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Man, he made it us hard, bro.


He made it us hard, bro.






We're back again.


We are indeed.


We are cooking this year with the guesty guests. Yes, sir. I'm excited. So am I. This one, I'm really, really excited. I know I say I'm always excited, of course, but this one, I'm very excited. Before we get I always like to do a nice introduction to our guests. I feel like this one is top three easiest ones to do.I agree.Yeah?


I agree. Yeah, I agree.


With us today, guys, we have a very, very, very, very special guest. The reason he's very, very, very, very, very special is because this gentleman has... I'm going to use the word complementary somehow. The word is somehow. Somehow managed to reach a certain fee that I don't think many people acknowledge on a day-to-day basis, especially people of our age and culture. This bray came up through social media to take over an entire country's comedy scene. Also, one time, funny story. First time we met this bray, we went to... It was one of his parties, right? Mm-hmm. Went to one of his parties. Baddies in their father, by the way. Full disclosure, for no reason, bro.


It was a party.




Party, bro. I was like, damn, there's people in here.


There's people, there's everyone.


And I thought, it's going to do the fashion relate entrance, like suave, sneak. I was like, okay, cool, cool, cool, cool. I remember hearing a loud shout of excitement. I looked to my left and bro was running down a hallway covered in sweat. Sweat.




Dripping in sweat, having more fun than I've ever seen What does a human being have? A man pulled up, spoke to us on a first-name basis, and I was like, raw, gang. Okay, cool. And then scurried on into the night to clash someone on the dance floor in front of other celebrities. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was like, wow, he's really, really him. So admiration went through the roof. Another time, me and my boy, I think was on the way to one of our live shows. There was traffic on the M1 and we got diverted and we were just driving through London, through this bath area in London. Okay. And then my boy was like, I'm pretty sure my only lives around here. And I was like, that's funny because I'm looking for a father figure. I'm looking for a father figure and a mentor and a friend. And we It happened to be in the right area for it. So that's insane. So all of that considered. Anyway, guys, let's get back down to it. Please give a warm, warm, warm, warm, warm Man.Thank you for coming, bro.It.


Was hard being quiet for all of that. When you listed off like, oh, and I was like, yeah, I don't know if that's me or is there someone else that I'm allowed here? But no, that party is mad. That's the first time we met.I believe so, yeah.It's mad because I feel like I've known you longer.I don't know why.Yeah, agreed. Same. I know we have a lot of friends in common as well, so that also feels a lot of white as well. But it's mad actually because when you said I was sweating.


You were sweating, bro. You were sweating, bro.


Full tuxedo, sweating from head to toe. What party was that?


Was that the one in the King's Cross? Yes, it was.


I was sweating, man.


It was. Yeah, I remember.


It was one of them after-parties. After-party for some prestigious hosting job we just finished.


That was the afterparty we done for the Brits. Yeah, we had a Brits afterparty. You know what was mad? Because I knew it was the last time I was going to do the Brits as well, in it. In my head, I was like, I got world tour next year, and I feel like It might be the last time I do this thing, isn't it? I want to have the best party. Not ever, but I always make sure. Even if when I do my own parties, I want to enjoy people who are just good vibes. I hate going to stuff where people are very pretentious and cool. It's like, no, just come. We always try the dress code is all black, for example. That way when you leave, you're like, I can just wear black jeans and a black T-shirt and Converse. Because no one can judge you wearing a dress code that's all black. Do you know what I mean? But I was sweating, man. I remember I was clashing. What's her name? America Foster.


She goes hard as well. That's not an easy opponent.


On some, you got served.


She comes specifically for that reason.


You know what was mad, yeah? Because I remember saying to her, I invited her quite last minute. I was like, Come, man, come down, man. It'll be a good vibe. She's like, I'll come. And so she came. I can't remember what she was saying. I said something, I said, Yeah, but be ready on the dance floor. I'm a clash of you. Don't get me wrong, I feel like I can hold my own against the average in the party. Do you see what I mean? But when she started dancing, I was like, oh, right. She's crazy. Yeah, she's about it.


This is what she does. Yeah, she's about it.


Yeah, bro, for no reason.


I remember doing some wormting. Oh, my God.


Yeah, I forgot about that.


That was your saving grace, dude.


I was sweating. People's looking at me like, come on, you're up, man. I was like, listen, this was Bantz, man. But yeah, no, what a great way to... I remember you lot coming as well. I remember when you lot come, you lot looked a bit like, oh, bro, is this... Bro, these are really partying, man. Yeah, facts, bro. I was ready for a little...


That was a good part.


Cling, cling, snobby, snobby.


Two steps, two steps. The walls are shaking.


Yeah, it was real London. Yeah, it was real London. It was good.


That part was sick. It was really good. But yeah, thank you for coming on, bro. No, thanks for having me. This has been like... It's a weird one because we had a list probably a year and a half ago of guests that we wanted to have on the show, and you were damn near the top. It was almost one of them like...


It's unachieving. It's not going to happen.


I would charge it.


You see, when it comes to... I like doing podcasts. If I've got something to promote or even just talk about, then I'm always willing to jump on and just like, because it's just a conversation. Do you know what I mean? I never put myself in high regard of like, No, man, that man ain't got enough views for me. I remember when I done a podcast, when I was trying to, I remember in COVID, I Let me try and do a podcast and stuff. And you ask people, you don't know if they want to do it or not. And you just realize unless you ask, you don't ever know. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, man, I'm always like, the podcast could be about anything as long as it's good vibes. And I always find I just need something to talk about. If I got nothing to talk about and someone ask, and I don't want to say the same thing on every other pod. Do you know what I mean? I want it to be special for you lot as well. Do you know what I'm saying? You don't want me doing a podcast run because when someone's doing promo, you're like, oh, yeah, it's come on out.


He's doing that one. Okay. I feel like we've been hoodwicked here.


Yeah, 100%. It's dread. I hate it for the other podcasters when there's people that I know there's people that have messaged us or got in contact to be like, Oh, come to the UK. Can we come on? More time we'll be like, No, we'll pass it. It's not even because they're a bad person or anything like that. It's just because we don't know what the hell we're going to talk about. Then we'll see them do all of our peers' podcast and word for word, it's the exact same thing for every other show.


And I'm like, Thank God we didn't have to have that conversation because it's just bomb, bro.


You're obviously killing in the comedy game. You're on tour, you've been doing all these things, but you decided to get into your acting bag. Ten lives. How was that call for you when you received that message? Okay, you are going to be doing a voiceover.


Do you know what I was more gasping about?


Second picture on the cast as well. Let's go, bro.


We're there, bro.


We're there. Ten lives. Talk to us about the feeling. Talk to us about the emotion. Talk to us about how the whole experience went down for you.


Do you know what it was? I think when I found out, I'd be the lead. I'm like, I'm going to be the lead. Let's get a round of applause for that. Thank you very much. Thank you so much, man. Yeah, it was the first major thing, isn't it? Where you're going to be a lead and you played a cat and it all centers around the cat. I remember my first... I'd read the script and I met Chris Chris Jenkins, who's the director of it. You got to remember, this guy has worked on Lying King. He's worked on Little Mermeade. His accolades are mad. I'm already nervous beforehand. I get to do the first day of recording and I'm in my head like, I've got an idea of what cat voice do I do? Do you know what I mean? I met him. I was like, How's it going, Chris? He's a short guy. He's only like, five foot three. So humble. He's from He was originally, isn't it? Okay, sick. He's from Wales, but he lived out in the States. He's like, Yeah, but... He's like, Hey, buddy. Oh, man. Big fan of your stuff, man.


I was like, Oh, thanks, man. And he mocked up one of my stand-ups with the cat. He's like, We really want to This is the cat, and this is the cat. And I was like, Wow, that's amazing. How long does it take to do that? He goes, Oh, a couple of days with the team on it. So I said, A couple of days for this. And it was just like, you've seen something and someone, again, his accolades are sensational, isn't it? It was just so nice, so humble, so cool. I remember getting in the booth, first recording session. He's like, I'm going to show you it. This is when it's still storyboard, so they haven't done the animation yet. But he was like, We're going to show you it. This is what the cat's going to be like. He said, Look, when you do the cat, do it as you. Be yourself. I want you to use the words that you would use, brave because yes, whatever, the way that you speak. And that's what I want you to do with the cat.


That must have felt like an ease.


Brov, breath of fresh air. Yeah, man. And then there was one scene in the film where Becket, the cat, he has to climb up a drain pipe because he's like, I think he's chasing him. No, I'm a rat, sorry. I got to climb up a drain pipe or whatever to get back in the house. And he's like, Yeah, imagine you're climbing up. I'm like,. I'm really imagining. Then I think a Hawk or something takes me or whatever. Then I started getting into it that first session. He said to me, he goes, Man, that was great, man. You remind me of when I worked with the late Robin Williams, your improvisation. I was like, whoa.


Yeah, I couldn't hear that part. I was like,. I was like, Did you compare me to?


But he was just so humble, so calming, isn't it? Then every time I got to do a record, because we all done them by ourselves, it was just fun. Do you know what I mean? It was just fun. Then when I got to watch it, oh my God, when I watched it, the whole thing done. Because I'd seen the story bits. When they start putting it all together now and you watch it and you're like, No, this is mad. Then we went Sundance Film Festival and then we had to do promo, and then we got to watch the film the following day. There's people crying and stuff like that in the cinema towards the end of the film. You've not seen the film?


Not yet.


Not yet, bro. No, I'm playing. He must have done that. Not yet. It's on the list. Wow!


Man, he made us hard, bro.


He was smiling before he even asked.


Yeah, because he knew.


Before he asked.


No, he was a waste man. Why are you even thinking for that.


Oh my gosh. You're crazy. No, he got the dick in for that.


Bro, I was there like, No, no, no. No, no, still there. Bro, Goose bolts Come back. For fuck's sake.


He goes, Not yet. Not yet. Oh, God. Bro, it's crazy. Oh, my stomach is crazy. No, I'm sorry. I had to do that. I know, it's all good. It's all good. Oh, wait, man.




Oh, Jesus. Not yet. I was thinking, my tingles were last. It's because you're waiting for excuses.


No, it's because the studio sessions have just been mad. They had a book for yesterday, but...


Oh, yeah, just not yet.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Easiest. Fuck, that's funny.


Oh, my God. Oh, I'm so sorry. That was so good. It's all good. No, it's fine. My mom had even seen it, so don't worry, man. It's all right, man. No, but like... You get to actually watch it. You get to watch it and you see it all back. Then you're like... Because, again, it's that thing where you're like, That film will last forever, isn't it? Yeah, of course. There'll be some kids who be like, That's the first animation film that they've seen, or parents that have watched it with their kids and stuff. I think that's when it starts setting in. Do you know what I mean? You're in a motion It was like a picture. Do you know what I mean? But I think as a moment or anything I've done, it was so removed from comedy. You're working with a cast and stuff, and you go to Sundance. I've never been Sundance, so they do it in in Salt Lake City. Everyone's there. I remember walking past, see Lucy Lou, walked past. I think that's all I've seen because I was jet lag, so I was the rest of the time in the hotel just sleeping.


Lucy Lou? Yeah. Good night. But no, it was a good vibe, man. Then when it came out, again, it's that thing where you're like, I'm in an actual motion picture. Do you know what I mean? Which was incredible, man. I guess, do you know what it is? People always said, You should do acting and stuff and whatnot. I definitely want to, but it's just finding the right time or the right thing. Do you know what I mean? I've always been a big believer. If it's not for me, then it's for someone else, and someone's really going to appreciate that much more. If it's not my... That thing is not for me, give it to someone else. Someone else wants this, and they're going to appreciate it more. If I've got all of this on, it's probably better that I just got to concentrate with this. Do you know what I'm saying? You don't want to take all the food at the buffet. Do you know what I mean? Leave some for someone else. I'm a big believer in that. But fun, man. So fun, man.


Good to hear, man. Yeah, good to hear. Well, in... What's the word I'm looking for?


In true 10lives fashion.


Yeah, in true 10lives fashion. We've got a game for you. Yeah, man. It's constructed by a lovely researcher, Anna. It's called 10lives. Great on the game. She's going to explain how we're going to play the game.


