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I will never, ever forgive one of our boys for inviting me and Rem to join the Pyramid scheme. I was at my lowest point financially, and he belled me up. He's like, Right, I can't tell you what it is, but I need you to drive to Birmingham on Sunday, 07:00 PM. I was like, What is it, bro? He was like, You're going to be fucking rich, bro. You're going to be rich, and I want to bring all my boys in with me. I was like, I bet. Filled up my car with petrol, money I didn't have. Money you didn't have, yeah. Went in there, brother. Fuck Pyramid scheme. They said, For a small fee of £500 signing up fee, you'll start at whatever tier they said it was. Worker B tier. I kissed my teeth and drove back home. I was so cross. Cross? You let me drive all the way up here on my Sunday evening for this and he was like, Bro, I know, but I was like, £500 is all I got. Yeah, literally. That's every penny I have in the world. You know what he said to me? It's worth it.