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Right. Get into what you really came here to get into.


Yeah, just the beef because obviously, like I said, I saw your stream and the beef is beefing, bro. I've seen so many people try and dissect it. I've seen so many people take sides. Obviously, we've spoken in a group chat. We've spoken separately. But for the camera, for the people, for the cold babies, for the patrons, who's winning? Who's side are you on? What's the best? What's the worst?


So it started off with like that. I would say one all after push-ups, but then I would say, Jake's a nose ahead because he took an entire track to gun everyone.


Yeah, he had to though. Yeah, he did. He had to set the standard scene right now.


Yeah, he had to set it straight. And then he dropped Taylor Made Free Style 2:1.


2:1 from there. You're like, Clean. 100% 2-1 from there. Clean. 100% euphoria dropped.


So then euphoria dropped.


Them super powers get neutralized. I can only watch in silence. The famous actor we once know us to know is looking paranoid and now spiraling. And your movements just like a degenerate. Every antique is feeling distasteful. My calculation has calculated I can even predict your angle. That would kill me if I were to control it.


Yeah, I can predict your angle. He was saying... Pause it for me a second, please. So what I've read and heard about that, I can even predict your angle. Obviously, this dropped, then Drake dropped Family Matters. And then immediately after Family Matters, Kendrick dropped Meet the Grahams because he knew after he dropped this, Drake is going to send for his family. Yeah. So he tactically knew what he was going to do.


Bro, they've all been mad Mad tactical with it. The fact he called it euphoria was dope.


On tondra upon on tondra euphoria. Yeah.


So I was saying on this one, on this one, I thought it was good. The flow is nice. It's very Kendrick. The one thing I didn't like about it is just as a response to the two that he's just banged on you, this wasn't what we needed to hear, in my opinion. And it was also too... People were like- Too layered. It was too layered, bro.


I agree.


I like to I hear... I like to understand the classes I'm hearing. I don't need to understand like, Oh, but James, you don't get it because he's referencing something that happened 27 years ago when the little is, and then this rapper did this, and which was that. I don't give a fuck.


Just give me Bars.


Yeah. Bars. Let me understand the bars here. This? Now? Turn this up, please.


This is where it gets fired.


This is where it gets nasty. Yeah, it gets toasty-rearned. The beat and the flow on this is stuff that you've not heard before.


Pay attention. Read the lyrics. All right. I'm in. We're going to be stopping a lot.


Look, your break sugar is doing TikToks, nigga, really shooting your damn ass piece, brother, all the shit shop, nigga, can't listen to this dick talking, far settled, sick before your hip hop, nigga, you don't need to be at home, though. You're a superman, I've been kill shop, nigga, still mad about it, weren't a whole week, even fuck, I just lived like it. I'm getting angry when it's part-time, I ain't even really let my dick drop, nigga, what the fuck, I heard Rick drop, nigga, talking something about a nose drop, nigga, O7, we got a sign effect of jealous here down the never- Rick Ross, not being jealous, bro.


One, two, three, four, five.




Pull that whole thing up again, bro.


Should even tell you to fucking keep quiet.


Pull that whole ASAP thing up again, bro.


I think that ASAP bit got so overlooked.


Yeah, so overlooked. Bro, I didn't even clock it. Basically, he's saying ASAP fucked Fingies mom in it. That's what he's saying.


Who's Fingies mom?


Adonis' mom.


Okay, yeah.


He's saying there, your guess because you fucked Adonis's mom, and I saw you chatting. When you was fucking Adonis' mom, who was I fucking?


Who was I fucking? Obviously, your current baby mom. Your mainsqueez. Your mains right now, of three. Yeah. Your mains of three. Do the math.


I was busting us in there. Do the math.


And then he dropped Meet the Graham's.


Yeah, so literally, 18 minutes later, he drops Meet the Graham's.


So Meet the Graham's, he's going. Have you heard Meet the Graham, man?


No. It will leave a bad taste in your mouth.


He goes above and beyond.


Yeah, He takes every glove off.


I love rat beef.


Yeah, it's the craziest thing.


Sorry that when man gets your father, let me be honest. He takes a Madness. Madness. Madness. Madness. Get my son's name out your mouth.


