five plus four, which is nine.


Nine. Well done, Ellis. So, so far we have a total score of. Ellis is 17, Rem is 15, Foohad is 14, James is 16. So it's your last.


So it's 1234.


Damn cool.


All right, after two weeks, let's see.


How week three goes. Right, guys? Welcome back. Welcome back indeed to another episode of the second best podcast on the planet.


Yes, sir.


So you know how it goes. Usually when my chair is facing this way, you know what time it's someone in the building. So today we have another very special guest. So what I like to do at the beginning of all of our special episodes is a nice introduction to let this person know how we truly feel about them. This brear. When I was thinking about this introduction, I didn't think I had too much to say, but then, yeah, my brain was rapping.




So we've met.


This bread, like, four times.




Four times. Incredibly kind. Makes a very conscious effort we're ever in the same room to come over and not just say hello, make conversation. That's the difference. Because there's two of us. A lot of people don't make a lot of effort to chat to us. It's usually quick. Spud, spud and piss off, which I'm not mad at, is what it is. But, yeah, this guy has always been very nice. When we asked him to come on, I think he replied in about 4 seconds, which is fantastic.


I've been waiting. Yeah.


Which is gang. That made my day. And, yeah, man, as far as this guy's career looks, the only way I can describe it from an outsider looking in is literally just a friend to all this. Brear seems to be friends with everyone. You never hear a bad word about him. Humble. Very, very humble guy. Genuinely funny, intelligent, witty, unique character. So, guys, please welcome Harry Pinero. Let's go. Welcome.


By the way, that was something to make me fall in love.




Very sincere.




Means a lot.


You're welcome.


But actually, it wasn't actually 4 seconds. Don't do that.


It was like a minute. Yeah, I don't think you saw it.


Can I be honest with you guys?


Gone. Safe space.




I was waiting. Swear.


I feel like I should have been here a few episodes earlier.


Yeah, I was going to say entitlement.


I didn't feel like that because I remember when you came on my podcast quite early.




And I just didn't get the respect.


You had the respect. We just didn't want to fail you. We weren't ready yet.




We didn't want to let you down.


This is a much better space and time.


It is for us to collab. Got your little name on the door and that.


Come on, you saw that.


Things are looking up, man.


Yeah, man. I think. Where were we back then? We weren't in here, were we?


No, because I was still in Manny.


You were still in Manchester.




So we had the Birmingham studio. Yeah.


You didn't want to see that.


You didn't want to be in any part of that. It was bad.


It wasn't guest friendly.


Yeah, it wasn't us friendly.


But you know what's so sick about ULoc's podcast? You don't need anyone. That's the reality of it. And I think that's why when I saw you doing guests, I was like, right. They're trying to level up, but in essence, you don't. I think people just love you two's chemistry, and that's why we love watching you guys.


Thank you, G. I appreciate that, bro. Yeah, man. We're trying to keep guests to a minimum, like once a month. Once every few. Well, we said last year, once a month. I think we did like four. Four overall.


We're sticking to once.


Yeah, we're going to try and stick to once a month. Yeah. And you are the first. Yeah, first of the year. So last year we did a competition. A vote of best guest of the year. I don't think I've even announced it. Chunks of fully won, they won by a landslide. The votes were.




So no pressure. I did send them a trophy. It's engraved. Okay, so no pressure. At the end of the year, you might get trophy.


If you do well today, you might work hard today.


That's what I've got.


See what happens. Yeah.


All right, so I'll try. Introductions out of the way. We're settled in. So what we wanted to do, like I said, we've only met you a handful of times, so we thought we'd do some outreach and get some thoughts on what the streets think of Harry Panero. Okay, so we're just going to find out what you all think of Harry today. Okay.


I think going to be good, though. I just know.


You don't think?


No, because I ended up seeing a little tweet that you put out and some of the comments, I said, lord have.


Lord have mercy. Too fair. They're not actually that bad. Okay, that's facts.


I was looking at it. They're going to cook me and I'm here for it. So I'm open.


All right, cool.


I'm going to start. How many you got?


I've got ten.


You got ten?


All right, cool.


Bet Harry was Florence Nightingale's babysitter.


That's mad. Okay, who is Florence Nightingale?


I don't know. It's just an old figure.


It's got something to do with prehistoric times.


Chess, I think. I'll swear, so to speak. Clever.


I mean, that's not too bad.


They called you a co founder.


Let's just get habit out. It's darkest. So darkest has been calling me old for the longest in all our videos. And it's like it's stuck. So much so that even my sister.


She just calls you old.


I'm four years older than her. It's not even a mad thing. But here's what it is. Florence. That's not too bad.


Yeah, Florence night. She was a world war nurse or something like old nurse.


Old nurse.


I knew it had something to do with healthcare, but pictures.


Brazy. Yeah. Black and black and white.


You'd a babysitter?




That's cool. Fair, right? So this one's cool. I would die for that man. He's got me on bending knees.




There you go. I mean, it was a guy that said that, but it's a compliment nevertheless.


You are bad guy.


True. You are bad guy. Compliment. That's a compliment, bro. Isn't compliment. How's it not bending knee?


A man bending knee.




You attract both sex. That's not your ooze out. No.


See, sometimes the pause is, you got to be really quick.


That was never. That's what you. That's nuts.


I was hoping it was a frozen slap.


Sorry, we're early enough. Yeah.


Come on, man.




Yeah, I thought, I've had Joe and juice today, so it's giving me a bit of. You know. That protein is good, man.


That's funny.


All right. He looks like when God said, let there be light, he was out of town.


That's a bit nuts.


That's a bit racist.


It is a little bit, yeah. You're darker than Harry, though, to be fair.


I know I am.


Yeah, but you own it. I'm not saying you don't.


I love being the darkest in the room.


Gang. Gang?




Because when I light up the melody, you know, I'm trying to say it's a reflection thing.


See, that's what I mean. Silver linings.


What was that person, though?


I don't know.


What's it?


This person?


Yeah, the person that said that. Okay.


I don't recall. I just saw the thing.


I doubt it was. It's definitely mine and up in it. Yeah. It wasn't darker than me. Okay, see, this one's another big one. How can I become rich and famous like Harry? Genuine question.


I don't know. Be good at what you do, gang. Pray to God, gang. And just have a different work rate to anyone that's in your field. I think that's the difference because everyone's trying to be rich and famous, so that's why not everyone's successful, because they probably don't work as hard as everyone else in consistency, I think. But I'm not rich. My accountant's watching. I'm broke.


Fair broke. Yeah.


That would be my advice, I bet.


Just be the hardest worker and be good at what you do.


I'm good at what you do.




That's important in reality.


Let's have it right. There's people that work really hard, yeah. But they just don't know how to do what they do to the best ability.


Bruv. I was watching a Gary Vee video, like six months ago. Do you know who Gary Vee is?


Do you know who Gary Vee is?


Yeah, I don't rate him at all. He came up on my TikTok shouting.


And a lot of.


Gary Vee is basically, in a nutshell.


He's a bret.




He's just like an obnoxiously positive guy, but so much so that it's offensive. So someone will be like, someone coming to me like, oh, my dad said he's going to kick me out if I don't take over the shop, but I really want to do YouTube. And he'll be like, fuck your dad. Live on the streets, chase your dreams no matter what. And you'll be like, bro, I don't think that's sensible. He's like, now, fuck sensible, bro. Like, get rich, die trying. That's what he's on. It's nuts. He's annoying, bro.


But is he a millionaire? Yeah, he's rich as fuck.


He's caked. He's caked. But anyway, being good at what you do is facts. Some girl came up to him a little while ago and was like, I need help. I've never even heard him speak this way. A lady came up to me, I've been doing YouTube consistently for five years and I don't even think she'd hit a thousand subs consistently. Five years? Yeah. And then, bro. Yeah. Man's turned her and said, I'm not going to lie to you. I don't usually say this. Stop.




Five years is enough to say, you're just not built for this.


Wow. Yeah.


You're not good. And that's just calm and now you know. But you tried.


You know what's so mad about that statement, though? Yeah. Unless she's really, really bad at her job or what she's trying to do. Because there's some people that it takes them 1015 years to break. Yeah, but it's not necessarily that they weren't good at it. It's just that it's just not their time. Yeah, sometimes that can be misconcepted with, oh, you're not good at your job. It might not be your time. And we see rappers all the time. Takes them ten years to get signed or to get their number one or whatever it may be in it. But in her case, she's probably just crap.


Yeah, literally probably. I mean, Van Gogh, he died broke.




Never sold, like, anything. Now he's post hummus.


He's cakes, apparently.


Post what?


Post what?


Post Thomas. What's that? What's that? Can we google that? Can we google that, please?


Post hummus.


I need to see that word. Do you mean like post mortem?




What's that?


Post after death.


Something happens when someone releases an album or work after death.


Both of you apologize. Right.


The word is I'm actually sorry. I'm actually sorry, bro. Wow.


Post Hummer sounded.


That's not. I thought you were talking chickpeas, bro.






Post you, Mancha.


No, we didn't know. We didn't even know. And it's your fault because you started shouting.


I thought, yeah, it must be wrong.




I apologize.




I'm actually fucking sorry.




I've never heard that word in my life.


Now you have.


You can sharp, because you do that all the time. He googles something and then he just co signs.


No, I literally knew what that word meant. But you can simmer in your own.


