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What's normal at 3:00 PM, but terrifying at 3:00 AM?




A scorpion. I don't know what that means. Neither do I, but French Montana. French Montana.


Sweet. Terrified at 3 AM. Terrifying. The sound of an ice cream truck would terrify me.


At 3 AM?


That's horror movie stuff. Factual. That's horror movie stuff. Wow.


When my mom finds out you're playing PlayStation.


When you're a kid and then you hear the door open and your headsets on, you're supposed to be in bed four hours ago. It's long.


The fear is unbeknown. It's long. Yeah.


Wow. Damn.


Automatic air freshener sprays going off.


Whenever I used to stay with this bastard-Who went? In Manchester. In Manchester, your automatic ting in your bedroom. I don't remember. You had the air freshener in your bedroom and it would go... It would scare me every night. Every night, it would scare me.


I don't remember that.


It used to piss me off, man.


Probably because I was so used to it.


Yeah, you were snoring away. This person loves a freezing cold room as well. I know. I remember that. And you love a boiling hot room. Both of you brothers were sleepover buddies. Boiling hot. Bro, this person It's like a sauna, and he basically sleeps in a tracksuit. Yeah. As well. It doesn't make sense. I'm toasty. I'm toasty. I'm sleeping. I will hibernate. The longer I hibernate. I've seen you sleep in a jumper in a boiling hot room. Wow. I've seen him sleep in shorts in the coldest room. A window open, fan on.Fan, my ride.Yeah. I would freeze in there, and I would fight for covers as well. Wow. When we started this podcast, we suffered. When we started this podcast, we suffered. Oh, my God.Oh, shit. Freezing. And he didn't have any laminated floors as well. Oh, yeah. I'd wake up in the night and just try and get a glass of water. The whole yard is frozen. This guy He's snoring his tits off. Oh, God. Head on Earth.


Sorry. All right, two more. What's your goal at 3:00 PM, but terrifying at 3:00 AM. Seeing something in the corner of your room, but you can't tell if it's your hoodie on the chair or a person.


Facts. Facts. Oh, my God. You freeze as well. And you wait for your eyes to... Yeah, focus. Yeah, bro. That's a mansage. I knew exactly what you mean. You got those green things floating.


You're blink and fucking relax, bro. Fucking wake up and focus. You're blinking to see shit. Shit's blurry. And you're trying to find that one piece of light that you can focus on.


Sometimes, do you ever find in a pitch black room, you can't stare at something directly. If you want to see it, you have to stay there and then the perif has to catch it because it's too dark in that bit.


Jarring. Jarring. Jarring. Jarring. Jarring. Last but not least, Calm at 3:00 PM, but terrifying at 3:00 AM. 4:00 to 6:00 missed calls. 4:00 to 6:00 miss calls.


6 miss calls at 3:00 PM is scary enough. I don't know who said that's calm. 6 miss calls at 3:00 AM is like, someone's dead.


I can't wake up to that. Yeah.


Someone's dead.


I can't wake up to that.


That's horrible. Oh my God. That's horrible.


I remember I remember when I first, not first, cheated on one of my exes. But there was a time I cheated on one of my exes, right? And literally-Sorry, I wasn't ready for you to say that. Literally the next day, I woke up to messages and calls.


That's the scary thing in the world.


And I had just beat a team. I woke up to messages and calls. My blood was so cold.


That will make you repent. You will want to kick this ting out your house so fast.


She would have no idea why.


Yeah, she's an innocent in this. Bro, you're the bastard. Both the things are innocent. Then wife is getting all the love. This thing She was getting treated like dirt. Absolute dirt.


Long story short, I think she was just drunk and she just sent me nudes and stuff. That's heartbreaking.


That's actually heartbreaking.


It was a roller coaster of emotions. Yeah, that's what it was. Roller coaster of emotions. Yeah, it was long. When I looked at my phone, I was petrified.


I bet. I was thinking, after my night, she messaged her.


She must have messaged her.


When I went to the toilet, she-Multiple missed calls. No.


Missed calls and messages.




Oh, my.