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Pick your poison. Bleach your dad's.




Or wear a gimp suit to work. There's also a sense of anonymity in a gimp suit. Yeah, no one's going to know who you are. No one's going to know. There you go. No one's going to know, bro.


Make something out of it. I'll probably be on socials. I'll be the London gimp. Make something out of it.


The London gimp. Don't give yourself titles for it. Is that what you want from this?


I'm a public figure. No one will know who I am. It's an ominous little thing. Like Marsh or something.


Like Marsh. All you men have lost your mind.


No one knows it's you, though, bro.


I know it's me. I know it's me.


That's enough.


My hairy legs are out from here. This is a crotch suit.


There's no legs here. No, no, no, no. Yeah, it has to be, bro. What do you mean it has to be? I'm just saying it has to be. That's your imagination. This is my fantasy, and I'm saying, legs are out.