Yes, it's a little game called Ten Lives. Basically, it's based on obviously most film debut. We're all going to start with Ten Lives, and then you'll take in turn to pick a category. We've got musical instruments, animal sounds, song, film quotes, celebrity voices. A little sound bite is going to play from my laptop. Then write on your whiteboard what you think it's going to be. Obviously everyone has 10 lives. Whoever gets a question wrong will lose one life for every person that got it right, if that makes sense.Ramble klut.For example.Example, you've got Kevin Hart playing, and James, Fu, Hadam, Mo, they all write Kevin Hart. Ellis writes The Rock. You all got it right. So that's three people got it right. So he's lost three lives. So he's on seven lives now. I see.


Okay. Okay, cool.


Mo, do you want to start with the category? So you got musical instruments, animal sounds, song, film quotes, celebrity voice. Let's go with animal sounds. Okay, good choice. It's tense in the studio, bro.


When it comes to game?


Yeah, we don't fuck around when it comes to game.


You might lose some, but trust me.


All right, ready? Yeah.


I know what that is. All right. Can you play that one more time?




No. Is it a one-take drope? It's one-take drope. We're doing it once.


Okay. Reveal. I didn't write it big enough. I can't lie. That's calm.Seal.Seal..


I did Dolphin.I thought it was a Dolphin.I wrote Sea Lion. Sea Lion. I just put pig.


I was guessing.Seal is the correct answer.Yes.Seal. Kiss from a rose and the pain. So we all get it wrong.


We all have seven points.


Yeah, so you all lose three points. Fuck.


Damn. Shit.


I feel like I should be cut applied for the sea lion.


Sea Lion. Sea Lion is the same thing, no?


No. No. No. Sorry.


Seven points. You're staying on 10? Yeah.


You're still staying on 10?


I got sealed. We're going to carry on till one person's lost all their lives.


Perfect. Okay, I'm on seven. Okay, Fouha, two categories.Celebrity.


Voice.okay. I'm in Paris for the first time, again, for movies. That's right.Fou, fou, fou.Yeah. I was in one of those cool Tom Ford dresses with the zips and everything.




I saw Francis Ford Coppola, but it actually was Francis Ford Coppola.


It was really nice. I was like, Oh, my God, is Francis Ford Coppola?


I think I know who that is.


Yeah, I've got it. I've got it.


Man. Okay, can we reveal? 3, 2, 1. Jennifer Lawrence. I got the woman from Bridesmaids. I thought it was her. The woman from Bridesmaids.


You don't know her name.


Which one? The main one? Yeah. What is her name? What is her name?


I need to know.


Let me bring it up. I thought you was going to go niche.


I went Katherine Heigl. Jesus. Who the fuck is that? Yeah, that's what Grey's Anatomy, John.


This is Jennifer Lawrence.


Well played.


Jennifer Lawrence. Yeah. Yeah, so what? I lose three lives.


No, you lose two lives. No, you lose two because they both go right.


So I'm on you. Okay, James category.


Film quote, please.


I thought you'd choose one.


I need to name the film?


Yeah, just the film. Okay.okay. Okay, we ready? Yeah.


How about another joke, Maree?


No, I think we've had enough of your jokes.


What do you get-I don't think so.when.


You cross a mentally ill loner with a society that is bandaged in that face of a trash.


Call the police, me.


I'll tell you what you get. Call the police. Get what you fucking deserve.Locked. Jesus.


Good. I'm terrible at this game. Strong scene. Strong scene. Good scene. Yeah, good scene.




You're just saying that, aren't you? You think you got it?


I've got that one, definitely.


Yeah, gang, Yeah, I'm telling you, just get Phil out of here, quick.


Okay, can we reveal?


I've written nothing down, so.


3, 2, 1.Joker.Joker. Yeah, correct.


Come on, man. What are you on that? You don't remember that one?


Where did you get? I didn't write anything down.


You didn't write nothing.


You lose one point?


No. Three. Three points because everyone else got to write, and I didn't write anything down. Yeah.


Have you seen Joke, I've heard?


I've seen it twice. Oh, fair.


That's the scene where he kills Danny DeVito.


Oh, in the thingy.


Oh, Robert De Niro, sorry. Yeah. Robert De Niro.


About another Joke Maray.


It's probably because I didn't hear that bit, maybe.


Two points?


Two left.Fight.


Back, bro.All.


Right, Ellis. I'll go for a movie quote. You are too concerned with what was and what will be.


That's way too low. That's quiet, bro.


That's the loudest one, really.


Yesterday is history.


I got it. Tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present. Can we have a clue?


It's animated.


I was going to say it's given animation. I knew it was animation.


That didn't help me for fucking anything.


I think it's an animated film, but it's definitely one I haven't seen. But you know it's one of those classic ones. Ready to reveal? Yeah. Okay, one, two, three.


Kongfu Panda. Kongfu Panda. I bought frozen.


Kongfu Panda is the one.


Master Ugue.


Yeah, man, I'm Master Oogwe.


Fair play. I'm out.


I'm lost.


That's my 10 lives.


Yeah, that game was strong. Strong game. That was very cool. Strong game from you.


Strong game.


We have to run that back.


We do have to run that back.


I like that game. You can play that at a drinking game.


Yeah, that's a sick game. Very cool.


We got another Trivia game to play.Not.


Trivia.not Trivia game. We got the car thing, right?We got a car game.Yes. Cool.


Cool. So this is based off something you used to do back in 2020, where there'll be a car, you put it on your story, and you describe the type of person that drives this car. So we're going to pull up some cars for you, and you're just going to start in a row.


Okay. Tell us what you think. Tell us what you think.


Tell us what you feel. All right.


I'll have a field day with this one.


First one, Renault Clio.


Renault Clio. Okay. This is the popular mom doing the... What's it called again? When you drop off the kids in the morning. The School Run. The School Run special car. The Renault Clio. You know what's mad? I've always liked the Renault Clio because back in the day, they used to have the on the re-advert, the Vava Voom thing, isn't it? Yes. I always had an appreciation for it, but it's definitely like, yeah, Tracy, you know what I mean? Kids, get in there, get in the car, hurry up. We've got, come on, hurry up. Mom, the toilet's taking my thing for you It's definitely the school mom run car. It runs decent. It runs all right. Yeah, reliable, John. If they're on the motorway, they're in the slow lane because they know what the car can do and what it can't do. Do you know what I mean? They're saying, Listen, I'm keeping it 60. It's fine. If you got the free-door thing, it's stress. If you're in the back of that free-door, your knees are screaming for its life. Because in the back of those hatchbacks with those free-doors, oh my God. But yeah, the school run special, man.


You can't beat a Renault Clio, man. Say less.


That was my first car. Renault Clio, yeah. My first car, boy.


He's a Renault Clio?


Yeah. My dad bought it for me when I was younger. I was Gasped. Gasped. But yeah, that motorway thing, that's no joke, right? Coming down the slip road, Donnie was beeping, bro. Speed up.


I'll put my foot through the floor.


That's all she's got.


I'm sorry.


Oh, bro. Jokes, man. Fair play. Okay, cool, cool, cool. What's next?


Oh, a G-Wag. Mercedes G-Wagon. Bro. Bro. Listen, let me tell you something. When I started doing well for myself, I said, Listen, I need to get myself the car. This is my dream car, isn't it? When I got this car here, I would pull up anywhere that was possible to pull up. You're going to see me in this. Bro, I get dressed to get in this car. I don't think you realize. Statement. I get dressed for the car because when I step out, listen. It's got a match. Yeah, it's got a match.


It's not a rental.


I can't lie, when I drive it, I know people look at me and they say, He's a. I know that. It's 100%, man. You look nervous as well, isn't it? They just look at you like, Look at you, you piece of shit. What have I done, bro? What, man? No. That's when it all starts. There's like, No, man. Greta von der wouldn't drive this. But as a car, I can't lie. For me, it was one of my dreams, and I always said, When I do well and I get myself, that's the car I want in it. So I've had mine for a little while now and I can't lie, man. When I first got here, I know you got done. When you first got... When you got here, I know you got this. When you first get this, you do unnecessary videos, isn't it? In the car. Come on, bro.


No, man, stop it, man. You're just smiling.


Glasses on.


Because people can see the space. Yeah, they need to. They need to see it.


They need to see it.


Where they see the space in the car. People are like, Oh, what? Is that you? I used to lie. I'm like, No, AliExpress, this ain't my thing. It's not your car. But I've had mine a little while. Parking it, I swear to you, I'll probably park it and I'm like, I might never see you again. So let me just look back on when I park it. But when I park it, I don't know if you do this, but I know you do this. When you're walking up to it, you'll be far away. Someone will look at the car, but you'll click it. Yeah!


How do you think, bro? He's in your mind, bro.


Let's go.


Do you know how I do it?


I never bring my keys out.


Is it your pocket? Is it your pocket here, bro. You walk on to the car, click. Because when it clicks, it makes so much noise. It goes, click. So people are like, oh, what's that? They're like, that's me. Who is it? Who owns it?


Who is that?


Who is the owner of this car? It's just me, man. It's just me. It's just me. It's just chill. It's just you're wearing it. It's just you're wearing it. Calm down. Everyone chill, everyone chill. When I... Christmas I normally go to... I go Harrods at Christmas time, isn't it? So I get points and I take my nephews to spend the points and stuff in it. When I go, the first time in Harrods with this year, oh my God, bro. Even the Arabs were looking at me. Oh my God, Harbipty. Very nice, this car. It's all right, bro. It's all right, bro. Chill, though. Chill, chill, chill.Melody.Chill, chill.Mustapha, chill, chill, chill. Oh, bro. But it's funny because I've had mine for such a while now. I forget what I have because I'm so used to it. It's my daily car, isn't it? But it's funny because when me and the guys are in it, the other day, I was like, I need to go to Sainsbury, isn't it? All the guys are, Yeah, I'm coming in. I'm coming in. With the doors, you can really slam the doors, isn't it? You have to slam it.


You have to slam the doors.


But people be slamming the doors. I said, bro, are we the expendables? You need to be slamming the doors like this, bro. But yeah, it's the one thing that I've probably like... You know people say, What's been your most excessive purchase of a thing and stuff? Probably that for me because it was my dream car. Do you know what I mean? I'm a car person. I do like my cars, but that for me was like, yeah, I can't lie. I remember I turned up at my mom's house. My mom was in Peckermin. I turned up, whole neighborhood. I felt like I was coming back like LeBron. What's good, little man? What's good, little man? How much you want? I want eight grand. Yeah, you good, man? Yeah, it's the one thing you see as your accomplishment. Do you know what I mean? But people do look at you and They were like, Yeah, you're a puscio. Yeah, 100%.


They love the environment when they see you in that car, bro. They never cared before until they saw you in that, do you reckon? They didn't give a fuck about the atmosphere. Boy, fuck. I love that car.


I love that car. All right, next.


It was TT. Audi TT. Listen, this was my dream car when I was a kid because SoSolicrew had one of these. I always had an admiration for an Audi TT, but it's more that it's Now it's like, especially if you see a white one, that woman is a hairdresser. She's definitely a hairdresser. She does eyelashes somewhere. Holly in Essex does eyelashes. Microblading, probably. I don't know. Spray time. The Audi TT. It's like the one up from the Fiat 500. I do like Audi TT, but I do feel like they feel like a car that feels like the shape just feels a bit old school now. Do you know what I mean? In the early 2000s. But I I do appreciate it because it just reminds me of so solid crew days. Do you know what I mean? But convertible cars, I would never get one again. I had a convertible once. It's horrible in this country. If you have a convertible like the States, it's amazing because it's sunny all the Yeah, bro, I had a convertible, yeah. I had a C 63 convertible, yeah. So the engine was mad and I took the top off one day and it was baking, bro.


I was getting cooked in the sun. And then I remember I was just parking up next to a bus and people just looking at me and the car felt so exposed. I got scared when people walk past and teeth my phone. I was like, no, it's not... The convertibles just don't feel like they work here because we have so much rain. We ain't got enough sun to keep it always down. Do you know what I mean?


My dad had a convertible and he would put that roof down. And what they don't tell you is when you're driving the convertible, you don't get that wind. If you're in a back seat, all you get is the wind, bro. So me and my brother will be in the back like, That I'm fucking freezing. Please dad, close it.


Every time we kiss this, you can't do anything.


You're a fucking kids, bro. I'm trying to flex, big man.


It feels too exposed. It feels like I'm in a tin of beans, but someone just took the top off. Do you know what I mean? I just don't feel cool, bro. It's not cool, man. Yeah, bro. Someone just said, and I'm like, everyone can see me. Because you don't realize when you're in your car, you could be in your car, you can't be like, eat crisp or whatever and stuff. But when you're in a convertible, the whole car is open. So everyone can see if there's dirt, if there's a T-shirt or a hoodie there or trainers. I just don't think it works. Maybe outside of London, it might work in it, but I feel like you need it in this continuous heat. Do you know what I mean? If you're in Greece or Spain, you're in a convertible, it'll be a vibe. I don't think they work in London. Not for me anyway. Fair.