Grief if you want. There, he's doing nothing again.




He's doing nothing again. Yeah, right. Anyway, where were we?


We were on Harry Potter.


How can we ask you? Yeah, cool.


I think he eats ass damn good. Something. I definitely.


Nah, because what is it about this ass licking stuff?


That's what the streets are saying.


No, I mean, look, I got good tongue action, but not for that area.


Never buy.




Because my thing is the fear of smelling something or tasting something that I.


Feel like tasting is crazy. But that's why it puts me off.


Like, post shower.


Like immediate shower, fresh shower from a place. You're selling it. Yeah. You're speaking like, bro, come on.


We're doing that 2024 scenario.


I'm asking you.


No, I haven't had a scenario where I felt like I want to eat an ahole. No, it's never happened.


Okay, I have.


Talk to me. Because you might want to.


I scrand it twice, bro. Oh, my. That's getting used facts, bro. Fresh shower, face down. Also, I was like, hey, yo, man, it's just that slow lick. Yeah, from the click.


Maybe I'm missing out.


Bro, you can't force. It's got to be a moment to want to do it.


Giving your best.




You can't think tonight's the night I'm doing it. You have to be so, like, blinders on. Wow.


One of the best feelings I've ever received is getting my asshole eating. Really swear was doing that.


It's a fear of mine, really.


It's exposure in it.


I just don't know how. That's trust understatement.


Yeah, but it happened by accident, so it was like, yeah, but you continue.


To let it happen.


No, because it's your eyes I'm rolling. Continue to let.


Yeah, because it felt good. And I was like, wait, hold on. I feel like this is going somewhere. Said, let it happen.


It happened.


And I was like, wow, incredible.


Why don't you return a favor?


Just. No, just.


Nah, I just felt like I didn't want to steal the show.


Yeah, you've got a limelight. We've got a gentleman in here. Wow. Okay, cool.


Thank you. Another time. Maybe this year again. But the thing is, it's all about just making sure that someone has their moment, leaving them with their moment.


All right, facts. Cool. We've had this discussion, though, just before we continue. What's the comfort if I'm trying to advertise myself or if I'm trying to feel comfortable about getting my cheeks spread for anal? What position? Because I don't feel comfortable. It's the worst. I don't want my legs up here.


There's not a good position. No, it never looks cool. You're bending down.


Yeah, I'm not doing that.


What he's asking, what position were you in? Is what he's asking.


Yeah, I was trying to. I said ten and two.


Yeah. Open eyes closed.


Were you peeking at her? No.


Do you know? Is she. She was so involved in it. Again, moment thing. Sometimes you got to let these players play. A manager manages, and then that's what I need.


I need confidence. Yeah, I need confidence from her.


And I just was really happy with her job, gang bro.


And you weren't expecting it?


You know what? It's not like I wasn't expecting it, but there was a certain time where you get to a certain area between the. Once you feel something there, you know what's happening.




Value of death.


And then she just.


That's the value of death. There's a gap between the balls and the anus is the value of death. She did what? Well, she pulls you back.


I'm telling you, there's no way you feel like a. She folded, man. See?


Okay, look.


See, these are the words that I didn't use that you're adding on now.


She folded you.


I didn't say fold. Real one, bro. You know you're a real one. Just one half of a fold and.


Your eyes rolled back, gang. Fab.


I'm not mocking.


All these are experiences that we have to experience in order to not play.


Has that been one and done or have you had it done before?


I mean, look.


Trying to find your camera. Yeah, it's this job right here.


I cannot confirm. Northern.


Say less. Yeah, say less.


Let's move, let's move.




Gang. Oh, God.


Love the honesty.


Right? Thoughts on Harry Panera. Sexiest ancestor to ever walk the earth.


Okay, that's a compliment.




But then it's again, playing on the age.




Look at me as brothers. Do I look old?


You actually don't define old.


It would be one of you, man. No, it would be one of you.


No, because I would say no.




But I do look up to you. Is that so wrong? Do I look to you for wisdom? Sometimes. What do you mean, wisdom? I look to my granddad for wisdom and he's moving here anymore.


What would granddad do in this situation?


That's wisdom? Yeah, bro. What do you want from me?


Well, I'm an older statesman. Then I'll take it.


I'll take that.




Oh, man.


His name sounds like a fruity cocktail that white people order in the Caribbean.


Let me get that.


I've met people that's, like, from the latin community, and I've said, harry Panera. And they start speaking to me to Portuguese and go, stage name?


Not today. Alias.


If I tell you my real name, you'll be like, excuse me.


What did you say?


It's a mad name because it just sticks. It sounds like it could be a football player's name. Harry Panera. Down the wing. It sounds like one of those.


Is that why you landed there?


No. The origin of the name was, my uncle used to call me Prince Harry. Don't know why. Please don't ask. Because I was the first boy in the family that was over here. Right. It was a little joke. Didn't slap, but it stuck. So Harry was always part of it. And then Panero came from Styles P. Styles Panero?




So when I wanted to make a name that I felt like would be a good name, I just merged both together. Harry Panero.


Fair play, man.


Yeah. I'm actually going to tell everyone my real name.


I was just going to say. I'm going to ask a.


So my real name is. You lost your mind?


I'm not telling you. I'm not telling none of you. None of.


But why I wanted to ask was because you said your uncle called you Prince Harry. Yeah. I'm assuming from, like, the royal family. Harry is your name? Not Harry?


No, nothing near it.


I would never have known that.


Do I look like a.


No, no, but don't get mothers.


I know you don't look like Harry, but I just assumed. I knew the panera wasn't your surname. I just assumed it was Harry something.




And I don't know.


I don't know much black Harry's.


Neither do I. I've never met.


I think I've heard of two. And literally govey. That's their name? Harry. But I remember my cousin. There was a video, I probably will send it to you after and you can use it.




He goes, bro, do you look like a Harry? You look like a kunle. And it's true. I'm african, innit? So there's no. I don't know. No Harry's. But it's a name that sticks. But, yeah, nah, Harry's not my name at all, gang.


Noted, noted.


You look lost, boy. Where were we? Is it your turn? I think it's your turn. Right. Falls on Harry Panero. Wow, this one's crazy. This one's actually crazy.


God, he looks like a sweet bit.


Of chocolate the slaves would share. Oh, wow.




They said he's a little houseboy days. A little sweet thing that the slaves would share.




It's ten and two daily, they said. I don't know how to say that one. Yeah. I'd take it as just like, you're pretty, you.




And then it's like. It's a bit of a compliment, but then a disrespect.


I'm getting passed around. Yeah. I'm not even passed around. The master.


The slave. The slaves, my bro.




Complexion. We're just trying to understand it as much as you.


But you've gone and delved in a bit more. I don't like these, man.


I'm sorry, bro. All right, I'm going to do a couple more. Yeah.




He looks like he walks around his house talking to himself in different accents.


That's not even a joke.


I buy it.


I can see it.


Yeah. Essentially what I used to do as a kid, I think that's why I was able to have that confidence to be able to go out and do it, because I used to watch people like Jamie Fox, Dave Chappelle.


Jamie Fox is a shout.


Yeah, bro.


Their man were just. I just felt like they were so tapped that they was able to construct it into comedy that was available for the world to just be like, yeah, these guys are amazing. So, yeah, I used to do that. My sister would be a witness, like my wife and kids. I'd watch that and just watch how Michael Kyle would do his little mad impersonations and. Yeah, I loved it, man. Gang, I know that I'm not well cool.


That's all right, bro.


You have to be an element of tap to be able to do the job.


Yeah, I hear it, G. You know what I mean? Well played.


Well played indeed.


That's not really a diss. I think that's the most spot on one so far.


Fair play, gang. This one. Very smart, very funny, gang. Short and simple.


I like that, man. Shout out to that person, man.




There you go. Your stuff might be me that said that.


I'm going to do one more. Dude. Looks like the actor from blade.


So, Wesley.


Wesley snipes.


Okay, in my defense, Wesley, back in the day.


Yeah, back in the day was the guy. He was cooking. Yeah, he was cooking.


He was the guy.


He was cooking.


If you're talking early, Wesley, I'd hold that.


What was that pause? If we're talking early, Wesley, I'd hold it again. Spread like quarter to three. You know, I came and I said.


To myself, I ain't going to do no pauses, bro. Done already.


Hold it. I haven't heard that before.


Sorry, boy.


That's all good. It's good. He confidently wears a beard made of eyelashes. That's a stinger.


That hurts.


Is that full form or do you trim? I'm asking questions because I'm doubling down.


On the state because I want you to protect yourself. Is that full form or do you trim? No, I trim exactly. Oh, God.


That was funny. That actually hurt.




I'm not going to lie. That hurt because you two both have well constructed bears and mine just looks there.


You point upstairs.




To be fair, though, I got mine the hard way, bro. I had, like, a baby mustache in, like, year five. I went through it, bro. I hit puberty as a what country? I'm half irish and then half from Trinidad.


Oh, okay. I thought he was asian because that's usually, like, mostly what happens. My brethren, Memmett, he had a beard at four.


You thought he was asian.


I get that a lot. That's fine.


No, I just thought it could be.


My breadroom. Memet.


Memory, wherever you are, man.


I don't know why that's funny, but yeah, no. Wow. Full form. Full formers are not question or do you trim? But you said you trim, so you've answered the public.


I don't really like the whole.




