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Blow a horse to completion. Jesus Christ.


Or amputate a friend's leg without painkillers.


Oh, the latter. Yeah, of course the latter for you. You don't give a fuck.


Of course I give a fuck.


I'm not blowing a horse to completion.


Horse is quick, by the way. How do you know that? I've seen the Yorkshire Farmer, bro.


Or Yorkshire Vet, whatever it's called. They put a female horse here and then they put this little catchy thing. They catch his wood in the thing. When I say two pumps, this guy is nothing.


My mouth is nowhere near big enough. You just trying your best. No, I'm... You're taking.


My leg. I'm not taking your leg off. I'm taking.


Someone's leg off. It's probably going to be me. Why would it be you? For views, isn't it?