All right. All right, next up.


The Audi. The Ford RS thing. Yeah. These, man. The Max Power magazine collectors back in the day, 100%. It's always a Danny. Do you know what I mean? It's happening. Yeah, it's got a new- That color as well. He definitely wears Nike T-M's Air Max. Oh, 100%. One 10s, probably as well. Burberry hat. Do you know what I mean? Burberry hat. He's got one of those Fleece Tech tracksuits. These guys go fast. They're always like, you know those drivers when you're like, why is this guy up my ass? It's always these lot. These lot's BMW drivers.


Stay reving, bro.


What is their problem? These lot of BMW drivers. I can't lie though. When I see these, man, I'm like, Listen, I'm not trying to race because they are looking for a race. And I'm like, Listen, I'm not here to race anyone. I'm just trying to get to my destination at a decent time. But these cars, yeah. The thing is, I like smaller cars that are fast, but it does remind me of Colin McRay's Rally. Do you know what I'm saying? Do you know what I mean? Left, left, left, right, right, right. Throwback. Break, break, break, break. So yeah, and that color is mad. That lime green.


That's flashy, you have to know.


They love a Tesco car park, these, man.


They love Donuts.


Donuts, Tesco car, what one? Yeah, God forbid, you pull up that.


Enfield McDonald's, you know about that one? No. Enfield McDonald's. If you go there late at night, any day of the week, it's just not predominantly those cars, but it's just people there in it. It's always like, you see some nice cars there, but these, man, don't race them because you got to remember, it looks like that and it's already... But they always get it chipped or kitted. They're like, Yeah, see the car? Yeah, it does. I done 150 on the other day. Yeah, 150. You done 150? Where are you going to go 150 miles an hour? You will die. But again, I've always wanted a small fast car, but I don't think... I don't know, bro. I can't. Once you get the Gs, you can't really go back to the... You can't sit down.


You can't. It's lateral movement only.


Facts. But yeah, definitely like a Danny, what's happening, bro? Yeah, bro. It's I got a fold, isn't it? It's all right. It's got RS in it. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Obviously, my name passed away in that. It gave me a bit of money. That's a fact.


I used to work with a guy called Rob who bought that car and said the exact same story. Man just died. Bit of inherent. Because you can get a normal Ford, isn't it?


But the RS is that. I've got a bit of money. Do you know what I mean? My old man passed away in that. So obviously, you know what I mean? Trying to sell the house. Got a bit of money. Bought a full RS to treat myself. Because I'm hard working. I'm a hard working guy. I'm a hard working boy. I didn't come from money or nothing like that. But my nan died and my dad died. So I thought, you know what I mean? Fuck it. I thought, fuck it. Fuck it. I'm going fast, bro. Because you don't know, though, do you? My real talk, you don't know when you're going to die. So I thought, if I'm going to die, I'm going in a fucking pool, the RS, bro. Do you know what I mean? That's jokes, bro.


Jesus. That's hilarious. Is that all the cars?


All the cars? Gang.


That was hilarious, bro. That's a fun game, man.


Fun fact, these are all the whips from our team. I don't know who's it. Whose whip is that one?


Who's got a RS?


Ben has the RS.


Ben has the RS. He's got the TT.


That's so cold. Who's got the TT? You. You got an Audi TT? No, I got a TT, I wish. Jack got it. Jack got it.


Yeah, he did.


He got it the other day, isn't he?


Who's got the RS?Farmdesigner.Farmdesigner.Farmdesigner.Ben, he's not here today. Fair play. Tt, who's that? Jeek, obviously.


Who's got a Renault Clio? I'm so sorry.


Is that you?


Yeah. But you don't strike me as a driver, though. You just like- You've only just passed the other day. Okay, fair enough, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Get your no claims up, my brother. Fair play. Low insurance. Yeah, man. But that's what I mean. When I say, Don't strike me as a driver, you're just like, Well, I've got to get somewhere. And I've got a car. Well, I don't really. I'd rather cycle if I could. But I just like to get where I've got to go. But it's good to be a A to B driver because do you get road rage, for example? No, man, not at all. That's what I mean, man. Because It's like, why I say you're a to b driver? It's like, look, I've just passed. I've got the car. I'm not bothered. I'm not trying to flex on no one. I've got to get from here to here. Road rage. You know what I love about you non-road rage people, yeah? Because you guys will just do the maddest maneuvers and be like, I'm going to you about manscaped. Come on.Fellas, blink if you haven't purchased a U-turn here. And you're like, what?


And you'll be looking like, I don't care. You're like, what the fuck is this guy doing, man? Sorry. And then they'll pass you. Sorry, man. It's in below the waist, Groomin.


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From Daddy to Zadi. Trust manscaped.Let's get back to the episode.Let's. This part, this is going to be an interesting one for you. I'm going to phrase it slightly different to what we do everyone else. Because I know your rise to Fame and popularity and success has been one that everyone's had the privilege of being privy to. We've seen a A lot of your early stuff, and we've seen it growing and developing and everyone is just how you've become a household name. When I said earlier about you've done this, this, this, this, this You were so popular to a point where it was almost like a given. So everything that we saw you do, it was like, yeah.


Yeah, I'd agree with that because I think everything I was always doing was always like myself and my manager, Poly. There was never a plan, but when things started happening, there was a certain plan, if that makes sense. Do you know what I mean? Obviously, once you start getting into that world of TV, you're like, Oh, raw. I do TV, but you don't know where that's going to take you, but you still have an objective of what the end goal is going to be somewhere. Do you know what I'm saying? I feel like when I started to do more stuff, it was like, Oh, it makes sense for you to do that. For me to go on Let's say the Brits, for example, to do the Brits made sense because of, oh, well, we've seen them on TV and presenting. Your name gets mentioned. It's like, oh, who's going to be the next person to do the Brits and stuff? Your name gets mentioned. I think once you step over to do those things. It's like, oh, yeah, well, that makes sense while you're doing those things, as opposed to if I just done social media videos and then took the leap, you'd be like, oh, my God, I am shocked.


Do you know what I mean? Yeah, I'd agree in that in some sense as well. From your perspective, so this is the part where we do the origin story.


From your perspective, obviously, we've seen it the way we've seen it, from your perspective, coming from doing social media videos and skits and characters and all this stuff, to the point where you're on Jimmy Fallon, doing world tours, all that stuff. How do you view the story? What's it been like for you?


That's interesting, man, because I feel like I've done stand-up for a long time. I started stand-up when I was 19.


It's the bravest thing I've When I was in comedy clubs and stuff, the small comedy clubs, trying to get my name out there, just being remembered.


I remember anyone who came to some of the early shows I used to do because my whole thing was Facebook was the main gateway to get onto a show. But going to a comedy club, I couldn't just turn up and be like, Can I do comedy? Because I didn't even know how it worked. I would message maybe there might be a comedy club who have an open night. I would message them on Facebook, and then I would message like, like comedy shows. You had like a Sunday show, for example. So that was one of the first ones, which was like, young people had music, comedy, poetry, had a DJ there. The first one that I remember performing at was in Slug & Lettuce in Soho, believe it or not. They used to have a slug and lettuce there. Mad. And it was mad because you walk, when you walk in, everyone's just having food and drinks and stuff. But downstairs was where you had the comedy show. So people would just be like, oh, what is I'm glad people are coming in, but we're all going downstairs. The guy used to run the show. I remember just messaging him and he said, look, yeah, just come down.


That thing. I came down, I had a friend of mine called Conrad, and I was like, I'm going to go and do the show. Can you come to Port? So he came, but he was running late. Sometimes it helps when you got a friend there when you're going, but I was on my ones. So I went there and I remember getting to the door and I'm like, Hey, what's up? I'm here to do the first 10 minute open I remember the girl on the door was like, Okay, cool. You need to pay? And I was like, What? What's going on here? I didn't have no money. I was like, No, I'm performing. And the girl was like, Okay, Marvin, who's this guy? Marvin was the one of the guy. Marvin Harrison used to run it with... Do you guys remember Napa, Napa MCAP? So he had the song. He was on the track Power. So his lyrics was, Oh, crack your skull. So it was interesting because Marvin was more like the business side of stuff, the back of the house of stuff. And then Napa was the guy everyone knew. So you've been like, Oh, bro.


I know this guy. He was Hinch as well, isn't it? I remember getting in there and it's all these people that are my age. Then they was like, Yeah, cool. You're good to perform. I think I done probably 10 minutes. Went all right. Never think I was shaking, bro. My hands were shaking doing comedy and it went okay. That's all I needed at that stage in my career of just doing shows that went I just didn't want to get booed. But all the shows I will get the last where I needed to went okay. I used to have this thing where I would wear a red top with baggy blue jeans. You guys remember Blue Ink?


Yeah. I used to work in Blue Ink.


Wow. You used to work in Blue Ink.


You were folding them, John, working out.


With a free belt. The boot cuts with a free belt in it. The rope-looking belt. That belt was disgusting with the holes.


With the holes. With the holes. With the holes. Bro.


Yeah, man. I remember I used to wear... These times I was probably waist 30. Because one of my friends went to America at the time and just got loads of Avericks and Echo stuff. He started wearing baggy gums, so we copied him. I was wearing waist 36 bag boot cuts as well with vans. I wear red vans and a red top. I just have this Elmo top. Just have the eyes and mouth jeans. That used to be my thing where people could remember me because at that stage no one knew who I was. It would be I'd go to another... I'd mess it at the universities, the ACS shows, Can I do your comedy here? Because I knew performing to my peers is where I'm going to get my laughs. Because all I was talking about was, I think at the time was just like, going out raving was my main thing of like, that was what I could talk about. Do you know what I mean? I tried other jokes. I remember having this beatbox joke. I thought I could be one of those beatbox comedians who can have material, but it was so shit.


When I watched my old stuff back, I'm like, no, man, you weren't that funny, bro. But then I think with that, I was able to just crack on. I always say with comedy, it's not about being the funniest. It's about being the most confident in telling your material. Because if you have the confidence in it, the audience believe that, and I think then they believe the truth of the material telling. Do you know what I mean? I think early on, I was able to just churn out, start working on a five and a 10 minutes set and a 20 minutes set. Then I've done the Sunday show for about three years. I didn't got to host it. So everyone used to come Sunday show back then. Again, it's like the hood then started coming in. When the hood comes, it's different because you get this thing that I call hood love, isn't it? So hood love is like, you see the road is of roadmen. I'm talking this is a real shooter. Like a guy who don't laugh for nothing. But I'll go to the toilet and be like, Hey, brother, can't lie. It was funny up there.


' Then I'm looking at him like, I know who you are. You're a bad person, bro. A bad person. You are a bad man. But again, he's just like, But I like your team, keep doing your team, ' you know what I'm saying? I think once Once, again, hood love is something that is not a real thing, essentially. But once you go barbershop and stuff, a man will say, I see your ting at that comedy show. I've always said being a comic is one of the coolest things because no one sees you as threatening. Do you You know what I'm saying? I remember going to cinema once in Wood Green. My friend was like, Brother, don't go Wood Green cinema, bro. Are you mad? You can't go to Wood Green View. And I'm like, Bro, I just wanted to see. I wanted to watch the film, isn't it? Do you know what I mean? But I think that's the difference is that I guess people from my age group had seen like, Oh, yeah. You just seem like one of my mates. You're not an op as such. Do you know what I mean? I think it's different if you do music because then there's that thing where it's like, can you back up what you talk about?


You're almost seen as that, oh, yeah, he's a funny guy, man. He's all right. He's cool, isn't it? Do you know what I mean? So I think performing, I start realizing that these are my peers, this is who I'm performing to. Do you know what I mean? But then I had to get out of that mold because, again, I'm performing at Sunday show week in, week out. I'm the main host, essentially. The amount of people that came through there that would perform. I remember George, the poet, he came and performed. Back then, his name was called Shauw Shaolin. That was his name. I think his name was called Shaolin. But you would see these people and you're like, this guy is going to be sensational. Do you know what I mean? I remember Ed Shering coming one time. And Ed Shering come. And this was when we had The biggest shows would always be whenever a bank holiday, like an Easter Sunday. I remember Ed coming on this Easter Sunday. Again, ginger hair. He had baggy jeans on and stuff. He said, What's up, man? Nice to meet you, man. How's it going, man? He's like, Yeah, I'm a bit nervous.