Yeah, it's a lot, man. Your look. There's nothing to be mad at, bro. I think it looks great.


It suits you, bro.


It really does.


Thank you.


And we're not even saying that.


No, thank you.


Some man can't grow beards, and you can, and it's connected a bit.


Not a bit. What do you mean, a bit?


I'm happy to be here.


I don't know, bro.


I'm joking. It's not as connected as I would want it to be.




I don't have what you guys have underneath this thing.


Yeah, they don't teach stuff like that anyway. Are we charging this every week?


We deal with this every week.


Relentless. But I like it. That's good.


I appreciate it.


Yeah, anytime.


Right, cool. That's it? Yeah, that's it. I had a couple more, but we won't even go there.


I'll see what's happening here. Let me just have my requested. Fez.


We look after our guests.


You do.


There we go, gang. Right, so before we go any further, bar fuhad, for some reason, just built up this gripe in his head and was, like, talking shit. And he was like, oh, Harry always talks about Manu. He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Like, I'm the real manu supporter. No one's giving me the love.


Why does he always get to go.


To Old Trafford, and I have to drive myself, like, all these kind of things? Why am I sitting in the back freezing my tits off, and he's there just, like, picking blades of grass and stuff. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa.




It's not his fault. And then Fuhad didn't want to hear it, so he was like, when he gets in here, I'm going to shank him with Manu quiz. Isn't that what he said, that he's. That we're going to go toe to toe against Manu and see who is actually the real supporter in front of all these fairs.


Fairs? So you don't really mean that.


Quiz, please.


Oh, wow.


No prep time. Yeah, let's have it then, mate. Yeah, this ain't going to help you, brother. It's not? Wow, gang. Right, so we're doing a manu quiz. I'm going to sit someone out, and you man can cook.




I think Fierd said he wants Harry's season ticket if he loses.


No, what I will do would love the season ticket.


If I lose, you get to pick any game. My seats are quite close, so it'll be the closest you've ever seen.


Oh, you've seen?


Okay. Yeah, very close. Might even get you to meet some players. Who's your favorite player?


Don't answer that question. Don't let him. Lil bro you in your studio.


Oh, you know, I'll get your sign shirt. How do you spell your name? F-U-A-Z. No, because I wanted to know how you spell it.


It's the beard.


Yeah, I just wanted to know because eyelash man said, I'll let you meet some of the play.




Let's have it then, man.


How's it working?


Is it. You asked me.


So if there's any questions direct that way.






Alex Ferguson famously kicked a boot at David Beckham.


Don't be silly now.


Just know yourself, Harry.


Just know yourself.


He told you to know yourself. Stand up.


Actually, know yourself.


Stand the fuck up.


Next question.


He said, know yourself.


Know who you are.


Wait, hold on, hold on. Can we just address the fact that I will probably know all the same answers? He just says it faster than me.


Don't let him.


Don't do that, then.


That doesn't make sense.


That was actually horror, if we're being honest. But anyway, one of.


Manu broke their record for a transfer fee in 2016 when they paid 89.5 million.


Have it right, man. That's Harry Potter again. So it's two. No, honestly, I feel like what you should have done this morning.


Next question. I know the answers, bro.


It's fine.


I know the answers.


I'm going to need you to.


Yeah, pick up that your coast, love.


Which Player holds the record for the most Man United goals?


Rooney. Next.


All good. That was. No.


Mason Mount. Next.


Who do you say? Antonio Valencia.


Wait, who did you say?


Mason Mount.


Oh, after Ronaldo.


After Ronaldo.


Antonio Valencia.


No, Mason Mount.




Yeah. I'm thinking of a second time.


You were thinking, but you didn't get it, dickhead.


I was thinking of the, like now. He just left.


Three one. Harry.


Sorry, three one.


How many more we got left?


Because I think it's up to ten.




There's a couple of extras if we need, dickhead.


Let's go, let's go.


Come on.




As of 2020, Manchester United hold the record for the most league titles in England.




How many times have they been champions?




Oh, my days. I should have shut my mouth.


What did you.


What were you thinking, Harry?


I thought you. Premier League. We've won it 13 times.


Most league titles.


League, Premier League. But, like, league league.


Yeah, 20 is right. Free. Two. Fairs. Fairs. Fairs. Can I be honest with you guys? Heart's beating.


I fair, bro.


My heart's beating. No, my heart's beating. When you did the intro, I was thinking, this guy's gassed up.


No, my heart is beaten because the bragging. Right.




Let's go.


Which player holds a record for the most Man United appearance?




Yeah, that's fair. Wow. 400 and Sotom. I think four, six two or something.


No, it's more than.


No, no, it's eight time, isn't it's?




Oh. 1050. Sotom.




1963. We were just saying numbers. Yeah, we were just saying numbers.


That was one of the bonus questions. That was one of the bonus questions. But there's more that I can go back. What is the nickname of old Trafford?


Fear of dreams.


Correct. I was going to say it just then.


Honestly, I hope my son's watching this in 20 years. Son, believe in yourself question man. Always believe.


Five, two.


Impossible is nothing.


Impossible is nothing. You can do.


As of 2020, what is the capacity?














77 something.




79,050 or something like that.








Oh, you know what it is? I know what it is, bro. It's easy. 81,000.






I'm sure.




No, it's 70 something, bro.


75,000. No, 74,000.


Charged. Charged. Charging. It.


It was 74,000. But did someone just say that?


We just said it just now.


Yeah, but it was so long down the line. Foolishness.


Alex Ferguson did not win the league with Manchester United until his 7th season.


True false. True 7th season. Yeah.


He took over 1980 something. I thought it was, like, after we won it. We won it in 1992. 99. Free.


When did he take over?


1980. Well, it would have been seven years before 19, so, yeah, we'll do the math.


I'm losing a hat to pepper you somehow. It's well known that my math is horrible.


I've always said the way I'm going to raise my son is on Google.




I generally thought it was after, like, four years, because I knew he took over 80, son. And we won in 92. 93. So I thought it was like, four years, but fair play. Seven.


I'm going to let you win some answers now.


I think you got one left.


There's only one question left, isn't it?


Yeah, there's one left. This is question ten. Before they became Man United.


Newton Heath.




Dub fuck.


The club was known by what name?


Newton Heath. Yeah. I just want to take this opportunity to thank myself. Sky digital, my father.


Sky digital. Yeah.


Because that's when I was watching sky. You didn't have that at school? And look, God is good all the time.


You had sky in school?




Prehistoric times. Next question or next segment? Next segment.


But because I. Let me be honest, I actually love shits and gigs. I really respect you guys. So regardless of the fact that I battered you, I'm going to give you my tickets for whatever game you want to have. And you can take James with you.


I don't think I could be seen with Donald.


That's an honest man. All right. Do I get a trophy?


We'll arrange something.


We'll arrange something. You are the guest.


Yeah, I knew he was doing that for that reason.


You bodied it. I'm not going to lie.




I love you fucking bodied it. That last answer. Wow.


Didn't finish the question.


Yeah, I didn't even know what the question.


I love my club, man. I love my club, bro.


You really do.


I do.


Fair play. You deserve it, then.


Thank you.


You deserve it. Am I going to have. That was fantastic.


I know, Fuad and I know that if that was me that lost, he's fuzzy right now.


You might understand. On my own.


Yeah. We love Man United.


I know you do. We all know you do. You did put like a valiant effort.


I think so.


Yeah. I was just literally just a bit more quicker with Mark.


Yeah, but he knew them. And you also were just like. You were stern with it. Like when you hit move on the Rooney. Sorry, we take a lot of l's on our show, don't we, Mark?


Let's move on.






Right, so now that's out the way, we wanted to talk about OG Harry Pinearris. Obviously the name is covered in order for you to even want to do a stage name. Mindset wise, how did we get to where we are today? Obviously today, highly successful, very well known across a multitude of platforms. Now, I've heard bits and bobs about your origin story, but from your own perspective, where did it all start for you?


Good question. I think for me, I always knew that there was something in me that was incredibly great and I just felt like I was. I thought there was a pause, something in.


No, yeah.


I'm just traumatizing.


Ignore us.


There was something great in me and I just felt like at the time there was.


I love these guys so much because it just.


Might, but I just felt like there wasn't a time and place to do it when I was younger. I think we look at some of the comedians that we've had in the limelight, like Lenny Henry, Richard Blackwood, and there just wasn't anyone else after that honorable mention to don't jealous me, virginic and poet and stuff. And I just wanted to do something that was me and that related to the people that I'm around and the situations that I have been in. So I think when I saw that social media was changing and they had the likes of motor comedian and Michael Dapper, I said that this is the perfect time for me to just be myself. And I had a good following because of where I was raised and the people that I was friends with, they all know that I was just a funny person. I never really took things seriously. So I just took to my social media, Snapchat, Instagram, and was just promoting, I guess, self love. I wasn't in the best place. I was working in a nine to five in co op. And I think a lot of the people who knew me knew me for a certain lifestyle I was living.


Then I just went back to living in co op, or working in co op, should I say. And that was a humbling experience for me because I had to work really, really hard to prove to myself and prove to them that what I'm doing right now is going to change my life. And I always felt like I was very entertaining, very funny, and I just felt like, let me just put it out there. And honest to God, I knew I was going to do it. I just knew. I just had that feeling that no one can do it the way I do it. I wasn't trying to do it like how anyone else was. The stairs videos, they all came up from me working in a job, getting a haircut, wanting to record to the girls that was on my Snapchat. Look how I look. But then it traveled to the mandam saying, bro, this guy's mad funny. So I just kept the consistency. It was a day in, day out thing, speaking about experiences that I had gone through that I knew that the mandam and the girls would relate to. And sure enough, it became something.


