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When I watched Napoleon yesterday, first of all, he loved Josephine. He loved Josephine. They got married early, but he was still doing wars. He was going away for time. He was writing saying, Oh, I love you. I miss you. I can't wait to come and see you, blah, blah, blah. She wasn't replying to one of them. She was getting banged by next man. She was getting gagged. And one of these boys was like, Oh, I'm here with your tings as fuck. And he's like, Not my ting. You're a liar. Where did you hear this information from? He said, All right, this is what the streets are saying. He's like, Bet. Grab me a ship, I'm going back home. The man pulled up to yard now. He's shouting, Josephine! Josephine! Where are you? It's what I'm hearing too. She breaks down, my bro. She said, Please, loud me. You are gone. Loud me. And she asked him, Were you not banging things out there as well? He's like, Of course I was. I did love them. This was just a means to an end. I'm writing to you every day, my John, and you're not replying to me?