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Titanic's just hit the bug. It just so happened you landed on the door and I'm hanging on. I'm shaking and shivering. I'm like, Please, please, please. Jumping to war for a bit. Let me get on the door.


Are you letting me on the door? Yeah, we'll alternate. We'd have to.


What if the only way we could both fit on there was in Missionary? Oh my God.


Because we can. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Why Missionary? To be fair, it doesn't matter. It could be a collapse.


It could be a collapsed dog in your Missionary.


I would do the Missionary. I'd have to. Yeah, I'd have to. Fair.


Or if you felt a little tummy stick?


I'd be concerned. Obviously, you're going to be concerned. I'd be very concerned.


Would you say, James, I'm concerned or would you do something about it?


I'd fling you off. Yeah. Subside that, you're not thinking straight. We're trying to survive here and you're getting hard.