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I think I'll boot the door. But just before I leave, I'll boot it because I know, I know you're jumping.


I scream, James.


Guys, girls, we're in.


We're back, baby.


So this is a, this is a public episode. It's not. It's not behind a paywall. So you're welcome if you do want it to be behind a paywall just because you're that rich. And we only allow the wealthiest of wealthies into the cabin. Okay.


When we check your banks.


Yeah. When you pull up to the cabin, we do a little, a little. We do some pocket watching. Yeah, run with them stacks. Rubbing them stacks. But there's also a room in the cabin for the brokies. And we go over there and we'd be like, oh, we know what it's like. Yeah, we know what it's like. Yeah, we know what it's like to be a brokey. And it fucking hurts. So what we're going to do, we're gonna sit you in this room and we're gonna flood you of content. And all we're gonna ask for is three pound a month.


Don't be a day.


Run the p. S. And then you can live vicariously through us. Through us. Because we were brokers. We're not brokers anymore. Factual. So then you had to sit in this room and watch us do non broker and be like, damn, that's what it's like not to be a brokey. And that only cost you three pound a month. You ran the p and now you're happy.


Here we go.


If you want a little bit more than that and you're thinking, bruv, you know what would be sick? Like, if I could see the guys just do really, really, really cool with high production value at a reasonable yet competitive price.




Watch the log cabin facts. Yeah, log cab has taken over. So again, guys, if you want to get involved, if you want to be a true baby and you want your daddies to look after you, head on over to shitsandgigs. Okay. Right, we're gonna get into the question of the week today.


We are.


And please, maestro, what was it?


So the question of the week this week is there's no men for a day. Ladies, what do you do? I've got about eight responses.


I've got like five or six before we get into it.




90% of them were no men for a day. I'm either just walking around ass naked.




Or I'm just gonna walk around the dead of night with headphones on.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Two points of query.




Why. What is women's in this scenario? Not saying all women.




I'm just saying, in this scenario, are they suggesting that if there were no men, women just. Women just don't like clothes. And the only reason they wear clothes, because I'm on. That's the narrative that's been spun on Twitter. They just. They'll be just. There would just be no clothes that we even out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're there. They hate the fact that garments are a thing.




And if man weren't around, it would just be titties out, apparently. And also late night headphones.


Strolls. Headphones, strolls. Yeah.


A bitch will stab you. You know, it's not just plausible. Yeah. Yeah. It's plausible. Yeah. It's not just madam out there. There's prisons full of them.




Facts. Yeah. So it's up to you.


To each.


Yeah. To each. I'm saying. Yeah. I don't care if I was the only Mandev. I'm still not bopping around with just headphones, doing what I want. Not at all, bro.


All right. There's no men for a day. Ladies, what do you do? Miss them. Cause I love dick for a day.


You know that made me slurp for one day.


For one day. I will miss them. Cause I love dick.


That's ins.


That's insane.


That's crazy.


That's insane. That's a good way to start.


You click the. Did you click that?


I can't remember if I did.


All right.


I can't remember if I did.


Say less. Say less. Say less. Good answer. Good answer. Send it. All right. There's no men for a date. Ladies, what do you do? One girl said, I'm going to the gun range. Won't have anyone trying to correct my stance. Yeah, square them hits. Don't worry. Look, I'm a stand here. This one box. Yeah.


You know when man never tried to teach a lady to play poor?


Yeah, exactly. He's got a gun, just, like, down the side. Yeah. Let me brace your shot. Yeah, this one's got some kick on it. Hot, tight.


I got you.


Yeah. Don't worry. I got you. That's disgraceful.


That's jokes. All right. There's no men for a day. Ladies, what do you do? I'll ask God, was I that evil in my past life that I deserve this curse today?


Damn, you've got the good ones. You know, I didn't see any of that stuff.


The ladies love the man.


They don't want them to go on ig. The IG daily. Love, love mandam.


There's only a few.


Yeah, it's only a few gallons. You said eight.


Yeah, I've got eight. There's only. That was it. That was probably only.


Good one.


Fair. Okay. Someone said, I'm gonna go pump my gas in peace.


I saw that one quite a bit.


Is it an american thing where gals just get approached while pumping gas? We've had this exact conversation before. Right.


It must be an american thing because think if it's only. I think it will only happen in the UK if it's like a clickbait thing.




Normal thing where guys just move.


Yeah. I've never seen a girl getting chops at a gas station ever. Ever in my life.


Neither of us weird.


But I guess in America, the. The go to is, ah, your man's letting you pump your own gas in it. That's the go to bar.




Your mother, anybody? I don't have a man. Swear. Fouzer man. You'll never be pumping.


Typical stuff.




But anyway, there's no men for a day, ladies. What do you do? Jog around with my tits flapping in different directions. Without the usual stares?


The usual, big man. If you're just running ass naked, girls will stare. Everyone's staring. Everyone's without the usual stairs.




All right. Damn. Okay, cool. No men for a day, ladies, what do you do? Sleep peacefully without all that twitch.




Yeah, I'm a twitcher. Are you in my sleep? Yeah, bro. The other day I was taking a nap, and when I say in my dream, I don't know what was happening. Because clearly someone told me to jump. I said, how high? Because I jumped.




And I think I jumped and tried to touch my toes. When I say, oh, like a. Yeah, like a pike. Like a pike, brother. I swear to God, in my sleep, I went like that, bro. This twitching sends me. I stay twitching.


You up?


Yeah, it worked me up, but, yeah, I 100% stay twitching, especially if I'm knackered.


I feel like if I'm knackered, maybe, but I don't. My only time that I twitch is when I'm dreaming about. That's the only time I'll twitch that I know. I twitch anyway because that bitch will wake me up.


Yeah, 100%.


That bitch will wake me up.


Yeah. That inception thing.


Yeah. Facts.


All right.


No man for a day, ladies. What do you do? Ruin everything he has, then go skinny dipping with the girls.


