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Pick your poison. Fight to the death against an eight-foot anaconda.


Be woken up daily by hot urine waterboarding. Oh, wow.


I would pick the- Every waterboarding.


Have you seen Sicario?


I've seen what?


The movie Sicario.


I don't think so. I've seen waterboarding, though. I've never seen Sicario, whatever that is, but I've seen Waterboarding. It's not nice.


Oh, it's a technique. Hot urine every day.


James, it's not like, Okay, you're awake now. Okay, let's get this urine over with. They wake you up.


I know. I wouldn't sleep. You're woken up. Yeah, I know.


I wouldn't sleep ever. I don't think you're hearing what you're saying.


I don't think you're hearing eight foot anaconda. Because that's the biggest snake there is. Eight days a week, you'll lose. You wouldn't even be able to hold it still like this. What?