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Would you prefer to find out all your kids are not yours or find out half are, half aren't?


All. I'm not doing this dance. If you had doubts and you've got three beautiful kids in the yard-And one just looks like you. Let's say one just looks like me. Yeah. Would you like, pluck a hair?


If I've got four Utes and all of them look exactly like me, and then one of these joints looks like a Fuhad, all on our way to church. Then this little brother's like, I can't wait to say my prayers. I'm like, The fuhad did you say? I'll be coming home and everyone was like, Daddy, I miss you. Daddy, I miss you. Then this brother was like, I was just chilling with Tobi.


We could do squeeze his mouth.


I'll squeeze his mouth and swab that bitch right there and then.