My God. Yeah.


That's dark.


Yeah, that is right. Go outside completely naked and pick fruit from trees. Because it's my birthright. She's on some eve ting.


Yeah, she is on some.


Yeah, she's on some eve ting.


All right. No man for a day, ladies, what do you do? Clean the house in the morning and watch it stay clean all day.




That one's fair.


Yeah. That one is fair and valid.




Last one for me. No. Men for a day, ladies, what do you do? Have a twerk contest all throughout the city like it's mortal Kombat walking down the grocery aisle. Make eye contact. New challenger. Sick, bro. You couldn't have man round for that.


You couldn't.


Everyone's just twerking.




You couldn't have been around for that.


Yeah. You really couldn't.




Nuts, bro.


I know. Men for a day, ladies, what do you do? Walk around in my sluttiest outfits and fart.


What I want fine sir finds very fair.


I'll finally let my stomach hang free.


Oh. Yep. I think role reversal. There was no gal for a day.


Same thing. Yeah.


That muffin top you'll feel. Breathe at last. That muffin top will breathe at last. My obliques have intense for weeks.


Last but not least, there's no men for a day, ladies, what do you do? I'm gonna find out where they respawn.




Yeah. She's on some vengeance.




Dying away the respawn, you know? But, yeah, that was it.


Okay, gang, question. That was. That was a good one. I saw that question was that. Mmm.


I like it.


Right. So we spoke about briefly earlier.


Talk to me.


Obviously, we had a discussion about demon Slayer. This season was whack.




You've now seen the finale. I have seen the finale I made on Patreon. Made a brief statement saying I feel like the episode made up for the entire season. Then I slightly retracted it, but I'm still confident in the narrative. I'm trying to say what your thoughts.


I. First and foremost, fucking cold episode. I just have to say. Fucking cold episode. I will, however, say it doesn't make up for the seven episodes of bullshit that they were doing prior to this episode. But I was locked in from the beginning to the end of this episode.


Oh, my God.


Rem. Locked in from the beginning to the end. It's. It might be the best episode they've done.


I think it might be as well.


It might be the best. Yeah, they've done. It was, as a whole anime, the.


Only one I would say that's close to it was when Tengen versus the upper four, the lower four with the breath, the bread, the brother. And he was doing the size and he was counting his strike. That episode was fucking out of control.


Yeah, I remember where I was when I was. I was on the way to the Brom studio. Yeah.


Oh, I've seen the episode twice, I think, and I just. The second time I watched it, I didn't even do, like, a recap. I just watched that episode. That episode. Fucking unreal. But, yeah, so anyway, I agree. I think this actually might be the.


Best episode, literally the best episode I've seen of Demon Slayer. As I said to you before off camera, the score was amazing. The animation was fucking amazing. The slow mos that they did was amazing. The storytelling throughout the whole episode was amazing. The little bit of fights that they did, amazing. The plot twists of, obviously you've not seen it, but, like, the Infinity Castle at the end, amazing.


That plot twist was crazy with the.


Like, cliffhanger at the end, the zenitsu eye open. There are so much happened in that episode. Even Inosuke is gassed.


He's in a game.


He wants to swing.


Inosuke only wants beef, only wants to.


Fight the arms and spread out. And he's gassed. So even that I'm gassed for. Yeah, man. There's just so much. The fact that I would never. What his name.


The master.


The master. I think his name is like, committing that level of suicide in front of your family and everyone, like, the plan was incredible.


Yeah, the whole thing was sick. And tying it in, in terms of, like, the way they married it up is like, since Muzan turned into a demon.




The rest of their family been cursed and none of them have lived over 30.




And now, like, museum was like, you're trying to be like, I give a fuck. Like, I give a fuck, bro.


Yeah, he was way in.


But that's because I've seen the episode when you were like, oh, I have a feeling that he's just hard. I was like, I don't think he is. But, yeah, he just. He does mine's respect from everyone else, bro. Fucking unreal.


Unreal episode.


And it was.


I was gonna say the part where muse and after the explosion and museum was, like, getting back together, like, regenerating. He was like, ah, I can't believe he did that one. I underestimate him. And he asked himself, whether was the wife and kids part of the plan as well? Did you just mark them too? I was thinking, that's a good question. Yeah, yeah, good question.


Yeah. How your wife allowed you to murder your own kids. I don't know. He was like, I underestimated these humans. Boy.


One, another question after that when before all the hashirs came together and before we saw the stone hashira, he was saying, I can sense humans around, but there's something else I can sense, but I don't know why. Is. Was he talking about the stone hashira? Do you think this is after he got shanked?


I remember. I remember the exact moment you're talking about. I don't may. Either that or I maybe home girl that stuck her fist in him. Pause.




Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe. Oh, so he said that prior to that?


Yeah, cuz that was when he was regenerating. And it was like, I can sense people around and there's something else in there. She was the first one to pop in and.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Fuck him up.


Yep. Yeah. And that's. There's nothing happened post that for him. And obviously we know what that is inside him now, so.


Yeah, bro.


Very, very written, very well. Animal.


Just like the way they've, like, they've left little bits in there and it kind of all came together at that time in terms of like, the way, like, even homegirl that popped up and like, punch him in the stomach. The way he was chatting to her, in terms of, like, the reason he was like, are you still beefing me about all this stuff?




And she was like, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have, like, killed my family stuff. I was like, hang on, babe. Like, I saw you were murking humans for time after you killed your family. Yeah, yeah. Like, chill out.


Doesn't give a fucked.


She doesn't care.


She said, I didn't want this. All I wanted to do was to, like, get my disease cure.


Yeah, get rid of my disease.


Yeah, I'm duppy and humors on the daily.


Yeah, nuts, bro. And like, I think the Zanetsu thing happened in such perfect timing because it's like, we're a good few seasons in now and it's like this whole sleeping thing was getting old.


He only does like three or four things in like, four seasons.


