Transcribe your podcast

Most awkward thing that's happened in a bar or club, probably in my first year of Uni, I was on a VIP table with these boys. I was trying to impress them, so I stole one of them. My other child came out. I lost my phone, and then I had to go back the next day to the club to ask for the CCTV TV so I could see who stole my phone. I then told my parents, so I didn't want to get in trouble, that I got mugged. They called the police. The police then got in contact with me, and then we're also trying to find the CCTV, so I then had to come clean. I don't have a ass. The security guard was like, You put it away. I was like, No.


Can you put it away? We've all lived lives.


We've all lived lives.


I'm trying to get science. I know. I'm putting it away.