It became a thing where everyone was like, yo, Harper, where's the next video? So I then had, like, it was like supply and demand. So I knew that if I can consistently started to post and just change the narrative of what I felt like an entertainer was, which is you have to be a certain type of person. I was broke. I was wearing champion tracksuits and wearing the same trainers every day to work. But I knew that my own qualities would show, and that's what it did, man. And everything just started happening because of what I was doing. I got link up tv shouted me to be a presenter. I had never presented, ever in my life. And I took that opportunity as this is the one chance, if I don't do it this way, it's never going to work. And I smashed out of the water gang. And everything else has just happened, man. And when people ask me, how did you do it? I just say, bro, I just did it. I don't even know how.


Did it scared.


Yeah, did it scared. Good callback.


That was a good one. Yeah, because I didn't make money for a year, not one penny. But I quit my job because I just felt like, yeah, I quit my job because I was like, all right, let me just save, like, two and a half grand. That will at least allow me to pay rent while I was living at my mum's house, still have money to travel to and from, if I got booked for shoots or whatever. And the money ended up coming when it needed to come, it didn't come when I wanted it. And that was all, God, because I felt like if I had it then, I probably would have lost it all. And, yeah, I got a good manager who I've known from when I was 14. He was working at island records. He left there and was like, bro, let's work together. And I was like, let's go. And he's been my manager ever since, man. So I've had a beautiful journey. Everything's just happened organically, man.




All glory to God, man.


How long ago was the link up tv? The initial 2018 presentation? Do you remember what it was? What it was about? Yeah.


So Rashid had DM'd me. And, you know when you get a DM from someone who you've been watching for years, you think I'm gone. I remember screenshot and send it to my friend.


Remember that when you see the blue.


Tick, it means something, bro. So Rashid shout to him, and he's such a real person, because to this day, every time I see him, he's wearing a we are winning t shirt. And I have to ask him, I said, how many of you do you have? Because I see you a lot and you're always wearing this t shirt. But he dm'd me and goes, bro, we got this role. Arnold George was doing it before, which was talent Hunt, which is a festival based show where they go to festivals and they ask people like, what's your talent? I kid you not. I watched it for two, three minutes and I already knew what they was asking for me to do, but what I was going to do was completely different. Yeah, I was going to move to girls on there, I was going to clown people, I was going to find talent, but I was going to have it all in one. So the idea for me was for it to showcase my own interaction skills, but also my presenting skills, and also that you can be nice to people in the public and they'll do what they want.


And we did it in Shepherd's Bush. And instantly, when I recorded it, I knew, if this goes well, I'm clear. And we did that. Then we did Peckham, we did Croydon, we did Brixton, we did Stratford. And all of those became like a staple of the time that Harry Panera was starting his journey. Yeah. And it was just, I used to get people, random people on the way to work. They'd be like, bro, I watch your video, man. You're a proper guy, man. And you get roadmen. Literally, I'll be coming off the train in housing because I was working in housing. And then one year goes, I come, I must have moved to his girl, man. He goes, brother, I don't really go up to you like that, but you see what you're doing. Trust me, bro, you're changing the narrative. And I was like, I didn't even know, you know, the word narrative. I didn't even know. But that was the impact that it was having. And my content back then was very raw and very authentic because that was what I felt was going to work at the time. I felt like everything was a bit safe that people were doing and I wanted to be the difference maker, and I guess I was because it made a lasting impact.


But, yeah, talent Hunt was one that really set off for me.


Boy, with the mindset, obviously, this is a random question you might not even be able to answer. Yeah, you're one of the first people I've heard, especially in having basing it on yourself. Obviously you'll have a lot of people who want to act or they want to do music and their journey is obviously very intentional. Like, I want to get to here a lot of time that doesn't really. With content creators and stuff, it doesn't really apply usually. It's just like, I just started doing it and then lucky for me, it kind of took off.




You're one of the first people I've heard is like, everything from day one is intentional. I knew where I wanted to be. I knew I wanted to do this and achieve these things. Where's that mindset come from?


You've got to believe you're the best in the most humble way from childhood as well. Yeah, I've always been a confident person. There's people that will be watching this that will be like in the comments, trust me. In school, he was always that person. I've always been confident. I've always felt like whoever I am in this world is special and I'm happy with that. So when I do work and when I set my goals. I set it knowing that when it's meant to happen, it's going to happen. Do you know what I'm trying to say? I never think, oh, if it doesn't happen in a year's time, it's never going to work. You know what I'm trying to say? I always feel like God has his plan for me and. And that is when it's going to happen, it's going to happen and everything's happened. Like the first card I got, I didn't get it when I wanted it. I got it when it was supposed to happen. So with my career, I always said, look, I'm going to start off doing the content that's a bit raw, get people's attention. But I don't want to be talking about girls forever.


I want to be a presenter. I love football. I'm going to start working with my club. How am I going to do that? Start speaking about my club. I was a Jordan ambassador for a year, almost two years, actually. I loved wearing jordans and I would wear them every time. Became a Jordan ambassador. So it's like you put little deposits on things that you want to make grow into a house, so to speak. And that is exactly what I've done. So everything that you see right now has been strategic? Yes. It's a big part of belief, man. Sometimes when I say certain things to my manager, he'll be like, look, I'm going to support you, but I don't know if it's going to work. And then I go and do it and I smash out of the water and it's know and relationships, I'll say a massive part of that is my relationships that I've built with. I've. I remember the first two years in my career, I went to Spotify, went to Adidas, and I said, look, this is what I can offer you guys. I feel like I've got a great relationship with players and also musicians.


If we were to start a podcast, we started who we be, I think I'd be great with it. And then me and Henry, our relationship was incredible. And that's when we first met you guys. And that conversation just felt like we've known each other for time. That's a skill that we, me and Henry both have and it was able to work and that's why we did so well with the episodes and with added that stuff. United is my team, so why not get someone who loves the club and also the players know who they are. It's a great recipe so it's kind of like selling yourself, so to speak, but then also delivering.


You know what? I'm actually pissed off. You know what? That's motivated the fuck out of me. But I'm not even lying. I've made myself so small recently, I'm not even lying. There's a lot of times where before, when we didn't have anything, we would have these grandiose dreams and then goals and we'd write them all down on a whiteboard and we're like, we're going to do this, we're going to do this. And a lot of it was just like, that sounds impossible, but let's just go. Let's just go. And kind of everything has happened, but for some reason, the more reassurance that we get that that's the correct mindset to have. I don't know, recently we get pitched these things or we have these ideas. I'm a bit like, that's not really realistic, is it? And I kind of just like diminish myself. I want to be more like that. I want to be more like, okay, cool. Now I genuinely believe this could happen. This can happen and I want this to happen and it's going to happen.


You're going to stop it?


Yeah. Facts.


I've had my fair share of L's as I've been growing, but I've always believed God would not put me here if he wanted to remove me. I don't think so. And if I'm supposed to be removed from this, then so be it. But until then, I got to keep going, bro. It's a beautiful thing that we have here. That you've created something or I've created something from nothing. It was an idea that has now become a career. And now you're in a space right now where you've got the best podcast, bro. Let's have it right. You chunks and Philly on God have the best podcast. You know why? Because it's not about your guests, it's about you two. We're coming into your space that you've created. And I feel like I'm the same when people interview me, it's my surrounding that you're a part of and you as a person, I will then read the room and be like, okay, cool. You're someone that maybe needs to warm up. So 15 minutes for the interview. Me and you are rapping about life. Yeah, I'm going to loosen up the situation a bit. So when the camera is on, I'm like, listen, bro, it's going to be light vibes.


And that's why my interviews work well, because I'm now to read the room and you guys do the same. So it's not coincidence why you're here, bro.


Thank you, Jay. I appreciate that, man.


You got to own that, bro. That's all you guys. That's why. Two, bro. Two arena.


Speaking of guys, the biggest you've ever had, May 26, 2024. Please get your tickets. There's only a few left. There's only the nosebleed seats left because you left it too long. That is your business. Please come and see us. Link in the description. And, yeah, man, it's going to be a vibe. Anyway, back that transition. Yeah. Was world class.


So much so, I didn't want to say nothing.


I said, oh, wow, are you coming, by the way? Vip, of course. Okay.


Of course.


Yeah, I'll be there.


I'll be there, gang. All right. Cool. Exciting, right? Cool. Well, that was a beautiful origin story. Thank you for sharing that with us.


Jesus Christ.


I didn't know it. Co op.


I'll never forget. I've got stories about that shot. There was a guy three years younger than me in school, right? And he pulled up in a van, and I was outside putting out the things that swing to show you what we got off. Yes, 20% off. Dragging it outside. Dragging outside. And I see this van pull up. Now he's come in. Now he owns the company, right? And he's like, ra. Working in there, bro. And I was just like, yeah, this is my job, man. And he goes, bro, got to get how you live, bro. Then he goes, where's the sugar? I had to walk him. No, to the sugar and get the sugar. And he goes, love, ma'am. And bro, that's when I knew that wallaby. I got to go. I got to get it. No, I have to get it.


