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Would you rather have your nude photo printed on the front page of the New York Times?




Or have ears that look exactly like vaginas. Yeah. Exactly like vaginas.


The reason why I'm not choosing ears and the reason why I'm choosing the New York Times because the ears thing is permanent. It's for the rest of your life. That's the rest of my I can't give the opportunity to a bisexual to have four holes in me.


But it's not a vagina. It just looks like a vagina.


But that's enough.


Yeah, but now, I would also pick the New York Times, but in my head, I will spin it on a Drizzy Drake thing. I'm hoping for that day, something magical happens. God, for the I'm going to bid the room is cold. I don't know what naked picture that he needs to be taking me. But hung over just what he cannot tackle. Hungover, bloated.


After the gym.


Say again. After the gym. It has to be after the gym.


It has be after the gym.


When it's in sports mode.


Now, my dick doesn't go in sports mode after the gym, you know? Fair. Only when I'm nervous.


Sports mode is crazy. Yeah, when you say that's crazy.


Yeah, if I get nervous, I go into hibernation.


Yeah, and cold.


Yeah, and cold. So it would have to be... I would have to got a humble sweat on because if it's hung over, bloated...


The bloated one would murk me. I think if I was in my dressing gown at the shoot and I know I'm absolutely bloated and I trim shit and I just need to actually have a shit, I would cancel the whole thing and get my ears I transformed into vaginas that very day because I would feel so unsexy.


Yeah, same, bro. It's not worth it. I would not feel attractive in the slightest.


Give me them vagina it is, bro. If it's that specific scenario, give me them vagina it is, my guy. Because being bloated is the most bonest thing ever.


It's the worst thing on planet Earth. It's so unsexy. It's the worst thing on planet Earth. And then you just want to... You just still in the toilet. Bro. Naked.


I want to pop my stomach. I saw a picture on Twitter. I think it was a cartoon character naked on the toilet, but they had the superhero landing stance. So they were shitting like this. Because there was so much pressure, they had to put a fist on the floor and squeeze, bro. That is a nightmare and a half. Because you, man, know I've said this bare times.


I've taken some shit in my life.


That is brazy. It's not sexy, bro.


It's the least sexy thing on planet Earth, bro.


It's so crazy how relieved you feel from pre-bloat to post-bloat after the shit. It's literally like two different human beings.


Bro, you can take on a planet. Afterwards, you can take on a planet.


On a whole planet, and you feel good.


I had some cheesecake the other day. I had me on a rose. I had some cheesecake the other day. Had me on a fucking rose, bro. I was laying there tossing and turning, and my stomach was like, I was like, Jesus. I looked in the mirror, bro, my face looked red.


You were flustered.


I was flustered, bro. I had rosacea. And then, bro, the toilet had me That was me in LA the first time with the milkshake from Chick-fil-A.


I was shitting for two days. I don't know the density of the sugar they put in that bitch. That had me on the ropes.


The lactose they put in that Chick-fil-A milkshake had me on the ropes as well.


That had me on the ropes.


I quarantined the bottom half of the house. Oh my God, bro. I Lactomy. Wow, yeah. It fucked me. Wow.


Yeah, it wasn't sexy. It wasn't sexy.


Bro, I hate that my body can't digest certain items. Facts, bro. And I keep poisoning myself. Facts. I continue to poison myself for flavor.


Because I love lactose. Yeah. I love it.


Lactose hates me. It hates me, but I love it, bro. I'm such a toxic bitch for lactose, bro. Facts, bro. Jesus Christ. That's There is. But yeah, I would have to pick exactly what you said. I would pick on my best day, I would definitely pick New York Times. But yeah, if they pick me up in the car and I'm in the robe ready to shoot in a big white room and I'm cold and I'm bloated and I don't feel sexy and I'm hung over or whatever. Yeah, pushing me up. Facts. But yeah, Pussy is is going to do stuff to sick people.


This is what I'm saying, bro.


Everyone's going to want to touch that ear.


This is what I'm saying, bro.


They need to know if it feels and tastes like.


Do you know what would be crazy? That cotton bud.


That would do stuff to people. Brother. If you had pussy ears, start on OnlyFans where you're just doing cotton buds. Yeah, people would. You'd make more money than you can stand. I fathom, bro.


That would be insane.


Yeah, you'll be on that Heisenberg money.


What about you, Alex? What would you pick?


Definitely New York Times. Yeah? Yeah. Obviously, we don't get to choose the picture. It's just being published, but I'd have to just best believe I'd embrace it. I'd be promoting it as well because-Double down. No matter how, even if you are bloated, someone's going to find it sexy. There's someone-Fair, bro. Someone will like it.


Silver Linings.


And they're the ones you got to listen to, not all the Not all the bullies.


Not the bullies.


Because there will be bullies, of course.


Yeah, of course.


Bro, we'll be there shooting all day until I get-The one. The perfect... You know, just after you nut.


Yeah. And you put it.


Yeah, I know. Just after you nut, where you're still at full size, but you've lost all the firmness. Yeah, yeah. So that hangover, that slinky hangover, that's exactly where I needed to be. And we're going to shoot until we get it. Facts.


And the other thing is, I know my friends and family don't read the New York Times, but everyone's going to be seeing it in the first year.


Yeah, exactly.


That's also true. You can write it from certain people.


True. Damn. Very true. Damn, damn, damn.