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Before we get started today, Fouad has a thread that he would like to talk us through.


I do have a thread.


What's the genre? Without the title, what's the genre? Comedy? Just intrigue?


A bit of comedic insults that we won't take well.




And not necessarily we as James and Fouad, but we as men. Okay. Yeah.


Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, gang. All right, bet.


So, caption is, If you don't fear women after reading this, we need to run from you. And then the actual caption of the thread is, You knew you were a hoe, when.


Oh, no. Yeah. So this is women saying, When they knew they were a hoe.


Yeah. Oh, dear.


All right, cool. This is going to be triggering.


When I dated my male bestie and pretended to just be friends around his girlfriend.Wow.I'm just going to keep reading them off.They will just do that as well. I'm just going to keep reading them off. All right, but... Slept with the father and the son.


And the Holy spirit.


I dated two brothers plus their friend. I made a married man cry after he planned a surprise champagne party for me, only to find out I'm dating his friend, too. He cried literally the whole night and kept asking He's asking me, How many times has he talked to my friend? Sorry, How many times his friend has talked to me? Because he hasn't here yet. Next.


This is at a party he's throwing for her.


She just made him cry all night.


She said, You're married, big man. I'll do what I want. That's a fax. He said, Baby, I haven't touched that yet. How many times? How many times have you given it to him? That's crazy. That's none of your business. It's a fax. Pull the champagne and shut up. Shut up. You're married anyway. What are you doing? Go back to your wife if you're so upset.


Maine came for mine. Maine came for the night, had sex. Then a few minutes later, while my side texted me, he said, he's outside. I told Maine that I'm going to go take a shower quickly and come back Went to open the water, took a towel, and snuck out, locked the bathroom, and went for a quickie in the car, came back, and, pretending as if I've done showering, went to bed. Maine never noticed.Is.


That necessary?Is that even possible? No, not really. And is it necessary?


It's really not necessary.


Just cheat on me on your own time.


She was dying for that last one. Dying for it. But yeah, that was it. It's a tough road.


You were right. That was hard to listen to.


I told you, as a male, yeah.


What's wrong? I'm feeling disincentivised to be main here. It sounds like sightings are getting all the perks. All the perks. Another responsibility.


That's because it's facts, I guess. Yeah. It's facts, I guess.


Yeah, it's just fun.


Said is just fun.


Maine is just hassle.


Maine is, I can't be bothered to deal with you, but we make this work.


You pay the bills. Pay the bills and keep me safe. You keep me safe and we got a yard together. Yeah, I'm not really going to fuck this up, am I? I'm not really going to fuck this up. But you're a dick in me. Yeah, but that's just dick. That's just dick. That's just dick.


You need to understand.


It's just me. It's just me and fun and screaming. Animal stuff. Fuck, I couldn't hear that.


Just screaming.


That just screams, babe.


It's not serious. I couldn't hear that. It's just screams. Fuck, man.


You remember that, don't you? Old Timer, you remember that? No.


That'll ruin my soul. I'll ruin my soul. Wow. But yeah, thread is treacherous, man. That thread is treacherous. But anyway, how's your week then?


My week has been calm. I got three streams done this week.Well played.Really good. A lot of fun. On Sunday, we played Connect Well, shit got rogue. Shit got rogue.Shit got really intense. Played against this guy called Nathan. He said he was in... So I was playing Four Guys, right? Yeah. He said he was in my Four Guys lobby. I was like, You ain't shit, You're not in here. And he was like, Bro, that's me. He could have been gassing. Needless to say, the character that he said he was got smacked up. Cool. So I was like, Claim it then. Claim it and get out of my lobby. If you're going to talk smack Nathan, claim it and own it. Yeah, sit the fuck down. Connect4 time came. So two things happened that I'll never recover from. Two things happened in this series that I'll never recover from. I'm going to do it all the time now. It was a lot It was so fun. Basically, what I was doing was click play with a friend on Connect 4. Then a QR code comes up and I basically said, Scan the QR code. Whoever gets in here first, we're going to play.


