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I've got a new thing. It's just a story. I can't call it a tweet. I can't call it anything, a statement or whatever. It's like a letter, almost, that I want to read out, and it's entitled Life Hack. Okay. Someone said it to me, and I find it the funniest, weirdest thing of all time. All right, I'm locked.Right. Lifehack.


Eat an orange in the shower Why?


Okay, hear me out.


It is pure joy. No mess, no sticky hands, a simple pleasure without having having to worry. A simple pleasure without having to worry. A tiny act of rebellion against routine. The aroma from the orange being intensified by the steam. Just you, your naked body, and the juice from the orange. Drip, drip. You take a bite, you peel it, you can let go.


It is pure bliss. A very juicy moment in a stressful day.


Do yourself a favor. Buy an orange, shower.


I think the phrase that resonated with me the most, I was like, raw, the simple act of rebellion. It's like to break routine or whatever you said. It's like, wow. You would never in a million years think or act on that. Take an orange and eat in the shower or anything so obscure like that.


No one would.


Obviously, that aside, it's clearly like a euphemism such as break character and do things differently and blah, blah, blah. Don't be afraid or whatever. It's somewhat hit. It's somewhat resonate.


It sounds sexy. I'm not going to lie. It's cool. It's cool. I don't know if I will try it, but I'm slightly tempted. Maybe it's not an orange that I'll try. Yeah, it could be anything. Maybe some mango or something like that. But when they said for me-A mango in the shower.


Because that bitch is messy. It's slippery. Yeah, if you eat it whole from the nut itself.


Yeah, from the stone. From the stone itself. Brother, in the shower? Yeah. That shit would get crazy.


Yeah. A fresh mango in the shower would get fucking nuts.


Pealed already? Yeah, it's just slipping. And you just have to catch it. And then as you catch it, the shower's probably leaving the end. Oh, shit.


I promise you I'll be livid. I'll get out of the shower hard.


I will be so upset because I don't know what is happening, but I would leave that shower harder than the stone left in my hand. Bro, it would be crazy.


Yeah, it would be. It really, really, really would be.


Wow, bro. When they said the scent of the orange is intensified by the steam.




Bro, have you ever pealed an orange on a sunny day and you see the-Yeah, the bus.


Yeah, that Febreze.


Yeah, you get that zesty scent.


Bro, that in a steamy route?






You think it's Eur de Perform, however?


Yeah, bro. I'm scared about what this might unlock.


Yeah, it's different.


Yeah, because it's a break in routine.


It's a break in character. It's unique.


That's a good read. Yeah, bro.


I saw it.


I was like, damn. Because it's a different perspective. It's It's a different analogy. It's a good read, bro. It's a good read. I'm not going to lie. Are there more of these jobs? Where do you find this? Because it makes you think differently. Because I'm not sat here specifically thinking about eating an orange in the shower. I'm sat here thinking about breaking normality.


Yeah, Bro. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, bro. That's a good read, man. Okay, they're just loads of little letters. All right, I might see what I'm going for this page. The page is called So Much Love In This Club, right? Okay. I'm seeing, look, it's just It's not letters, but the bio just says, Welcome to My Brain. Okay. I'm just having fun, busy writing lists and being vulnerable.


A very sexy life.


Interesting. All right, I'm going to screenshot that and keep it for later. Interesting. Very interesting.


Do you know when you shower, yeah? Do you shower top down?


What the fuck does that mean, bro?


As in like, watch it? Then watch it here, and then work your way down, or do you work your way up?


Good question. I start with my chest because I use... What do I start with? I start here because I have a face wash, so I use a face wash in the shower. Then I start with here. I always start with my chest.


Fair, fair, fair. If I'm washing my hair that day, I go top to bottom. So I go, always, yeah, good. Shampo, rinse out. Then I put the condition, leave that be seen.


Then I put the conditioner. Then I work my way down. Then it's face wash. Then I'm there like this. Then Then I work my way down and then we all cleanse.


The only difference I would do is, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, leave, then body, rinse off, then face mask, and then rinse the hair and the face together. So the condition is staying for time. I'm not blinding myself doing this.


But yeah, good question. Very good question.Random.


But good question.It's.


Random as fuck.


The way my hair feels after that condition.It's.

[00:05:29]'s sexy.It's amazing.It's.


Flat.yeah, it's like silt.Facts..