I'm like, Bro, you'll be all right, man. You got to remember, when it's a bank holiday show on Sunday, everyone's coming. You got a man from northeast, southwest, northwest. Everyone's coming to Sunday show, and it's packed. Again, don't get me wrong, there's some people that would do comedy and would get booed in it. It was like that, isn't it? That's how it was. But everyone knew that. The guys were coming because the girls were there. Girls were coming because the guys were there. Blackberry was the phone, so everyone was just like, You He knew who was on because people would broadcast it and say, Oh, this person's on Sunday show. Everyone would flock down. I remember Ed being there and he was saying, I'm really nervous. I remember him saying, Dude, you'll be fine, man. You'll be all right. He performed and he had his loop pedal. I What they say is, you got to remember, Black people don't really listen to folk music like that, but we want to see something that's a bit different, isn't it? The fact he had his loop pedal, yeah, and I remember he done now, and it's on the loop pedal.


I I want to scream, bro. I want to scream, bro. Black people was like, Oh, my God, what's this, bro? I hate this guy as a magician, man. What's he doing? And then he started performing his song. I think it's one of his songs. It's that one, Who Needs Me, Man, I Don't Need You. So he was doing that. You got real shooters in the crowd, yeah? And they all were like, Bro. That's sick. You remember, he had the whole crowd captivated. And again, me seizing opportunity, I was like, I want to get in on this, man. So then he started rapping. He started doing some rapping. Again, you got to remember, when a white guy starts rapping in front of a black audience, that's it. We've taken you in now, isn't it? Yeah, 100. He's had Sharon now, isn't it? But back then, he was good, isn't it? I was like, Yeah, man. For no reason, I got on the mic. I was like, Yeah, I can spit too. I started spitting bars with him. Every part of me was like, Mo, it's not by a four. You need to perform with this guy.


But again, I would always just seize opportunities. Then I think I knew I was safe there, in it? Performing there was safe. I was the host, but I then left and just wanted to do comedy everywhere else. Do you know what I mean? Because you start hearing like, oh, he's only good at hosting that Sunday show. Do you know what I mean? I think that was like, Okay, cool. I'll leave and I'll just do comedy everywhere else. And then through that time, I just retail. I I was working in the day, comedy at night. And then how the videos came about. I tried to be a purist, didn't it? I tried to be one of those, yeah, man, the real comedy is on the stage. Not on Keek. I tried to be this fake purist, bro. I was like, what is this, man? Vine? No. You want to be on the stage making people... Because I don't know, in my head, it felt like... But then at the same time, I would try things on camera, it would never really translate. But then I just had these ideas where I was like, oh, different types of people you went to school with or characters or things that I would try and do in standard, but I knew I would never have the time if I had a 20 minutes set.


So when I done different types of MCs, that was me just messing around. I went to cinema, turned off my phone, and then I could see everyone shared it. So I think I started realizing early on from social media, I was like, oh, this is the thing. And let me carry on with this thing. I got excited. I was like, cool, you guys want a part two? If you want a part two, give me a thousand likes on this post. And then people give me a thousand likes, but I'd already recorded it. I was working at Levi at the time, so I'd already recorded it and I put it up at eight o'clock. Part two is coming. I thought I was dropping a real Kendrick versus Drake this chat. If you want the next one, it's coming up at eight o'clock. Make sure you tune in. But I just knew that at that stage of social For social media, viral clips could last about a week. If you had a GRM Daily or Linkup, they would get your clip and they would put it up and that would last for a week. As time has gone on, a clip can be viral for a day and then there's the next thing.


Do you know what I mean? But I've seen that pattern of like, cool, let's try this. And then the characters came out. I think we had a character, the geeezer one happened by accident. It was just what it's like when it's 17 degrees outside. And then I think through that, my socials were growing and growing. And then through that, I just realized I was like, this is cool. I'm getting this audience now. But comedy is the thing that got me here. So I got along. You want to stick to it. Back to that. Then after that, the TV happened and stuff, and then more tours and more TV. Then we're here where we are today a little bit. Fucking hell, man.


That is a journey. Well played, bro. Jesus.


I have a question for you. Obviously, you said you started around that 17, 19 age, right?


Yeah, man.


Would you say comedy was always your bag? Would you say that that was the journey you knew you were going to go on? Or was there other dreams and aspirations before it?


It was the only thing that I knew I was good at by myself? Interesting. Do you know what I mean? Because I went uni and I'd done performing at some theater production. That's different because you're doing it as a group. Do you know what I mean? The roles I wanted to do was the fun stuff. The minute you got to start doing Shakespeare and you're like, Yo, I'm dyslexic. I can't read this stuff. This This is wild. Then I'm trying to remix it and they're like, So if that would give me a pound of flesh? I'm like, No. The real actor is like, That's not the line. I started realizing that comedy was more... I was in control of it. I was in control of it when it failed. I was also in control of it when it went well. I was okay of taking on the pressure of if it didn't work. So if I'd done a show and I didn't get laughs, I was comfortable with it because it's like, well, I've worked on this. Now I can work on it to make a bit better. So I think that's where comedy came from.


In school, I was a class clown as well. Do you know what I mean? But I guess in school, I think once I got to year 10, I knew this is what I wanted to do. Everything else, I was not bothered. I was saying to my nephew the other day because he's doing his GCSEs, and he's just like, Oh, how was GCSEs for you? I said, Listen, I felt everything. I didn't even pick up my grades, bro. I remember watching everyone on the news like, Look at these idiot scumbags, bro. Meanwhile, I'm in my bed. But I think that for me was a pride thing. Do you know what I mean? I knew I had failed. So I thought, there's no point me turning up where the teacher's like, How did you get on then? And I'm like, So you know. But I just knew that the route of acting was where That was the path I wanted to follow. Do you know what I mean? I enjoyed things like science, but once I had to do the written stuff, I was like, I don't know, man, let's just get the Bunts and burners out.


I'll burn my magnesium.


Yeah, I've always been I'm a massive practical learner.


Do you know what I mean? I remember picking... When you got to pick your subjects, I think I picked geography because I just liked knowing about the country and worlds, didn't it? Then they're like, Yeah, cool. Now we're going to talk about the wind change and rainfall. I'm like, Hold on, wait, wait, wait. You lot have lied to me. I want to start talking about countries and stuff and whatnot. I feel like I've always been a practical learner and I've always been able to take what I learned, especially when it came to drama, practical, and then I can convert it onto something in screen straight away. Do you see what I mean? It's only changed probably in the last probably six, seven years where you have to start learning how to write a script and all the other stuff and whatnot, because then it starts getting real in it. But I've always been a practical, hands-on learner. Do you know what I mean? In school, I was the class clown, essentially. I don't know if people... I couldn't say I wanted to be a comic when I was 14. I liked comedy, but I knew I was like, yeah, but if you go up and you don't work, you don't work.


Do you know what I mean? That's one thing I would say as well. I was going to ask, for one, where do you find the goal? Because I'm not getting up there and getting there. For one thing, that's not happening. For two, one running theme I've always like, because I admire comedy and I love comedy. But one running theme about all successful comedians is always that, what you said at the beginning in terms of just getting and just I had to call this person and I had to turn up here and I had to do that and I had to do that. I always found that the one safety blanket when we started doing this was a case of I'm not kicking down anyone's door. We're just going to record it and it's out there. If people watch it, sick. If they don't, don't. But I don't understand what is it in you that had the, I don't know, the confidence and the drive to literally start kicking down doors and be like, I want to come in here and do this, and then I want to come in here and do this, and I want to come in here and do that.


Where Where does that come from?


I think, you know what it was? It was the one thing I was good at. When you just know you're good at this thing, I just knew I was good at it. I just was like, I want to perform because I need to... I know I'm good at it, but they don't know, the audience don't know. I just want to perform to as many people as possible to show that I'm good at this thing. Do you know what I mean? I hear that, to be fair. I think it's the same with your podcast, with you guys. You guys knew you're like, we're good together, isn't it? We can record and just Have fun together and we're good. It's like, if you do the thing, people will come. Do you know what I mean? Essentially, you have to knock on the doors. It's that knock on the door. Hello. I'm selling curtains. You want a curtain? No, I don't want a curtain. It's cool. You keep knocking the doors. Eventually, someone will buy the curtain and tell their friends about, Yo, bro, these curtains are great. They block out the light. Where are you getting them from?


It's one guy. I've always seen comedy like that in some ways where you're like, cool, you just keep going on, keep going on. It's like if one person laughed, they'll be like, Yeah, I see this guy is really funny. I might go to his other show. Then they bring their wife and then their wife brings, I don't know, your sister-in-law, whatever. That's how it spreads. It takes long and it's very slow, but you know when you're good because it's like they've all laughed at something. Do you know what I mean? Social media massively helped, though, because social media was like, Now it lasts. I think when you're in a comedy club, it lasts for 20 minutes when you're on stage. They got home, that's their weekend. They had a great weekend. Is everyone going to follow you after that? You don't know, do you know what I mean? I would never know before social media how many people was like, I've seen you at this gig and I'm coming back again. I used to make a point of, check me out, I'm on Instagram and stuff, but you don't know how many of those people stay.


They might have to do it because it's a friendly thing to do at the time. But I always knew I was good at this thing. Do you know what I mean? Other things, I loved playing football, but I knew I weren't going to go and play for Arsenal. Do you know what I mean? And I just knew that. When you grow up in the end, you're like, he's going to play professional football. And there's other people around that you're like, no, you're good, but you're not him in it. He's just effortless with it. You're good. He's exceptional. And I think that's the difference. The other things, I didn't feel exceptional. I thought I was good at football, but I weren't the exceptional one. When you're the exceptional one, it's when you got the man there, I'm like, Hey, brother, this guy, he's cold, you're not friend. You're like, I'm It's good too. What about me? I'm all right. I can crush him my left foot now. Yeah, but you're not him though, bro. That guy, he was always like a Crystal Palace at Young and stuff. I'm still playing Sunday League football and that's all right.


But I think the difference was when I was able to do stand-up, I was able to perfect it and get better and get better and you try a callback and you get to try things and see how it works. I just believe that I was like, I never wanted I just wanted to be famous when I done stand-up. I just wanted to be good. I was just like, I want to be able to do this thing and I can earn a living from it. And however I earn that living, that's all just making me happy. Do you know what I mean? The first time I done a show, I got paid. I got paid £50. I remember after that show, I went to get pizza and I treated some of my friends. That feeling felt so good because I was like, I just done what I love and I've got to share it with my mates, my close friends. That's nice, man. Do you know what I mean? That's unreal. Once you're able to convert that, it It makes it like... I was in LA recently and I popped into the laugh factory. I've done two nights.


The Thursday was good and the Friday, it was all right. I could have done better. But again, I was just like, that's part of the craft, isn't it? I have great ones, but I'm not going to be in the audience like, Guys, do you know who I am back home? Why are you not laughing at me? It's like, there would have been a time in my career, I would have felt like that when I'm young. He's gone. Sorry, bro. That one caught me. No, because when you're young, you care about that. He's finished. Sorry, bro. No, get out, bro. Oh, get out. But comedy does come with that ego, isn't it? Especially it's more like when My close friends and stuff come and they're like, No, man, I didn't really like the way that they were talking through your set. And I'm like, It's all right. I'm here to... This is the training, isn't it? I've got to have a gig where sometimes people talk or they'll be like, I'm not... You got to have that because it's like, now I'm in a different place of doing stand-up. I think when I was younger, I would have took it more personal.


Do you know what I mean? But now I'm in a different place where I'm like, It's all right. I've got my own show here next month. Do you know what I mean? I've just popped in. I'm not getting paid. What I asked to do it. So I'm jumping on stage, I'm trying out some new stuff, and that's it. That's the life that I've created in some ways. That's perfect, man.


That's unreal. I can imagine as well, you will go through that because I can only imagine from outside looking in. Like you said, you've got your own show here in a couple of months. So now everything else is just whatever. It's just vibes. It's just like, cool. If you're We have a bad day, we have a bad day, we have a good day, we have a good day because you've submitted yourself enough now. That's like, if I need laughs, I've got a few thousand people that are just bopping through on Thursday, and then the rest of it is just practice. But what I wanted to speak about, speaking on tour stuff, So first of all, congrats on this tour that you got cooking in a minute. Oh, big us, man.


Big us, bro.


The amount of dates I have to zoom in to see what city is.


