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Would you go deep sea diving in a… The shark-infested. Not just sharks, but the black and white ones. Orcas.


Orcas? Yeah. Do you mind how scared I am of them, man? I know. I know they don't attack humans like that, but I just don't believe it. I'm terrified of them, man. They fuck around. Have you seen that wave thing they do to get things off the ice? Yes, seals. Yeah, they merke seals off with that. Nope. Hundred ems.


You deep sea dive, but you're in a cage, so you're surrounded by them. God. But you have to be down for… You got oxygen. You can breathe all of them things, but 10 minutes.


Ten minutes down there for 100 ems. I'll do it, yeah.


Surrounded by the way.


Surrounded. I'll be like that under.


Obviously, they're not complicit. They're fighting to try and...


They're fighting to get me. They're beating sharks, bro. Bro, no, I'm not doing that for 100 ems. Okay, cool. Never. No, if they're just minding their business and taking a sniff here and there, then I'll do that for 100 ems. But if they're hitting the case trying to get a man, there's not enough money. I want to do it for a billion because I will die from the fear alone.