Yeah. And it's like every season of him crying, crying, crying, falling asleep and then being wham. When he's asleep. And then obviously back end of last season.




When he was fighting the sister.




He was doing too much asleep.


Yeah, him in an escape.


And he was asleep the whole time. I was like, okay, this is getting stupid now.




So I'm so glad that they've cut that storyline and the fact that, like, the way they did it to make it seem like he is asleep the whole time, catches his sword and then just opens his eyes a tiny bit, you're like, do you know how many tick tocks I've seen about zenitsu, bro?


Yeah, he's the art. I said this, and I think at the end of season two, he's the arms. This, like, second character in any anime.


Yeah, bro.


Like bar. Like killer one gone.


Oh, yeah, just about killer.




Bar killua.






Yeah, that would be, I would say Zoro as well.


We haven't seen one piece, but I know Zoro is fucking arms.


Okay, fair. Zora's the one with, like, many knives, right?


Yeah. Three swords.




Yeah, I reckon vegeta as well.


Okay, I'm talking new age. Let's go. Just new age. New age.


All right.


That's why I immediately said, yeah, maybe not kill or slash gone. Because obviously, yeah, that's the anime. But yeah, I'm hoping he plays more than just like, a mini pivotal role. I want to see him, like, properly scrapped the same way Tanjiro has been scrapping. And I want to see the skate scrapped separately as well. I want to see them all scrap separately. So we'll see. But yeah. Oh, wow. I can't wait.


Gang, gang, gang, gang, gang. Right. You've got thread for us now.


I do. What's the most disturbing thing you've ever heard? Caption New York City. Two supermodels in conversation. You actually murdered him? Yep. It was real messy. The body disposable thing. Wow. Dinner tonight?




See you at nine. That was it.




Interesting indeed. Alright, next one. My neighbor at a very crappy apartment. Sorry, my neighbor. Yeah, my neighbor at a very crappy apartment. The girl lived there. She had a boyfriend named Corey and another named Jason. Jason was usually there. Jason found out about Corey. Corey showed up. Jason and Corey had a fight. Jason won. Jason tried to. Jason tried to take the girl to dinner. The girl didn't want to be with Jason. She wanted Corey. They both broke up. Sorry. They both broke up with her not long after. Then the girl became a lesbian.


Oh, damn.


It was such a fun month or two of getting all the drama.


Tell me about it.


We didn't have any money for tv at our apartment because our apartment was 200 square foot. I had a cinder block separating us from the neighbors. She was our tv, bro.


I've been there, man. There's nothing like just disclaimer. I want the best for all of you all the time. But when there's gossip, when you man have something to tell me.




Fuck, man.


It's the best.


I love it.


I hear you.


Yeah, I love it. I just can't help it, bro. I'm weak when it comes to tea.


I hear you. I hear you.




This one wrote, this is more surprising than disturbing, but two men bumped into each other and started catching up. They talked for about 25 minutes, sharing news. In the end, right before this, they went their separate ways. One of the guys said happily, oh, by the way, I didn't tell you. Yesterday. I found out that three of my kids aren't mine.


Three, bro.


It still puzzles me that they had 20 minutes worth of updates were more important to share with his friend than him finding out three of the kids weren't his.


Yeah, I forgot to tell you.


Yeah, forgot. Three of my kids aren't mine. I don't know what that would do to a human being.


Would you? Hmm. I also. First of all, I don't. I also don't know what it would do to human being. Would you prefer to find out all your kids are not yours so you can just bounce?




Not to say that you would bounce. Yeah, just saying. Would you prefer to find out all your kids are not yours?




Or, like, find out half our half on.


I'm not doing this dance. I think it will make it easier for me to move on with my life.


Yeah, of course.


Even though it will still fucking hurt me.


Yeah. Hundred percent.


I couldn't have some be, minus some. Not especially if, like, let's say we have four. The first of the three, third am I and the second, the forefront. Like, if it's not one and two for me, and three and four for next study. That way would I talk.


That's. That's. Yeah, of course.


That is toppy.


That's stazy, bro. Like, you can't. You can't tell me you fucked a guy. You can't tell me we had a beautiful child together.




Then you fucked a guy and had a kid with him. Then we had another beautiful child together and you fucked another guy and had a babe with him. Or the same guy.


Yeah, or the same guy.




All under my roof and I'm thinking, yeah.


And I'm gas gas gas gassed.




Nah. Horrible, horrible vibes.


Yeah. I would much rather prefer all of them not be mine.


Do you think it's weird? Not weird. What do you think it is about like, human nature. That means that, like. Like, no matter. Like, if you look at, like, all of human history, right, people amongst an a number. Because I know I can say this thing and then people will hit the comments like, that, this and this and this and this, like, amongst all of the other treacherous things that people do. It doesn't matter how much, like, technology develops or, like, science develops or just, like, how socially we develop over thousands of years. Someone having a baby with someone who's not their man and then just lying and saying it's theirs. Happens a lot.


It's not.


And it doesn't seem to be slowing down. People find out that their kids aren't theirs. Just keeps happening. It doesn't even matter how much, like, because obviously, back in the day, you're never gonna know.


Yeah. Yeah.


You're never gonna know for sure. Now we have science to actually prove it ain't stopping. No one stopping.




Yeah. No one slowed down, bro. That's still just doing it. It's like, what do you think that is? Like, that's fucking crazy.


I wouldn't know what to do, man. I really wouldn't know what to do if I'm like. If I had doubts. Okay, if you had doubts.




And you've got three beautiful kids, whoever.


In the yard, and one just looks like you.


Let's say one just looks like me.


Yeah. What?


And. But this kid is like, five now. So you, like, you've. You've nurtured this. You. Would you, like, pluck a hair to try and do a DNA thing?


Oh. Without anyone knowing?


Yeah, yeah.


I'll swap his ass up.




I'll grab his mat like that.


Okay. Two things.




