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Back by popular demand. Yes, sir. Once again, we are playing Taboo. Is it called? Correct. Taboo. I think this might be my favorite game that we played. It was heavy. Right. So remind us how to play Taboo, please, bro.


Okay, so to play Taboo, you will take it in turns. You can RPS for who goes first. We're going to read the red side for both of you today. It's the more spicy side I've been told. Cool. How it works is you guys have to guess a word, and I'm describing that word without saying the other words on the card. Okay, cool. Does that make sense, everyone? It does make sense.


There's a secret word that you can't say to describe the main word that we're trying to guess.


For example, one word would be Margot Robbie, and I can't say actress, Australian, Wolf of Wall Street, Harley Quinn, or Hollywood. You can't say actress. Yeah.


Jesus. You're going to say Hollywood.


But I can say she's in films.


Okay, fair. Rob, who goes first?On go.On go.One of one.One of one.


That was sick. That Don't leave me hanging. That was sick.


That needs to be studied. Yeah. You're one minute Timer will start and I'll turn over the first card and get describing. Amroth. Okay, it's white stuff you put on your food that you have after dinner. Mayonnaise. No. Salt. After dinner? Yeah. The course that you have after your main. Dessert. You put white stuff on it. Ice cream. Less cold. Milk. Cream. But there's something that's been done to that cream. Whip cream. There you go. That's one. Before you paint, you do stuff to the surfaces in your house to make them smooth.


Sand? Sand paper?


No. It's like a goo product that you rub all over the flat surfaces in your house. And once that's been done, you can say, Oh, It's been, and it's another word to describe when people have too much alcohol. Oh, I'm absolutely wasted, inebriated, drunk.


Lathered? Lathered, smothered.


Three, two, one. Is it plaster?


Plaster, yeah.


In your first minute, you got one.


In your first minute, you got one. I got one, yeah. It is tough. It is tough.


Is it plastered as jokes? Cool. Yeah, we can't do one minute.


Yeah. Right. I'll do one minute, and then we'll go It's going to be like two or three minutes.


Ready with a Timer?


Three, two, one, and go.


Okay, so it's something you can actually do in a children's play area, but it's also a really bit X-rated word for people that like to live a certain type of lifestyle and sleep with other people's other halves.


A swing? Oh, swing.


Correct. You said it first. All right, cool. It's something that you can connect around your waist, if you're a lesbian, to pleasure your-Strap one? Correct. When you go abroad and you get a random person to do something with a needle on your skin.Tattoo.But when you do it on your lads holiday, it's called a...Trap stamp?Correct. Well done. Wow. Okay, this is a very famous series of films with Harry Potter, Mike Tyson's Tiger.Oh, Hangover?Correct.


You just got it in the minute as well. That's time. Okay, cool.


So you got-You got four. Well done. Four in your first minute. Well done.


I think we should try three minutes because there's certain ones that can take fucking ages and there's certain ones that you can get through quickly.


Also, remember, you can pass. Oh, yeah. Forget it. Also, I can't remember how we did it before, but I think Rem was like, if he saw one, he was just like, Fuck that one. Fair. Maybe it's a bit on me to pass on some as well.


If you think you're going to take ages to describe it, if you think you're really going to struggle, but you've been doing well, bro.


Yeah, to be fair, you have been doing well.


Thank you. All right. Right, so we're going to go three minutes. Let me know when the time is starting.


All right, I'm going to start in three, two. Good luck. One, and we're off.


Okay. No. I've never heard that term. Okay, no. That was the Margot Robbie one. Okay, a Kanye West song. It's about finances and when a woman wants to benefit, correct? Okay. Okay, this is a style of pubic hair. It's a process that gets done to get a certain style of pubic hair on women. London strip. On women.Brazilian.




Okay, it's the opposite to a milf.Gilf? Other opposite. Cougar? When it's a man, not a woman.


Sugar Daddy?


No, it sounds exactly like milf. It rimes with Milf. Dilf? Yes.




Orange and black place that people Go on their phone to consume certain type of content while they're on their back in bed with tissues.Pornhub?Correct..


Well played. I was lost.