You're that funny guy.


Anyway, that's a reality.


Where's Mr.


Minimum wage? Your job.


And if the thing is why it hurt a bit more was because you're three years younger than me. And in school.


I forgot you said that. And in school.


Yeah, in school, obviously, you look at the people that are older than you that, oh, you're going to go off and do whatever you're doing to be successful. And that's not to say that working in nine to five isn't. It's a stepping stone for me, personally. It's what taught me the value of a pound. It taught me about work rate being on time, everything else that I didn't know, prior to that, I learned there, right, but that was some of the most humbling experiences. But in the same way, I never forget, there was this one girl that she generally, she had like a merck. I didn't even know what Merck it was, but it was outside and she's always come to the shop and I moved to her and I ended up getting a number, but she basically humbly said to me, you don't drive. So I live over here. You live in south. I can't always drive all the way there. And I just felt like the fact that you give me a number just off the me gaming you was enough. And I knew that to get to a level to balance out, I just needed to do what I was doing.


But again, situations humble you, bro, and they teach you lessons.


Before we wrap up to the next session, I want to ask, how did it feel or what was the experience like when you quit co op?


I got sacked. I got my ass sacked. Okay, so basically there was this situation where my manager was basically like, look, I can see that you keep taking items. Yeah, so what happened was your little teeth. Yeah, so what happened, bro? Listen, remember I've gone in there with no bread, right, and I got to work 30 days to get paid.


I'm not used to that.


So what happened was there's a thing where if anything's open, it's considered to be something that's waste. The box is open, it's waste. Right? So what I would do was I'd just open things and be like, yeah, it's waste. But then I'll take the proper one, put it in the freezer, and then I'll make my way home with all the stuff. So he's called me on my day off, ghanaian guy, he's gone. There's been some claims that you've been stealing some stuff. And I know that claims, I know that you're not going to lie to me because. And then I've gone, I didn't take him.


He goes, I've seen you on the camera, I've seen you on the camera. I was not going to see if you're honest with me, honestly. He goes, I'll be honest with you.


You don't come to this work anymore. I'm not going to call the police because I like you, but you can't come here again.


And I was like, bro, so I didn't leave co op, I got sacked.


But then one time, this is my villain origin story.




A few years later, obviously I'm doing well, for myself. So I've gone past. Because I used to work at Ned Arsenal Stadium, right? Okay. It was the cop Ned Arsenal stadium.


No, the current one.


Yeah. So I've pulled up here, but I was literally driving past and I was like, nah, I'm going to spin this. So let me spin this coupe I want to see. I pulled up now.




And I've just walked in. Everyone's like, oh, my God.




I was like, yeah. Then I was like, oh, I paid for a Lucas aid. Yeah. I didn't want the Lucas aid. I just wanted to pay for it. And then there was a few people there and I just paid for whatever they had there.


Come on. It was my flex. I didn't need to do that.


But I just felt like you probably do all the stories. He's a teeth. He's this, he's that. And I'm sure they've probably seen through the other young people that was working there that I was doing what I was doing now, by no way was what I did right. But I was broke and I needed to bring back food. And my mom said to me the other day, she goes, you know what I loved about you? You always been a selfless boy. You always used to bring back food.




Well, mother, I got some news for you.


Oh, damn.


But it is what it is. And listen, no one can say that they've worked in retail and haven't stole.


That's a fact.




Yeah. It's part of the game, man. Part of the game, bro. Allegedly.


Fair play.




Moving on. I just want to talk about nice stuff. One question. I haven't pitched it publicly, spoke to you, man, about it, but now Harry's here, it's a perfect time to pitch it.




Your boy's getting the streaming game.


Oh, my.


I'm jumping on the streaming. Right.




Yeah, thanks, guys. Yeah, I'm jumping on the streaming thing. How are you finding it, brother? I see you doing it a lot.


Yeah, no, I've just been accepted to Gtarp.


We talked about that yesterday.


Down. And I don't know who I'm going to be. I don't know what character I'm going to play up to. For me, having a streaming set up in your own house where you feel the most comfortable. We all loved playing games when we was younger, right? And to be able to be an adult and still be able to do that stuff for me is elite. But it's just the interactions you have. It's a new family, I call it. I've got people that it sounds mad that they're watching me play games, watching me interact, watching me listen to music. It's just next level, bro. I just downloaded attack on Titan, the game. Right? I'm going to start that on stream with all my anime because I've got different sections of people, I've got anime, got the football fans. And, you know, credit to Philly, because Philly's someone that, as much as he's younger than me, I'm inspired by him a lot because when he's on something, he's on it. And he was just like, he's put.


His foot on the gas.


He has. He's not been playing games, but he was just like, to me, h bro, get onto streaming, bro, and I have a streaming set up, but that's where the man would come and we'll just listen to music and vibe and whatever. But then I was like, you look, go, man. Now it's time for me to stream. It's just so sick, man. And the bread that you can make on there.


So, of her chaching. So I've heard.


But I'm building, though much. It's similar to, I guess, the start of my career, I guess, because it's like I wasn't making anything, but I loved the journey. So I'm loving seeing it go from 70 viewers to 300 to 500 and then hopefully it's going to be thousands every time. So, bro is sick. I would love to see you. I would 100% watch your streams. If I see you stream, I'm given 100 subs. Swear, 100 subs right here.


Right, guys, you heard it. Now I haven't got a choice. Yeah.


What games are you into?


So, bro, I'll be doing better things. So we play cod a lot. That's my main thing. I play overwatch sometimes. Look, a piece of rocket league. I play chess.




And what else do I play? It would mainly be just that and then just chat. Just chatting, bro.


Most of the time, the chat will do really well.




I think if you transition over from this and you have more instant conversations with people, it would be.


Yeah. So my main thing, I'm not going to go in there hardcore. Like, these are the games I play. This is the thing I do. It's just going to be mainly just chatting and then if I'm playing a game, I'm playing a game.




100 subs from me.


Easy, bro. I appreciate that. I'm not going to hold you to it.


No. The minute I see on your story, guys, look, I'm on twitch tonight, bro. A hundred subs that same day.


All right.


Also, I like to say I played cods for the first time. I don't think I'm going to do it again, bro.


It's a baptism of fire. Guess what?


I'm playing Fortnite. Yeah. And I'm enjoying the victory.


You're a mega me, bro.


I went to play cod. I just landed. But I'm one of those people. I won't stop until I get better at something.


Yeah, I'm saying.


So I think it's the most elite game ever in terms of whatever I've seen. I just need to get better at. It's tough, bro.


When I first 1st started playing in lockdown, I think when you and Jay were running a lot, I refused to play with these men until I was good enough that these men weren't just, I mean, they still carry me, but until I wasn't embarrassing myself. So I ran solos for like two months, three months. You man didn't see me for a minute. I was in there in the dungeon.


I need to do, you know, on my own suffering.


I'm doing that right now. My profile remains offline so they don't know why I'm playing.


I need to do that as well.


Then because I embarrassed myself on stream. Because I was like, you know what, let me do something different. I've done a little giveaway. I said, you know what, guys? Let me change the game. Because Fortnite it's a fun game. Yeah, but I'm a big man, 32. So went and played now and then I was like, what?




That's okay. Interrupt me. I'm fine with Broski, I'm good. You're not going to sub? Yeah, so literally, I think it was on. What stream was it on? It might have been that one there. It might have been that one. I don't know. Yeah, there's one. I might need to upload it again, bro. But bro, I got smoked so much so it gave me a headache. I was just like, I'm going, I'm going bed, man. But it's an elite game.


Yeah, bro. Cod will really make you rethink your choices. It's a disgustingly difficult game, but yeah, once you're in, nothing can beat it. But yeah, that's me for this year. I'm going to jump on a streaming thing three times a week at least. Yeah, because that's what I'm doing. I'm putting in like 4 hours a night at least four times a week at the minute. And yeah, I just need one of my boys to come round and pattern a streaming set up in my spare room.


Someone for you swear?




Sam ham.


Sam ham. I knew you were going to say yeah.


Look, I don't do promo for no reason. He's actually the greatest. I don't know anybody. He'll do everything for you. I'm talking about. All you need to do is pay him. Tell him what you want. The rest is history.


Sam, I'm going to shout you.


I'm shouting you today, Sam.


All right.


Everyone'S set up is basically paying.


All right. That's bad.


Yeah. Unreal.


Okay. I mean, I did let say to Nick yesterday he could do it, but fuck yeah. I'm sorry, bro. I know Nick ain't black. I know Nick ain't black.


Who's calling kid Nick? Unless he's short for Nicholas.


He's white. Yeah, he's white. Classic white.


Sorry, Nick. Let's dive straight into anime, bro.


Oh, thank God we're here.


We've seen the set.


We have Kaisen.


Yes. Real quick, what is your top three right now?


That is the question of all questions. Okay. I'm going to say my first introduction was Dragon Ball Z. I think that.


Was pretty much everyone.


So that has to be in and amongst it. But as time's gone on, obviously I've watched better animes.


Of course.


Attack on Titan. Come on, Naruto.


Come on.


Shippuden or shippuden?


Shippuden. And I would say it's between.




I love Death Note, but that won't be in there. So I'm probably going to go jujitsu Kaisen.


Okay, so let's actually give. What's the three again?