If. If you found out the kid was yours, would you feel a type of way that you did try and do a DNA test and would you tell anyone?


No, I wouldn't feel a type of way. Like, I don't. I don't buy into it. I'm not gonna lie to you, bro. Let's get savage real quick. I need to know. At the end of the day, feelings are irrelevant, okay? So if I'm paranoid, if I've got, like, a lot, I don't like when, like, emotions supersede logic. If I've got four youths and all of them look exactly like me, and then one of these jaunts looks like a fuhad and just randomly loves fucking Jolof, right? Jolof in it and says. And then we're all. We're all on our way to church, and then just this little brother's like, I can't wait to say my prayers. And I'm like, the fight? Did you say brother? As soon as I started getting suspicious, I like, yeah. And I'll be coming home and everyone's like, oh, daddy, I missed you. Daddy, I missed you. And then this brother's like, I was just chilling with Toby in it. Squeeze his mind. Swab that bitch right there and then.


I need to find out.


Yeah, I need to find out. But I'm not letting, like, the whole. The whole aspect of the mom being like, how could you think that of me? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I love you to death. I'm swapping this john and then we can get back to business as usual. Like, I'm not the whole. I'm having suspicions, but I don't think she would do that. But I like this and that, but everyone's telling me not to worry. Boring.


So would you. Do you think you can find. You would confide in anyone or would you just do this on your own accord, up until you find the results and then start speaking your truth?


Good. Knowing me, I'm a chatty. You know me, I'm a chatty cathy. I would struggle, depending on how long it takes to get these results back. I would struggle to get my mouth shut. If it's a quick 24 turnover, I reckon I can keep my mouth shut. But 100% I would. Yeah, I would. I would swap him up and then send that off, get my results, and then if I find out it's not mine, cool. It's beef. But as soon as I find out it's mine, literally, like, no hard feelings. No. I wouldn't think of the ute any different. I wouldn't think of any.


Feel guilty.


There's nothing for me to feel guilty about because it's like, he don't look like me, the others do. Like, I'm just talking. That's what I'm taking. I don't know. I don't let emotions supersede logic. It's like, he doesn't like. And I'm not talking about. It would have to be quite drastic for me to even consider it.




I'm saying, like, he really doesn't look like me and the others, like, we've tried this three times and they all look like this. And then this one time, it doesn't. Like, I would just do it. Like, it's such a minor little thing. Obviously it's different if you're, like, getting blood. I wouldn't do it. I'm not sticking a needle on this, you know, a little sobbing them out. That's nothing. Even plucking the hair I might be like. But like a little spit on this for me quick. Yep. Gone. Let's find out about you.




Question for one. What was your original question? I can't remember. I was talking.


My original question was would you feel some type of way if you did it?


I don't remember what the original question was but my question to you is exact same scenario. You've got three kids. Three of them look like you. One of them come out light.








Just funny.




And he can't stand uncle Toby. Then what dem sides?




Would you for one, would you swap for two, would you tell your. Would you tell your misses you're swabbing up or have that discussion or would you just quickly do it? And three, if it came back and it was yours, would you feel guilty?


I would do it. I wouldn't console my partner up until I get the results. If I got the results and the u was mine, I think a part of me would. I don't if it would be shame or guilt that I feel, but I.


Feel something for being suspicious of them.


Yeah, well, I feel shame. I think I'd feel shame for the situation I'm in, but also feel guilty because even though I knew, well, I had a suspicion that this, you isn't mine. Now that the realities hit me, I would feel guilty knowing that I could have been ignorant bliss and live my life with the fourth child, considering it's been in my yard for x amount of years.


It's, you know, he or she do.


You know, I mean, so you feel.


Like I was saying if it wasn't yours, you'd feel guilty if it wasn't.


Mine, I still feel guilty.




Because I did this one and I've got the. I have got the DNA test now. Like it's confirmed it's not my child.


And you would have been, you reckon once you get. Ah, you're saying. So once you get the result and it turns out it's not yours, you know, the actions moving forward have to be taken and if you just never open pandora's box, we could just live happily ever after. Interesting. I actually hear that. I actually do hear that.


Because it's. It's downhill from here. Purely because if three are mine, one isn't the dynamic of the family household. All the other kids don't have this information. All the other kids think that's your brother or sister for years.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


So it's now hard to have the conversation, let alone my partner, as well as the kids and, like, figuring out where do we go from here? Am I gonna adopt this?




Like, there's so much that I don't even want to deal with. Box. I should not have opened this box.


I feel as everyone's like, this is so noises we're talking about, like, curiosity killed the cat. It's like hindsight's 2020. After people find out the bad news, everyone's always like, I should have been ignorant, but there's something about that. Once that seeds planted, it will drive you crazy. So I agree with you. If it came back and it wasn't mine, I would also feel guilty. That's why I'm saying it would have to be. In order for me to even contemplate it. It would have to be, like, awkwardly obvious. It would have to be a case of people continuously asking me, bro, looks different, doesn't it? It couldn't just be something as small as me being like a bit darker?




Cuz I'll just get on with it. But, like, it would have to be a case of people constantly being like, oh, he's different. He looks different. He looks different. Yeah, yeah. But if I find. Yeah, if I would love for it to do it come back is mine. I'm like, gang father wasn't know where to start.


You wouldn't know where to start.


I really wouldn't. I really, really, really wouldn't. It'll be horrible. That's why. Yeah, I agree. I'd rather find out they're all not mine.


Yeah, yeah.


I'd rather own on mine. And I can just like, get to step in.


I would have. The thing is, as much as I would prefer that scenario, I would be so perplexed at how I got. How I got duped with four ute's.


You're a mug by this one woman. You're a mug.


A class a mug.




I would be so livid.


You're a fucking mug. What is a, um. What is the bird? Is it a woodpecker? What bird throws his shit in the nest?


It puts its own eggs in another species of another bird's nest for that bird to bring up its chicks.


