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What's the funniest, inconvenient curse to put on someone? Every time you wash your hands, the water run downs your arm under your sleeve. Every single day. Do you know how annoying that is? Always feel like there's hair on your face. Yeah, and you're doing that all the time.


Or like the cobweb thing. And you.


Have to go like this. And you.


Have to go like this. No, bro.


Both sides of your pillow are warm. No.


No. Every time you charge your phone, it has to be so precise you can't move it an inch.


I'm sure it was probably like three iPhones ago. Charge it and had to wrap it and then lay it flat. So it just.


Was perfect. I used to have to charge it, put my phone on something higher and then put a book or something here. To bend the table. Toend the game. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


And in them times, we're not just buying a new charger. You're just not buying a new charger.


Facts. I ain't got new charger money. Facts, bro.