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My boyfriend's baby mama called my child a moon-face menace, and I promised that I'd jump her on site. I caught her dropping off their baby, and I jumped out the car to fight her. But my four-year-old accidentally put the car in drive, and I was pinned between my car and her parked car. My hip was crushed. I had a hip replacement, and I wear a lower body brace. My boyfriend says my hip and body brace disturb him. So he says he'll sleep with his baby mama, but it's just sex. He says he cares about me and will be there when my leg and hip gets stronger. I don't understand what our rule of engagement is. Is he saying he's going to love me from a distance while he sleeps with her? Is she just a sex substitute for me? Or is she someone I should worry about? Advice. He's all three. He's all three of them, John, you just mentioned.