Yeah, we've spoken about before. There's a bird. There's a bird out there that will just lay his layers eggs right in someone else's nest. And then when they hatch, that mom from the different species just starts feeding them jones like a mug.


And then what does it. When they're older. Does it fly back to cuckoo?


Yeah, it's a fucking cuckoo, bro. Cuckoo will just go up there, start laying egg, saying laying eggs. Lazy parent, bro. Brood parasites do not raise their own young, instead laying eggs in the nest of other birds which raise the chick, thinking it's their own.


That's crazy.


Yeah, bro.


Yeah, that's wild.






You're a cuckoo victim, man.




Yeah. Cuckoo just came up and beat your wife and then dipped. And you're just out here raising it?


Yeah. Cuck, innit?


Yeah. Is that where it comes from?


There we go.


There we go.


Connections have been made.


It might, surely not. Now. Cock is from cuckold.


It is from cuckold.


Is that what it is? Cuckold is raising someone else's kid. I didn't know that.


I didn't know that.


I just thought it was because I was just about to say, I also don't know about cockhold raising someone else's kid. So you're a cuckoo if you just go in there and pop some eggs in the next nest. And you're a cuckold if you're just a mug that flew back to the nest and started raising next one as you. Mental.


Mental, mental. Absolutely mental.


We did learn something new.


Right, I've got one more from thread. So the thread was, what's the most disturbing thing you've ever heard? At my brother's funeral, I overheard his friend's mom on the phone in the bathroom talking smack about me for not saying anything during the part where people talk about memories of the deceased. My brother's death was completely unexpected. I was still partially in denial at this time. In brackets, he wrote, I still am, to a degree, almost three years later, honestly. And I've never. I've never been comfortable with speaking to large groups of people. I just wasn't in a place to talk about him yet, and especially not under these circumstances. The look on her face when she came out of the store was pretty great, though. I bet that would have been like a plot twist.


I'm trying to think, have I ever been. I actually don't think I've ever been in a song where I've caught someone talking shit about me.


I don't think I have.


I don't want to be.




I don't know what I do, I.


Don'T want to do. Because I might take this same route and be like, you didn't think I'd be here. But I heard everything you said. Leave us that dip. That's the only thing that's all I can do. Because you would have to sit in that hundred percent.


Hundred percent. If I opened a bathroom stall when I just been talking shit about you, open up our store and saw you just standing there, I promise you I'll go.


Because now you just have to deal with that. I would just crack on. I think I'll just crack on. I wouldn't be able to. Because there's no point in arguing.


Of course.


Because I've truly heard how you truly feel. Yeah, I mean, there's no point in arguing.


Anything that comes out of my mouth now is a lie.


It's bullshit.




You feel shame because you've been caught.


Yeah. You don't feel shame about what you said.




You feel shame because you got caught.


Exactly. There's no guilt there. It's just shame.


Well, how. What would your reaction be if you was talking shit about me and you came out and saw me?


I'd go back in the toilet. I'd go back in the toilet and lock it. I'd wait for you to leave. I'd wait for you to leave. Cause it's done. I'd go back in the toilet. It's done. Cause I can't have the conversation. I can't. You've heard everything I've said.


I think I would like, once I've established what you've done, and I know you're feeling all sorts of rush, I think I'll boot the door. But just before I leave, I'll boot it. Cause I know you're jumping.


I scream, James, stop. I'd fucking panic, bro. Oh, my God.


Yeah. Yeah. I don't want to hear you, like, put your hand against that dog. Want to hear you out of fear, and then I'll fucking walk out. Oh, you're bastard, man. Yeah, that would. That would be the worst thing I think I've ever heard. That would break my fucking heart.


Yeah, same say.


Right, guys, let's take a very quick break to talk about our bread rings at manscaped. Okay? So manscaped have the new buff bundle, which, if you didn't know, is all you need to keep the summer heat a breeze. This bundle includes their signature silicone scrubber and body wash. Mmm. Ditch your nasty loofer and grab a taste of freshness. Come on, man. We're not playing around. So, guys, we've been speaking about this for literally four years. If you want to join more than 10 million men worldwide, get involved with manscaped. And if you want a healthy, wholesome, generous 20% off plus free ship. And all you need to do is go to manscaped calm and use the code sng Sierra November golf, and that will give you 20% off free shipping. Manscaped calm S and G Sierra November McGolf. Let's get back to the episode. Oh, God. Right. You had a dilemma as well.


No, I do have a dilemma from favorite ghost writers. As per fun fact, southern men have bigger nut sacks. In brackets, he wrote, like me, we carry more semen and we smell differently. We're naturally breeders. Our pheromones attract women who want to be pregnant by us.


Who told him this?


It's science.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


But my girlfriend says my dick smells and she refuses to please me orally. Her elderly dog laid across my lap and vomited. I think it's because he's dying. She thinks it's because my dick stinks.


He needed a yucky place to vomit.


I'm Manlyeh. I'm not going to bathe my balls in scented oils just so she'll put her face down there. I expected her to get used to the smell by now. How can we compromise? Advice.


Used to smell his fucking nuts.


He knows his dick smells.


Yeah, and he's just not willing to.


He's not willing to do anything.


Yeah, I'm from the south. We're breeders.


This is how we are.


My balls are big. Yeah, they're big.


And they're gonna smell.




This is the ergo of the factor. It's crazy.


You should get used to the smell by now, brother. That doesn't make any sense.


The dog laid up her lap and vomited.


She says, because your dick stinks, yo, that will break me. Now, hearing my dick smells when it shouldn't would break me. If I've just come back from gym or some shit like that and my dick sings. That's a business, bro. Yeah, stay away from it then. Yeah, stay away from it then. But if I'm fresh out the shower.




And then I'm laying down, legs spread.




Yes. Socks on, and she's like, what's that? Butter. That cheesy dick, brother.


What's that?


