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Would you guys like to play Connections real quick? Basically, it's going to give us a bunch of words, and we need to categorize them into groups of four and how they relate to each other. Then you get three or four attempts. If you get it wrong four times, you're done.


We have stars, stripes, hand, deliver, source, deck of cards, thumbs, monarchy, past, types, NHL, A to F, percentage, checkers, give, kinds.


Oh my God. You hand something to someone, you pass something to someone, you give someone something, and you deliver something to someone. Yeah. Let's go!


Yeah. Okay. Yeah, bro.


Transfer. Okay, first one done.


I was thinking about like, Kings. There's a king in a monarchy, there's a king in checkers.


There's LA Kings. All right.


That's plausible. Deck of Cars, Monarchy, NHL.


Checkers. Checkers. I'm going to be sick. Yes. Yes. Let's go. You're crazy.


Wow, bro.