Transcribe your podcast

Dingswomen say to men that they don't realize it's rude. If only I could find a man like you.


I am a man like me.


The comment under was, I am a man like me. I am a man like me. Obviously not you because the outer shell is. Look at you. That up, down? You ready for round two? You're panting.


I'm panting and I'm not... I'm far from solid. I'm far from... Are you ready for round two?


Because numb from the waist down. I came in here, I emptied the clip in there.


I emptied my whole tank.


Yeah, bro. If you can't do it, I'm sure I can find someone who can.


They know the emotion that that will bring out in a male species.


Yeah, of course. There's one thing that I don't let that bar fazeme, and that's with DIY.


I remember, I can't even remember what the device was, but I was putting something together and I was looking through the brochure tick. Ron Jornino said, Do men need to read instructions?