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One thing I've loved about this trip so far, our tour manager, before we get to any hotel, has them print out the keys ahead of time. Shout out Slick Rick, man. Slick Rick has been taking care of me. I actually know what it feels like to be a bad when you're with Rick. You know exactly how it feels. He takes care of you. I haven't touched my suitcase. I haven't slug it over that conveyor bell. Like a man. You feel like a bad bro. Why am I doing all this stuff? When then I know there's a man that will do it for me? I need a man in my life. I need a real man in my life. This is why they had this energy and attitude because they've tasted Rick's. All these guys have had a Rick in their life and they're thinking, Why am I walking backwards? Fax. Dealing with Moïse out here. Yeah, dealing with Moïse, bro. What is this? Give me that slick, big Rick, Rick. Energy, bro. Energy.