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So the other day we did Nigerian poetry. Yes. So if you guys didn't see it, there was a thread I saw that basically said about like, Nigerians are so poetic in the way they say things. They can never just say how it is. They have to always say it some poetic fucking biblical way. So I literally, when we posted it, I just saw some of the comments of that post.




And went from there, bro. It just made me laugh. So I literally just got five of them. Just a real quick quote. Okay, cool. Right. So Nigerian poetry part two. Instead of telling me I'm fat, my coworker once said, your abundance might suffocate the wrong man.


I just put the pieces together. Your abundance.


Your abundance. Your existence is abundant.


Might what? Suffocate the wrong man.


The wrong man. I like it. But the wrong man, you might kill him. But the average Joe, you might have to charge that. Yeah, that's too much.


Your abundance might suffocate the wrong man. Is he trying to flirt?


Yeah, bro, I don't know.


I feel like it's a back-handed compliment type of thing.


It's a back-handed flirt. Wow.


See, that's how Nigerians flirt as well. That is how Nigerians flirt. It's freaking crazy. After half, you are going to see insults, but it's love.


I couldn't see that. It's insane. Oh my God. Instead of telling me I look good, he says, Where are you going like this? Where are you going? Where are you going looking Where are you going? That's not even Nigerian. Yeah. Who are you tired up for? Yeah. Wow. Okay. Everybody, I'm tired. Nigerians, the Lord is my strength.


Bro, cool. Cool.


My coworker almost slipped over, and when I asked if she was okay, she said, My enemy's almost one. This enemy stuff is insane. My enemy's almost one. Is Instead of calling my girlfriend short, my mom called her the brief and summarized one. She's brief and summarized. Bro, that's levels. Yeah, fair play. I even be thinking Short. Bro, the Brief and summarized. Where's that Brief and summarized one you brought her the other day? The what? The who? Yeah. She was chatty. I was like, What do you mean? She's chatty. Now, she's brief, isn't it? She's brief. It's a joke. Right. Last one. Last one. Everybody, I feel feverish. Nigerians, the devil is a liar. Oh my God. Bro. The devil is a liar. You, man. Obviously, we said we did a shoot with Nella Rose earlier. Some of the bars This girl was saying. She's hilarious, bro. Bro, she was saying there was a tarot card reader there. She said that she wasn't going to support this woman because she's a child of God. She's like, I'm covered in the blood. Me and my followers are covered in the blood. She said, Me and my followers are covered in the blood.


She said it so quick. I was laughing, bro. Me and my followers are covered in the blood.


Too funny.Wow.Who.


Speaks like that? What did she say? She's gone into the spirit realm. She said, Are you familiar with the spirit realm? Hilarious. Oh, my God. Okay, cool. You've got a little Reddit something for us, no? Always.


My brother wanted my girlfriend to send him pics. Cool. Okay, so me and my girlfriend of seven years went out to the bar with my brother, his fiance of five months, and a few others that are friends/cous of ours. It was a super fun night. Me and my girlfriend left around 1:30 AM, got home, went to sleep. At 2:30 AM, my girlfriend woke me up to a text from my brother asking her what she was doing. She thought maybe they might need a ride home, so she said, Just trying to sleep. What's up? Then he said, Want to trade sexy pics?




Obviously, she said no and asked what the fuck was going on. He said, I can send you one first if you want. She said, Absolutely not, and then blocked him. He was very drunk, I believe. He was very drunk, I believe, but I feel so disrespected also that he would do this to his own brother. I texted him asking him what the fuck was going on, and he never I wondered. She feels so disgusted and weird that my brother would say this to her. I'm supposed to be in his wedding in two months. I now can't imagine going. I don't even want to see him anymore. How do I go about this? Do I tell his fiancé? How do I confront him? I feel so bad for his fiance and her kid. They just literally dropped thousands of dollars for the wedding. Do I never speak to him again? I've actually read this bit before, but there's an update which I don't think I've read, so I'm going to read that now. Okay. My mom and dad talks to him. He says he swears he didn't do it. He said one of the guys using his phone must have just done it as a joke.


