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Also, hands up, rems a snake. It turns out rems a snake made the other day. We agreed to play full guys together, right? Yeah. We were trying. God, were we trying? And I had to mess him. I was like, Oh, bro, I'm really, really sorry. We can't play full guys tonight. He messaged me, All good. You playing resurgence? I said, Yeah, in the lobby. Cheers, guys. Just waiting on rem. So we're in chat. He's playing. What do you mean? Yeah, he's playing resurgence right now. Solos? That's rare. Let me go onto his stream and see what I've got. He's running with three other Jordans just. I said, No, surely not.Not my rem.Yeah, not my rem. That doesn't make sense. Let me refresh. Maybe there's a 10-second delay. Let me refresh. No. Let me invite rem. Invited, invited, invited. I know this bitch is popping up on his screen. He's thought about edit. That's right. Edit.