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I was today years old when I found out KFC's Twitter account follow 11 people, the five spice girls, and six random guys called Herb. Really? I fact-checked it. Really? Yeah.


The social media team is playing chess.


3d chess. The chess that they play on Big Bang Theory is the chess he's playing.Wow.Yeah. Smart.


I was today years old when I learned that the Crusty Crab is a crab trap. Oh. It's a cage for crabs. And I heard another conspiracy that the Crabby Patty is actually crab meat. That's why they can't lock into the recipe. Twists and turns. I was on Twitter going through Twists and turns, bro.


I was today years old when I found out that the N in Nutella is black.




These are just getting away with stuff. I was today's old when I found out Evian spelt backwards is naive.


Don't because I love Evian.


Don't play with me. Don't play with me because that's my drink. Then I say you're naive. You're stupid. You've just come from mountains. You're stupid. And you're paying what? Free pan? Yeah. Pay.