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I'm going to start this show off with a Reddit post. I've had this Reddit post in my notes for ages. We just haven't had the time to come across it, so let's run it now. I, 21 male, saw my girlfriend, 21 female, sucking her ex's dick.


Oh, God. I don't have the strength to laugh at certain things.


I was just looking for a specific receipt I asked my girlfriend to keep. She was at work and I was at home doing budgeting. Normally, she just takes photos of important stuff she knows we might need later on. Since I needed to account for some spending, I got on her iPad and looked through some of the photos. We're both very transparent and communicate well with each other, especially with what's on our head. We pretty much know each other's passwords for everything, as we have been living together for over a year now. The receipt I was looking for was a few months old, so I really had to dig it out for for some reason. Her iPad froze, and after a few seconds, it just flung me out deep into our photos. Even though we know each other's stuff pretty well, we don't normally go through our phones, so I was curious. I was pretty curious looking for her photos for stuff that I've never seen before. Curiosity got the best of me and went through some of her old stuff, which I deeply regret. Most of the photos were just her and her friends back in her hometown having fun partying.


Just like any other videos and photos I've seen a while ago, I thought this was just any other video, except it wasn't. The video didn't show her face, but only her lips and her shirt while sucking her ex's. His face was shown for a brief moment. Her ex's dick, who was her boyfriend at the time. When she got home from work in the afternoon, I just couldn't look at her the same way. He put notes. She has around 13K photos in her iPad synced to her phone. She works at a hospital as an intern and barely has time other than work and study. We've had similar issue before when she showed me her old photos and suddenly came across photos from her previous relationship. We got into a petty argument about it. She deleted them weeks after, but she keeps forgetting to delete them. Or she said she was going to delete them after, but she keeps forgetting delete them.




I have actually worked on myself for her since we started dating and even got a good paying job because she pushed me to be my best. Chill. What did you say?


Chill. Chill. That's irrelevant by now. I even got a good paying job because I'm trying to be the best for her. You seem cock.


It's got nothing to do with anything. Focus. I'm thinking of breaking up with her and going back to my old ways, but then again, I'm just super upset and not in the I'm not the best mentally to be taking up a huge decision. Half of me wants to tell her how I feel, but how I found out is holding me back. Is it even right that I'm upset? The video was three years The video is three years old. He's put edit. So he's saying, Thank you everyone for the advice. Let me not even read that. Let me have your thoughts. He's got updates. He's got updates and I'll read what you said.


All right, bear, bear, bear. Okay, cool. So thoughts from the jump. First of all, this whole iPad froze and then it just flung me three years back because I think he did one of them ones.


You know them ones, yeah.


At first, I was like, Charles, it's just dread, but it is what it is. I haven't got a clue what photos I've got. I'm 99% certain I do not have any Xs or anything like that because I'm just not a photo guy like that anyway. But if I was a photo guy, I will have that shit.


Because you don't go back to it.


I don't go back. It's just there. And it follows me from phone to phone.


Facts because this is from sync to sync.


My past follows me from phone to phone. I can't get rid of it. My past follows me. But if they've had a discussion before where this exact same thing has happened before, he's like, Big man, I don't want to be that guy, but I beg you delete them photos. Please. Yeah, please, babe. Please delete photos of you and your eggs is unnecessary. And she said, Yeah, I'll do it. And then he brought it up and she was like, I forgot. I'll do it. And it's still not done. And now I'm seeing you suck in cock.


If Matt said all I saw were her lips.


No. He knew. No. He knew when he saw it. What zoom factor are we talking about here? Only lips.


Just lips.


And dick. Wet, shiny dick.Shiny is crazy.Yeah. It showed his face for a brief second.For what reason?For what Wow, yeah. Just for ID. Like what?For what reason indeed, bro?Yeah, just so he knew your future mind is going to see this. I need you to know it was me.




This isn't just any pipe you're stuck in it. He needs to know it was me. It was me.


What are you doing in that situation?


Bro, can't look at her the same as facts.


It's factual, of course.