Oh, so I would go Naruto, attack on Titan jujitsu Kaisen.






What's wrong, guys?


What's you guys?


Strong hunter. Oh, JJK. Probably demon slayer. I forgot demon slayer.


Yeah, demon slayer is hard, bro. Demon slayer.


Short form, but it got straight. No mucking around.




What about you?


Probably similar hunter. Has to be jujutsu Kaisen at the minute because it's just violent. Yeah, it's just unbearably good. And right now, just based on how much I've watched it, obviously it's not an anime because it's not japanese. But Avatar, last Airbender. If I was allowed to put it in there, I would put it in there. If not, probably demon slayer as well. I do love some demon slayer.


So how come Naruto is not in your.


I love it.


Yeah, but you just feel like there's more elite.


Yeah. I started watching Narito when I was 15, and I watched it. I'm 32 now. I watched it all the way up until when it finished a few years ago. So that's my childhood. Watching Naruto every week for years and years and years. But obviously it's part of the big three. But demon slayer Jujutsu Kaisen are just taking what they need from it and just making a shit that's unbearably good.




So, yeah, it's not his fault, but he just can't stand question then.


Yeah. Out of all the animes, if you could pick one character to go to war with. Gojo. Gojo, not Itachi.


Tachi's hard, not Madara is a different level of, like, kettle fish hard as well. Madara literally scrapped an entire army. Yeah. He literally brought too long ago and come back alive and kill everyone.


That's not even the real matter. That was bones and crust, bro. But Gojo's insane, though.


Has to be Gojo for me, bro.


How come he can't. Like, he doesn't lose.




This is that domain.


Are you up to date on jujitsu?


No. Don't say nothing.


Okay. What's the last thing you've seen? Because it's finished now.


I would have to go back on my crunchyroll and check where I'm at right now, but he was doing op stuff, so.


You're a minute back. You're a minute back.


I'm a minute.








I only started watching anime properly four years ago.




All right.


And it was Naruto.


Because that's the right way to say it.


That made me get back in there. And then when I watched Naruto, I was like, this is the only anime is the only way that you can embody this. No actors could do.


Yeah. Facts, bro.


Has to be anime. Bro and bro. Some of the things that was happening almost made me tear up, bro.


It got deep.


Sick, man.


I got deep.


For anyone that says it's childish, you don't know nothing.


Facts, you don't know nothing. I've got people into anime. No one can touch it to me. I love it so much.


These guys got me into anime. Really? Yeah. My first introduction to anime was Death Note. Like bar Dragon Ball Z. Yeah. I just thought it was a cartoon at the. When I was a kid. Yeah, death Note. This was in second year of uni. Second. So that's 2010, my bro. Wow. Yeah. And then it's been a roller coaster.


Since I remember that.


I think that was one of the best animes in terms of how creative it was. It was a psyche one.


It was wham.




I love that, man. Right, moving on. I would say you're doing a very good job at helping people bridge the gap between classic mainstream media and obviously social media. I would say in this country. I'm struggling to think of anyone at the top of my head that's doing it as frequently and as well as you are. Thank you. What do you think in terms of the landscape as far as, especially with people like Channel four and all that kind of stuff, what do you think the landscape looks like for one, classic mainstream media, is it done or is it going to have like, a resurgence? And for two, what do you think it looks like for content creators in terms of how we're actually doing it? Because it's gone from people just on their phone doing shit to now these people are having, like, big budget sign off, huge mainstream channel online production, bro. What does media look like in the next, like, five years?


I do still feel like there is a massive bridge still between short form content and the big budget content that you're talking about. But a lot of the big budgets need the content creators that are using their phones or using one camera set up. Right. I think people that are content creators need to have an idea about what it is that they want to do because it's all good getting a job from a channel four or whatever, but that necessarily might not take you to where you want to go. And I think sometimes it's about having the balls to say, well, listen, I've got an idea. I want to pitch it to you. If I don't have full control over it, I'm not going to do it, because you see so many people working for, I don't know, for example, like a channel four or whatever, and you don't see them again.




Because they feel like this is it, but you still have to stay here. Yeah. I think with social media right now, the transition between being a content creator that's recording off your phone or just off one camera in comparison to working a big budget, the distance is still massive because it's a jump that people feel like once you make that, is it all eyes on your partner that you need to consistently be consistent on your end. I think what is helping other people now is making them realize that maybe I don't really need it, is that the fact that TikTok is paying Snapchat is paying all these other things that you're building your audience on. My advice to people is go to these people with an idea. Go to them and say, look, I've got this idea of a show. This is what it looks like. This is how I want to do it, instead of just taking something from them that they've set for you that you might not be comfortable with because your audience might not. It might not work with your audience. I've done that. I've gone and done a show with some of these tv companies, and it just hasn't hit because it's not what, you know, Harry Panera for.


So I feel like my advice to the younger generation or anyone who's transitioning would be be yourself, wherever you go, because that is what gives you originality. And also it changes the narrative of what has been there before. You see it. When people go on tv, bro, they change the way they. Yes, well, but when they're on YouTube, it's, yo, my brother, you get me. And it's like, I'm not saying speak like that all the time, but don't forget that that's what got you to the place that you are in it. So it is changing. I do feel like they're starting to realize that online content is the power. But mainstream television, like the Channel fours, itvs, BBC ones, they're great eyes and they open up different doors for people up north that may not know who you are, but I don't think that's the be your end all. And I've realized that just finding what you love doing, and if it works over there and you can transition, it's great, but it's not opening up doors. You see, people are making money from streams people are making money from. Like I said, all these social media apps, what you guys are doing as well.


Bro, I don't think you've been on tv like that. And it doesn't mean that people don't know who you are. Got over a million subs. So I think just focus on what you're good at, get great at it, and if the opportunity, when he comes, take control.


That's what I want. Thank you, G. Perfect, right? Questions for Harry iPad next to you.


Some of the questions you've already answered in the origin story or just normal conversation, but it should be on the notes page right now. So ask the questions to yourself and answer for yourself.


All right. First piece of online content you ever did, it was okay. Yeah. So I'm going to change it a bit. So the first one I went viral was a video of me walking up Peckham, and I saw a lot of police officers with this guy. So I've just said, leave him alone, man. And he goes, he's actually giving us information. And I've gone, you snitching?




You ain't done nothing, have you?


He's reporting something to us, actually. You snitching, bruh.


I just commented back you as well. So that video was the first one that made me realize, if you just be yourself, it will go mad. And it done. Mad numbers. Like, crazy numbers. Shout to, I'm just bake. Because he's the one that posted it. Because bare people were recirculating the content and not giving me my credit, even though I wasn't a content creator at the time.




And I remember being in a uni lecture, but, yeah, by the way, guys, I was in uni for two weeks, so I was in a uni lecture are. And then I just saw my phone notification. Just. I thought I'd been hacked. So I went on there and obviously he had added me, and I was like, wow. So from then, that was like the minute where I felt like, yeah, that.


Was going to sick, man.


My time. First job you had, I worked at a call center in Hoxton.




Yeah, tough, tough times.


I've worked in a call center.


Call center, bro. It was danger. I'm talking about. I've gone in there, they're paying like ten pounds an hour. I'm thinking, whoa, this is good. This is good money. Saying to my mom, mom, don't worry, don't worry. I'm going to be able to contribute to bills, the lot, and was getting paid weekly as well.


That's that.


Good girl.


That guy is.


But the job was a bit mad because it was basically calling old people to get them to donate money to some samaritan stuff. Right?


Yeah. Finesse.


It was a real life finesse.




I couldn't do it. So the conviction that some of these people had, you know, like, there was like a booklet that you had to follow. Okay, if they say no, say this, flicking through the pages, and it's like, the momentum is not working. Anyway, I did two weeks there. I'm getting ready. But bear in mind, I told my mom I'm going to help. I probably made about, like 200 quid, right? And then I get an email in the morning. Yeah, your contract is terminated. You don't need to come in no more. So I just went to my friend's house and pretending I was working for two weeks, but I wasn't. So that was the first job I had.




And I'll never, ever work in anything loud. Obviously not now, but I would never advise anyone to go and do a job like that. Brutal.


It's brutal.


Everyone's in it for themselves.


Oh, 100% everyone.


There's no friends there at all.




Horrible place. What's the hardest part of being a content creator? Good question. I'd say, for me, what I found difficult, what hasn't stopped me from doing my job is people taking everything that you say literally and thinking that whatever you put out there is a reflection of who you are, and not forgetting that sometimes these things are jokes. No matter how touchy it might be, this is what people take you for, and it can then start an agenda and so on and so forth. Something that you have to have tough skin to be able to power through. And I also say your personal life is out the window, as in, like, I can't go to a shop or a restaurant, and people don't want to take pictures of me, which is fine, because I know that it's my job. Sometimes I just want to just chill, man. You know what I mean? So I'd say those two things are probably, like, the most hardest thing ever. But everything else is beautiful because I still get great interactions with people. But, yeah, those two things is a bit difficult sometimes, I think. Don't you not know that this is banter.


I'm joking.




Back in the day, they made worse jokes, and it was accepted.




And people take you for that. Oh, he's this, he's that. He's this and that. And I'm like, and I'll never, ever do a public statement. I've said this. I will never be the guy that be like, guys, I can't do it because what am I doing? I'm giving up to something that it's not true.


Yeah, exactly.