This will make your Your dick, very easy to insert into anything.Lube?Correct. Well played. This is in the church. This is if you've been naughty, you commit these.


Confession box?


No. If you're naughty, you say, I have committed A since? Yeah. A word for a lot of pubes in general. If someone's got a lot of pubes, they've got a- Bush? Correct.


Alex, you're kidding this.


You are. When you can shove something down your throat, it's considered this.


When you can gag reflect?


Non-gag reflect? No, no. If there's something here that I can go, yummy, yummy, yummy, yummy, it's considered-Ayo.


Swallow, edible, nice.Correct.Edible..


A white bottle of booze that Americans drink.


Whiteclaw? No, you would have said white.


Another one. It's not just It's Americans. It's like... White bottle of booze. It's made by a Russian brand. Vodka? No, it's a white version of vodka. It's...




Correct. Ice? Correct.




30 seconds. This is what you This is the general term for when you tie up your partner. Bdsm?




Dan, that's quick. American, big fat guy. He's actually Swedish. Very famous. He's got crazy hair. He uses fake tan. He almost got shot recently.


Donald Trump.


When someone puts their mouth on your... I can't say that word. Sorry. One. My bad. That was loved by it. I was going to say neck, but I couldn't say that. 8, 9, 10, 11. 11? Was that three minutes? Yeah, it was three minutes. You said 10 in three. Yeah, I told you, bro. Solid, man.




Okay. Good round.


That was good.


You are a good annotator. You know how to describe. Yeah, you do, bro. You know how to describe well.


Some of them, you were...


I wasn't looking at him. I was just... Yeah, I saw you.


You don't tolerate... When your guess has been guessed, you don't tolerate time-lapse. What do you mean? So if you guess it wrong, you need his follow-up description immediately.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, people and they were competing for...


Oh, physical 100? No, they were competing for money. But if they lost, it was grim. What happened? It was good game. Yeah. Okay, this is just what you... Another word to describe if you... Oh, no, I can't say that word. When you found a girl and you say to her, You're really hot, do you want to...




Sleep with me. Go home. It's like an American term. Get out of here. You're on the right lines.


Do you want to...


It also would be something that you would do to connect your rope to a boat. Or if you wanted to... It's another way to describe. Next. Pass, bro.


It was hookup. We're a minute in.


If you do not engage in intercourse, you are exhibiting... If you say no, no, any... Consent? No. If you say none of that for me, you are...


Refusing? You are past, bro.


Abstinence. That was tough. This is what This is what I've been told nut tastes like. Salt? Yeah. This is something that goes... It makes a certain type of noise. I can't describe the noise, but it's something that girls will use at night time on their own to have fun.Vibrate.Correct. You're not boyfriend and girlfriend. You're not officially together.Casual?It's a bit tricky.Situationship?Correct. If you look through a window when Threw a hole in the curtains, maybe, you're considered a... Peeping Tom. Correct. A very white word for the danglely things below your twin. Willy? Penis? No. No. Cock? The two twins.Oh, the Bulls? Bullocks? Yep. If she doesn't want to have sex, you'd go to your boys and be like, Oh. When you're younger, you'd go to your boys and be like, Oh, she's... Prigent? Correct. 15 seconds. Makes bear noise in the morning on a farm.


Cockerol? I mean, rooster?


Yeah. Five. White guy's word for penis.




Johnson.time. What was it?


It was Nob. Time.


You did a speed round there. That last maybe like 45 was a speed round. That last 45, when you got one in one, I was nervous for you.


Five, six, seven, eight.


Speed round? You got one in the first minute.


I thought that was all right. That just makes Fuha's round look amazing because that 11 was nuts.


That first 90 seconds, Alex, we were not locked in together. We were not locked in together. I was like, I got one in the first 90 seconds.


I was stressed. I would say you had quite a difficult run of words there. Maybe I need to shuffle these a little bit. No, you're good.


Jokes. That was a living nightmare. Good comeback, though. Very good comeback. 8-11.


You didn't give up, and that's what matters. Fair.


Jesus, I hated the first minute. I could tell if I wanted to laugh as well. I was drowning. Fuck. Second round for the third. Three minutes on the clock in three, two, one. Here we we.