Oh, yeah.


There's so many on this page, bro. The calendar's full.


This guy is doing You're the star.Thank.


You so much, man.Congrats on that. I would say...


And I would say-And likewise, man, you guys doing dates as well, man.


Yeah, we got a couple here and there.That's.


Huge, man. We got a couple here and then. You saw all your dates as well, didn't it? Yeah, that's right.


A couple here and then.


They turned up to laugh.


A couple here and there.


Yeah, nothing crazy. That's huge, man. Especially across the pond as well, isn't it? In the States and stuff.


We're stupidly gastabied. We put some more dates up yesterday, and When they went and it's just crazy, crazy surreal. But what I would say is we need coaching tips.


Yeah, man. Come on, man. Whatever you need, man.


I'm stressed about sleep. Yeah. I'm stressed about food. Okay. I'm stressed about...


Is this on tour you're talking about? On tour.


I need a veteran in the game. Teach us how to be on tour.


Okay, so the first tour, I can't lie, we done the first tour, a couple of cans tour, and we was going out every other show. We were like, all right, do the show. I remember it was Liverpool. One of the first night, we went to Liverpool on, I think it's a Thursday or summer, like a Friday. Friday night in Liverpool, it's a Manchester on Saturday, and we were like, Cool. Do the show. We're going out. This was at a time where my social media buzz was rising in. So I went to this club in Liverpool. I think it's called Ink Club, I think. I'm not too sure. And the club were like, Oh, yeah, you can have a table on us and we'll give you a free bottle. This has never happened to me before at this day. I was like, Of course. Yes. With this big bottle of Gray Goose. And it's weird because at that moment, it feels like you've made it. I'm on tour. We got a bottle of Gray Goose. My friends are here. And then we went out the next night, I think in Manchester. And I'll never forget, by Sunday, we were finished Then you start realizing we got a job to do, man.


Do you know what I mean? But it's new. You got to remember, we're all boys from South London who effectively, this is a moment where our lives in this little bubble is changing right now. We don't know it, though, but our lives are changing. This will happen once in our lifetime on our first tour that we get to experience this. And then it was fun. You go out, you go New Castle, and that's what the tour was basically like. We do the show, then afterwards we will go out. But burnout happens quickly. It's where your body says, Bro, I can't do this no more. And you're like, No, we're doing it again. And again, I can't lie, I don't regret it because the shows went well. Second tour was a little bit different because it was just after COVID, but it was much bigger rooms, if that makes sense. So I stopped going out. So instead, I used to go Casino, isn't it? You're like, Listen, listen. That's your own idea. Grovin is not about me. Listen, so I was on this whole like, No, I'm not going out. But I still wanted... The thing is when...


You will get this when you go on tour, right? Is once you finish your show, I get this a lot. My adrenaline is so high. So I can't switch off. Because I'm on such a high that the thing that I've been planning, and sometimes in your head, you're like, the ticket sold. Is the show going well? This is happening. So my adrenaline is so high Why? I can't switch off in it. I didn't have a switch off mechanism. So I thought, I replace going out with then going to the casino. And the only game I would play would be roulette, basically, isn't it? And it's mad because I'm going with the guys. The guys are like, No, I'm not going out. And this time we had security as well, isn't it? So I'm my guy Richard. So we'd go to a Groven as in, I don't know, Portsmouth, baby, Southampton. I'm not too sure, isn't it? Because it's 24 hours. So you're like, Cool, we can have a drink, we get some food. I can play to some casino games, isn't it? But demand them. They're not gambling. And if they are, they're like, I got £20.


Meanwhile, I'm like, oh, man, I just lost free bills. Let me take out another fight. And it's weird. My friends will tell you my luck in casinos is crazy good in it. To the point where there's times where my friends are, Bro, didn't you just lose all your money? And I'm like, Yeah. How are you up? And I'm I don't know.


I've got a theory that Donny's who have the most money do the best in the casino. We went-Slyly. When I used to... We used to... One of our boys, our mutual friend. Our mutual friend. Yeah. He had cake when we didn't have cake. So I would be the bread there with 20 pound like, Please, fucking please. And then, bro, he's winning hand, hand, hand.


Because there's no fear.


It doesn't matter to him. It doesn't fucking matter, bro. I used to hate it.


Do you know why, Because I think when I was going, I wasn't ever trying to win money. I'm just playing the game and I have money. So I think the difference was when you go then you're like, I got £20 and I want to double this. I need to come out with something because you're already going to lose it. So I was going in there. I'm not being superstitious of like, Don't put it on 13. Or you just put it on 13. Here to have fun, isn't it? And my streak was mad. I'd always come out with... I remember once we went to one and I can't remember where it might have been. We'd done a show in Portsmouth and we went in there and we was on tour and I think I had done a show in Sheffield. I used my card and they was like, You can't use this card here. I was like, Why? It's my name. They're like, Yeah, we did Then they was like, It's fine. It's okay. Done the show in Portsmouth, and I was like, Can I withdraw mine on this card? They was like, Yeah, you can't use this card.


I was like, I've used it. I used it last week in Sheffield. They was like, Okay, we're going to call up Sheffield. I was like, Cool. They called up Sheffield. He came back in my car, he I'm so sorry, Mr. Gilligan. I'm really sorry about that. It's fine to use this card in here now. I remember I lost money. This was the first time I'd lost money. So I was like, All right, cool. It is what it is, isn't it? And then my friend, I remember I gave him £50. I was like, Here's £50, you go and bet. Ricardo, actually. You got no Ricardo? Yeah. And then again, I was just like, Cool. I've sponsored you at this point, so I'm not really playing, isn't it? So I was just on like a, bro, I'm telling you, it's going to land on 19. He was I'm telling you, put it on 19, bro. I can't remember how much he put and then he won. He was like, what? I was like, I told you. How was that done before? I get my sponsorship money back. You keep that money. You keep the rest. Then my other friend was betting Then I said, Oh, yeah, I'll put it on 23.


Then you could see the people in the casino. When the manager comes over, I was like, How's it going? I'm like, Yeah, watch it. Watch 23. You know what? Don't believe me. 23. I landed on 23. My friend said, Roah. Is that what you did? I was like, So you could do something How much? How much is that? You, man, have a 50. But then I think what I was doing, I was replacing one high with another high. I'm replacing the high of being on stage with then the high of going to a casino. Do you know what I mean? I'll be honest, I wasn't one of those people where I didn't need help with it. I'm not an addictive person. It just felt like I want to have a drink and I want to eat some food. But really and truly, my adrenaline is going to last like this till 04:00 AM. I'm with Richard, my security guy, and he's like, Bro, I'm tired, man. Again, it's like I start realizing that, again, everyone's with me now, the rest of the team, and I'm out because they're out. And again, you get a different type of burnout because you wake up in the morning, everyone's tired.


We got to check out 11 to go to the next destination. But now on this tour, bro, do the shows now. I'd go home, man. I'd go home and sleep because I'm not chasing that. You're You end up chasing the high, isn't it? Yeah. So first of all, eating-wise, enjoy the food in that first week. Eat all your rubbish because after the second week, you start feeling it. But I always say, eat in the first week. So you want to get your salad. Take gym stuff, running shoes. If you have to go for a walk. Where else do we do? I'll be lying if I said take a book because my book has been on tour around the world and not read one page.


You're one of them, LeBron James' thoughts.


I swear to you, bro. I'll take the best book as well. It's going to be me. Malcolm X, bro. Matt finished cover, bro. What are you reading there? The Memoirs of Gandhi. Yes. But no, man, I think, especially for tour, enjoying a moment, isn't it? But it's also hard because you're in another country, and in some of those countries, you're going to do tour. You're on tour and you got to do promo, and you got to essentially live there, isn't it? Yeah. So it's like you have to essentially pack essentials. I used to go on tour with two suitcases, one suitcase full of just trainers. And I'm like, I'm not wearing none of these. I come home, I didn't wear none of these trainers. I took 10 pairs of trainers. So you just pack your essentials because once you're there in Australia, you want to buy stuff. Do you know what I mean? But then realizing you're like, I need to wash these clothes. Do you know what I'm saying?


Brother, the Washington has been sending me. Because I'm thinking, because it was always like one night here, one night there, one night here, one night here. I'm thinking, how am I rotating the clean clothes with the dirty clothes with three full. I'm losing my head about it.


I'm telling you, you see like gym wear, you know this casual gym wear? Have that as your everyday wear. Because when you wear, again, it's just me and my boy, Javan, on tour. You can wear the gym wear, and a man ain't judging you. Wearing them jeans again, yeah? I know you ain't washed it. Do you know what I mean? So you just get It's the gym where it's easy to watch, easy to dry. A lot of the places that we go to now, when we stay there, we stay in apartment hotels. Because that way you can wash your stuff and it feels like you're at home.


Yeah, you can cook shit.


You can have a suitcase. It's not like 10:00 in the morning. Hello, senor. Everyone cleaning. You're sitting there in your bear. No, don't come in. Close the door. Close the door. I got no boxes on, please. When until they come back, Just close the door. So, yeah, I think when you're on tour, but enjoy the moment. I think enjoy the moment. And what I try to do, especially when I'm out of the country, is the best thing you can do is just meet the people that are coming to your shows. Do you know what I mean? However long the meet and greets are, do it because you get a sense of, You're the person that comes to my comedy show. Because I don't see it. All I hear is a laugh. Do you know what I mean? If you're able to do it, just do it. We had a show in Toronto, and there's about a thousand people there. Again, we've done smaller rooms, like 500, 600 when we've been in the States, but it's been the biggest one. My friend Jabb was like, You're still going to do the meet and greet? I said, Of course, because I'm all the way here.


I don't know when I'll come back. Do you know what I mean? They waited long enough. You meet those people. You meet the Brits coming who came to the show. You meet people who... One lady gave me this keyring. Where's this keyring she gave me? She gave me this Rimandium keyring. It's like... It looks like garlic. It looks like garlic. Yeah, that plastic garlic with this shoe thing on there, isn't it? I can't lie, at first I was like, What's going on for this voodoo? But again, you meet people who you don't realize. You're so used to... You can get comfortable You go to the petrol station, I've seen you. You guys are amazing. Yeah, yeah. And that's still a beautiful feeling. I'm never in a place where I'm like, it's too much. But you start realizing that people in different parts of the world will be like, we flew over to spend the weekend to come and watch you guys. That's crazy. We don't do that back home. No one is going Aberdeen to watch Rihanna. Do you know what I mean? I think in the UK we're like, she'll be in London or she'll be in Birmingham.


Someone I can drive to, it's like an hour and stuff. But I feel like, enjoy that moment of that first tour and really embrace that. Do you see what I'm saying? You're going to eat bad, but it's just like a snapshot of your life where you're going to eat It's not bad, but just, yeah, if you can get a place where you can exercise and drink as much water as possible, like excessive amounts, bro, because the jet lag is soreness, bro.


Yeah, jet lag makes me.


Dirty, bro. Because you said sleep, isn't it? Yeah. I'll get sleep in it. I get sleep in tablets, bro. Fuck that, I get sleep in tablets. The gummies.


The gummies will see me. The gummies were see me.


The gummies were see me.


No, I mean proper prescription.


You mean like pharmaceutical grade?


Yeah. Because I was taking the melatonin. I was going like CVS when I'm in the States. I'm coming back with these I'm like, I feel a bit tired, but I'm not really sleeping. But now, because again, one is the jet lag. When we get to LA, I'm still on UK time and I'm like, I've got a show at nine o'clock in the evening. I'm up for the rest of the day. I need 6-8 hours. Sleeping tablet, bang, I'm out, bro. And then you wake up in the morning refreshed. But yeah, sleeping tablets, water, and gym is crucial, man. Cool. Crucial.


We're going to lock in.


We are going to lock in. Continuing on your tour, obviously, you're doing In the Moment, At the Moment.




Yeah, man.


Jeez, you read that down. Come on. You said, Watch, man.


In the Moment, At the Moment.


I see you biting your lips for the last 45. I'm been thinking. Don't forget it.


My question to you is, what would you say are your top 2/3 cities or countries What have you done so far?


And second question, what are your top 3 highlights so far?


Okay, good questions.


Thank you. On this tour so far, we've only done the American leg, but from the States, it's interesting, man. I think favorite cities. Toronto felt like home. It felt like London. And the vibe was like... I don't know. It's interesting because we've been in the States for so long. So we were in Toronto, and I remember just messing about and I was like, Yo, what's going on, man? Shardee, what's... And they were laughing.