Yeah, yeah. He's got something that ends in itis. That's an itisting or a male thrush ting or something. I thought she'd get used to the smell by now.


That's crazy. That's. That's so narcissistic.




It's just.


I'm not willing. I'm not willing to. To bathe in sense, just so she'll suck me off. Deal. Yeah. I'm a breeder. Deal with the smell or don't.


My balls are big, and they're here to impregnate women.


This smell is irrelevant. The fact that we. Yeah, he's thinking. The fact that we're even talking smells is irrelevant to this.


You seen my girl?


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, bro. Yeah. That's scary, right? What's this recommendation, G?


Netflix? Supercell? Have you seen it?


Can I hold my hands up about something?


You can.


I don't want us to come across the wrong way.




It's also very London. It's very London. Black culture specific.




When something like this happens where a local south London guy has made something, the culture, like to gas it up a bit, which is fair. So for the first few months, I kind of just wait until we get the real reviews, because I'm hearing I'm gonna hold my hands up. Only the blacks have watched it so far.




Because anyone who's told me to watch it has been my race folk.




So I'm not saying I expect it to be bad. The concept looks sick, I like. But anyone who's guessing it has an unfortunate, potentially subconscious bias, in my opinion. Everyone who told me to watch it has been from London and has been black, and this is coincidentally created by a black south London guy. So I was just gonna wait until the Indians and the whites and the East Asians had a chance to see it for themselves and then see if they liked it. Then I was gonna be like, all right, cool. It's good. Yeah.


The nation loves it.


Cause what I don't wanna happen is watch it and be like, for fuck's sake. This is fucking shit. Why is everyone gassing it?


Hold my hands up.




I had the same thoughts as you. I had the same thoughts as you. And this is why I held off watching it. But again, I got told, watch it, watch it, watch it. I watched the first episode locked.




The show is very good.


I've seen the first minute of the first episode.




Which isn't fair to assume it's gonna lock me.


That's very random.


I wasn't in a place where I should be watching that. That episode. The first minute, first episode is gory.


Okay, okay.


Yeah, yeah. I was. I was. I wasn't out. I was at. I was at a family's house.




I just put it on the block. Let me watch it where I'm. Where I can actually, you know, when you want to be in a scenario where you're. Let's say you're ironing and you happen to glance, oh, this looks a bit good. So maybe I can transition into accidentally on purpose watching it. So I put it on when I was that I wasn't at home and there was people around. I shouldn't be watching it. And I saw a woman getting dragged across the floor. Blood all over Bezos. I turned off.


Okay, cool.


Yeah, turn that off immediately.


Yeah, it's. It's a really good show, in my opinion, anyway. All right, gang and I binge six episodes. Binged all of it in one day. It's like. There's, like, 50 minutes each. I want to say the storyline is really good, in my opinion. The. The pacing is really good.




And the acting is really good.


So, from what I've heard. Right, this is, like a facility that gives people superpowers or something.


Yes and no. So all of these guys did the main cast at the bottom there. All the six of them, they have. They have super powers. They have a supercell within them.




This happens because they all have a gene. They're all prone to being sickle cells, to have to have sickle cell. But there is the way that they're not all of them. Sorry. Not all of them have powers. There's only one, apart from Dion, which is the fourth chick, she doesn't have a power. And everyone else on the top row has a power.




So it comes from sickle cell.




And the. It is, like, heightened, or is activated when they're in a very heightened emotional state. I said they don't know that they have these powers. It just awakens within them, have very different powers doing different things. I see way is. Is in the first episode, is based around Tosin, Co. Which. His name is Michael. In the show, the second brother, it's based around. He's the, like, the lead of the show. It's based around him and his willing. His willingness to. This is in the trailer, so it's not spoiler. Dion dies.




It is his partner.




And he's trying to find a way to save her life because he has a power that is, you can freeze time and go into the future.




So when he does go into the single power.


Okay, cool.


Does go into the future. He meets his future self, and his future self shows him the grave of Dione. This is the only way you can stop this from happening is by linking these other guys that have powers, too, but they're all on their separate journeys, all doing different things, all in very, very different predicaments.




And like I said, their power awakens through stress.


All right.


The way they all come together is really, really good. The storyline is really good, man. And again, had hold my hands up had the same, had the same connotations because we've rap. I never saw blue story by rap man by so I saw the. He had, he did a music video thing before that when he did three. I think it's called Shiro story. So correct me if I'm wrong, Shiro story that was on YouTube and I was heavy. I enjoyed that. So I like his storyline. I like how he's. I like how he does plots from music into a story. So looking at this, I was thinking I'm not really sure, not really sure. But until I started to get more recommendations and I actually watched him myself again. He directed it. He executive produced it. He's a. He's a showrunner for it. And I say bro as well. Yeah, he wrote it as well. Yeah. So he's done fair play so much in the show. It's.


Yeah, fair play. So it's really good, gang. I'm gonna watch it then.


It's really.


That's literally all I needed to hear. I'm going to watch it 100%. And whole seasons out. Bang.


Whole seasons out. But they're from what you see in episode one and how it ends in episode six, there has to be a season two. I, what he did do, or I believe happened was everything he did for episode one six. The budget was done.




But not in a bad way. I feel like if he wanted to get the whole storyline in episode one to six, that it would have reduced.


The value, the pacing and everything. Okay, cool. Cool.


So I think he did the right thing.


All right. I'm excited to watch it then. This is my type of shit.


Yeah, bro. They've not gone here, but what's name is Getz is in this.


Oh, okay.


Getz is a villain in this.


It doesn't surprise me. He's a villain on daily life.


He, when he comes into this show, he brings aura.


I bet.




Yeah. Say less aura. Does he have a power? Okay, say cool, I'll watch it. I'm a start watching it. I've got time. I can watch it tonight.


It's good.




Yeah, gang, that was my recommendation.


Thank you for that. I actually genuinely needed that. Cool, cool. Gang also wasn't invited. The premier. No biggie.