It's immature. Yeah, but you can't help it. You can't help it, bro. I'm a human being, bro. Yeah, I can't kiss that mouth. I was like, What? I saw it, I can't kiss that mouth.


What if three years ago, she's doing stuff she has never done to you before?


No, I'll break up her immediately.


She's like, Oh, babe, I'm going to change. Man, that was my ho phase. This is my settling down phase.


So I don't skeptic like that anymore. That's what she's It just doesn't give top like that anymore. No, I break up her, bro. You mean you had the technique all along? You were keeping it under lock and key. This time we're doing up Sister Act and you had the technique down all along.


I want three years ago, you.


Yeah, No, because clearly all I'm hearing is I'm not worth it. I'm not worth it.


Because there is someone in your future that you will gork.


Yeah, I'm just not the man for you. You'll twist the skin of someone else. Here You're just kissing the tip. Here, I'm seeing, look at the stream.


The stream.


Look at the shit that's coming out of your mouth. The stream. That's not making sense. Look at the bubbles on that, bitch. No, I'll break up for it straight away because it's just I don't need this level of trauma. I don't want to have nightmares. I don't want to shake. Let me just move on. That's horrible stuff.


Let me read the post stuff. So we're going to edit. Thank you to everyone who gave advice and insights. I realized how child as I was when I was writing this post. We sat down and we talked about it. I told her what I was trying to do, what I ended up doing, and how I felt. I could tell she felt embarrassed and even almost blew us up. I explained further why I was upset about and I apologized for snooping around. She told me she doesn't have any problem with me going through her iPad because I needed something and that she doesn't have anything to hide. She then offered that I go through the entirety of her things to which I declined because there's just no point in doing so. Facts. She started to cry at this point and I asked if I... Sorry. She started to cry at this point and asked if I still wanted to be with her and then apologized for not going through her old stuff thoroughly. I completely understand she's very busy, so I don't doubt that at all. After what felt like forever going back and forth with assurance, we ended up cuddling and just watched the first Dune movie.


Fair. Okay.


Fair. So you came to some resolution.


Yeah, of course. You came to some resolution. Yeah. 13,000 photos is no joke. You're not getting rid of that stuff.


Yeah, it's too real, especially like he said, she works in a hospital and you just don't have time for stuff like that. I'm not doing admin.


I'm not doing personal admin to save you accidentally scrolling through and seeing me sucking dick. It's not happening. It's just not. But yeah, seeing that would traumatize me. It would really, really, really traumatize me. But I guess it's just game.


If you, let's say this is you in this scenario and you You have stayed and you have forgiven all of these things, you're calm, but how long do you think it will take you for you to forget?


That's just about my security level. Forget's not something that comes by me easy. Forget. I'm not going to forgive you, but forgetting that, John. We can move on. Forget. No, I ain't never forgetting that. To my last I'm not forgetting that. Yeah, I still remember my traumas from four Xs ago. Oh, God. I hear you. No, I'm not forgetting that. But to move on, it wouldn't take me long. Me, myself, and I right now, it wouldn't take me long whatsoever. But yeah, in a more insecure version of myself, might take a minute. Yeah, I agree. It might take a minute. I was just like, what? I would have questions that she can't answer. Yeah. I have questions she can't answer.


You would have questions you don't even want the answer to. Facts, bro.


Yeah. Because I would just be there and just be like, We'll just be there mid-Doom movie, and I'd be like, Why is it? What? What is it about him? What is it about him? What I don't understand is I can understand if it was a video of you banging. Yeah. But why is there a video you suck in his dick on your phone? On your phone. This belongs on his phone.


We've never even entertained this before. We've never recorded ourselves, period.


Yeah, so why him? Why him? And what's changed? She'll be like, Babe, stop. You're asking a question you don't even want to answer to. She's just, Stop. And I'm like, Well, now you have to tell me. You have to tell me.


Tell me everything. Because I'm never going to sleep. I'm just never going to sleep.


And that's what we want. We want insomnia in this house. Fine. Yeah. Literally fucking fine. Yeah, it's hell, bro. It's not what you want.