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I got hustled yesterday, bro. I'm driving on the M1, pull over to get myself a little yummyam. Some geezer pulls up to me. He's like, I'm really, really sorry to disturb you, but I need your help. I've run out of petrol. My card's broke. Man showed me some cracked-in-half credit card, right? And I was like, How did you get here? And man said, I had to get towed here. There should have been red flag number one because he was parked perfectly in the bay. So I said to Donny, Right, I need to go and get some food. Get your car over there and I'll fill up your petrol. I guess, or is there any way you could just give me some cash and I can just sort it out in my own time? I was like, You know what? Fine, isn't it? I said, I'll run up and get you 50 quid. You know what he said to me? He said, I really, really appreciate that. But a full tank is 90. When I said, I burst out laughing, and I was like, What are we in it? I gave him 100. I said, Take it.


Take it. I watched him walk out getting this car driver.