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What's a text message you received that made your heart drop instantly? I'll be home in 10. Did you remember to take the chicken out the freezer? Wow.


Damn. That used to be my childhood. Brother. Back in primary school, this one, I used to live in Crystal Palace. I remember it wouldn't even be a text message, bro, because my mom would have told me before I go to school, because she would go to work before I went to school, take that out the freezer. Yeah. Obviously, you forget because I'm in a rush, I'm running late. And by the time I come home, my first thought isn't, chicken out the freezer or meat out the freezer. Yeah, it was eight hours ago. Why are you going to remember?


I'm in the living room watching Dragon Ball Z. So it's not until I heard my mom's car door slam is when I'm like, oh, shit.


Oh, I'm about to get beats. And it's not even her fault. I'm liable for these beats. It used to freak me out, man. It used to freak me out. So stressful.