Is that accent as bad as it sounds?


No, it's all right because you know what it is? They use the same slang as us.


It's just the dialect.


I like it. I find it... I like it, isn't it? Yo, what's going on, made down? What's going on, Shardee? You know what I'm like? You're funny, bro. But again, it felt like home, isn't it? I can imagine. Toronto is definitely one of my favorites. And again, when I done that to the audience, I was like, this might go left. I remember doing a show in Birmingham once. I tried to use a brahman accent, and they was like, nah. Not on it? They were like, they didn't find it funny because they thought I was taking the piss. They were like, and I get it, I'm from London, isn't it? So they think I'm just mocking them. But Toronto, definitely up there. New York, again, felt like home because New York was like... I remember I always tried to have a 10, 15 minutes and talk about where I've been in it. We had spent so much time in New York, and I was like, You know what I love about you guys in New York? You're like Londoners because, again, people are performing on the subway there. And I'm like, this is amazing. I'm filming it.


And people are looking at me like, oh, man, this happens every day. This ain't no. And I'm like, yeah, but these guys, they need to get on Americans Got Talent or something. But then you start realizing it. New York is like, yeah, they don't really care. And that not caring attitude in New York, once you're there for a while, you start to embrace it. So I started feeling less like a tourist and more like a New Yorker. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, because it's that everyone's running late, everyone's going to work. Do you know what I mean? Vibe there was amazing though. A lot of people, because they're very in touch with their Caribbean and West African side as well. Do you know what I'm saying? So we met a lot of people. I was meeting people who was like, Yo, man, I love you. You do a lot of Caribbean comedy, man. I'm like, not really, bro. But they're getting something that they feel like they're connected to. That felt nice for me because I was like, I didn't know I was really producing that for you, but I appreciate it. So definitely New York is up there.


It's hard third because I've gone to LA so much and LA is always a vibe. But the most surprising one for me was Atlanta. When we done the Atlanta show.


This I want to hear.


Because you see Atlanta, right? When we got off the plane, Well, I got off because I met my boy Jav there. I got off from LA. You've been in LA. La is very much like, especially West Hollywood. You got the guy in a Ferrari, the girls who just like, Yeah, we're just going to go get a cappuccino. You're like, Do you work?


No, I'm like, Who's working?


You've been to the Grove? Yes, bro. I'm like, Bro, I remember that one time we was there, summertime, there's a band there with a do, do, do, do, do But I think LA, I'm so used to going LA now. I know LA. It's still one of my favorite place to perform. But I think Atlanta took third for me because I went from LA, sunny, and you get to Atlanta, and as soon as you get off the plane, everyone's black. I've heard. Everybody's black. Not like everyone is black, my guy. And they're unapologetically black in Atlanta. So I was like, Excuse me, I'm trying to, where do I go to I take my suitcase? He's like, Yo, man, what up there? You all want to go like, Carousel 8 right there? And I'm like, That's not professional the way you're speaking. But there's a barbershop in the airport. That's insane. The music that they were playing, they were playing music that was old soul music. So I got off the plane, I felt like I was shoved. I felt like I was here on the mission. But it's propped. And then as soon as you leave the airport, you know what?


Sometimes you leave the airport and you're straight on the motorway. When we left, we was on some of the residential streets, and then you... And again, you look at the houses, you see the cars, you see the big 24-inch rims and stuff. And we were practically in the hood. And I said to Jeff, I was like, We're in the hood, isn't it? He's like, Yeah, bro, we're in the hood, bro. He's like, Click, click, click. But I feel like there's a part of that city that feels like, I don't know, going there and doing comedy here just felt... If I'd never done it on that tour, I would have regrett it. Do you know what I mean? Because it was one of those places where a part of America, I've been to New York before. I've been to LA before, but this was like, it's his own place, Georgia. Do you know what I mean? And then Atlanta in it. I'm excited to go there, man. Yeah, it's a nice vibe, man.


Toronto, New York, Atlanta. Top three.


Yeah, Yeah, I probably say Toronto, New York, Atlanta. Don't get me wrong, loved Philly, loved LA. But yeah, Atlanta for me is definitely up there, man. The Lemon Pepper wings. Just different. Bro, they even asked me, Would you want? Flats or drums? I was like, oh my gosh, I'm being treated. I'll have some flats, please. But like, nice vibe. But unfortunately, we only got to be there for a day. We had to leave. But yeah, proper nice vibe.


We were there for four days, right?


I think we were there for four days.


I don't think you've realized the hotel They're playing trap music in the hotel lobby because they embrace what Atlanta is, isn't it?


I saw a TikTok literally last week. One geezer from London on the phone in Atlanta chatting to his boy, and I was like, You're not getting it, bro.


Everyone's fucking black.


Everyone's black, bro. It was like, The cab drivers are black. The hotel staff are black.


Their tings, they're all black, bro.


I was like, Okay, guy.


It's a really nice vibe. When we were there, I really liked Even people come in, they were like, Yeah. There's a lot of Brits that were there, wherever they moved out there and stuff that came to the show. But there's people from Atlanta who just like, yeah, we fuck your thing. We like it a lot. Definitely unfinished, man. I want to go back there again. 100%. Decent, man.


Top three highlights.


Top three highlights. Okay. We had one show in New York. I remember I done the meet and greet in it. I think we had two shows in New York. It was one kid, 10 years old, came with his mom and dad. I couldn't believe it. It's one I'm a black kid and I have this joke where I say, Tim works in accounts or he's a teacher. But when he's with a man there, he turns to a bad man. I'll do this thing like that and then the music changes, isn't it? So he come up to me, he's like, Mom, man, I love you, son. I'm like, You're 10 years old.


That's cool, man.


And he come with his mom and dad and his mom and dad were like, Yeah, you really like your stuff. You know what I'm saying? I said, Bro, listen, whenever I got a show, you can come, man. But that's the youngest fan I think I've ever met at a show, isn't it? So that's definitely I can't lie, going on Fallon, man. I'll be lying if I said that wasn't one of my favorite highlights, man. I was going to ask about that next, actually. Yeah, talk about that. Yeah, because I remember, you got to remember, I think for me, it's like I'm on tour and promo is part of it. Do you know what I mean? You have to promote whatever you're doing. So going on Fallon while I am promoting the tour, it didn't really sink into me. Even when they was like, Yeah, cool. We want you to go on. Because my publicist was, Oh, we're going to picture you to go on there. And then she was, Oh, I was like, Look. I was like, Melissa, if it happens, it happens. But I'm here to do the tour anyway. Do you know what I mean?


Then, yeah, she just emailed and she's like, Yeah, it's all sorted. I said, What?


I would bob it. Heart palpitations. What? I was like, Jimmy here, bro. Yeah. No, no, no.


She Stop, stop, stop. You know what was mad, yeah? I remember when I found out I was in LA, we had a meeting and I was walking down the corridor and I checked the email and she goes, Yes, it's confirmed. I remember walking down the corridor and I was like, I couldn't shout in it. You ever seen that? What's that film? You ever seen Pursuit of Happiness? We were talking about yesterday.


Yes, bro. Fuck it out.


Yes, bro. Yeah, That was what the moment was like, isn't it? That was so close. At the time, I was... But again, I'm always one of those people. I'm like, Yeah, but maybe something might happen and it might not go through. I'm not sure, isn't I was like, I'm only going to be excited when I sit on the couch and I'm there. Because it's real then. That's my mentality.


I never celebrate until it's happening right now. I always assume last minute they're going to take a run from me.


I've been doing this for a little while, and sometimes these things happen where they're like, Oh, this has happened, or I don't know. Rihanna is like, I'm putting out a new album out and I'm coming on today, and they're like, Sorry, we can't have you on. You got to remember, this is a business as well, isn't it? You can't You can't take it personal. If that's happening, that happens. It's not your time, isn't it? If it's my time, it's my time. But then I remember even up until the day before, I was like, I've done the research, chatting everything, and I'm like, It might still not get on I might even get on. It might not have enough time because they had Shaqira on and Dakota Fanning, I think, was on as well. Then we had to do some promo as well at another radio station, Serious XM, I think it's called. We had to do some promo there and we walked past Shaqira. She was coming at one building. We walked past it. We see loads of people there. Again, you're like, I'm going to be on the thing with her later on, isn't it?


That's cold. But then you still don't know if it's going to happen. Do you know what I mean? I didn't buy anything. So the clothes I had were the clothes I packed because I remember, again, my publicist was like, Oh, we might try. We can pitch you on. I made sure I packed my shoes, trousers, and a nice top that I can wear. Just I'm big in law of attraction where I'm like, Cool, I'm going to put it out there that I'm going to be on that thing. Do you know what I mean? I've met Jimmy before. Do you know what I mean? I met him before and he's like, Yeah, man, come do the show. But Hollywood, isn't it? I can't lie. Often people take it and I'm like, babe, I don't see you. Yeah, man, calm down. I got tickets for you, man. Yo, I'm outside, man. Who's that? Plus four, four. Yeah, but again, I've met him before and he's always, yeah, calm down. But I don't take that as like, that means he's a man of his word. But it's massively one of my... I think going on it when you're on, it's like you can't prepare yourself because, again, it's not scripted.


They have an idea what they're going to talk to you about, and you got to be like, Cool, well, what have you talked to me about? But I've got to sell a tour at the same time. Again, I've also got to come across to a US audience who don't know who I am. But also I've got a UK audience and other people around the world who people around the world who've watched my stuff. They were like, Oh, ra, I want to see how you come on there. Do you know what I mean? So again, you're like that spinning plates almost. Do you know what I mean? You're like, Cool, let me make sure I represent the UK, but I've got this other market in America that I want to show them what I'm like. But I still got to be myself and spin that plate as well. But yeah, now I was gassed. I think I was more gassed once it had finished and I came off. And then my boy Javan, my manager of Poly, there was like, yeah, we know you done well because the security out here were watching it and they were laughing and they were going, they were like, yeah, man, he funny.


Okay, 6, 6, 6, 6, I think that gives you the real like, oh, cool, man.


Yeah, I can't lie. We went to a house in Brooklyn afterwards to get some food in there. And then afterwards you went to play pool. So we're playing pool and whatnot. I'm just playing pool. I'm like, let's check my phone, see if it's... Has it gone up? No, it's not. Maybe they cut me out. No, no, no, no, no, Then obviously when I'm seeing it, I'm like, cool. But that's definitely career highlight. I'll be lying if I said it wasn't. It was just a nice vibe. It was a nice thing to do. Everyone was nice there. It was mad cool. Americans like, oh, my God, you were great on the show. Whenever you want to come on, you come back on Mr. Gilligan. I'm not, bro. Mr.


Gilligan is nuts.


I'll be back, man. Fair play, man.


What you said about you're here to promote a tour, you're here to introduce yourself to a whole new market, but you need to remember UK as well. That remember UK as well. It's such an imperative thing that I feel like a lot of people forget because boy, UK people were, if you sound like you're on America's dick, bro, this country is done with you.


Hundred %, man. Hundred % because we-We raised it. Yeah, we raised it. That's what it is. Do you know what I mean? I think what it is, we never want to see you pander into an audience, but we know you have to sell your thing or your album, whatever it is, but we want you to be you. Do you know what I mean? Be Be yourself. We know you're doing promo, isn't it? But we want you to be you, the you that we love and just what I'm saying. Look, it's different for everyone in every position. When you have more people around you and all this other stuff, I can't sit here and act like, Oh, no, you shouldn't ever change. Because I'm lucky enough that I do comedy in it. When I go on the road, I don't need a lot of people. Do you know what I mean? I don't need stylists. I don't need DJs and all these other people. It's just me and a tour manager. When I get on, it's me on the mic. That's all it is. But I guess it's like, if you're surrounded by more people, it's easier to get more influence of like, Oh, maybe you should wear this or maybe you should wear that.


Do you know what I mean? When I'm doing Fallon, I was like, I've got black trousers. Bro, them trousers, I I had one, what's it called? Seep in them? Yeah. Brother, let me tell you, I was pressing the iron. Cut your finger on it. I didn't have time to go dry cleaners, didn't I? I was pressing the iron. Then at one point, when you steam it, all the shit came out of steam. That landscape, John. At this point, I was fuming. I had one T-shirt, but the T-shirt was one of them T-shirts where I'm trying to get the crease out. I'm not really creasing. I put the T-shirt in the shower, so it steamed it up a bit in it. You done that as well?


I've never seen that.


Tech has been on high, bro.


You hang that in there.