I played Lewis first. He beat me one. I was like, Fair play. Patty him on the next one. Get the fuck out of here. It's also, I realized, it's unfair. You know when you see comedians dealing with hecklers in the crowd and stuff like that? Whoever has the mic wins. And that's just facts. Because I can just speak louder. And you, man, are on this type and stuff.


It's not fast enough.


Yeah, I'm speaking in real-time. I'm just shouting. So anyway, Lewis got smacked. So then get the fuck out. Next up, who was it? I think someone else pulled up. They got smacked. I was like, Say less. Now I'm on a roll and Daddy's on a power trip. Yeah. Now I've got the mic and the ego. Our dad is on a power trip and he's saying stuff. So now I'm like, literally, at this point, anyone pull up. Everyone scan it. Yeah, everyone scan it. Let me play all you, man, at the same time because this is getting boring. Fam, refresh, play with a friend. Cool. Pull up, pull up, pull up. Nathan, he said, What is it now? I said, Say less. You know that TikTok noise where I was like, The The violin is like... That's all I could hear when I saw his name in there. I was like, Touche. Cool.


It's time.


He tarted me. Swear. Yeah. He tarted me. It's crazy. Yeah. He put some lippy on me and tarted me up. Bro, he put me in fish nets and slagged me about. Swear. In front of everyone. He gracefully went back to the chat and just said, Shut up. He paraded me. Yeah, he paraded me around the street corners and then went gracefully back to his chat. Damn. Yeah, he caught double us in there. I said, Say it last. Yeah, I said, Bro. On your own stream. Yeah, on my stream. I said, Fuck. I would have closed the laptop. I was disclosed. I said, Fuck. I said, Someone pull back up. I think I played one or two other people. Smacked, smacked. Cool. Get out of my lobby. Now I'm on a power trip. Yeah, I've recovered. So I'm like, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Obviously, Daddy this, Daddy that. Who really wants it? Big dick this. I'll fuck all of you that. Refresh. Daddy. Daddy versus Daddy. Daddy versus daddy. Again. I said, raw. I turned the music off. I turned the music off. Yeah, locked in. I said, Fuck. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fam, when I say Daddy came in and patted me in two moos,In Connect 4?


Bro. How is that possible?


Three moves. He caught me on a, Which way do you want it? Okay. So he had three in a row with spaces either side and said, How do you want it? He typed this. No, he didn't. He couldn't type that. No one typed it. No one could type that because I would disconnect the camera. I'll just... I'll disconnect the cable. The whole F in a cable. You'll see stuff just start shaking while I'm yanking it out. Bro, hit me on the fundamental three-way and just sat there. I didn't even play. I let it time out. I couldn't move. I couldn't move. Chad was demoted to father. Chad said you got demoted to father. Brother. Yeah, he was... Yeah, bro. Demote to father. Whose daddy are you really? Because he hit you with, Which way do you want it? Missionary of your dog. No fucking way. Missionary or dog. You got spit-roasting. Yeah, my dad said, You want it in your neck or in your back, you big man? No fucking way. Which one? Demoted to father. Man said, I let the time run out. You got humbled. Yeah. It was the worst thing I've experienced.


Fuck. How many people were in the live? A lot. At that moment, I think there was like 400 people watching. I would have been so humiliated. I was, bro. Damn. It was torment.


Did you figure out who he was? Or was it just something-I don't want to know.


That's what made it even daddier. They didn't say shit. They just pulled up as dad. They just pulled up as dad. One, and then just never heard of again.


Hey, they did the damn. Yeah, it was sexy. They did the damn.


With that one, it had to be that move as well. It was immediate. Damn. Yeah.


Pause. You didn't see it coming?


No. Because I was just... How do I say? The stimulus was too much. I had music, I had chat, I had everything, I had the fear of the daddy, and it was just too much. That's how I fumbled it immediately. As soon as I saw that three, I said, Fuck. Yeah, it was a good stream.