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But New Year's resolutions, wrong answers only. Daddy, what's your New Year's resolution? I'm making it my mission to disappoint my family by having a child out of wedlock.


That's exactly what I'm going to do in the new year. -swear. -yeah.


What about yours? Not get pregnant by nick Cannon. -those of that are slim. -yes, man.


-those of that are slim.


-resolutions just... -yeah, I'm saying stuff. -they fold and they unfold, so I reckon I'll make it through Q1. And then these first things, he's running me up.


I'm going to rob every that invites me back to the yard on the first link. That's what I'm doing. Invite me back to the yard on the first link. -you're getting robbed. -you're getting robbed.


I am actually going to let my ex ruin my life one more time. Just one. One more time.


One more time. I'm going to double down. I'm going to see if all of my exes one last time.