I never make statements on things that are not true. So that's the hardest. Where did we, our winner come from? Kind of like what I just said before. So basically, I was like, people that hate on you. I've never seen a winner hate on a winner. Losers only hate on winners. So initially, it was, we are winning, you are losing, now you are losing was for the people that are hating, and we are winning on the people that had the mindset of a winner, and we are winning. I felt like it's a community thing. I feel like when I look at what's happening right now, ten years ago, we probably would not be doing what we're doing. Right now. Right? And I looked at that and I was like, yeah, well, I want to create a space where I feel like winners are all in any shape or form. You could be working at co op, you could be working as a bus driver, you could be working anywhere. As long as you love doing what you're doing, you're a winner because you're winning in life. Right? So that's where it stems from. And this year, we're really going to push what we are winning is.


I'm trying to do, like, dinners with winners. I want to invite all the people that I feel like I respect in every angle and say, yeah, bro, come, let's have a dinner. Let's celebrate as winners together.




The merch is not going to be merch no more. I want it to be a clothing line.


Come on.


It has nothing to do with me. And we're getting proper stuff. So, yeah, I'm just trying to elevate the sense of we are winning. And obviously, hopefully, man united can do that as well. Would you rather have the ability to rewind time for ten minutes every day or fast forward time for 1 hour every day? And why I would want to rewind time because I just feel like sometimes there's things that's happened in our life, like a joke, for example, could be so funny. I want to have that feeling again. Or like, you know, my son, I want to see him drop again because it's so funny when he drops, I'm trying to say. And there's certain things that once it's happened, it can never happen again. And I also like the unexpected. I don't want to know what's happening. I like the beauty of not knowing because imagine you fast forward an hour and you're dead. Yeah, I don't want to know that. I just want it to just happen, you know what I mean? So, yeah, I'll say. I'll rewind. Question, what is your favorite YouTube video you've ever participated in? Yeah, good questions.


I'll say the most impactful and probably would be the favorite would be the sidemen Tinder that I did with chunks Philly and the sidemen, because I was on 200K followers and in a week's time I was on 800,000.




Gee, that's insane.


It was a madness.


That man actually owned the Internet.


No, as in, like, if you see, if you go and type in who owns the sidemen, literally, bro.




And also, that's just because that was a platform, the biggest platform that I was given to, I guess show what I can do because it was snappy, snappy stuff. And I remember I was living with Philly, near Philly at the time. Like we were living in the same building and I picked him up and I was just like, bro, why am I nervous? Why am I nervous? Because it's big budget. Yeah, I had met them before but never like the way that was. And I remember when I got there, chunks was like the proper gas at your hair because that was what I was doing the whole dating thing. And I think, yeah, that was the one that I would say was the biggest video because it changed. The people are still saying those jokes now.


If anyone's interested, from the sideman, if you are watching, I'm actually quite available. We are rather available. No, they are in the next few weeks.




I'm willing to travel across London. If you want to do something off ends, I can be there and I'm quick with it. I can be who you need me to be. You don't do enough due.


I think it would make sense as well.


I was thinking there's a gap in the market and you guys just really.


Aren'T culture and what they've got you guys together and I think that'll just be great.




Anyway, I'll be the broker of that.


Do you have any future plans for your own YouTube channel? Yes, I do. So I have been consistently inconsistent on my YouTube channel just because I've been caught up doing a lot of other brand deals and working and other things that don't have anything to do with Harry Panera. So funny enough, I actually recorded a video yesterday with chunks, darkest and philly.




And I just need to be doing more of that. They always say to me, bro, we use you for our channel. Why don't you use us? And I just feel like sometimes I just get caught up in other things. So I just want to be a bit more consistent with football content, which I'm doing anyway with culture cams and just more stuff that I feel like people want to see. We did a debate the other day about Ronaldinho Neymar and it's gone.


We heard.


Yeah, the mandam were not happy and it's gone mad across the world, bro. So that's the power that I feel like I have. I just need to utilize it. So, yeah, more consistency from me.


I haven't seen these questions.


I know the last question is that. The last question I think is the last question.


Wow. Start Bench cell out of chunks, philly and darkest, man. Oh, this is not a nice question.


That's grim.


What are we basing this off, though?


Like, you set your own parameters, bro.


We're not going to help you, all right? I'm benching darkest man first just because I've known chunks and Philly more. Yeah, longest. Yeah. So darkest man. But I think darkest man is the funniest out of all three. Oh, my God. Chunks and Philly. All right, cool. Me and Chunks did something incredible. We done Umrah. And that is a brotherhood that nothing can compare to. And that's the only reason why I'm going to start him and I'm going to bench Philly because at least Philly gets to play. He still gets to play, right? Wow.


Does he?


The animosity in the room is, what.


Was the three options? Wasn't it?


You're selling Philly. You're not benching him, bro.


Okay, okay.


Let me do that again, then. All right. So no, darkest, you're getting sold, love, you're sold. Shout me.




And I'll bench Philly and start chunks. Wow. Damn. I know, innit?


We didn't even bear in mind the streets asked these questions. These are not questions from us. That's the streets.


Oh, man.


Yeah, that's tough.


I just curated them and gave them to you.


That was not nice.


To be fair, we asked chunks of.


Oh, no.


One of the chunks of Philly questions was, who's funnier, darkest or Harry? And they immediately said darkest. So now that you've got darkest out, the way, you're there, you're the funny one.


Darkest is.


He's stupid funny.


Hilarious. I can't even explain it. You're just born with it, man. Yeah, I think I'm entertaining. He's funny. He is just bro, man. Trying to cuss. That guy's long. All right, 5 seconds. Yeah. You know, he was here and I'm like. And everyone laughs. Even my dad finds him funny. And even my dad watching TikTok videos. It's weird. But darkest is on another level, man.


Yeah, man. Love the darkest.


Love to darkest. That's perfect.


Okay, gang. Right, so we're going to finish off because you are obviously now known for being the headmaster, running the class for worse in class. So we have a running segment on this show called back to school where we. Well, Fuhad asks the team key stage three questions.


Oh, yeah, this is going to be.


Yeah, key stage three. And we see who could do the best, who's winning at the minute? Or is it a tie?


It's a tie between you and Rem, I believe.


Or is it 21210? Okay, cool. So this will be a bonus. I don't think this should count to the overall scores.


Cool. This is just for fun. Okay.


And you already won the man. You trying?


Yeah, I kind of feel bad about that.


Well, you're going to lose this one anyway.


Yeah, we can balance out and that's fine.


I'm the prismaster, so I don't play. You've got your whiteboard, you've got your marker. All of them things. Make sure everyone's got theirs. I usually ask five questions. This time I'm going to ask ten. Okay. Just to spice it up a bit. And what we are going to do is, after the ten questions have been asked, we'll pass the boards round so everyone marks someone else's paper.


Yeah. This is cold.


It's a variety of questions.


I'm excited.


I'm nervous. I get so nervous for this game, bro.


Same. Cool. Is everyone ready?


Yeah, I'm ready.


Cool. Which of the following is not present in an animal cell? Cell membrane. Cell wall. Cytoplasm. Nucleus.


The hell is a cyto? So pleasant.


Hey, come on.


This is inshallah and vibes.


This is, like, first thing.


That sounds good.


Okay, cool.


Next. What is the capital city of Argentina? What is the capital city of Argentina? Just so you know, spelling doesn't matter.


Thank you. What I've just wrote here sounds.


Yeah. Are you locked?


Yes. Not in them. Locked.


Rem. Yeah. Ellis? Locked. Swearing on Jimmy. I'm going to need an answer, bro.


I know, it's escaping me. I'm charging it.


Right sign. Just write something.




Next. Spell parallelogram.


Yeah, you know what?


Parallelogram. Parallelogram.


Spell parallelogram.


Key stage free. Every week. Every week.


Every week.




Next question. This is question four.




What is 4.65 times ten?


You know, like, my primary school teacher just. She just landed.


She just landed. Miss Davis.


What does the prefix poly, as in Polygon, mean? Few, many, one or some. What does the prefix poly as in Polygon, mean? Few, many, one, some. Cool. Question, six. How many syllables are in the word simultaneously? How many syllables are in the word simultaneously?


Good grief. Come on.


It's only got to be one answer.


I hope so, bro.




We're not naming and shaming, are we? No.


I think we should just.


I'm sure we're going to have to.




We're going to say. But everyone's going to know. Usually. Typically, we're very gentlemanly and we say, james got four.




We don't but there's no.


Oh, he got this for this episode. We'll do it.


Yeah, I think it's only right.


It's only right, bro.


It's what the people want.


No, we're not doing that to Ellis. I'll tell you that for damn sure. We're not doing that to him.


You've just got a preconception about his answers.


No, he has a preconception about his answers. Did you not hear that? We're all doing it, all right? Stand on business. That's why you're my boy. Yeah, I'm used to this. All right.


Question seven. Question seven. An angle that is between zero degrees and 90 degrees is called what? I know that.


I know that, you bumba Clarks.


An angle that is between zero degrees and 90 degrees.


Oh, my God. Where's it gone?


Is called what?




Question eight. Guys spell playwright. As in a playwright spell playwright.


This sounds like a trick question.


By the way, Fuad's a great reader of questions. Because he repeats it.




Yeah. So if you're watching tv shows, he's good at it.


Come on.


