Transcribe your podcast

What hill are you willing to die on?


I'd rather have a man who isn't my man, but is my man, than be in a relationship. Okay, okay, okay.


That power struggle. I can't tell you not to church, but how dare you. How dare you church, yeah. It keeps that bitch exciting.


I'm not rounding on my order to the nearest pound to give the rest of the charity. I'm just not doing it.


Mcdonald's, you're taking the amount of money that you only deserve.


You're not running 56 feet.


You're not. You're just not.


Alcohol doesn't taste good. We're all just trying to feel something. Facts.


Fam, I am convinced I have about 4-5 intolerances, and alcohol is one of them.




Alcohol is one of them. My stomach, you man, when I'm drinking alcohol. When I say I fart.