Transcribe your podcast

We usually start with the IG question, but I want to give a quick spotlight, a quick shout out to someone that is doing something that he's wanted to do for a minute. And he is also just clearly multifaceted. And it's time for him to actually talk big shit popping about what he's doing. So, Ellis, the stage is yours. James probably thought I was talking about him. The stage is yours. I hoped. You started a podcast. I have. He's nearly on 1K followers, 1K subs already. You're killing it, bro. So, yeah, man, well played again. Thank you. I really appreciate that.


I really thought you were going to talk about me.


It's not about you all the time. I'm sorry, Jay.


I was like, wow, it's actually happening. It's actually happening. Because it's never happened. And I've done it for everyone. And you've never done it for me, and that's fine. But anyway.