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What's a promise you made to yourself at a young age that you broke later on? To never let my account be in the negative again. Why have we been there? Why have we been there? Been there. Full disclosure, you, man. It wasn't last month, maybe the month before. I got that overdraft text. You did not. I swear to God. Swear. Yeah, I got the overdraft text. Damn, bro. Yeah, you don't look at me like that. Damn, bro. It's been a minute. That's why I'm surprised. I was surprised, too. I woke up just... Text from Barclays, bro. You're in your overdraves. And I was like, nah. You sat up for it. I was like, nah, bro. Surely not. I was spending. I don't know what I spent on. I was spending. Say less. Yeah, I took a deep breath that day. I bet. Yeah, it's like, James, this has to change. Whatever your habits are, I'll change.