There was a bunch of his friends there. He said those texts aren't even on his phone and that he loves his fiance and he's getting married to her, so why would he do this? I honestly don't believe him because the text didn't come from his number. Sorry. I honestly don't believe him because the text did come from his phone number and the The way he was texting her sounded like something he would say when he is drunk.


Oh, wow. He knows his brother boy.


I still think he did it and is trying to find a way out. Obviously, he probably just deleted the text. We still have the screenshots. My mom seems to believe him. Also the fact that I text him that... Also the fact that I text him that night and he didn't respond, still to this day, it makes me feel like he's guilty. Wow. Why would his friends choose to text my girlfriend out of all the girls on his phone? Facts. My girlfriend's friend was also out with us that night. Why didn't they text her instead? I know he has her number also. She wants to know, How do I go about this? Do I tell his fiance? How do I confront him? Do I ever speak to him again?


Wow. He's charged, obviously. Obviously. Want to trade sexy pics. What a perva.


Who speaks like that? Don't Don't worry, I'll go first.


Don't worry, I'll go first. Yuck.


Crazy, bro.


Yuck. Crazy, bro. Want to trade sexy pics. Crazy, bro. Where have you found the audacity?


First and foremost.


Why does my girlfriend seem just like the easy... The easy target. The easy nudist. What are you doing?


The easy nudist is a joke. It's also like, why? Why do this to your family member.


Drunk or no drunk. Drunk or no drunk. Just text anyone else.


That's the most crazy thing I've ever seen when it comes to siblings doing stuff to other siblings. It's just not fair, bro.


Bro, just leave her out of it.


It's just not fair. It's not fair at all. Fuck.


I have no words. That's the thing. As similar as the other one, there's no advice to be given. Just leave your brother to his misery in his foolish ways. His foolish ways.


His fucking foolish ways.


But Yeah, that's horrific. I'm not a fan of that in the slightest.


Neither am I, guys. Yeah, that's charged. I'm sorry you had to go through this. I know it's on ready and you probably won't know who it is, but yeah, that's some crazy stuff, man.


Some crazy stuff. That's a level of betrayer. I couldn't. Even brother I'm not a friend. If you text my girl, send me some skin.Send me some?Yeah. What are you doing? Nothing. Just trying to sleep. Cool. Me too. Cool. Want to send me some?


Skinskin, skin for skin.


Skin for skin?Skin, SFS?Yeah, and you're saying it in a way that I know it's you. You know it's me. I text you 10 minutes later after she's told me, and what the fuck is this? You, Emi. It's one of them ones that say, If you had this type in, then I start. I'll say, Activate your location. Activate your location.


Bro, that's- And then the next day, you're telling the course is not you. It's not me, bro. It's one of my boys.


One of the Broskis had my phone.


One of the Broskis had my phone and decided to text my boys' misses.


I don't know what to say. I was drunk, bro. I'm sorry. Yeah, I was drunk, bro. I was chirping.


Yeah, I was doing my thing. Sorry.


I can't even tell you which boy it was, bro. Facts. Otherwise, I will tell you.


Facts, bro. But all I know, it wasn't me.


A man said SFS. Sfs? Question. Friar. Friar, I noticed you. I noticed you. And you're like, Bro, the text hadn't even on my phone. No, I noticed you. I was staring at you like it's a staring contest and waiting for you to break character. Like a PD there and that breader on stage. Yeah, bro. I'll stare at you. Oh, God. I'll fucking stare at you, bro. What is that? The fucking American Idol or whatever. That'll be me on the right, breaking character. Trying not to smirk. Oh my days. As soon as you break, you best put your hands up, bro. As soon as you break, I'm looking at you just like he did. As soon as anything-I twist. My lip will twist. I will leap on you, bro. Wow.


Jokes. Oh my God. Fucking jokes.


Skinned for skin. Sfs, question, Priya.


Skinned for skin is jokes.


Fuck. I'll fucking cut you open, bro. I'll cut you open, bro. That's too funny. Fuck. That made me laugh, man.