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You know how I said I'm in the guts of Ramsey's hotel, Hell? Yeah. Now, because of that, I've been noticing hotels that are just busted in it. Sometimes what I like to do, I like to Google it and see what the reviews are saying. There is a hotel called the Stuart Hotel. It's first review. No desk, no chair, no bedside table. Hotel advertised as having a golf course, a restaurant, and a bar. There was none of them. Do you know how insane it is to advertise a golf course? Big man, there's no bedside table. The room rug was wet and smelly. Wetted. Butters. The rug was wet. Guess how much it cost a night? £65? £900 a night. This whole building must be a façade. They must have built that to test people's limits. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's owned by the Sidemen. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's owned by the Sidemen.