All of that was just for the son. Yeah. So then the artwork on this one is obviously supposed to be a collation of all Drake's. This is just receipts. This is his Ozempic fucking prescription. Some other prescriptions there, the made-back gloves, all this thing. So the story goes that this is further evidence of Drake planting stuff.




Because the Ozempic and gloves and all that thing is supposed to be about Rick Ross. So But basically what ended up happening was, is so when I went on stream, I tried to tell people, you see when I said about the secret meeting and the thing? I was on stream lines. I'm hearing this is a secret meeting where he's planting them all. And everyone in my chat was like, you're reaching, you're reaching, you're reaching. I was like, cool, cool. I guarantee in Drake's next song, he says that this is what happened. Before Drake even dropped his song, this artwork was taken down. People asked for legal reasons. I don't necessarily believe that.


It was zoomed in before. I think it was just the glove, the original one, then they zoomed out to everything else. Yeah. Because this wasn't the original artwork before. It zoomed in a bit more.


I'm pretty sure. This artwork on Spotify and all the streaming services has been taken down. Everyone's like, Yeah, because he took it down because it's fake. 50% of people were like, No, I took it down because of legal reasons. You can't put other people's prescriptions. I think that's bullshit because you can just fake that. Facts. I've seen 100 movies with fake prescriptions on and shit. That in itself doesn't make sense. But anyway, that's that. Then after this is not like us.


It's straight back to back again.


After this, I say it's three, two now. Kendrick's up. So Jake was up three, one in my opinion. Now, Kendrick's up. It's up to three, two now. Drek's still winning. Drek's still winning. But, yeah, this one was horrible stuff.


I see dead people.


This track's nasty. My Yeah, he knew what he was doing. This thing? Yeah, right? He had everyone ready.


I was trying to see Compton. The industry, he hate me, fuck them all in the mama. How many I actually really got? I mean, it's This is a track, bro.


I'm listening to all the bars. I'm dissecting I heard you like I'm young.


You better not have a go to sell a black woman. Do you need a bitch to talk to them and they love? Just make sure you have your little sister phone. They tell me, Chels, I only want to get your hand down. I'm probably at the car, I'm playing with his nose now. And Baca got a wonder case, why I see you around? Certified never boy, certified pedophile.




Why are you showing like a bitch, ain't you tired? Trying to strike like a That ball?


Yeah, that ball.


That ball. That ball was nasty. Trying to strike a court and it's probably a minor.


That was nasty. That one was nasty.


What I do like about Kendrick as well, obviously, this one is themed. He's talking about how him and his whole team are fucking sex offenders. In the previous one, he's talking about how his whole family is just merced and fucked. Everything is so themed and it just sticks to it. It's insane, bro.


It's just insane. After that one, after Not Like Us, it's three all, in my opinion. Oh, facts. It's three all now. Facts. Yeah, it's three all. So Dregs dropped one more. So the hard part six, artwork is Leng. So that's- Crazy. Day three fucking comment on Whitney's post, right?




This is where he starts to cook. Bro, who's it there. Pause it there, bro.


He's just feeding you shit and you're lapping it off. Bro, we were going to give you more stuff to go off, but you couldn't wait. You couldn't resist. You thirsty little bitch. You couldn't resist. You didn't even investigate. You ran with it. You just ran. You fucking ran with it. Mother I, mother I. Wait a second. Bro.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, It just made the connection.


As it stands, Drake is in the lead.


That's our decision, and that's what we're standing by. We've dissected everything because, yeah, Drake's in the lead. It's just facts.


I think, yeah, he's slightly... I don't even know if I'll give him... I wouldn't give him a whole point for that song.What.


For the most recent?


The most recent, The Heart. I wouldn't give him a whole... The Heart Part 6, I wouldn't give him a whole point for this, but he's in my point. It was... Official point on my scale is 3-3, still for me. This one is like a 0.5..


It's techy because it's very, very close because there are bars in euphoria, even though I don't like that song that much, but there are also bars in the heat, The Heart Part 6.


Yeah, there's bars in both. So again, even based on that, if I were to give Drake the 0.5 for The Heart Part 6, I would have to give Kendrick the 0.5 for euphoria. It's close. I think we're in nose to nose. Fair, it's close.


It's even three three or four four. Yeah, it's three three. You're right, you're right, you're right, you're right. Kendrick, drop sign. Kendrick, you have to drop sign and then we can take it on next week. Pause. So yeah, we'll see.