Facts. Yes. All that.


Everyone else was.


Everyone else was. Yes.


Everyone else was. We weren't.




No biggie. That's all right, yeah, I'll go in to that. Knowing what I know. Right. Cool. Rem, finish off with a trash newspiece. Sir, yes, sir.


Actually, not really much of a trash news, to be honest. More of like a giving flowers to a creator, which we all look up to and respect.




Just for being interesting.


Top of his game.




You can guess who it is.


I don't think I can.


I think.


Yes, yes, yes.


So this guy's been active yet again. Just Mister Beast, building houses in Jamaica, El Salvador, Argentina. Yeah, he's been going off. Been going off.


Yeah, he, he timed it terribly. Boy, they got some hurricanes.


Yes, they do. They got hurricane going through the Caribbean right now, unfortunately, but the timing's just unfortunate. You know, you can do what you can.


Game is the game.


It's on its way. It's. It's a about to actually land through Jamaica and then head on to Mexico afterwards. Unfortunately, he's still doing his thing, you know?


Still doing his thing, man.


He's still doing.


Maybe his ones will stand, we hope. Yeah. Anyway, so, yeah, what we got before.


We move on to the other things that he's done that we can actually read through and appreciate just to go through these houses that he's built here, Mister B says once again set a new benchmark in charitable giving by constructing and donating 100 fully furnished homes to families in need. This ambitious project, consistent with Mister B's history of large scale acts of generosity, has captivated millions worldwide and established a new standard for content creators, leveraging their platforms for social good. So, like I said, that was through the 100 homes were Argentina, El Salvador, Jamaica. Have you guys heard of all of the other stuff that this guy's done?


I know he's cured the blind.


Yeah, seen the blind.


I'm pretty sure he, I know he's been doing, like, food drives for years. He'll give food to the homeless. He's been doing that for, like, actually a while. And they get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. He, he just. I know, obviously he gives away money all the time. Like, specific, these style videos. I don't know exactly. Oh, yeah, he planted trees as well, isn't it?


That's it. Yep.


Free clothes for everyone.


2023. Get free clothes for everyone. Mister Beast noticed a troubling trend. Millions and millions of clothes went to waste every year. There were communities that struggled just to get their hands on these bare necessities. Mister Beast did something about it, started giving away free clothes, a lot of them. $2.7 million worth to be exact.


God damn, man.


From champion and ridge wallets distributed these free clothes across the US. India winner, winner, Thanksgiving dinner. He gave those who without a turkey for Thanksgiving make sure everyone in town had a nice hot meal to celebrate. He cured deaf people. I didn't know about that. I knew about him curing the blind, the deaf. After this, there's no doubt about it, Mister Beast is a miracle worker. That's the only way to explain how he helped disperse $3 million worth of next gen hearing technology. But this. This being Mister beast, he did more than just help a thousand people here again. He also handed out wads of cash, a jet ski, and even Taylor swift tickets.


Damn, bro.


Sharing excess cure and blindness, renovating an orphanage, building wells in Africa, which is what he did. What I heard about before, this one, building the homes in Jamaica and South America. He's clearing the seas up at one point as well.


Have you seen. Sorry, have you seen those sea bins?




They're very sick. They're sea bins. So someone's created this cool thing called a sea bin, right. And it just floats on the. Just like the surface of the water. Yeah. And it sucks in all. Pours all the water around it. Then the actual trash will float over the top and fall in the bin. So then you can just take the bin out, empty it, put it back in there, and it just. The water that the rest of the water is not full of trash will just filter through, and all the trash gets caught, and you just leave it there. Just floats and catches up all the shit. And then you just intermittently empty it. Empty ass. I keep seeing my instagram. Looks sick.




Very, very clever.


That's genius.


Very clever, bro. Because some of these oceans be nasty, bro.


For real.


Genius. Well played.


Yeah. Damn, man. We should do some more philanthropic shit. We should do, you know, she do. Should. We should create a brand. This is our philanthropy idea, right? We're gonna create a band, a brand called Vitamin D, right, dee? It's just gonna be a picture of me and holding our dicks like this, right? But it's just. We're gonna give it away, and then we can give, like, vitamin D in there. Obviously, for people who need it. Most people, especially the blacks, we can't. We don't process that shit. Or.


And then let me stop you there.




You had me in the first half.


Vim and D, holding out junk.


The idea of actually having a feeling. Philanthropic idea.


Yeah, for sure. And you call it vitamin D. No, we're gonna be there in white linens. And I'm just gonna place my shit on the front here. I'm gonna sit like this. Yeah, there's gonna be vitamin D, and I'm just gonna look down the lens, and that would be the packet. And there just be, like, obviously a shadow here on the inside of my thigh, like, halfway down my leg, right? And then inside there. Free vitamin D. People need it. What's it, malaria medication? Yeah, we can give that away, and then we can also. You also. It's a. What you call it? Non nonprofit. Right. So we actually sell vitamin D. So we make a supplement called vitamin D with, like this. Yeah. And then you sell that because people need vitamin D. But you make an actual vitamin. Vindi, three k, two.




Calcium. Like an actual super vitamin that actually helps people that people can buy. And we use all the profits to. From that to give free malaria medication to people that kills people all the time.


It needs a little bit more refining.




Because the marketing strat just seems a bit off.


So how else are we supposed to shift supplements? Bro, we're not a health brand. You need a fat cock on the front so that people. So people are like, oh, fat. Yeah, you need a fat cock on the front so people are like, this guy's such an idiot. I'll buy fork. If we just go in there, we're all too chubby to start bringing out supplements that people will buy without a cock line. Yeah, bro, it's not gonna happen otherwise. People with malaria feels at it twice.


There is.


There are people out there with malaria.


It's not. It's not cute.


We believe, from what you. The story you told us where. We believe you. We believe you. All right, well, we will go to the drawing boards.


Yeah, how about drawing boards?