You hang it on high. I hope the steam dropped all the creases out. Say less.


I put the T-shirt on there. The T-shirt's steaming. I've come out the shower, then the T-shirt fell because obviously it's on the thing. It fell on the wall. I was like, Fuck, man. So I had another T-shirt, but this T-shirt was too slim, isn't it? I was like, Yeah, this one, I don't know. It's like Mike Lowry in the first Bad Boys. It was like, when it's like, Too caught. I was like, No, I can't really wear it on TV. But I did. I went with that one, and then I thought, Okay, cool. I wear a cardigan, so I'm a bit more chill because, again, my bredgers are the realest friends where they'll be like, Yeah, bro, you look cool, but I don't know for that slim man T-shirt, you know what I'm saying? See your nipple just looking at me. So I went with a cardigan. But again, I was stressed, man, because you don't know, what do I wear? What do I look? And again, you've got the UK, so you're like, I know that there's an audience there that don't want me to pander, and I'm not going to pander anyway. But the minute you do something that is that seems I always said the minute you do something that seems like it's so far away where it's like, he's gone clear now, then that's when people can see you like, oh, yeah, he's not really...


He's not attainable now. He's not going to be around in the petrol station. He's going to have people around him. And I think the minute people can see you become unattainable, that's when they're like, Yeah, no, no, no. I can't connect with him. Do you see what I'm saying? I think that's why when you do that stuff, we're so like, Please remain the same humble person that we knew and got to love. Do you know what I mean?


I've never seen it from that perspective. I've just like, like you said about I'm not going to see him at the petrol station. He's charged. I'm done with... Not done with him, but just like, okay. It was nice. It was nice.


Because it seems unattainable. It seems like, bro, you're doing up Hollywood now and What do you do with these people? I don't feel like I can connect with you now in that way. Do you know what I mean? But I think that's because... I personally think that's because of social media. We're able to interact more with our stars ever than we could ever do. Do you know what I mean? In the '90s, it was like, Oh, I've seen my famous... Can you sign this thing? And you got an allograv, and that was your memento, and you tell all your friends. Whereas now it's like, if you wanted to DM Kim Kardashian, you could. We don't know if she's going to see it, but you still have that access to it. Do you know what I'm saying? I think now that we're closer, the minute someone goes further away, it feels like, Yeah, I'm not as close to you as I thought I first was. He's not double tapping that DM now.


I'm going to mention him in the story and he ain't going to see shit now. So why would I even bother?


That's a very good way of putting it because more time people were just like, it's sad when I see people just say, UK, fuck UK.


Once they start seeing love from other places, it's horrible when you start seeing it because it's horrible to experience it when you start seeing the UK people being like, Oh, fuck him. Fuck him. It is nice to be empathetic enough to be like, Oh, this is why they feel that way. This is why they feel like they've lost you, as opposed to just being like, Bro, UK is bad vibes. Fuck the UK. They're all haters. They don't want to see anyone succeed. Fuck, fuck, fuck. It's nice to actually think about, Bro, it's tough. It's tough seeing people that you used to actually, like you said, every Sunday, I'm going I'm seeing Mo, this is sick, yada, yada. Now as a fellow, I'm never going to see him again unless I'm paying £200 to watch him at Madison Square Garden.


We work very hard to make sure that we keep ticket prices affordable. When we do shows, we're like, cool, we still keep tickets at £30. The man then from the ends can come and feel like, all right, I'm going to take out my misses. It's still affordable. It's interesting because some people are like, yeah, but that seat is £80. I'm like, yeah, but that's right at the front, my guy. Do you know what I mean? And what we do now, we do the platinum tickets. So I still get the same £30, and then whatever the ticket is going for on a platinum ticket, that money then goes to charity. So we get the rest of that money then goes to charity. So I remember this one woman said, Your tickets are going for £100. And I'm like, Yeah, but it's a platinum ticket because the touts are selling it for £150. When I see touts sell my tickets, I'm like, Bro, why are you doing this to me, bro? I'm not a £150 ticket pound person. What did They're shot in our thing like eight bills. Yeah.


I'm not going to say the company.


Dms are me getting abusive because people think it's me doing it. I'm like, no, bro, it's not me doing it. Do you know what I'm saying? But I think that's why you can see when if someone looks, they're just seeing £800 and it's your show. They're not seeing that it's a tout selling that and you don't get none of that money. Yeah, 100. So again, they're like, Yeah, them man gone clear now, £800 tickets, I'm out.Do you know what I mean?Yeah, of course. I feel like that's where the separation can sometimes happen between the performer and the audience, where they do feel like they're not connected anymore now.Right.


We got questions to finish.We.


Got questions now. So the iPad next to you, if you just open up, it's going to have all the questions that you can answer yourself. Okay.


You have been involved with Drake a fair few times. He reposted one of your videos earlier in your career, and you talked about a funny meeting you had with him recently on Jimmy Fallon. What is your take on the Kendrick and Drake beef? Okay. Do you know what? I like both artists, isn't it? They're both two of my favorite artists. I've seen Kendrick at the O2, one of the best, I think, live shows I've ever been to. I've seen Drake a few times, actually. But it's interesting, man, because before... I'll be honest, I'm a person. I'm a beat person in it. Do you know what I mean? I know they're going back and forth and stuff, but I need to hear it, but also like, oh, it's got a little box in it.


That's exactly what I was saying.


Let me tell you something, bro. Wouldn't that not like us come out? Yeah. You know what I'm like? I was like, Yeah, I think we know who won this one, guys. Beat stupid. Yeah. I don't know. It's hard because it's interesting with these beats because they're both going back and forth. We don't know what's true and what isn't in it. We're sitting there like, No, man. He said that, bro. You get people that are so invested. But I'm like, I'm invested for that week, but I don't care enough to sit there and debate and be like, No, he won because of this. I'm like, You know what? I'm still going to listen to both of their stuff. It's when people get to, No, man, because you know what it is about my man, yeah? ' He copied. I was like, Brother, you don't know this stuff, bro. You work in curry, my guy. ' Do you know what I mean? Take yourself away from it, bro. Enjoy the entertainment like we all are, isn't it? But yeah, I think Kendrick's probably in the lead with that. That not like us tune. I remember I was in LA when it come out and I heard it and I was like, 'Right, this is a bop.


' Then I promise you for the next two, three days, you could just hear it, cars going I was like, yeah, he won because it's a bop, isn't it? It's a track, you know what I mean? But it is an interesting beef because I don't feel like they've got nothing to really beef about, though. Even when they're getting at each other, I'm like, It's not really… They don't have the oomf, do you know what I mean? But I reckon Kendrick's in the lead, man. Yeah, because that not like us, true. That was like, Rob, I'm ready to just throw down. Yo, man, what up, Kerr? Yeah, good vibes, though, man. Good vibes. Next question. How was your experience voicing/acting? Is this something you would consider doing again? 100%, I really enjoyed doing the character Beckett on 10 Lads. I'll definitely do it again. Animation, I think what goes into it, we're like a small part of it. We just do the voice. You got someone that makes it around the way you speak. They change the cat's facial expressions. So yeah, I'm definitely here for it, man. So Disney, Warner Brothers, I'll do anything. I swear to you, bro.


I'll do any voiceover, Fuck it. Rasta Mouse, Ruba. I'll do anything. Rasta Mouse, bro.




Wow, bro. Voice acting is very fun because you get to really have fun with the voice and the character and how silly you can be. More time, it's just you in a booth with a soundman. Do you know what I mean? Not discreet as other actors on the screen, but you've got so many parts. Do you look the part? I was just turning up in tracksuit bottom, training as a quick tea and a hoodie, and then we record for four or five hours. But yeah, I'll definitely do it again. 100%, man. You want to get one of those franchise joints, though. Like a Toy Story or something like that? Yeah, man.


Do you think we'd be good voice actors?


I think you'd be good because you bounce off of each other good. Do you know what I mean? Pause. But yeah. Yeah, that was the best though. That was crazy.


You just wanted to let that fly as well.


That's crazy. That's It's the good at the end. You bounce off each other good. Jesus.


I had to look at the both of you to make sure we're all on the same page.


That was so funny. Oh, man.


Oh, God. No, I would I'd love to do something like that, though.


I think that'll be cool.


Yeah, voice acting is so fun, man. I think at first I was very nervous, but what you'll realize, you have to do voice acting is that your voice only lasts about three to four hours. Then after that, it's like, yes. It It gets mad croaky. So four hours you're in and then you do the next session, probably in a month's time. Oh, wow. Yeah, because they got to put all the stuff together in it. We didn't do it with everyone. That project, I think 10 lads took a It takes like 18 months. So I'll go in every other month and then do some sessions and whatnot. That's a long process. That's a long time. That's a good insight.


Very good insight. Very cool insight.


It takes long, man. All right, cool. If you could have been a voice in If it was an animated film or video game, what would it be in white? Do you know what I'd want to be in? I'd want to be in a grandfifth auto, bro. You know Danny Dia? I think he's in San Andreas. Is he for real? Yeah, he's in San Andreas, bro. So if Danny Dia can be in San Andreas, bro, I couldn't be there too, bro. You can pull up easily. So yeah, I'd love to do a video game. I don't know what video game, but it'd be so cool to be in that world. Do you know what I mean? If it was an animated film, though, again, like If you're in a scene in an iconic... You know that Shrek, for example? I was talking to Jonathan Ross recently, and he's in Shrek. I think when they go to the bar, when they go to that, I think it's like a pub scene, and I think it's where they meet Pussy Boots. It might be the second one. I'm not too sure.


I can literally picture it right now.


Yeah, and he's like the... I think the character is like a bearded lady or something.


I was going to say, yeah, I remember. I never thought that was done for Ross. But now that you said that, I can literally hear it right now.


Andy Peters is in Thing, bro. He's in Toy Story. He's in Toy Story 2. I remember watching this thing as a kid where he went over there with Pixar and voiced the character and it's in the film. If you watch Toy Story 2, I think it's the bit where... That's the bit where the guy steals the toys, isn't it? He's trying to take them to Japan. There's a scene where it's going up to the conveyor belting on the thing, and that's Andy Peters. He's like, Where should I put it on number 6? Or something like that. He's in Toy Story 2. Fair play. Yeah, man. Fair play. What's the next one? Congrats on your appearance on Jimmy Fallon. As a London boy born and bred, what's your opinion on the Hollywood world? Hollywood's an interesting place because you know what's mad here? We see it from the outside. When you're in Hollywood, it's completely different because that celebrity world is their world, isn't it? Do you know what I mean? Tmz, following them around, going to expensive places and whatnot and stuff. I always said, people ask me, Would you live out there in LA?


I think the difference is I'm not from there, isn't it? I'm always going to see it as a tourist. It's not my world. Do you know what I mean? The Kim Kardashian, that's been their life for all they know, isn't it? Do you see what I'm saying? Their friends are celebrities. That's who their world is and stuff. I think for me, though, it's like, Bro, I remember he was on tour. I couldn't wait to come back because it's just things like the banter, for example, and stuff. The banter is different here. Do you know what I'm saying? The one thing I do love that, that there's the sun, though. The sun is crazy. But again, the Hollywood world is I remember once being in LA and he was in a restaurant, bro, Beyoncé and Jay-Z was in there. I couldn't believe it. That's not nice. He was like, Look who's over there. I'm like, Look, I looked. I'm like, Bro, that's the whole Beyoncé, bro. I'm sitting there, Beyoncé is there. Big man. It's like, Who else? It's like, yeah, Jay-Z. But that's normal in LA, in that world. Yeah, for sure. That the celebrities are just there.


Do you know what I mean? That's not normal. You don't get David Beckham, Ain't That Joe and the juice. This is a nice spicy tuna. Do you know what I mean? It's like you don't get that over here. I think this hasn't been my world. I've not grown up in entertainment as such. My friends have normal jobs and live normal lives, and they're the people that I connect with. Do you know what I'm saying? I've been there a few times and people just name dropped names and you're like, Robert. Like, yeah, man, we went to Justin's house last week. It was like such a cool party. I'm like, Justin who? He's like, yeah, Biba. I'm like, bro, you said that That's your bredging. It's like, yeah, it is. But that's normal in that world. I'm still like, Can I come? I want to go.


And again, it's a level that it's just not me, man.