Now. You see, I'm going to be an idiot and try and work off the fact that he said something. It could be. Because if it's normal, then it's normal, right?


Yeah. I am going left field. I'm taking a risk with this one.


Question nine. What is force measured in joules? Kilograms? Newtons? Pascals, or Pascals, however you want to pronounce it. Okay. Question ten. And the final question of back to school. What is the capital of Brazil?


This is another one of them. Stupid, silly little.


We did this.


We have had this question before, but.


We'Ve had this question before, haven't we?


We've had this in top five.


In top five.


Oh, my days. I know this one, but it's not what.


And I remember it. I remember it. I remember the answer. I was pissed when I got it wrong, then heard the answer and got it right. Same as Australia now.




You can never do me with that one.


I'm not forgetting that now.


Never ever. Oh, my days.


I don't remember. You know, I'm just writing anything.


I'm just putting in. Any football club.


Love football club.


So everyone has switched the pads once. The first question. Correct me if I'm wrong. Which of the following is not present in an animal cell? The answer is cell wall.


Your mom. Your absolute mom.


The answer is cell wall.


Can I just ask what everyone put?


I put cytoplasm.


We all.


Question two. What is the capital city of Argentina. And the answer is Buenos Aires.


Come on. Well done, Harry.


United we stand, united we fall let's go.






I did. Sometimes you just got to charge it, bro.


It doesn't feel right getting onto people now, you know? I feel up.


Because there's eight questions to go.


Yeah, there's eight to go. Remember that. I'm seeing stuff.


Question three, spell parallelogram.




I am not taking any other answer but what I spell out right now. Okay. Why would you. I'm just saying.


People, we're not going to alter the spelling.


All right, Carol.


Go, go.




Your mom.




Your absolute.


I didn't write og one letter.






Can I be honest with you? Yeah.


There's one letter.


Fuck you. Yeah, just off the back.


We all got it wrong, right? We all did. The a.


Brought parallelogram.


Yeah, parallelogram.


Days. It's there.




Next question.


Math question.




Question four. What is 4.65 times ten? Easy, 46.5.


Okay, question.


You're good.


I'm good? Yeah, you're good. Okay, thank you.


What? You wrote.


No, because I know that in maths.




Just so it's cool.


What does the prefix poly, as in polygon, mean? I gave you options of few, many, one and some. The answer is many.


Come on, my brother. We're all good, man.






Love and guidance, man.


The next question was, how many syllables are in the world word simultaneous or simultaneously?


Oh, yeah. Go on.




Go. Because I know what I write and I know what he wrote.


Only one answer.


Yeah, gone.


Six. Did everyone get wrong?


No, I got it right.


I got it right.


I think I got it right.


I got it right. You got it right? So only one person go wrong.




What did he write? How? Anyway. No, it's fine. It's fine. Yeah, that's tough. An angle that is between zero degrees and 90 degrees is called what? The answer is acute, you fucking prick.


Acute angle, my dumbass.




You know what?


What did he put? Is it even an angle name?


No, it actually isn't.


What did he put?


He put 90 degree angle.


It's not that bad.


It is, bro.


Because the question is, if we deep it for a sec, the question is, what's the angle called? From zero. From zero degrees to a 90 degree angle. And you said.




You said 90 degree angle.


I didn't hear him.


So you just repeated the question between.


Us is, I didn't write anything. Yeah.


Oh, damn.


Yeah. But I'm not getting that.


I'd rather write nothing than that.


Oh, really?


Yeah, spelling. Next. Yes.




Is it?




Now, this is where you got us.


The fact you said no is concerning to what you're looking at. This is born. You said, no, it can't be. It can't be a spelling question. Because what I'm looking at, what you've.


Got here, I feel like is right, and I should have done what you've done, but I went and done.


You did what? James said he took a left on.


Yeah, I took a left.


I took a left and a right. Then I went up.


I think you might be. I just missed a letter. But you did not get right, I can guarantee. I refuse to believe no. All right, go on.


Next question. Question eight.


I believe.


Spell playwright. The answer is P-L-A-Y-W-R-I-G-H-T. What?




I'm fine with that. Everyone got that?


I'm cool.


We'll get that wrong.


Yeah, I'm cool. Everyone got it wrong.


Because you described it as someone who writes something. I'm sure that's what you said.


Yeah, I said playwright. As in a playwright? Yeah, as a writer.


When you said as a playwright, her. I just wrote write.


I was just explaining what playwright is.


That's why you got us.


All right, two more.


Cool. Question number nine. What is force measured in the options were joules, kilograms? Newtons. Pascals. The answer is Newton's.


Okay, come on.


That's what I'm saying, though.


Come on.


Newton. And then. Man.


Yeah, man.


Come on. Tapping in. Yeah, tapping in this last one, bro.




10Th and final question of back to school, featuring Harry Panero. What is the capital of Brazil? Before I answer, can I please just ask what everyone wrote?


I wrote, you're terrible. What did your board say?


So, what did Harry write?


He wrote Santos.


Love. What did James write? Brazilian love. What did.


Don't say love like that. Don't say love. Go on.


What did Ellis write?




And what did Rem write?




And the answer is Brazilia. Yeah. Santos is brazen.


No? Do you know what? I was bugging out, and there was a time, and I was like, you know what? But I remembered it when you said it because.


And let's total up the scores, please, guys. And we can find who our winner is. Raw. Yeah.


Do you know what's actually mad? You know the roast at the beginning?




Someone wrote, the m on his head is for me. And we didn't read that out because we thought that's not fair or accurate.


It isn't.


And where's my car? Yeah. This is scary bad.




We said we wasn't going to get onto people, and I said that we should. Yeah, I'm going to accept. I know that my score is probably two.


It's four. It's four. Oh, four out of 40%.


That's an e. That's an e. Fairs rem. You got five out of ten.


Well played.


Average. Thank you.


Yeah, it is average.




It is average. I disassociated the number and just thought you were calling him that. Yeah, it just made me blink. Sorry. Ellis, do the honors.


What did James get? James got seven out of ten.




Sometimes it'd be like that, because. Let me just stretch. Wait, stretch. Wait.


Before you exhale or whatever.


What did Ellis. Oh, my bad. Sorry. Back to. Back to. Back to. Back to. Yeah, back to what we were on about. Ellis is a creative.




Ellis is my brethren, and he's a creative. And I don't think it's fair that we keep judging him by westernized standards, because it just doesn't relate to him. Ask him to come up with something beautiful and artistic and unique. Gang, he's there.


That's it. I'll take that.


Simple arithmetic. Sometimes that's not everyone's bag.


And that's okay.


And that is okay. That's fine. And then you have unicorns like myself.


Oh, wow.


Who can just do both things. I spin plates at multiple rpms.


You might have got to let him have this.


And you did this.


I didn't do anything. I read the question.


No, you did this.


Yeah. I really thought it was just.


You've created this.


I thought it was going to be another day in the office.


You've created them.


Look at him.




I thought it was just going to be another normal. I thought it was like a normal day in the office. Guys like you knew that. And I was blindsided. I didn't know we were doing ten questions. I was like, whoa, whoa. Nervous, nervous, nervous. Turns out it was a normal day in the office because I'm three.


This is two minutes.


Points up.




This is eulogy.


Also, side note, the way you wrote playwright is scary.


Yeah, I'm french.


A man said P-L-A-I.


No, but remember, I'm french.


So you play, right? Yeah.


Guys, I'm from Sierra Leone.


Oh, my bad.


It does?




It's playwright.


I want to openly say that I'm somebody that you can swindle by saying something in a way in which it's so simple, like playwright. It's easy, but I thought, you know what? Let me go left. Because of this unicorn I followed. I. Yeah, I put I. But it's fair. At least I didn't finish last.


That's true. But anyway, guys, standard day in the office. James takes the dubs and the riches and the bitches. I'm glad you blocked that last bit out. That was intentional.


But, yeah, guys, that was back to school. That was Harry Pinero. This was shits and gigs and. Yeah. Round of applause, Harry Pinero, guys. Yeah.


Thank you guys for having me, ma'am. Thank you so much. So I want to save the progression of you two, and you said it in the intro, but every time I see you guys, I always have something nice to say. I just felt like immediately when I met you guys, you was destined for greatness. And even me, as much as I felt like you was going to be successful, this is beyond anything that even probably yourselves thought. But there's more to come. I think what you guys have is something that's unique. You're governed by God, I can see. And also, the people love you, bro. So long, mate. Continue. And I hope that you two stay friends forever, because this is why we love you, that you two just get onto each other and. Yeah. God bless you guys.


Thank you.


Thank you, bro.


Much appreciate it. That was a banging one.


I really enjoyed that, ma'am.




Thank you, bro.


We love having you.


Anything else you want to plug? Anything else you want to shout out? This is your camera right here.


Yeah. No, really and truly, just. My son is three years of age, and we struggle for milk. So if you really care and support us, just subscribe to everything I'm doing. Whether or not it's Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube. We really need the support. We're dying for it. And we're just a small family. We're just really just trying to just help each other out. And you see what's happening in Costa lives.


Cost of lives.




Honestly, I'm going to take this and mix this and make this into milk. This is all I'm asking for. If you care about us.




I'm going to make a chocolate dessert for this, guys.


Please support Ra.


Thank you.


All right. Thank you, guys. Harry, Boner, guys.


Thank you.


Whoa. How was it going out, man?