With or without you guys, bro, the idea is there.


The idea is there we can plant some trees. How about that? Like, mister Beast. He's also done that, obviously. To commemorate 20 million subscribers on YouTube, MrBeast decided it would only be fitting to try and plant the same number of trees with soil, love, and lots of hard work.


So we create a brand. Right. It's called tree huggers. Again, front, brown linens. Wood on the inside of your leg. Yeah. Thick wood on the inside of your leg. And again, we sell seeds.




And we call them, um. I didn't even know what you'd call it. Like, um, plant in my seed and then just. Yeah, the things. Yeah, it's. Yeah. So what do we call it? Vitamin tree. What did I just call it?


Vitamin D with Dee.


Yeah. No, no, no, no, that was the last one. What I just call this with tree huggers or got word, question mark. So, yeah, got wood and it's just brown linens, fat wood on the side of your leg. Yeah, got wood, question mark. And it's just seeds. And then you've got like money trees in there. You seeds for money trees, you got orchid seeds in there and you buy it and then people will plant it and it's like, it's fun for the kids as well because you could do it in the little, you know, in the kids and just plan. Yeah, and they can watch it grow and all that kind of shit. When nonprofit, we take all the, the profits and put it into planting trees in the Amazon. Next.


I'll let the comments decide.


Yeah, let the comments decide, but we will definitely.


So it's either vitamin D or got wood.


There's no third option.


What else is. What else did he do?


I mean, he's done it all. He's funded charities, helped paralyze dogs, donated prosthetics to those in need. So much.


Feed people. Does he, does he feed people?


Um, I'm pretty sure I believe he does.


Might not be in the top ten thing, though, but.


Current blindness, sharing. I can't kill the blind.


Yep. More than one third of food produced in the US each year goes to waste. A number of food banks sharing excess is trying to reduce, but they couldn't do it alone. That's where Mister Beast came in. With his support, sharing excess expanded beyond their wildest dreams, culminating an all new recovery center in New York City. Mister Beast claims that they'll be giving away just over 2 million meals a month to those in need.




Keep in mind, all of that is from food that would have just been trashed otherwise. So far, sharing excess has recovered over $30 million in food with no signs of slowing down anytime soon.


I've got an idea. Right, so brand of hot dogs, right?




It's cool. What that mouth do, front cover.


Does every, does every idea have a sack here?


Hot dog planted.


It does, doesn't it?


You've got beef and pork options for the Rastafarians. Do they have church and the Muslims? Okay, right? You say what that mouth do and then you're looking down like that. So you're holding the hot dog in between your legs like that, and you're looking down like that. And then it's really, really, really organic. Local produce, hot dogs, two ingredients, probably so people, because everyone ever says, I. Hot dogs are made from, like, waste and they're trotters and all them things. We make sure we hit up Clarkson's farm, use his pigs and his cows to make beef and pork hot dogs. What that mouth do? Just pop up shops and shortage and stuff like that. Quick turnover. Mm hmm. Nonprofit. Take the profits, feed the hungry. Next.


Next charity, we'll go to the drawing boards.


Yeah, it's there, bro.


Yeah. Just, it doesn't. I don't think the marketing doesn't need to have everything to do with sexuality. Like, it.


You said anything about sexual apart from the cock in the linens, the direction. But that just happens to be there because I'm a human being.


That's the selling point.


I don't know if they want to be the selling point. It doesn't have to be. All I'm saying is just. It's just. It's just a couple gentlemen sitting in a chair in God fearing, like, hemp clothing. It happens to be a cock on the side of your leg. That's not your fault. You just. Your dick's there.


I mean, yeah, but does it have to be there?


Where am I. Someone gonna put it?


Does it have to be part of the marketing? Do you need to look down at.


Somebody, say, what that mouth do?


Saying, what that mouth do? Do you need to look down?


I have to look down, but it makes sense because the hot dog's there.


It's autonomous.


Yeah. Because if I'm horrible here, I'm gonna be looking at it. I want to see what mouth is going into, because we're trying to feed the hungry, so I want to look at the person and below what our mouth do, bro. Don't waste it.


Or girl.


Waiting for that.


I was waiting for that. Oh, God.


I'm sorry, bro.


We'll work on it.


Anyway, Mister Beast is good at helping people.


He is.


And you men are against progress, but now, that's. That's fucking sick. He always. One thing I rate this guy, I saw him. I saw him on a podcast the other day talking about just, like, money and all this kind of shit and just, like, how much shit costs for videos. And he was like, he just could not find out. His business would not financially survive without brand deals.




And he was like, pretty much the only ones he doesn't do brand deals are literally these philanthropic ones where it just seems a little bit dodgy. And these are the ones that seem like they needed the brand deals, bro, because building 100 homes, that's just fucking expensive. So, yeah, ratings to this guy, man. He's got fucking time on his hands. I need to stop complaining about being busy.


He does, man.


Yeah, props to this guy. He gets hated on as well.


He does.


He took, he killed the blind and people were like, oh, he's just doing it for a video. Fuck you doing facts. The fuck you doing?


When we help people, curing 1000 blind people, building 100 houses, 100 wells, etc. People get mad and say, I shouldn't be doing this. And governments should. Yes. Ideally, a youtuber isn't the one fixing the issues, these issues. But I'm not just going to stand by and do nothing.


Yeah, this is another thing I hate. It's just like, oh, it shouldn't be him that's doing this. It should be God. I don't like we're living in a world of shoulda, woulda, coulda's. It's the isn't isn't. Like he's there doing the thing. You shouldn't stand there and be like, oh, it's not your job to do it. It should be. The government is to it. Shut up. Yeah, he's building the thing. Just let him build a thing so people can be happy. But, yeah, good guy.


Charge, charge.


Right, guys, that's the episode for today. Let us know your thoughts on our philanthropic ideas. Would love to give back. And as always, catch you on Thursday on Patreon. Love of love.