Do you know what I mean? I wanted I like, I'm used to the life that I've always led. Do you know what I mean? Yes, it's changed through my job and stuff like this, but again, I'm used to this life. That life, I'll never be used to it. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, I don't know. Having TMZ in that, follow me around. If I was in that world, we don't get stuff like that here. Do you know what I mean? Having man follow me everywhere I go, Hey, man, what's going on, man? Where are you driving, man? I'll be like, But fuck off, man, leave me. Because I'm not built for that. But again, the Hollywood world is in such a bubble of LA. Do you know what I mean? It's nice when I've gone to LA and I meet people who actually from LA, do you know what I mean? Who are not in that world and you connect with them and you're like, oh, this is what LA is really like. Because being in West Hollywood can just seem like, it's just like, yeah, we're just going to go get a coffee and you're there.


But it's not really reality until you go to a Skid Row and you start seeing how the poverty is there and you go out a bit to LA, you go to a Pasadena or a Burbank and just how normal people live. You're like, this is actually LA. This isn't Hollywood, LA. But no, I can't fit into Hollywood, bro. No, man. Some of the phrases I remember being out there and I was like, oh, it's really raining, man. It's pissing down. It's like, what? Pissing? What is that? And I was like, what is that? And then after everyone kept saying, oh, my God, it's pissing rain again. I was like, oh, I got to get out of here, man. Here's a great question. Strangest fan encounter. I've not had any bad ones, really. Not strange, strange ones. What's one? I remember one time I was in Carving Garden and I was walking and this girl screamed, Oh my God, it's you. I was like, Hello, you're all right? She got, I can't believe it. I can't believe it. She dropped her bag. She got, I can't believe it. This is where they used to have the H&M.


I think it's our now. That's the main strip. She got, I can't believe it. I cannot believe it. Everyone's like, Who is he? Who is he? She goes, Why? It's smoking again. It's 'Okay, make ' ' And this one guy was like, Oh, yeah, I know. Isn't that? Yeah, I'm like, Brother, you don't, brother. ' Let's not lie, man. But that was probably that's up there because that was at a stage of my life where things started changing a little bit. So I was a bit... Yeah, I was just like, Yeah, I wasn't used to that. It took me a while. That's definitely up there. Can't think of any others that I'd know of top of my head, especially as a fan encounter that I know of now. I don't know. One time I met Seel, though. That was crazy. Where? Basically, I had been doing the videos for a while at this point, and then got through to my manager and he was like, Seel wants to invite you to a show. I was like, All right, cool. Me and my mom went to the show. As he's performing, He's doing his songs and stuff, and he's doing his song.


Then he just say like... And he's singing, right? Then he'll be like, Get a couple of cans. Me and my mom were like... Bro. I was like, Did he just say... But at this point, no one knew. I wasn't known in the general public like that. So we were like, No, bro. He didn't just say that. Then he's performing another song, Kiss from a Rock. And then he would just say, Like Barbados. We all were like, Brother, what's going on here? Is he just saying my bars while I sing his songs? Then afterwards, he has this thing at the back. Me, one of his brothers, mad cool guy called James. He's Like a big director and stuff. Me and his brothers and stuff. No, sorry, that wasn't his brother. I met his brother another time. But he's got another brother and he's like, I met his brother. And then there's loads of people who pay for these platinum tickets, isn't it? And these tickets, I don't know how much they cost. Like a meeting green. They're sitting there, booklets for him to sign and stuff. They're all queuing up and stuff. And then Seel was like, Mo, come here, man.


Big fan. He comes over, gives me and my mom a big hug. All three of us are just hugging Seel. We're like, what's good, Seel? He's like, oh, man, love your videos, man. Big fan a lot. And then you A lot of these fans with their pen just like... Just waiting. Oh, wow. That one was crazy. That's insane. Again, it's like Seel, but he was a fan of me, isn't he? He was like, I love your stuff. And we shared the same birthday as well, weren't it? Okay. Then a year later, I think I was in a house. England was playing, I think it was playing Croatia, World Cup or something like that. Then his brother, so this is his brother, Jamesy. He's a massive director. What's one of his films recently? Book of Clarence. That's his film and stuff like that. Then he's like, Oh, you know my brother in it? I'm like, Who's your brother? He's like, Seel. I was like, Oh, nice to meet you, man. He FaceTimes him, isn't it? Seel is watching it in LA. He's like, Oh, man. I was like, What's going on? My guy, he's saying, You're all right?


He's like, Yeah, man. Cool. One guy walks past and he was like, fuck, man, is that Seel? Yeah, that was a flex, man. That's cool. Okay, best and worst borough in London. Cool. Okay, this is a great one. All right, best borough. So I'm from South, isn't it? So I've got to go with Suffolk, isn't it? I've got to go with where I'm from, isn't it? I'm from Suffolk. The worst borough. I don't know, because I can't really get punched up in any area, man.


It got to be techy.


Do you know what? I'd say it's not the worst borough here, but when I'm there, I don't feel welcome. What's it called? What's it? Kensington and Chelsea? Chelsea, yeah, West. It's hard to really call it a borough, isn't it? But even when I'm in the G-Wag, man, people are looking at me like, what are you doing here? What brings you to this part of London? So for that, I'd probably say it's this nice parts of the area. Don't get me wrong, bro. If I was Billy now, I'd probably live there, isn't it? But yeah, man, it's like, actually, what? No, that's not the worst borough. What borough What is Shoreditching? Is that Hackney?


Tower Hamlets.


Let me tell you something. The reason why this is the worst borough here. Have you ever tried to park in Hackney? Have you ever seen what is on the signpost of parking in Hackney? You know that some areas would be after seven, cool. Listen, people that are listening to this part, if you try to park in Shoreditch, that area is the most confusing parking. It'll be three after seven, Monday to Friday Saturday, Saturdays. And you're like, Hold on. Can I park? Can I not?


Big man, the worst. On Shoreditch High Street, there's a fucking car park. This happens to me all the time. There's a car park.


Is it that Euro one? Yeah. Every Saturday, They use it for food festivals. Oh, yeah, I know the one.


So the amount of times... This happened to me last week. I would stay there on a Friday night or whatever.


No way. You're telling me you're.


Bro, come on my hotel, stroll down to my car. This happened to me two weeks ago, bro. Stroll to my car, there's a fucking G-Wagon in the middle of the car park and food trucks, tables, people, and the entire food festival is in this car park and my car is smack bang in the middle. No.


That would give me the most anxiety.


Music, barbecues, everyone clapping, clinking glasses, and I'm like, Sorry, I need to get- That's wild.


Man, I'm just eating falafo on your bonnet, bro. Falafo and cheese on your bonnet, bro. I need to get my car out, bro. I'm going mad, bro.


I had to drag the whole thing all the way out of the car park, stop traffic, everything for me to be sat there like, Cheers, guys. Sorry.


Sorry, coming through. Sorry.


And it's loud.


Obviously, you start the engine. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it. Sorry. Excuse me. Can you move the quinoa, Stan? Thank you.


Bro, I see some girl with dreads. She looked up, she was like, long.


And she looked again and she was like, Fuck, it had to be you in it.


And I was like...


You was a bit gasty a little bit, though. I was a bit gasty. I was a bit gasty, man. You know how it be, man. What's the food scene? I'm going to come back and get the pasta still.


Just find out.


Just sign in real quick. Sign in real quick. Can I get a selfie?


Bro, music for dinner.


Okay, which country pleasantly surprised you on tour? I think America, definitely. That's always going to be up there. But I think a I've been to before is probably Australia. Australia, man, massively. Everyone was like, Oh, man, be careful with the spiders and the snakes. They're not in Mainland Australia, they're in the Outbacks and stuff, isn't it? We were like, Melbourne, Sydney. We're going to the major places, but it was a nice vibe, man. I never forget. We went to this club, bro, and we walked in, we walked in, and we had not a guy, but she worked for the touring company that we used. She was like, I'll take you around where you need to go. She was quite young, the same age as us. We went to this club and I never forget, it was like, step People were really dancing in there. Step up, wow. Me and my boy, we walked in there and they're really dancing. They're really breaking down and stuff. We're like, Bro, people are really dancing in here. But what threw me off is there were guys, brothers, who were us. And then they come up to me and was like, oh, Mike, big fan of your stuff, man.


I'm like, Where did that accent come from? But it was just like, man them, but they've got our accent. Sorry, they're man them, but they got their accent. It threw me because they were like, Oh, man, I've seen you on Big Nasty, man. Big fan, man. What are you doing out here, brother? I'm like, brother, you're not like me, but... You sound like that. You sound like cooking on your feet. You sound like that. But the vibe there in Australia was like, proper nice vibe, man. Yeah, really nice people, man.Food was banging as well.Okay, sick. But no, the food was banging as well. I like the food, man. We had some ramen because I'm into this ramen thing now, isn't it? I'm at that age whereI same. I pretend like I know what I'm doing, but I'm like, yeah, get the... Yeah, get that Before, I was calling it noodles in the only way. But now, yeah. But yeah, Australia. Australia was really nice. Say less. Last one. Was there ever a low point in your career that made you consider doing something else? If you weren't a comedian, what else would it be? A low point in my career made me do something else.


That's a good question, man. There's always low points, but I don't know. I'll be honest, bro. Two years ago, I was ready to pack in and not do comedy anymore. Two years ago? Yeah, bro. Two years ago, man. At the time, I was doing a lot of TV and then comedy, I just felt disconnected from it in some ways, isn't it? I was just like, I don't know if I want to keep on doing this. Not the fact that TV was going better, but comedy, I don't know. I feel like I lost my hunger for it in some ways because I think I hadn't done it. But I just thought I generally was like, I don't know if I want to do stand up anymore. Because I'd stop doing the characters at this stage, probably. I know people love it, but I just reached a point in my life and career where I was just like, they've got me to this place, but they're not going to... I just rather keep the memories that people had from there, in it. I think I was doing more TV and I think the more people would be like, Oh, you've changed now.


I was like, I don't know if I want to do stand-up anymore. Maybe I just want to concentrate a bit more on this TV stuff and see where that goes. But yeah, that was probably one point. But now we're back doing comedy. Car, boy, TV is... But no, I think I've always loved comedy, and I think that's the battle I have with comedies. When you love something so much, it's almost like it gives you that hunger because you're like, I love this thing so much. I want it to... So I do sit and I'm in limbo because I'll be honest, I want to do comedy for as long as possible, but I'll be lying if I said I want to do this till I'm like 78 years old. I want to retire early and play golf. I don't even play golf, but I see old white guys. That's the game, isn't it? That's where deals are made as well. That's where deals are made. I want to do that and I want to get a boat. There's the two things I want to do when I retire, isn't it? I'm trying to do that as soon as possible.


I didn't really understand why people played golf. I didn't get it. But once, I think I went to Cabo, I went to Mexico Los Cabos, and they had this golf range. I see these old white men, they just looked like they was having the best time. I was like, I want to do that. Just with my bregeons, though. You know what I mean? Yeah. Then last question. Sorry, the other question is, if you weren't a comedian, what would you be doing? I'll be honest, yeah. If I weren't doing comedy, I probably would like a youth worker or something like that. It's working with the youngers.


I don't know. I think you make a good one, actually.


Yeah, I think that would probably be my career path, working with young people in that capacity. Do you know what I mean? I can't sit and pretend to be like, what if I weren't doing this? I would have probably been an accountant. I've always loved it. No, I'm not great with money. I'm not good with numbers. Probably Yeah, probably like a youth worker. Do you know what I'm saying? You know what I mean? Nice. Like that roadman one. Hey, let me tell you something. Put the ball down because I told you kids already. If you carry on, I'll punch you up. I don't get it. I got your mom's number. I got your mom's number in the show. I told you that. Lechell. But yeah, it'd probably be like a youth worker, bro. I think it's like that area, man. Fair play, bro. Why?


Well, that's it. That's the episode.


That was good.


That was a very good episode.


That was locked. Good vibe? I've enjoyed myself, bro.


Good, man. Glad to be here.


Thank you so much. I don't do many other podcasts, and I'm big fans of you guys. To come on, it was like, yeah, man, I appreciate it coming on, just what I'm saying. And what you guys have got, it's cool because you're being unapologetically yourself. Do you know what I'm saying? Thank you, G. I feel like that shows through, especially with the clips and stuff like this. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, man, it makes sense why you guys would sell out a no, too. Do you know what I mean? Because the way people connect with you, you're just... Yeah, you are just good vibes. So thanks for having me on, man.Thank.


You, bro.Thank you for coming on.


That was a nice sign off. That was a nice sign off. That was at the H's.


All right, guys. Well, thank you very much.


This has been a paying episode. Everyone, McGilligan.


Thank you so much, man.